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JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18, 2015

written by Bonnidette Lantz for Awakend Vibrations In return, your spouse will, in most cases, try really hard to keep
you from feeling uncomfortable and try to be on time the next
The Law of Divine Oneness states that we are all connected, time. He/she will probably also remember this and act out of
we are all one. We are all part of a whole. That means that all love as well the next time you forget to take out the trash.
of humanity, all of nature and all of God are one, sometimes
also known as Life Force. Also remember, losing your temper and getting angry ruins
your day also, so in fact when you get mad at him/her you are
Together we are creation. What this Universal Law is stating, treating yourself badly as well.
is that you and God as well as the rest of the human race are
part of the same whole unlike the common belief that you are ONE LAST THOUGHT ON THE LAW OF
separate from God and other people. DIVINE ONENESS

WHAT DIVINE ONENESS MEANS The world responds to you the way you respond to the world.
Treat yourself well by treating others well. Treat others well by
If the above is true, which it is…, then everything we think, feel, treating yourself well.
speak of, or do relates to and affects all others. Once we start
to understand this, we can start to identify with the good in Everything consists of and exists as energy. Your subatomic
others. The more kindness we show to others, the closer we particles aren’t fixed, in fact, particles may be flowing into and
become to God and our higher selves. out of you now from... this page, the sky, the floor, your best
friend and your worst enemy. In other words, there is no sepa-
As our awareness of this law grows, so does our connection ration. How would you behave if you really knew that you were
and awareness of God. This law can create a greater awakening not separate from life, your friends, colleagues and every being
than anything else we have ever tried to comprehend and it is that has ever existed? The answer is this—probably differently.
important that we as a human race start to comprehend this
Universal Law.


written by Vicky Anderson for Awakened Vibrations
If you are asking the question, “how can I put this law to work
in my life?” the important thing to remember is that we are In the year 1905, Albert Einstein proved that we can break
all connected. If this is true, then the way we treat others is matter down into smaller components and that, when we do,
how we treat ourselves. So instead of simply reacting when we move beyond the material realm and into a realm in which
someone does something, first think how you would like to be everything is energy.
reacted to in that situation.
This is the Law of Vibration, a law of nature that states that
This goes for both good situations and bad, whether this per- “nothing rests; everything moves; every-thing vibrates.” The
son is deserving of praise or—in your mind—the opposite. lower the vibration, the slower the vibration; the higher the vi-
bration, the faster the vibration.
EXAMPLE: Say your spouse is never on time. You might react
by yelling or saying things to hurt his/her feelings. If you would The difference between the manifestations of the physical,
first stop and think about what would help you be on time mental, emotional and spiritual result simply from different
and how you would like this conveyed to you, then you would levels of vibrating energy, or frequencies. So, while the feelings
be responding from love instead of anger. Which, lets face it, of fear, grief and despair vibrate at a very low frequency, the
that’s what we all want, isn’t it? feelings of love, joy and gratitude vibrate much quicker.

If you thought about this you might respond like this: “Honey, The most common unit of measurement for frequency is in
I really hate to be late and it makes me uncomfortable always Hertz, which is one vibrational cycle per second. So a frequen-
being the last to arrive. Is there anything we can do to make cy of 460 Hz means that there are 460 cycles of vibration
sure we are on time from now on?” occurring every single second.
“All the physical matters are composed of vibration.” written by Bonnidette Lantz for Awakened Vibrations
- Dr. Max Planck
The Law of Action is one of the most overlooked of the Uni-
At the very leading edge of biophysics today, scientists are versal Laws, stating that you must take action to get what
recognizing that the molecules in our bodies are actually con- you desire.
trolled by these frequencies. In 1974, Dr. Colin W.F. McClare,
Ph.D, an Oxford University Bio-Physicist, discovered that When I say it is the most overlooked I mean that in all the
frequencies of vibrating energy are roughly 100 times more books and audios about the Universal laws and the Law of
efficient in relaying information within a biological system Attraction, they all seem to talk about positive thinking and
than physical signals, such as hormones, neurotransmitters visualization, not that that’s bad, but few talk about the fact
and other growth factors. that you must also act on these thoughts and feelings.

