4as Lesson Plan in English7

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4As Lesson Plan in English 7

Demonstrative Pronouns (This, That, These, Those)

Time Frame: 45mins

Prepared by: John Eric Azul

At the end of the discussion, the students are expected to:
1. Defined demonstrative pronouns;
2. Identify the demonstrative pronouns in a sentence;
3. Compose a story out of the sentences that were constructed using different
types of demonstrative pronouns.


Topic: Demonstrative Pronouns
Reference: College English for Today Book 1
Page No(s): 219-220

➢ Visual Aids
➢ Pictures
➢ PowerPoint presentation


A. Preliminary Activity
• Prayer
• Greetings
• Checking of attendance
• Review of the previous lesson
• Reading of classroom rules/instruction
B. Activity
• The teacher will post a picture of an object (e.g., chair, tree,
group of people)
• The class will be divided into two groups.
• One group will identify the ‘singular form’, while the other group
will identify the ‘plural form.’ They will be having 3 representatives
for each group.
C. Analysis
• When do we use singular form?
• When do we use plural form?
• Are you now familiar with demonstrative pronouns?
• What are the demonstrative pronouns?
• How are demonstrative pronouns used in a sentence?
D. Abstraction
• The teacher will introduce and discuss the topic.
• Then, he will divide the class into two groups.

• After every example of the function of demonstrative pronouns,
each group will also construct a sentence for each function.

E. Application
• With the same group, the students will collect all the sentences that
they constructed.
• Then, they will combine those sentences to compose a short poem.
• Afterwards, the representative of each group will share their poem to
the class.
• Their output will be graded according to these criteria

Content 10 points
Grammar 5 points
Organization of Sentences 5 points
Cooperation 10 points

• What is the importance of knowing the demonstrative pronouns?


A. Complete the sentences below by using the “this, that, these, and those” in
each of the sentences below.

1. is my cat (picture of a cat near you).

2. are my friends (a group of friends beside you).
3. books and magazines can help you learn English. ( a picture
of things far from you).
4. is a great way to get fit, but I am afraid of heights (an idea).
5. TV news are alarming (latest news last night).


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