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Student name: Ngô Hoàng Bảo Trân Student ID number: 22002401

Student name: Nguyễn Thị Bích Phượng Student ID number: 21000524

Student name: Nguyễn Hà Thảo Anh Student ID number: 21000962

Student name: Phan Thị Phương Nguyên Student ID number: 21001068

Student name: Bùi Thị Kim Ngân Student ID number: 21000949

Student name: Lê Đặng Nhật Tú Student ID number: WSU21000224

Student name: Nguyễn Phước Hà Student ID number: 21001347


Unit name: Business Communication Unit number: BC-T122WSB-8

Tutorial/Lecture: 1207 words Class day and time:
Lecturer or Tutor name: Ryan Hiebert

Title: HW3: Monroe’s motivated sequence analysis

Length: Due date: 22/03/2022 Date submitted: 21/03/2022

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Student’s signature: Ngô Hoàng Bảo Trân

Student’s signature: Nguyễn Thị Bích Phượng
Student’s signature: Nguyễn Hà Thảo Anh
Student’s signature: Phan Thị Phương Nguyên
Student’s signature: Bùi Thị Kim Ngân
Student’s signature: Lê Đặng Nhật Tú
Student’s signature: Nguyễn Phước Hà
Note: An examiner or lecturer / tutor has the right to not mark this assignment if the above declaration has not
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Brief summary:

Sir David made a speech with clear, consistent issues using the 5 steps of Monroe's
motivated sequence. Through his energetic and powerful voice, he clarified the view that
climate change has a direct impact on humans with convincing evidence. At the same time,
he offers practical, simple solutions and emphasizes that everyone must solve those problems
together. The presentation is impressive, right to the heart of the matter, so that the audience
can clearly understand the problem that he is talking about, and so they can perceive the
value of cooperation to solve the global issues - specifically climate change.

How did Sir David Attenborough use 5 steps of Monroe’s motivated sequence:

In the Attention Step, Sir David used a tough voice combined with strong emotional
verbs like “debating, negotiating, persuading and compromising” at the beginning of the
speech to capture and notify the audience about a serious global issue that must be solved on
time called climate change. He used pathetic language to persuade and pointed out that “our
relationship with our world” is one of the reasons why we should protect the globe. With an
impactful statement of “the stability we all depend on is breaking” which mentions clearly to
all of us that we are in trouble and it would have his opening would be more interesting if he
used a rhetorical question that will trouble audiences’ minds.

Moving on to the Problem Step, Sir David made it clear that climate change directly
affects our human lives. He has shown that carbon concentration in the atmosphere is a huge
determinant of global temperature and climate change, and is represented by the numbers on
the graph showing on the screen while he is presenting. For “most of human ancient history,
that number has risen wildly between 180 and 300, and so has global temperatures'', he is
using this statement to point out to each of us how strongly the envỉonment is affected along
with the burning of fossil fuels that is increasing day by day. Together they have impacted
our atmosphere causing many bad effects affecting human health and daily life. Perhaps
people are not aware that not only future generations would suffer from this but also us and
he said all these in a very influential tone.

The next part covered the small factor that Sir David missed out on which is using an
interesting rhetorical question “Is this how our story is due to end?” and smoothly move from
the Problem Step to the Solution Step. He reaffirmed the seriousness of the situation today to
illustrate the urgency of coming up with a solution, “perhaps the fact that the people most
affected by climate change are no longer some imagined future generations but young people
alive today”. Then he emphasized on the role of people “we are after all the greatest problem
solvers to have ever existed on earth”. It can be seen that he drew attention to the solution
step by opening it appealingly and directly. Climate change is very real and is drastically
affecting the earth, our home, we are the problem and we can also be the solution. He
continued to offer a variety of solutions such as “recapture billions of tons of carbon from the
air” and “fix our sites on keeping one and a half degrees within reach”. It is worth noting that
he emphasized them by using the plural noun "we" such as "we understand", "we know", "we
must", "we will" to strengthen the fact that all of us need to work hard to solve the problem
together. Furthermore, he highlighted that “nature is a key ally” that means to restore the wild
environment and recover carbon, nature is absolutely needed and it will assist us to bring
back balance to our world. These solutions are extremely convincing because they have
tremendous impacts on long-term goals in an earth-saving revolution. Following that, he
delivered an upbeat message on the need of working together to achieve the goal of
sustainable development, he made strong appeals to persuade the audience of the value of
collaboration in tackling global issues, climate change, “none are left behind” to draw
attention once again to the fact that this isn’t an individual problem but a global one. All
these messages united together to build up community spirit. However, because of the lack of
objections, his solution is insufficient in terms of how to improve so it can be better, maybe it
would be better if he reaches out for more feedback in his speech.

The scenario in the Visualize the Future Step shows that the more we acknowledge
and mitigate the negative effects of humans on the environment, the more benefits people
will experience. However, as the speaker mentioned, we cannot do it alone. "As we work to
build a better world, we must acknowledge that no country has completed its development
because no advanced country is sustainable." Despite the fact that much information has been
supplied, the future when individuals can truly change was not focused. Furthermore, his use
of language and communication made a superb presentation, “in my lifetime” and “in your”
visualize the differences that will happen if we “rewrite our story” turn the declining world
into hope and he believes that we are powerful enough to destabilize our planet .

In the Action and Approval, the speaker used a very practical and simple solution
idea, he also included his personal experience. He managed to sketch the differences between
people working alone versus when we work as a team and it can make a huge change to the
environment globally. He uses his own bad experience as a springboard to motivate others to
change for a better life and to "witness a wonderful recovery". This is also the goal that Sir
David directs everyone to accomplish. Finally, he ended with a statement: "why the world is
looking to you and why you are here", showing how the world can be solved when we as
individuals start to make small changes that together can make a huge development.
Although he doesn’t include lots of feedback in his speech, it was enough to outline that he
has support from others. He mentioned that climate change is affecting everyone greatly,
especially the future generation and one of the interviewees agreed by stating her belief that
it is dangerous to have a baby now. He receives opinions from other people, such as that the
situation can be better and it is important to do what we can in a quick way with long term
vision. All these comments mix together, support Sir David’s speech very nicely and make
his talk more persuasive.

Overall view:

In conclusion, he did all the steps and connected them very smoothly. Using the 5
steps of Monroe’s motivated sequence as the base for his speech, he mixed and matched
some parts to make the talk more interesting. Sir David used videos and graphs to support his
talk very intelligently. In addition, he compares the past and future of the world with and
without problem to support the visualization of the future step indirectly which makes his
speech more compelling and he ended his talk impressively with an impactful statement.

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