Although most frequencies exist outside of our normal range The Law of Action must be applied in order for us to man-
of perception, all can be perceived as both colors and sounds. ifest things on earth. Therefore, we must engage in actions
There are seven colors in a rainbow and seven notes in the that support our words, feelings, vision, thoughts, dreams and
musical scale. So the color blue is also heard as the musical key emotions. These actions will bring us manifestation of various
of D, which vibrates at 587 Hz. results which are dependent on our specifically chosen words,
thoughts, dreams, and emotions.
But what is most interesting is that, if a frequency is vibrating
fast enough, it’s emitted as a color of Light. If we wanted to TAKE THE LEAP! MAKE IT HAPPEN!
convert sound to Light, we would simply raise its frequency
forty octaves. This results in a vibration in the trillions of cycles You cannot bring what you want into being without taking ac-
per second. So, if a pianist could press a key way above the tion. Yes, positive affirmations and visualization are important.
eighty-eight keys that exist on a piano, that key would produce Everything first starts as a thought in your mind.
Light. They could create a chord of Light in the same way they
can create a chord of sound. And it would be seen as colors of Without action, however, these are merely daydreams. Action
Light because it would be moving at the speed of Light. along with positive intention is what brings your dreams to life.

The philosophical and scientific basis for this Law of Vibration WHAT ACTIONS SHOULD I TAKE?
can be found in quantum physics and in Einstein’s Theory of
Relativity. Energy is related to matter and the speed of Light. Well, my friend, that all depends on what you want. If you are
This is Einstein’s famous E = mc2 equation. looking for love then you should start acting out of love and
start making room in your life for that special person.. If you
When two frequencies are brought together, the lower will al- want to go on vacation, maybe you should start looking up
ways rise to meet the higher. This is the principle of resonance. prices and activities you want to do on your vacation and start
So, when a piano is tuned, a tuning fork is struck, and then saving money.
brought close to the piano string that carries that same musi-
cal tone. The string then raises its vibration automatically and Only you know the actions you must take, but you may not
attunes itself to the same rate at which the fork is vibrating. know every action to take to get you to your end result, but
if you start moving in the direction of your desires, then the
Using this principal of resonance, we can actually increase the doors will start to open, but you must make the first move.
speed at which the molecules in our bodies vibrate, through However small, if you don’t take that first step you will never
our thoughts of love, joy and gratitude. When atoms slow take the second and your desires will remain forever in your
down, third dimensional matter is created; when they speed mind (good place to start, not a good place to stay).
up, the higher dimensions of consciousness can be reached.
And the higher our consciousness is raised, the closer to Spirit HOW DO I KNOW IF I AM TAKING THE RIGHT ACTION?
we become.
You’ll know. You just have to have faith and listen to your God
”In the beginning was the Word,” the vibration of sound. conscious. Not every step will be the right step per se, but ev-
ery step in the direction of your desires will get you that much remains that she believes she is lucky if she has only one. She
closer. You may stumble along the way, but if you keep moving is not someone you could call in a crisis and expect her help or
forward and continue to take action you will come out on top. even expect her to have the time to listen. It‘s sad really, if you
knew her, you would think she was a saint, until the time when
FINAL THOUGHTS ON THE LAW OF ACTION. you really needed her.

I have not always taken the right steps, but I can say by taking THE LAW OF CORRESPONDENCE IN
the first step, I have always gotten closer to my dreams. MY EXPERIENCE.

The Law of Action states that you must take action to fulfill I once heard a preacher say, “if you want to find love, you
your dreams. My question to you is, what are you waiting for? should make a list of the characteristics you are looking for in
Take the first step, the rest will unfold as you need it to. Just your future partner.” I made this list and sure enough, I found
have a little faith. those people. However they also possessed other not so ap-
pealing traits, and I didn’t like the person I was when I was with
them. After several failed relationships, I decided I would make
a list of the characteristics I wanted to posses in a relationship.
written by Bonnidette Lantz for Awakened Vibrations I wrote down the things that were important to me—like being
affectionate, the ability to be silly and act like a child with new-
The Law of Correspondence, one of the twelve Universal Laws, found discoveries. I wrote down that I wanted to be counted
demonstrates that your inner self reflects your outer world. on, I wanted to be a good listener, I wanted to give the best
hugs, and countless other things.
This law says, as it is on the inside so shall it be on the outside.
In other words your outside world is reflecting back to you ex- Only three short months after writing this list, I reconnected
actly as you are on the inside. Your outside world corresponds with the love of my life. Guess what? I love me. I love who I
with the thoughts, beliefs, and feelings you hold on the inside. am in this relationship. I love my partner and respect who my
Your friends, your job, your situation is all a reflection of who partner is. It is a wonderful thing. As it is on the inside so shall
you are on the inside. it be on the outside.


