Projectile Identification Guide

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Defense Intelligence Reference Document

January 1997

Projectile and Warhead

Identification Guide—Foreign



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Defense Intelligence Reference Document

Projectile and Warhead Identification Guide—Foreign

Information Cutoff Date: January 1997

This document is published under the auspices of the Department of Defense Intelligence
Production Program (DoDIPP). It is produced by the National Ground Intelligence Center
(NGIC) as the designated DoDIPP producer for this subject.

Prepared by:
Jeffery H. Morgan and Joyce Pittman
Close Combat Division
Systems Directorate
National Ground Intelligence Center
U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command

This publication supersedes Projectile and Warhead Identification Guide—Foreign,

DST-1160Z-029-94, March 1994, which should be destroyed.

This responds to ARDEC’s production requirement C513-96-0004.

DoDIPP Record Identification # RB97-5710.


(Reverse Blank)
Projectile and Warhead Identification Guide—Foreign

Summary This guide is organized into two sections to assist in the positive identification of foreign
projectiles and fragments. The technical data contained herein, when coupled with the
identification methodology, offer a valuable tool for field use and research and

Section 1, Identification of Projectiles and Projectile Fragments, covers the tools and
methodology of fragment identification. Marking systems are explained and analyzed,
various rotating bands and seats are described, and several illustrations of typical frag-
ments are depicted. Measuring tools to assist in identification also are described.

Section 2, Projectile Data and Drawings, consists primarily of munitions illustrations

(figures 8 through 387). The projectile drawings are based on actual exploitation of hard-
ware and provide critical dimensions. Where drawings were not available, munitions are
represented by pictures. Illustrations are complemented with technical data, such as model
designation, type, weight, fuzing, bursting charge, and using weapon.

The scale drawings are extracted from arsenal examination and testing of acquired projec-
tiles and are reliable. Virtually none of the dimensional data in the drawings is derived
from other sources. Data on the pictured pages are derived from other sources. All weights
are nominal and vary slightly from projectile to projectile. Markings (e.g., model designa-
tions, explosive filler compositions, and production data) were obtained from hardware
exploitation, whenever possible, or from pictures of the actual munitions.

There are information gaps in this guide. In the case of older hardware, minor gaps exist
on projectiles that were either lost through destructive testing or were not examined thor-
oughly enough for the purposes of this product and are no longer available for

Information Cutoff Date: January 1997


Major information gaps primarily refer to the newer projectiles. Most of these are threat-
country items and cannot be listed herein for security reasons; however, they can be found
in DIA products DST-1160Z-126-92, Ammunition Data and Terminal Effects Guides—
ECC and DST-1160Z-126-92, Ammunition Data and Terminal Effects Guides—FW, and
DST-1120S-309-92, Kinetic-Energy Penetrators Launched From Armored Fighting

Projectile and Warhead Identification Guide—Foreign

Foreword This guide presents data on current foreign antipersonnel and antitank rockets, grenades,
and mortar and artillery projectiles and warheads.

This guide aids in the identification of foreign projectiles and projectile fragments. Most
projectiles covered in this guide are in the high-explosive category, ranging from 37 to
240 mm. Recovered live and dud projectiles, including components, may vary slightly in
weights and dimensions from those reported herein primarily because of variances in
manufacture and quality control. The usual manufacturing practice is to mark those pro-
jectiles using explosive or chemical fillers that are above or below the nominal weight
zone. Russia and some other countries do this by using + or - symbols. These are
explained in the section of this guide entitled, The Identification of Projectiles and
Projectile Fragments.

Russian high-explosive projectiles covered in this guide include those designated by the
Russians for specific roles (i.e., fragmentation, fragmentation-high explosive, fragmenta-
tion-tracer, and high explosive). These projectiles are basically high-explosive types but
possess varying fragmentation effects.

This guide is recommended for use by field commanders, technical intelligence analysts,
field collectors, ammunition research and development technicians, and explosive-
ordnance disposal personnel. Data contained herein have been collected and compiled
from many sources, including intelligence reports and foreign documents but primarily
stem from the results of arsenal examination of foreign hardware. The drawings were pre-
pared by NGIC and the U.S. Army Munitions Command in Dover, NJ. As this guide is
intended primarily for field use, it has been produced at the unclassified level. In some
cases, information was not available at the unclassified level to produce a drawing, and a
picture was used instead, when available. A classified supplement to this document will be
produced and disseminated on an as needed basis.

