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All questions for preparation

(IP Mid-course Verbal Test)

1. Do you think it’s an advantage or a disadvantage to be named after a celebrity? If you had
children, would you name them after a celebrity? Which one?
No I don’t think so, because yes we have sometimes some celebrities that we like very much and
are a fan of them , but our child is unique so why we should put his name after someone. I think
we should put our children that name that we like but not after someone just because she or he is
a celebrity and you like her.
2. Do you prefer shopping in local shops or online? What is the best thing you have ever bought
as a present?
Actually, I prefer to buy in local shops, yes online shops have a lot of advantages but for me is
safer to go and look at things and after buy, then just to look at some pictures and buy. The best
thing that I have ever bought I think it was last spring at my sister’s birthday my brother and I
bought her a new phone because her old phone was broken.
3. Do you ever shop on the internet? Why (not)? What is the most expensive thing you’ve ever
Actually, I prefer to buy in local shops, yes online shops have a lot of advantages but for me is
safer to go and look at things and after buy, then just to look at some pictures and buy. The most
expensive thing I have ever bought was accessory, like ring , necklace , bracelets
4. Where are you going on your next holiday? What do you usually do on holiday?
On my next holiday probably I will go in Romania at my relatives to celebrate my uncle’s
birthday. Actually, I like an active holiday that’s why Usually on holiday I like to go for a walk ,
do something, descover new places.
5. Who do you usually go on holiday with? How long do you prefer going on holiday? Why?
Usually, on holidays, I go with my family or with my friends, -I think for a week or something
like this I mean not more because it’s wonderful to go on holiday but I miss my home , my
room , my bed all that’s why.
6. Do you think colours say anything about someone’s personality? Are there any colours you
would never wear? Why?
Maybe not say something about a person but show what they like, what kind of style clothes,
maybe their mood because some people when they are in a bad mood wear something dark or a
hoodie or something like this. Actually I like all colour but I don’t like bright colour, the colors
that stand out, so I’m not a fan of this type of colour.
7. Do you have the same character now as when you were a child?
No , when I was a child I was a very happy child , in all pictures I smile so I used to enjoy each
moment. Now I’m more seriously, shyer, maybe sometime I’m a withdrawn person, so it’s not
the same character.
8. Do you have the same interests now as when you were a child?
No, when I was a child all life was let’s say in pink colour, I wanted to become a singer or a
teacher , so everything was wonderful. Now I think more critical, when I want to do something I
think about result , now I like more real objects, so something like this.
9. What is your happiest memory of your childhood years?
Actually, I have a lot, but I remember on my birthday when I was 9 years old, we have a lot of
guests, relatives, and cousins that we didn’t see each other for a long time. And for my was
wonderful because I got a lot of presents, all attention was on me, so was a marvellous birthday
10. Which one is better, life as a child or life now? Why?
Both, I can’t choose one because each period in our life has something special for example as a
child you could play all day, you didn’t have any responsibilities, you just enjoy the life, now it’s
another period maybe sometimes a little bit more difficult but also you create your life, so enjoy
each moment
11. Is recycling easy in your country? Why (not)?
Not really maybe because we don’t have so many boxes bins where we can sort the waste but
also our population is not interested in doing this and also they are not responsible and don’t
think that recycling is really important for our planet

12. What things do people recycle in your country? Do you recycle anything? Why (not)?
I think paper , plastic objects like disposable plates, glass, organic. -in our school is organizate
each month to recycle peaper and I know if you bring I don’t know how many kg they also give
you some money.
13. Would you like to work in your country or in another country? Why?
I don’t know I think it depends on the job that I would choose, if I have opportunities that a need
in our contry I will work here why not, but if no I will probably work in another contry, I think I
would like because it’s always interesting to start doing something new, that’s why
14. What kind of job would you like to do? Why? What qualifications would you need?
I would like to become an architect, I don’t know why but I like this job and I wish I will
become that person that I want. For this job I will need my bachelor degree, it means completing
a degree in design with a major in architecture, and also master of architecture , this gives you
the advanced skills and knowledge you will use throughout your career.
15. Do you know anyone who wears very colourful clothes or anyone who wears only one colour
most of the time? Describe their personality.
Yes my best friend always wear black cloths although she likes matte colours. Usually it’s said if
you wear dark close this describe your soul that you are sorroful or something like this, but not in
this case, she always smile, I can say she is one of the most ecstatic person that I know
16. Do/Did you have a nickname or are/were you called something for short? Is it ok for people
to use nicknames? Why (not)?
Actually my clasmates call my seva for short
17. Have you ever watched a reality TV? Why (not)?
No actually I never watch shows or something like this
18. What do you think of “two-screening”? Have you ever done it?
When a target audience uses multiple screens simultaneously, advertisers have the opportunity to
reinforce the messaging from the first screen by serving ads on the second screen .Mobile
advertising and in-app in particular allow for more interactive creative, allowing to enhance the
TV ad experience by adding an interactive component on mobile to further engage the viewer.
Yes sometimes I Use a mobile device while watching television.
19. What new TV series have you been watching that you would recommend?
Lost was a fast-paced, suspenseful, and surreal series about a group of people who survive when
their commercial passenger jet, crashes on a remote island in the tropical Pacific. As the
survivors work together in an attempt to stay alive, they discover many mysteries about the
20. What are some of your favorite books, newspapers or magazines that you have been reading
I have red “life on mars” it’s an interesting book. It’s about Life on Mars imagining a
soundtrack for the universe to accompany the failures, and oddities of human existence. In these
poems, Tracy Smith envisions a future sucked clean of any real dangers, and revisits the
concepts like “love” and “illness”. These poems reveal the realities of life lived here, on the
ground, where a daughter is imprisoned in the basement by her own father, where the poet
herself loses her father, one of the engineers who worked on the Hubble Space Telescope. With
this remarkable third collection, Smith establishes herself among the best poets of her generation

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