This concept is very hard for some people to understand. Most
people want to blame everyone else for there lives, but the The Law of Correspondence states that what you hide on the
truth is you, and you alone, create your world. If you have crap- inside reflects in your outside world. The outside corresponds
py friends, it’s because deep down you believe those are the with the inside. It also says that if you don’t like the world in
friends you deserve and you, too, are probably a crappy friend. which you’re living , it’s up to you and only you, to change it.
If this hurts your feelings, I’m sorry, but it is the cold hard facts. So, take a good hard look at the world around you and ask
yourself what it is about you that is bringing these people and
A woman I respect highly in most cases, once told me that situations into your life.
you are lucky if you have only one good friend in your life. This
is her belief, not mine. I believe you can have many. I don’t
believe this woman has more than one good friend she could
call on if she really needed something. I, on the other hand, had LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT
ten very good friends ready to help me pack and move after written by Bonnidette Lantz for Awakened Vibrations
my last bad break-up.
The Law of Cause and Effect simply says “you get out of life
Please, understand I don’t believe this woman is not capable what you put into life.” According to this Universal Law, noth-
of having many good friends. It’s just the opposite. She is an ing happens by chance or outside the realm of the other 11
amazing person, and if only she believed it herself, she would Universal Laws. In other words, you reap what you sow and
have countless friends she could rely on. The fact, however, what comes around goes around. I know you have heard these
statements before. This law demonstrates that those state- FINAL THOUGHTS ON THE LAW OF CAUSE
ments are accurate. AND EFFECT:

NOTHING HAPPENS BY CHANCE If you are not getting what you want out of life, you need to
find a way to give what you want to receive. Every action has
The universe and God are not vengeful. This law simply says an equal reaction and this Universal Law proves that. It ap-
there is a cause created with any given effect. It is not personal plies to relationships, money, freedom, and overall happiness.
and it does not judge. It just is. If you do not pay the phone
bill, your phone will be turned off. It’s not personal, that’s just The Law of Cause and Effect states that you reap what you
the way it is. sow. So, let me ask you, what seeds are you planting in your
garden of life?
If you look at your life and wonder why things never go the
way you want them to, maybe you need to take a closer look
at what you are putting out into the world. If you are not giving
100% how can you expect 100% in return? LAW OF COMPENSATION
written by Steven Bancarz for Awakened Vibrations
The Law of Compensation is one of the 12 Universal Laws
The good news about this Universal Law is that if you don’t that states we are compensated in direct proportion to what
like the effects in your life you can change them and if you do we put out into the Universe.
like the effects you can keep them. What I mean is that you
have the power to control what happens in your life. This Universal Law is the Law of Cause and Effect as it ap-
plies to our blessings. If you have not read the Law of Cause
What you need to understand about the Law of Cause and and Effect, I suggest you read it also, as it is a sister to this law.
Effect is that you can look at your life and track back to the
events in your life that have created your current situation. THIS LAW IN A NUTSHELL
You can examine your past thoughts, feelings and actions and
determine if the outcome of these things is in fact what you When we talk about compensation, many people assume
want. If the outcome of these things is not what you want, we are talking about money or monetary rewards. Though
then you have the power to change your thoughts, feelings, these things are compensation, they are not the only form of
and or actions to create the outcome you desire. compensation. When we talk about this Universal Law of
Compensation, we are talking about any blessing given us in
Everything in your life is the outcome of something you put return for our deeds, our thoughts, our words, or feelings.
into motion. Whether good or bad, the events in your life are
under your control. No one else controls your life. It’s all you. These compensations can come in the form of money, ma-
terial possessions, friendships, relationships, experiences and
Some of you may argue this fact and still others will be dis- a wealth of other things. It all depends on what you expect
appointed to hear this because it is easier for some to be- to receive for any given deed or task you perform. The thing
lieve that their life is left to chance. The fact however remains, I want you to understand about this law is that all the things
that chance and luck have nothing to do with it. Don’t be sad mentioned above come to you in proportion to the deeds you
though. This is good news. perform, the thoughts you have, the feelings you have, and
that which you put out into the universe.
The good news is that because you and you alone create your
world, you and you alone can change your world. If you wanted If you expect something for nothing then you are violating this
to, you could create a whole new world for yourself starting to- law. It pains me, those people who buy into the get rich quick
day. Every moment is a new opportunity for things to go your schemes, because most of them are looking to work 4 hours a
way. Stop waiting for the perfect moment. Start living. Start week and become a millionaire right from the start. Let’s get
doing what brings you joy. Remember, it’s all up to you. You are real folks. It’s just not gonna happen. Even those who achieve
the director of this thing called life. over night success will admit it took years of hard work to fi-
nally “over night” become a success.
written by Steven Bancarz for Awakened Vibrations
1. Don’t spend your time thinking about lack, scarcity and
what you do not have. Instead spend your time think- The Universal Law of Attraction is the Universal Law that
ing about what you have that you are thankful for. Look states that all things are made up of energy and of those en-
at your life and take pleasure in what you already have. ergies, likes attract likes.
Good friends, your home, your work, your family. What-
ever your life is like, whatever you are going through, there All matter including that chair you are sitting on and that com-
is something to be thankful for. Focus on that. By fo- puter screen you are looking at are made up of energy as well
cusing on the good, you attract more good into your life. as the thoughts in your head.