The terms Russian, Russia, and former Soviet Union are used to reflect the dissolution of
the Soviet Union. The bulk of the munitions in stock were produced before the breakup,
and a high percentage of production facilities are in Russian territory. The term Czecho-
slovakia is still used because that breakup is relatively recent, and it is too early to deter-
mine what items will be produced where in Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

Requests for information on foreign projectiles not listed in this guide may be forwarded
to the Commander, National Ground Intelligence Center. Shipments of classified or

unclassified items to be examined or identified should be forwarded to the Commander,
National Ground Intelligence Center, Foreign Systems Division, ATTN: IANGIC-IF,
Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21001-5001.

Constructive criticisms, comments, or suggested changes are encouraged and should be

forwarded to the Commander, National Ground Intelligence Center, ATTN: IANG-SCC,
220 Seventh Street, NE., Charlottesville, VA 22902-5396.


Rotating Bands and Band Seats

General Basis of Fragment Analysis
The number, type, and dimensions of rotating bands
Introduction and the pattern and dimension of the keying design on
either the band seat or the inner surface of the rotating
band give important evidence about the caliber and
The caliber of a projectile, and the model of weapon type of projectile. The key design also generally is
from which it was fired can be determined in the major- indicative of the country of origin.
ity of cases by visual and dimensional analysis of
recovered duds or fragments. The accuracy of such an Engraving of Band by Gun Tube Rifling
identification, however, is largely dependent on the
investigator’s technical experience and the source of The width of the imprint of the land plus that of the
production (i.e., whether the item was produced in a groove engraved in the rotating band by the gun tube
country using standard manufacturing procedures). rifling are good indications of projectile caliber. This
The internal and external dimensions of projectiles and width (land plus groove) is termed “r” in the following
such basic elements as rotating bands and the band formula for determining the caliber of a projectile
seats vary sufficiently among calibers and types to where C = caliber of projectile, N = number of lands or
form the basis for an accurate method of identification. grooves, and π = 3.1416: C = -----
The probability of error in this method of identification
is negligible. Well-made artillery projectiles of major For example, a recovered projectile has 32 grooves;
foreign countries that are within the same caliber and each groove measures 4.418 mm, and each land mea-
type group are almost invariably uniform in their sures 4.418 mm. The “r” factor, therefore, is equal to
dimensions. These criteria are not observed in projec- 8.836 mm. Thus: C = 8.836x32
----------------------- = 90 mm .
tiles manufactured by some of the less-developed for-
eign countries (e.g., projectiles manufactured by China Markings and Components
in the early 1950s).
On the body of the projectile or on projectile frag-
ments, bits of paint, stenciling, and stampings, provide
Fragment Analyses an indication of identity. In addition, design dimen-
sions of openings, threadings, fuze adapters, and base
Undeformed or slightly deformed fragments from low- plugs also provide identification information; these
order bursts are valuable in determining the projectile clues are important to the trained investigator.
caliber. High-order detonation tends to distort and
stretch fragments; therefore, thick-base sections, par- Fuzes
ticularly those including rotating bands, are most infor-
mative and permit the speediest identification. With Fuzes and fuze fragments must be considered with cau-
experience, caliber can be determined accurately from tion, since the same fuze can be used with projectiles of
small fragments or high-order bursts. several different calibers. For example, the Russian

RGM series of fuzes is used with 100-, 122-, and In general, projectiles manufactured by countries other
152-mm, high-explosive (HE) projectiles. Fuzes can be than former or present communist nations are marked
made of different materials (aluminum, copper, brass, with the same type of information listed in table 1.
plastics, iron, steel, etc.) and may be identified by dif- Most of these countries use abbreviations such as
ferences in shapes, details, openings, and stampings. HEAT for high-explosive antitank and HE for high
explosive, to indicate projectile type.
Most of these countries use symbols such as TNT,
The size of craters where fragments are recovered is an RDX, and Comp B to identify the explosive filler of a
indicator of the projectile caliber. Crater size alone, projectile; Russia and most other former or present
however, is an unreliable indication, because it Eurasian Communist countries use similar symbols.
depends on too many variable factors. For example, a Russian symbols and their meanings are indicated in
76-mm HE projectile fuzed for short delay will pro- table 2.
duce a larger and deeper crater in loose earth than an
85-mm HE projectile fuzed for instantaneous action. Some foreign countries employ a system for identify-
Crater size also varies with the type of soil encoun- ing projectiles by color markings, especially on ammu-
tered, even though identical projectiles and fuze set- nition manufactured during nonwar periods. Bands,
tings are used. portions of ogive, or entire projectiles are painted. This
system can be relied on only to a limited degree
because of the wide divergence and various methods
Marking Systems used among countries and among different categories
of ammunition within a country. Frequently, the same
Each country has a system of marking projectiles for color is found on both HE and armor-piercing projec-
identification. Some systems are uniform; others are tiles. Current data on the color-marking systems to
not. Projectiles designed, developed, and manufactured identify foreign projectiles of foreign countries are not
by the major foreign countries, with the exceptions of available. Russian projectile weight classifications are
China, North Korea, and Vietnam, are well marked for listed in table 3.
identification. These latter countries often use coding
that hinders identification of the country of origin.