2. When taking on a task, do your very best, whatever LIKE ENERGIES ATTRACT LIKE ENERGIES
that task may be. By doing and being better you draw
bigger and better things to yourself. The only way to The Law of Attraction says that not only are all things made of
increase your potential for compensation is to contin- energy, but that like energies attract like energies. For example,
ually strive to increase your potential in all that you do. the energies that make up your chair are all related and share
similar characteristics. Because of this they come together to
3. Pay your bills with a grateful heart. Do not begrudge create what is the chair.
them or try like mad to hold on to that last dollar. If
you pay your bills with a thankful heart and spend your Our thoughts work in the same way. Our thoughts attract
money with out fear or worry, then the universe will similar energies to create what our thoughts are about. What
provide more. Once you start to release money cheer- I mean is, if you think well of someone then you attract what
fully you will begin to see the true source of supply. is good in that person. If you think badly of someone then you
attract what is unpleasant about that person.
4. If you have attracted something unpleasant, then
learn from it and set it free. Do not dwell on it or you This Universal Law works in all areas of our thoughts. If we
will bring more of it to you. Look hard at the cause of think money is scarce then when money appears it will be
this unpleasantness, learn from your mistakes, and scarce. If we think money is always available when we need
change what needs to be changed, but do not hold it then it is always there when we need it. If you think money
onto the unpleasantness. It has happened, you can is abundant then you guessed it, when money appears it will
not change it, but you can keep it from repeating itself. appear in abundance.

5. Continue to learn, grow and improve. The only way to ATTRACTING WHAT YOU WANT
get more is to give and become more. You’ve heard the
saying, “if you continue doing what you have been do- The Law of Attraction is an important piece of the puzzle
ing, you will continue to get what you have been getting.” but it is only a piece, when talking about spirituality and the
Universal Laws. The thoughts you hold in your mind are in-
FINAL THOUGHTS ON THE LAW OF COMPENSATION deed very important and nothing is created without first the
thought to bring it into being.
When talking about any of the Universal Laws, the most im-
portant thing to remember is that it is all up to you. Your fate So this Universal Law, the Universal Law of Attraction, is all
lies in your hands. The Law of Compensation is no different. about thinking it into being, but to attract what you want you
Only you can change what you are receiving, only you can in- must also follow all of the other 11 Universal Laws. For now,
crease your compensation. though, we will focus on the law at hand, the Law of Attraction.

To attract what you want, you must hold firmly in your mind
that which you desire. The thoughts in our minds are the first
steps we take in creating our world, good or bad. If you do not
like the world in which you are currently living, you need simply
change your thoughts and beliefs of the world in which you live.
If you want to have a good family life, if you want to own your can’t really happen,” this law will respond to both. What I mean
own business, if you want to be wealthy, if you want to buy a is, one thought will cancel out the other.
new house, you must first think it so. You must first harvest
the thought and then you must believe that it is possible. The IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT THE
thought without the belief means nothing. It is in the belief LAW OF ENERGY
that you can have and be that which you desire, that makes
the difference. This law of the transmutation of thought into the physical
form is strongest when our thoughts are consistent. We have
FINAL THOUGHTS ON THIS UNIVERSAL LAW millions of fleeting thoughts each day, so it is impossible for all
thought to be transmuted into the physical form.
Many books talk about the Universal Law of Attraction and I
think it is important that we all take the time to understand it, Our minds are very powerful and because of this it will discard
however, do not think that by following the rules behind this the thoughts that are not important, or random, or thoughts
law alone will get you what you want. There are 12 Universal that are not congruent with our beliefs. If we want to be abun-
Laws and this is only one of them. To fully understand how dant and we think how good it would be to have lots of money,
the universe works and how we can create our own world as but our beliefs about money are that “money doesn’t grow on
we wish it to be, we must comprehend all 12 Universal Laws. trees,” or “money is the root of all evil,” then our minds will dis-
card the thought that it would be good to have lots of money.
Yes, you must first think it in to being and yes you can start
to see a significant change in your life using only the Law of Why is this? Well it is because you have spent many years tell-
Attraction, but if you truly want to change your world for the ing yourself that money doesn’t grow on trees and that it is the
better and you want to be the creator of your destiny you must root of all evil so this is what your mind believes to be true and
work with all the Laws of Nature not just the Universal Law the thought that having a lot of it would be good is a contra-
of Attraction. diction to these beliefs.