Symbols representing the models, calibers, and weight

zones of the projectiles of the former Soviet Union and
other Eurasian countries were usually stenciled on the
projectiles in black paint between the bourrelet and the
rotating band. Above the leading bourrelet is the iden-
tification number of the factory, lot number, and year
of manufacture, also stenciled in black paint. The Rus-
sians use a short model designation consisting of Cyril-
lic letters (prefixes and suffixes) and numbers that
identify the projectile type, the series of using weap-
ons, and changes or modifications to the basic projec-
tile. For instance, “A” followed by “412” indicates that
the projectile type is propaganda and that the projectile
can be used in all 100-mm weapons bearing the
412 series number. A “B” following 412 means the
second model of that series. An explanation of some of
the letters included in Russian model designations for
ammunition are found in table 1.

Table 1
Russian Model Designation for Ammunition

Table 2
Russian Symbols and Meanings

effectiveness against personnel and materiel. These
Table 3 designs fall into two broad categories: uncontrolled and
Russian Projectile Weight Classifications controlled fragments.

Uncontrolled fragments are produced when the war-

head casing or wall is ruptured by detonation of the HE
filler. Segments of the casing are propelled outward at
high velocity and may vary in size and shape because
no attempt was made to control the size and shape. The
well-known forged-steel, gray cast iron, high-fragmen-
tation steel, modular iron, and pearlitic malleable iron
(PMI) projectiles are being improved metallurgically
to increase their fragmentation effectiveness (smaller
and more uniform fragments). A normal, gray cast iron,
82-mm, mortar projectile will produce more than 5000
Fragment Types, Illustrations, and Testing fragments, of which approximately 3600 are very small
(less than 0.39 gram). These fragments are formed by
detonation of the explosive filler into a variety of
General shapes; few, if any, are identical (see figures 1
through 4).
Foreign countries currently are using a variety of pro-
jectile designs to achieve increased fragmentation

Figure 1. Typical Projectile Fragments

Figure 2. Russian 37-mm Fragments From Model OR-167 Frag-T Projectile

Figure 3. Russian 73-mm Fragments From Model PG-9 HEAT-FS Projectile

Figure 4. Russian 115-mm Fragments From Model OF-18 Frag-HE Projectile

Controlled fragments, conversely, are produced when their final shapes before detonation of the explosive
the warhead casing has been designed specifically to charge. The fragments are mechanically held in place
break into a predetermined fragment size and shape. around the charge. Typical shapes are cubes, rods,
The fragment takes its final shape during detonation of spheres, and flechettes. Use of preformed fragments
the explosive charge. For this reason, the controlled dates back to the Civil War, when pieces of metal were
fragment is often referred to as a fire-formed fragment. embedded in the explosive fillers of cannonballs. Pre-
Some design methods employed include multiple wall formed fragments can be held in place by cementing or
casings, ringed casings, helically wrapped wire embedding in a plastic or frangible substance (see
(notched or unnotched), scored casings, and fluted figure 5).

Preformed fragments are a variation of the controlled-

fragment technique. They are precut and formed into

Figure 5. Preformed Fragments

A newer variant of fragment control the shear-control the root of each grid element. The shear fractures then
method was conceived and developed by the Naval propagate along fracture paths established by the stress
Weapons Center. The name is derived from the ability field existing in the warhead case during the initial
to control both the initiation locations of shear fractures phase of case expansion. The control grid is designed
in the warhead casing and the orientation of the planes to match the geometry of this stress field and use the
along which the fractures propagate. This method uses principal strains in the metal to activate only specific
the families of mechanical stress raisers in the form of families of fracture paths and thus produce fragments
a grid system, which is machined or formed into the of a desired size and shape. This method can be used
inner surface of the warhead case. The elements of the with cylindrical, spherical, and ogival warheads (see
grid system control the initiation of shear fractures at figures 6 and 7).

Figure 6. Examples of Typical Russian HE Projectiles

Figure 7. Measuring Instruments for Projectile Identification

Typical Projectile Fragments and Arena were reduced to assess lethality. Similar results also
can be obtained, theoretically by computer programs
Testing using raw data on the projectile design and physical
Figures 1 through 5 show various types and sizes of
fragments produced during testing at the Aberdeen
Proving Ground, Maryland, to determine fragment Ready-Reference Projectile Identification
mass, velocity, spray density, and drag factor. These System
data are used to calculate lethal areas against troops and
equipment in a tactical environment.
Basis for Identification
The arena test setup included cellotex panels and
Fragments that contain a part of the rotating band seat
instrumentation for checking, gathering, and recording
provide noteworthy information on the caliber of a
the foregoing data. The fragments were collected from
the panels and sorted by size and weight. All data, then,

projectile and the country of origin. Caliber determina- identification is less accurate than diameter mea-
tion is discussed later in this section. surements.
■ Screw Pitch Gage. Used to measure all threaded
Tools and Instruments Required and serrated surfaces.
■ Other Miscellaneous Tools and Instruments.
■ Metric Tape Measure or Rule. Should be the Protractors, calipers, and magnifying glasses.
flexible steel type to measure curved and straight
surfaces. Description of Projectile Drawing Arrangement
■ Metric Micrometer Set. At least 1 through General
150 mm.
■ Dividers, Drawing. At least two sizes of ranges. Projectile drawings, covered in the next section, are
arranged by caliber and type. Table 4 contains abbrevi-
■ Compass, Drawing. At least two sizes of ranges.
ations denoting projectile and fuzing types used in
■ Template. Can be fabricated locally from sheet these drawings.
steel or aluminum stock. The template is issued for
quick-field identification of projectile radii. Such

Table 4
Projectile and Fuzing Types Abbreviations

Abbreviation Type of Projectile

Projectile Type
AP armor-piercing
APC armor-piercing capped
APC-T armor-piercing capped tracer
APDS armor-piercing discarding sabot
APERS antipersonnel
APFSDS-T armor-piercing, fin-stabilized, discarding sabot
AP-T armor-piercing tracer
API armor-piercing incendiary
API-T armor-piercing incendiary tracer
cstr canister
CP concrete piercing
Frag fragmentation
Frag-T fragmentation-tracer
Frag-HE fragmentation-high explosive
HE high explosive
HEAT high-explosive antitank (shaped-charge)
HEAT-FS high-explosive antitank fin stabilized

Table 4
Projectile and Fuzing Types Abbreviations (Continued)

HE gas high-explosive gas

HEI high-explosive incendiary
HEI-T high-explosive incendiary tracer
HEP high-explosive plastic
HESH high-explosive squash head
HVAP hypervelocity armor-piercing
HVAP-T hypervelocity, armor-piercing tracer
HV-TP hypervelocity target practice
illum illuminating
prop propaganda
RAP rocket-assisted projectile
SAP semiarmor piercing
SAP-HE semiarmor-piercing high explosive
SHRAP shrapnel
TM target-marking
TP target-practice
WP white phosphorous
Fuze Types
BD base-detonating
MT mechanical time
MTSQ mechanical time superquick
PD point-detonating
PDSD point-detonating self-destruct
PIBD point-initiating base-detonating
SQ superquick
T time
VT variable time (proximity)

Determination of Caliber by Analysis of The arrangement of the indentation varies from single
Rotating Band Seat Fragments rows under small-caliber projectile bands to double
rows under medium- and large-caliber bands. Russian
General projectiles with one wide and one narrow rotating band
have been examined; the seat of the wide-banded pro-
Experience has shown that the most readily identified jectile has a double row of indentations.
type of fragment includes a portion of the rotating band
seat. Frequently, a fragment of this type can be identi- Rotating Band Seats on High-Velocity Projectiles
fied by direct comparison with the detailed drawings in
the next section. The keying design of the rotating band Observe closely the design of band seats on Russian
seat also will be impressed on the inner surface of the 57-, 85-, and 100-mm projectile drawings shown in the
rotating bands; however, consideration must be given next section. These projectiles are used in modern
to the likelihood of distortion of rotating bands that are high-velocity antitank, tank, and self-propelled guns,
made of soft metal. Also, projectiles of different cali- and rotating bands are seated in a manner that enables
bers often have the same type of keying design on the them to withstand high initial velocities without being
band seat, although the dimensions of the design and stripped from the projectile.
the seat will vary in the different calibers. Additionally,
some band seats are undercut, and the soft-metal rotat-
ing band fits into the seat to form a dovetail joint. Thus,
the width of such a band seat is greater at the base
(toward the interior of the projectile body) than at the
surface of the projectile body. Finally, there are many
projectiles that have no keying. Rotating bands for
these projectiles are simply bonded or pressed onto the

Country of Origin

The rotating-band seat and the method of keying the

rotating band to the seat frequently indicate the country
of origin and the weapon firing the projectile. But this
should not be interpreted to mean that only the country-
designated uses that particular band seat and keying
method. The same types are often used by more than
one country, particularly among the Soviet Bloc coun-

Russian Rotating Band Seats

An examination of Russian artillery projectiles indi-

cates that the vertically indented band seat predomi-
nates. This is a simple, reliable, and relatively easy
method of seating rotating bands. The number of rotat-
ing bands may vary from one or two for light- and
medium-caliber projectiles to triple and quadruple
bands for heavy-caliber projectiles. The number of ver-
tical indentations per centimeter may vary from 4 to 11.