TRANSMUTATION OF ENERGY The law of perpetual transmutation of energy responds to
written by Steven Bancarz for Awakened Vibrations
the most dominant thoughts in our minds. The thoughts our
mind constitutes to be important are those thoughts that are
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy or the Law of consistent. When we worry we continually bombard our minds
Energy says that all energy is in motion and that all energy that with that of which we are worried about, so those thoughts will
is in motion will eventually appear in the physical form. be the most dominant and, presto, those are the thoughts that
are manifested.
We already know from the other Universal Laws that thoughts
are also energy. So, what does this mean? Well, it means that If you are not happy with what you are manifesting, then it is
our thoughts will eventually appear into the physical form. up to you to change your dominant thoughts to those things
that you do want and not the things you don’t want. This will
THOUGHTS ARE THINGS take time and practice. If you have spent years focusing on
what you do not want, don’t expect your thoughts to change
What we think about we bring about. This law is not biased, over night.
it does not judge, it does not play favorites. This universal
law states that whatever you spend your time thinking about, It is said that it takes thirty days to change a habit or to cre-
whatever you dwell on, whatever you worry about will eventu- ate a new one. The same applies to your thoughts. You must
ally appear into the physical form. hold the thought of the thing you want for a minimum of thirty
days to change a belief.
This law can be a little tricky, however. Because it does not
judge your thoughts, it simply acts upon them. If you think to NOTE: In changing our thoughts and beliefs, there is a three
yourself “I wish I had lots of money,” but then think “but it to one ratio. Meaning if you want to change your beliefs you
need to think of three positive things every time you have one Universal Laws if only you know how to use it to your benefit.
negative thought. If all things are relative—if we determine big and small, rich
and poor, good and bad—by what we relate it to, maybe we
Also, it is known that a thought that you can hold in your mind should be diligent in choosing what we compare things to.
for 17 seconds will attract another similar thought, so think of
what you want and hold that thought for 17 seconds. Try to do We already know from the other universal laws that we need
this three times each time you think of that which you do want. to be grateful and positive in our thinking, so why not compare
our situation to one that is worse than or own? If we do this
WAYS TO CHANGE OUR THOUGHTS AND BELIEFS then we will continue to be positive and grateful for what we
have and what we are.
Because the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy re-
sponds to the dominant thoughts in our minds we need to You will always be able to find someone that is better than
make sure the dominant thoughts in our minds are of those you or that has more than you, but you will also always find
things we wish to manifest. Bombard your mind with new someone that is not as good as you, that has less than you. It
thoughts by putting reminders around your house or office is all relative. The important thing is to leave your ego aside.
and make them the dominant thoughts in your head, thus
putting the law of perpetual transmutation of energy to work Quit comparing yourself to your brother that is faster, stronger,
for you. and makes more money than you, because you have a better
family life, more friends, and you have more compassion than
he does. It is all relative. Everyone can do something better
than you and you can do something better than everyone else.
LAW OF RELATIVITY Start focusing on the things that you have that are better, be
written by Steven Bancarz for Awakened Vibrations grateful for what you have and you will start attracting that
which you want faster.
The Law of Relativity is the Universal Law that states all
things are relative. Nothing is good or bad, just relative. LAW OF RELATIVITY FINAL THOUGHTS

We are the ones that determine if something is good or bad The Law of Relativity states that all things are relative, no
in relationship to everything around us, but the fact is there is, good or bad, big or small, rich or poor, it is all relative. So, be
no truly good or bad. diligent in what you compare yourself to. Be grateful for those
things that bring you joy. Be grateful for what you have be-
AND IT’S ALL RELATIVE cause not everyone has it. Be grateful for who you are because
there is no one else like you.
Something that may present a problem to us may be the
same thing that represents a solution to someone else. Your
dog may be large compared to your neighbor’s dog and small
compared to your sister’s dog. So, is your dog big or small? It is LAW OF POLARITY
all relative. It is all in how we relate any given thing to our world. written by Steven Bancarz for Awakened Vibrations

Think about it. You may see yourself as poor, but if your house- The Law of Polarity states that all things under the Universal
hold brings in more than $24,000 a year in income then you Laws has its own polar opposite. Within every failure there is
are in the top 10% of all wage earners in the World. To some- potential for success. Everything in life has an equal opposite.
one in another country earning only $14 a week, you who earns It is up to us as to what side of this pole we experience.
$24,000 a year are wealthy beyond imagination. So, how do
you determine if you are wealthy? Again, it is all relative. OUR PERSPECTIVE