Projectile Drawings Projectile Data

The drawings in this section show enlarged cutaway With each projectile illustration, additional informa-
views of rotating band seats and side, sectional, and tion is given on the projectile, and the weapon or weap-
base views of the projectiles. Appropriate critical ons in which it is known to be used are identified.
dimensions are given when possible, with the excep- Weapons are identified only when there is evidence
tion of rotating band seats which are measured in that they fire the illustrated projectile, and the actual
indentations per centimeter. All dimensions are shown model designation of the projectile is shown if
in millimeters. Most of the drawings were prepared available.
only after careful examination of the actual projectile.
Pictures were used when drawings were not available.
Data appearing on the drawings are sufficiently accu-
rate to permit identification of projectiles from their
fragments, provided the recommended procedure for
analyzing fragments is closely followed.

Projectile fuzed mass: 0.8462 kg Using weapon(s): 2A42, 2A72
Fuze: N/A Remarks: None
Filler: N/A

Figure 8. Russian 30-mm AP-T Projectile Model BT

Projectile fuzed mass: 0.8462 kg Using weapon(s): 2A42, 2A72, 2A38
Fuze: Unknown Remarks: 30x165-mm cannons
Filler: Unknown

Figure 9. Russian 30-mm APHEI Projectile Model BR-30

Projectile fuzed mass: 0.8310 kg Using weapons(s): 2A42, 2A72, 2A38
Fuze: Type A670-M, PDSD Remarks: 30x165-mm cannons
Filler: RDX/Al 0.0115 kg

Figure 10. Russian 30-mm Frag-T Projectile Model OT

Projectile fuzed mass: 0.8443 kg Using weapons(s): 2A42, 2A72, 2A38
Fuze: A630-M, PDSD Remarks: 30x165-mm cannons
Filler: RDX/Al 0.0485 kg

Figure 11. Russian 30-mm Frag-HEI Cartridge Model OFZ

Projectile fuzed mass: 0 kg Using weapon(s): 2A42, 2A72, 2A38
Fuze: Unknown Remarks: None
Filler: Unknown

Figure 12. Russian 30-mm HEI Projectile Model OFZ


Projectile fuzed mass: 0.77 kg Using weapons(s): AA gun M1939 and SP AA gun SU-37
Fuze: None Remarks: A variation exists with two breakoff grooves and a
Filler: None boat-tail

Figure 13. Russian 37-mm AP-T Projectile Model BR-167

NEG. 502815


Projectile fuzed mass: 0.74 kg Using weapon(s): Aircraft cannon model N

Fuze: A-37U PDSD Remarks: None
Filler: RDX/Al 0.04 kg

Figure 14. Russian 37-mm HEI-T Projectile Model OZT

NEG. 502812



Projectile fuzed mass: 0.73 kg Using weapon(s): AA gun M1939 and SP AA gun SU-37
Fuze: MG-8 PDSD Remarks: Also uses MG-37 PDSD fuze
Filler: RDX/Al 0.04 kg

Figure 15. Russian 37-mm Frag-T Projectile Model OR-167

NEG. 502813

Projectile fuzed mass: 0.71 kg Using weapon(s): AA gun M1939 and SP AA gun SU-37
Fuze: B-37 PD Remarks: Fuze is same as MG-37 except for function of
Filler: RDX/Al 0.04 kg rotor lock pin

Figure 16. Russian 37-mm Frag-T Projectile Model OR-167N

NEG. 502816

Projectile fuzed mass: 0.76 kg Using weapon(s): Aircraft cannon Model N

Fuze: None Remarks: None
Filler: None

Figure 17. Russian 37-mm AP-T Projectile Model BZT

NEG. 502827

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.14 kg Using weapon(s): AT gun ZIS-2, APAT gun Ch-26, and
Fuze: MD-5 BD ASU-57 guns Ch-51 and Ch-51M
Filler: RDX/Al 0.04 kg Remarks: Red color band on projectile body

Figure 18. Russian 57-mm AP-T Projectile Model BR-271

NEG. 502828

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.19 kg Using weapon(s): AT gun ZIS-2, APAT gun Ch-56, and
Fuze: MD-7 BD F ASU-57 guns Ch-51 and Ch-51M
Filler: RDX/Al 0.02 kg Remarks: Also uses MD-10 fuze