HOW CAN WE USE THIS UNIVERSAL LAW TO OUR As we discovered in the Law of Relativity, there is no good or
BENEFIT? bad, big or small. Law of Polarity is saying that these things
are the same just on opposite sides of the spectrum. It is all in
The Law of Relativity can work in conjunction with the other 11 how we perceive them.
Without one we would not have the other. If we did not expe- FINAL THOUGHTS ON THE LAW OF POLARITY
rience sadness we would not know enough to experience joy.
Without pain we would not have pleasure. These polarities, The important thing to get out of the Law of Polarity is that
or polar opposites, all work together for the greater good. We all things have their own polar opposites and without one
need only to understand this and appreciate this fact. we would never experience the other. All things are relative.
There is no good or bad, it is all in how we perceive it. Do not
Note: In reality there is no dark, only an absence of light. There resist that which you do not desire. Accept it and move your
is no sadness, only an absence of happiness. No real bad, only thoughts to those things you do desire.
an absence of good. We create our own polar opposites by rec-
ognizing the lack of something good.


written by Steven Bancarz and Camillo Loken for
good and bad Awakened Vibrations
night and day
sad and happy The Law of Rhythm states that there is a time and a season
pain and pleasure for all things.
failure and success
big and little Understanding this law will help you better understand the
black and white other 11 Universal Laws. Some people who study the Univer-
love and hate sal Laws will state that they are not working, but the fact is
Yin and Yang they are always working.
male and female
Without one of these, the other does not exist. Since all things
are relative, without failure we would never experience success. In the universe, in life, and in all things there is a season. A time
You can relate this to all things in your life. Stop judging these for all things.
things in your life and start recognizing them for what they
are. Failure and success are the same thing on opposite poles. As we learned in the previous law, the Law of Polarity, there
Within one is the potential for the other. is a polar opposite to all things. In the Law of Rhythm we dis-
cover that there is a time for all things. Remember without
NOTE: Failure is just an absence of success. bad there is no good. One must present itself to us to fully
appreciate the other, and there is a season for both.
YOUR ADVANTAGE Our task is to deal with these changes in the season responsi-
bly. It is all in how we respond to these rhythms that make the
As I said above, within one there is potential for the other. In difference. We can choose to accept them for what they are
every failure, there lies within it the potential for success. We and ride the tide or we can fight against them. The choice is
need only to recognize it as it is. ours. Just remember if you choose to fight you will bring only
more of it into your life. If you ride the tide of change you will
Since they are the same thing that lie just on the other side soon be facing a new season.
of the spectrum we need only turn our thoughts to the side of
the spectrum we wish to experience. “When you are on a down swing, do not feel bad. Know the
swing will change and things will get better. There are good
Acceptance is the opposite of resistance and will bring more of times coming and think of them.”
what you desire. If we can accept failure for what it is and move
forward, we will have the ability to accept success. If, however, This law tells us that there is always a reaction to every action.
we resist failure, then we are putting our main focus on that Something must advance when anything retreats; something
failure which in turn attracts more of it and we will never expe- must rise when anything sinks. This law governs the move-
rience success (refer to the note above). ment of the planets in their orbits and also manifests in the
mineral and vegetable kingdoms. Men and women can ob- LAW OF GENDER
serve this law in their mental, physical and emotional states. written by Steven Bancarz for Awakened Vibrations