Figure 19. Russian 57-mm AP-T Projectile Model BR-271K

NEG. 502829

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.14 kg Using weapon(s): AT gun ZIS-2, APAT gun Ch-26, and
Fuze: None ASU-57 guns Ch-51 and Ch-51M
Filler: None Remarks: None

Figure 20. Russian 57-mm AP-T Projectile Model BR-271SP

NEG. 502830

Projectile mass: 1.76 kg Using weapon(s): AT gun ZIS-2, APAT gun Ch-26 and
Penetrator: Tungsten carbide, 0.51 kg ASU-57 guns Ch-51 and Ch-51M

Figure 21. Russian 57-mm HVAP-T Projectile Model BR-271P

NEG. 502832

Projectile fuzed mass: 2.82 kg Using weapon(s): AA gun S-60 and SP AA gun ZSU-57-2
Fuze: MD-10 BD Remarks: None
Filler: RDX/Al 0.02 kg

Figure 22. Russian 57-mm APC-T Projectile Model BR-281

NEG. 502833

Projectile fuzed mass: 2.82 kg Using weapon(s): AA gun S-60 and SP AA gun ZSU-57-2
Fuze: MD-10 BD Remarks: Metallurgical composition differs from BR-281
Filler: RDX/Al 0.02 kg projectile

Figure 23. Russian 57-mm APC-T Projectile Model BR-281U

NEG. 502824

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.68 kg Using weapon(s): AT gun M1943 ZIS-2, APAT gun Ch-26,
Fuze: KTM-1 PD and ASU-57 guns Ch-51 and Ch-51M
Filler: TNT 0.22 kg Remarks: Also uses KT-1 PD fuze

Figure 24. Russian 57-mm Frag Projectile Model 0-271

NEG. 502825

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.75 kg Using weapon(s): AT gun M1943 ZIS-2, APAT gun Ch-26,
Fuze: KTM-1 PD and ASU-57 guns Ch-51 and Ch-51M
Filler: TNT 0.22 kg Remarks: None

Figure 25. Russian 57-mm Frag Projectile Model 0-271U

NEG. 502826

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.75 kg Using weapon(s): AT gun M1943 ZIS-2, APAT gun Ch-26,
Fuze: KTM-1-U PD and ASU-57 guns Ch-51 and Ch-51M
Filler: TNT 0.22 kg Remarks: None

Figure 26. Russian 57-mm Frag Projectile Model 0-271U (Variant)

NEG. 502831


Projectile fuzed mass: 2.81 kg Using weapon(s): AA gun S-60 and SP AA gun ZSU-57-2
Fuze: MG-57 and MGZ-57 PDSD Remarks: Two rows of vertical indentations on rotating band
Filler: RDX/Al 0.17 kg seat not shown

Figure 27. Russian 57-mm Frag-T Projectile Model OR-281

NEG. 502834


Projectile fuzed mass: 2.85 kg Using weapon(s): AA gun S-60 and SP AA gun ZSU-57-2
Fuze: MG-57 PDSD Remarks: Also uses MGZ-57 fuze
Filler: RDX/Al 0.15 kg

Figure 28. Russian 57-mm Frag-T Projectile Model OR-281U

NEG. 535465

Projectile fuzed mass: 1.67 kg Using weapon(s): RPG-16 AT grenade launcher

Fuze: VP-9 PIBD Remarks: Fuze is piezo-electric
Filler: HMX 0.28 kg

Figure 29. Russian 58.3-mm HEAT-FS Projectile Model PG-16

NEG. 533324

Projectile fuzed mass: 1.40 kg Using weapon(s): RPG-18 single shot disposable rocket
Fuze: VP-18 PIBD launchers
Filler: HMX 0.30 kg Remarks: Mass does not include launch tube

Figure 30. Russian 64-mm HEAT-FS Projectile Model PG-18

Fuze: PIBD Using weapon(s): RPG-26 antitank rocket launcher
Filler: HMX Remarks: LAW-type weapon

Figure 31. Russian 72-mm HEAT Projectile Model RPG-26

NEG. 520352

Projectile fuzed mass: 2.53 kg Using weapon(s): BMP and BMD AAICV and SPG-9 recoil-
Fuze: VP-9 PIBD less gun
Filler: RDX 0.32 kg Remarks: SPG-9 and BMP/BMD use different cartridge

Figure 32. Russian 73-mm HEAT-FS Projectile Model PG-9

NEG. 533087

Projectile fuzed mass: 2.59 kg Using weapon(s): BMP and BMD AAICV and SPG-9
Fuze: VP-9 PIBD recoilless gun
Filler: HMX 0.33 kg Remarks: See figure 25 remarks