The Law of Rhythm is universal. This can be observed in the The Law of Gender is the Universal Law that states all things
rising and setting of the sun and moon, ebb and flow of the have both masculine and feminine attributes and all things
tides, coming and going of the seasons, and in the rhythmic need time to gestate and grow.
swing of consciousness and unconsciousness.
“You are not going to feel good all of the time; no one does. If
you did, you wouldn’t even know it. The LOW FEELINGS are This law is the final law of the 12 Universal Laws and I think it
what permit you to enjoy the HIGH FEELINGS.” completes the circle of laws nicely.
- Bob Proctor
This Universal Law is one that is left out of many books. You
“Only if you have been in the deepest valley, can you ever won’t find many Law of Attraction books highlighting this law.
know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain.” The reason is that they are afraid that this law will scare you
- Richard Nixon off. I think, however, that knowledge is power. So, please keep
reading. There are two parts to this Universal Law. The first is
There will always be highs and lows in life. We have the abili- that there are both male and female components to all things
ty to choose our thoughts because we are born with free will. in nature. The other is that all things need a gestational period.
You can decide what to think any moment of your life. Even This includes thought as well.
when you are on a natural down swing, you can choose good
thoughts with your free will and continue to move up toward THE MASCULINE/FEMININE PORTION OF THIS LAW
your goal.
Even though we consider ourselves either male or female, we
To permit your mind to dwell upon the inferior is to become have both male and female aspects to ourselves. Some are
inferior and to surround yourself with inferior things. On the more dominant than others, but they both exist none the less.
other hand, to fix your attention on the best is to surround The feminine is the soft sensibility and the masculine is the
yourself with the best, and to become the best. protective wage earner side. I am not saying that all women are
sensitive and incapable of being protective or to earn an in-
WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW ABOUT THIS come or vise versa. This just shows we are all capable of both.
Everywhere in nature you see both feminine and masculine
The important thing to know about this law is that there is a aspects of the same. Plants, animals, minerals and many oth-
time for everything, with no exceptions. If you can ride out the ers. It takes both sides to create or to produce in nature. It is
bad knowing the good is on it’s way then you have won half important to understand this so that we might become more
the battle. The other thing is knowing the more you fight it the in tune with the two sides and benefit from both.
longer it will last, because when you worry, your attention is
focused on it and that brings more of it. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO KNOW ABOUT
Think about it this way. The Law of Rhythm is like a wave in
the ocean of life. If you relax and let the waves take you where The most important thing you need to get from the law of
they might, you may hit a few ruff ones but you will also ride gender is that all things need time to grow, time to mature,
some amazing waves. If you stand rigid in the ocean as the and time to sprout into being. We see this all through nature. It
tide comes in then the waves will beat you up, you will lose takes 9 months for a child to grow and be born into this world.
your footing, you’ll tire and eventually drown. So relax and just All seeds must germinate before sprouting up. All ideas need
ride the waves. time to sprout and grow.

What this law states that is important is that all our hopes and
dreams, all our goals, need time to gestate. Nothing happens
instantly. If this happened, we would think of an anvil and next
thing you know it would be falling down on our heads. Manifesting is the practice
Think of your ideas, your hopes, dreams, and goals as a seed. of intentionally drawing into
When we plant a seed we must water it, tend to it, give it sun-
light and fertilize it. Our hopes and dreams work the same way. your life the experiences that
We must tend to them and if we do this correctly and have
faith that when the time is right they will sprout and begin to you deeply desire.
grow, they will.

If, however, we become impatient and start to disturb the soil

before the time is right, then we will see that the seedling had By knowing and practicing the
begun to sprout, but now is disturbed and will need more time
and more nurturing to survive, otherwise it will die. 12 Immutable Univeral Laws,
Most people give up just before they succeed. Don’t let this be you will have the power to
you. Have you heard the story about the gold miner that spent
years panning at a location he was sure was full of gold, only create the life of your dreams.
to stop panning three feet away from payday. The next owner
of the land, of course, reaped all the benefits of this pore sap’s
hard work. Don’t let this happen to you. Have faith in the Uni-
versal Law of Gender.


1 the family member you should talk to more often

2 a good friend
3 your boss
4 your favorite teacher
5 someone you see often but rarely talk to
6 a long lost friend
7 a coworker that needs encouragement
8 your body
9 an author/artist/etc. you admire
10 your landlord or roommate
11 someone you didn’t get along with when you were young
12 your favorite band
13 someone who loves you unconditionally
14 a stranger
15 the neighbors
16 the person you talk to the most
17 someone that adds fun to your life
18 the most trustworthy person you know
19 the boss or teacher that made your life difficult
20 someone that changed your life
21 the postman
22 someone who doesn’t realize that you appreciate them
23 the Earth
24 one of your favorite businesses in town
25 someone you usually disagree with
26 someone you love
27 an organization that is making a difference
28 someone you’d like to know better
29 your past self
To begin, make sure you have read through the 12 Universal Laws. These laws do an excellent job of explaining why you are the
sole creator of your life. We draw into our lives the experiences that we need in order for our soul to grow and evolve. Your beliefs,
thoughts, and actions all determine the life that you have. Your OWN beliefs, thoughts, and actions. Not anyone else’s. Once we
start to understand this, we are able to look critically at ourselves and our choices. This helps us take ownership for our lives and
realize that we have the authority to change it if we make the commitment to do so.

Make a list of all of the aspects of your life that seem to have been caused by someone or something other than you (i.e. my job,
my relationship with my father, the house I live in, etc.). Think of as many aspects as possible and leave room next to each one.