Figure 33. Russian 73-mm HEAT-FS Projectile Model PG-9S

NEG. 000072

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.66 kg Using weapon(s): BMP and BMD AAICV and SPG-9
Fuze: GO-2 PD recoilless gun
Filler: TNT 0.7 kg Remarks: See figure 25 remarks

Figure 34. Russian 73-mm HE Projectile Model OG-9

NEG. 000073

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.3 kg Using weapon(s): BMP and BMD AAICV, SPG-9 recoilless
Fuze: GO-2 PD gun
Filler: 50/50 TNT/Dinitronapthalene 0.7 kg Remarks: See figure 25 remarks

Figure 35. Russian 73-mm HE Projectile Model OG-9M

NEG. 502845

Projectile fuzed mass: 6.51 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun ZIS-3 and tank gun D-56T
Fuze: MD-5 BD Remarks: None
Filler: TNT 0.15 kg

Figure 36. Russian 76-mm AP-T Projectile Model BR-350

NEG. 502846

Projectile fuzed mass: 6.31 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun ZIS-3 and tank gun D-56T
Fuze: MD-5 BD Remarks: Also uses MD-6 and MD-8 fuzes
Filler: TNT 0.15 kg

Figure 37. Russian 76-mm AP-T Projectile Model BR-350A

NEG. 502847

Projectile fuzed mass: 6.51 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun ZIS-3 and tank gun D-56T
Fuze: MD-6 BD Remarks: Uses most MD series fuzes
Filler: RDX/Al 0.06 kg

Figure 38. Russian 76-mm AP-T Projectile Model BR-350B

NEG. 502848

Projectile fuzed mass: 6.50 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun ZIS-3 and tank gun D-56T
Fuze: MD-7 BD Remarks: Uses most MD series fuzes
Filler: RDX/Al 0.06 kg

Figure 39. Russian 76-mm AP-T Projectile Model BR-350B (Variant)

NEG. 502849

Projectile fuzed mass: 6.49 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun ZIS-3 and tank gun D-56T
Fuze: MD-5 BD Remarks: None
Filler: TNT with incendiary pellet 0.12 kg

Figure 40. Russian 76-mm API-T Projectile Model BZR-350B

NEG. 502850


Projectile mass: 2.99 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun ZIS-3 and tank gun D-56T
Penetrator: Tungsten carbide, 0.60 kg Remarks: Steel follow-through slug

Figure 41. Russian 76-mm HVAP-T Projectile Model BR-354P

NEG. 502851

Projectile mass: 3.06 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun ZIS-3 and tank gun D-56T
Penetrator: Tungsten carbide, 0.48 kg Remarks: None

Figure 42. Russian 76-mm HVAP-T Projectile Model BR-354P (Variant)

NEG. 533375

Projectile fuzed mass: 6.87 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun ZIS-3 and tank gun D-56T
Fuze: GPV-2 PIBD Remarks: None
Filler: RDX 0.75 kg

Figure 43. Russian 76-mm HEAT-FS Projectile Model BK-354M

NEG. 502838

Projectile fuzed mass: 6.22 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun ZIS-3 and tank gun D-56T
Fuze: KTM-1 PD Remarks: Also uses KT-1 and KTMZ-1 fuzes
Filler: TNT and amatol 0.49 kg

Figure 44. Russian 76-mm Frag Projectile Model 0-350A

NEG. 502839

Projectile fuzed mass: 6.21 kg Using weapon(s): All 76-mm Soviet guns except AA
Fuze: KTM-1 PD Remarks: Also uses KT-1, KTM-1-U, and KTMZ-1 fuzes
Filler: TNT 0.71 kg

Figure 45. Russian 76-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-350

NEG. 502840

Projectile fuzed mass: 6.22 kg Using weapon(s): All 76-mm Soviet guns except AA
Fuze: KT-1 PD Remarks: Also uses KTM-1 and KTMZ-1 fuzes
Filler: TNT 0.71 kg

Figure 46. Russian 76-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-350A

NEG. 502852

Projectile fuzed mass: 1.62 kg Using weapon(s): RPG-2 grenade launcher

Fuze: DK-2 BD Remarks: Launcher has 40-mm bore, warhead is 80-mm.
Filler: RDX/TNT 0.57 kg DK-4 fuze also used

Figure 47. Russian 40/80-mm HEAT Projectile Model PG-2

NEG. 502858

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.87 kg Using weapon(s): B-10 Recoilless gun