Now that you have made your list, go back and figure out A) how did you actually create this aspect yourself? and/or B) why was
this experience/situation helpful to your personal journey and soul’s evolution?
Once you’ve embraced the fact that you are the Creator in your life, you may feel upset or guilty for having gotten yourself into
less-than-ideal situations or not treating yourself as you wish you would have. But guess what? You did exactly what you needed
to do in order to get to where you are right now in this moment. And this is a beautiful moment... you should be very happy to be
here. Don’t forget that nothing is good or bad, it’s all relative. That means that you don’t need to insult or praise yourself for your
past actions. Just accept yourself for the incredible, divine human being that you are. Just as important is the need to forgive
other people and remember that they positively contributed to your Soul’s grand journey. Often, little pieces of us get stuck in the
past and it’s impossible to move on and live the life you desire until you’ve accepted and let go of them. For example, an on-again,
off-again relationship, a job that didn’t work out as well as you hoped, etc.

What are the experiences in your past that you need to accept and move on from? Who are the people or relationships that cause
your heart to ache, even years later? It’s time to let go of them. Make a list of anything you identify with as something that is tying
you onto your old way of living. Go with your gut and write down whatever comes to mind. You may surprise yourself.

Now that you’ve made a list of the things tying you down, go back and figure out how to release them. What steps can you take
to resolve any issues, accept any past experiences, or cut ties with any people that hold you back?
Basically every Universal Law points back to the fact that your thoughts create your reality. That means that daydreaming is
not something to be taken lightly and it’s definitely not something just “kids” should do. Don’t spend your time worrying about
negative things like most “adults” do... replace that time with positive daydreaming!

Write down everything you hope for in your life, both material and non-material, and be as descriptive as you’d like! You’ll probably
need more room than just this page! Don’t set any boundaries on yourself and dream as wildly as you want to.

Take a look at everything you dream and hope for. What emotions do all of these things evoke? Write down descriptive feeling
words next to each dream on your list. Go more in-depth than just “happy” or “sad.” You could even write phrases if that better
captures the way these dreams would make you feel. Are any of these emotions popping up over and over? Notice any themes?
As we grow throughout our lives, we typically pick up various beliefs about the world and ourselves from other people. Our parents
teach us to behave in certain ways, our teachers teach us how our society is supposed to function, and so on. Often overlooked
are the beliefs, ideas, and rules we create for ourselves. We tend to form opinions of ourselves through various experiences, espe-
cially negatives ones. If you had an extremely embarassing situation when you were younger of forgetting your lines to a speech
in front of the whole school, your young self may have created the belief that you are “dumb” or bad at public speaking, causing
you to avoid similar instances in the future. This belief could later carry into your career when you are much older, preventing you
from being able to assert yourself during a meeting with your colleagues. This is a limiting belief you have imposed on yourself.
In otherwords, it’s not actually true. It has only been true because you gave that belief/idea power and allowed it to control you.
It’s time to take back control, which brings us full cirlce to the fact that you are the sole creator of your life. Many limiting beliefs
are passed down from your parents. If your mother believes that the only way life will be for her is working overtime and still not
having enough money, there is a good chance you don’t believe you can have a life of abundance and ease. The only way to truly
create the life you long for is to release all of these false beliefs and understand that anything really is possible.

Make a list of the beliefs you have about your life, even the obvious ones. Write down everything that you know to be true about
how your life works and why you act the way you do. Think about how you interact with people, your family, the way you think
society runs, how you treat yourself, etc.

Now, review your list and for each one, ask yourself A) is this true? B) why? Then, for the beliefs on your list that you find to ac-
tually be false, ask yourself C) where did this belief originate in my life?
Take a look back at the dreams you wrote down for Exercise 3. Are any of them constricted by limiting beliefs? Could you actually
dream even bigger than you did previously? Circle the emotions from Exercise 3 that are repeated the most often or that reso-
nate with you the most... the ones that tug at your heart or give you butterflies in your stomach. These, my dear, are most likely
your intentions. In order to plant the seed of manifestation, you must identify these intentions very specifically.

Write down those emotions here, then elaborate on what your intentions truly are. You could focus on one intention or a few.
And they may change daily or yearly (which is why it is good to revisit this entire process often). The intentions do not have to be
specifically emotion words. Intentions can be very real, physical, tangible things. The important part is that they are supported and
rooted in pure, passionate, positive emotion.

Don’t forget that anything is possible when you understand and follow the 12 Universal Laws. But you have to truly believe this
at your core and know that it is true if you want to consciously create your life. Anything is possible. That’s what we call a miracle...
and miracles can happen every day if you let go, open up, and create space for those miracles to manifest.

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