Fuze: GK-2 PIBD Remarks: None
Filler: RDX 0.46 kg

Figure 48. Russian 82-mm HEAT Projectile Model BK-881

NEG. 502859

Projectile fuzed mass: 4.11 kg Using weapon(s): B-10 recoilless gun

Fuze: GK-2M PIBD Remarks: None
Filler: RDX 0.55 kg

Figure 49. Russian 82-mm HEAT Projectile Model BK-881M

NEG. 502857

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.90 kg Using weapon(s): B-10 recoilless gun

Fuze: GK-2 PD Remarks: None
Filler: TNT and dinitronapthalene 0.47 kg

Figure 50. Russian 82-mm Frag Projectile Model 0-881A

NEG. 502854

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.41 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar M1937 (M1942-M1943 version)
Fuze: M-1 PD Remarks: Also uses M-2, M-3, M-4, MP, and MP-82 PD
Filler: Schneiderite 0.40 kg fuzes

Figure 51. Russian 82-mm Frag Projectile Model 0-832

NEG. 502855


Projectile fuzed mass: 3.07 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar M1937 (M1942-M1943 version)
Fuze: M-5 PD Remarks: Also uses MP-1, MP-2, MP-3, MP-4, MP-82, and
Filler: TNT and amatol 0.41 kg M-6 PD fuzes

Figure 52. Russian 82-mm Frag Projectile Model 0-832D

NEG. 502856

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.23 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar M1937 (M1942-M1943 version)
Fuze: M-6 PD Remarks: Also uses M-1, M-2, M-3, M-4, M-5, and MP-82
Filler: TNT and dinitronapthalene 0.44 kg fuzes

Figure 53. Russian 82-mm Frag Projectile Model 0-832DU


Projectile fuzed mass: 1.75 kg Using weapon(s): RPG-7 grenade launcher

Fuze: VP-7 PIBD Remarks: Launcher has 40-mm bore, warhead is 85-mm.
Filler: RDX 0.38 kg Four fins not shown

Figure 54. Russian 40/85-mm HEAT Projectile Model PG-7

NEG. 502864

Projectile fuzed mass: 9.20 kg Using weapon(s): AA guns KS-12 and 12A, tank gun ZIS- S53,
Fuze: MD-5 BD assault gun ASU-85, field gun D-44, APAT gun
Filler: RDX/Al 0.07 kg SD-44, and AT gun D-48
Remarks: Also used MD-8 fuze

Figure 55. Russian 85-mm AP-T Projectile Model BR-365

NEG. 502865


Projectile fuzed mass: 9.37 kg Using weapon(s): AA guns KS-12 and 12A, tank gun
Fuze: MD-8 BD ZIS-S53, assault gun ASU-85, field gun
Filler: RDX/Al 0.05 kg D-44, APAT gun D-44, and AT gun D-48
Remarks: None

Figure 56. Russian 85-mm AP-T Projectile Model BR-365K

NEG. 502866

Projectile mass: 4.96 kg Using weapon(s): AA guns KS-12 and 12A, tank gun
Penetrator: Tungsten carbide 0.64 kg ZIS-S53, assault gun ASU-85, field gun
D-44, APAT gun SD-44, and AT gun D-48
Remarks: None

Figure 57. Russian 85-mm HVAP-T Projectile Model BR-365P

NEG. 502867

Projectile mass: 5.07 kg Using weapon(s): AA guns KS-12 and 12A, tank gun
Penetrator: Tungsten carbide 0.65 kg ZIS-S53, assault gun ASU-85, field gun
D-44, APAT gun SD-44, and AT gun D-48
Remarks: None

Figure 58. Russian 85-mm HVAP-T Projectile Model BR-365PK

NEG. 502505

Projectile fuzed mass: 7.36 kg Using weapon(s): AA guns KS-12 and 12A, tank gun
Fuze: GPV-2 PIBD ZIS-S53, assault gun ASU-85, field gun
Filler: RDX and wax 0.92 kg D-44, APAT gun SD-44, and AT gun D-48
Remarks: Slip type, sintered iron rotating band

Figure 59. Russian 85-mm HEAT-FS Projectile Model BK-2M

NEG. 502861

Projectile fuzed mass: 9.58 kg Using weapon(s): AA guns KS-12 and 12A, tank gun
Fuze: KTMZ-1 PD ZIS-S53, assault gun ASU-85, field gun
Filler: TNT 0.78 kg D-44, APAT gun SD-44, and AT gun D-48
Remarks: None

Figure 60. Russian 85-mm Frag Projectile Model 0-365 (Two-Piece)

NEG. 502862

Projectile fuzed mass: 9.22 kg Using weapon(s): AA guns KS-12 and 12A, tank gun
Fuze: T-5 time ZIS-S53, assault gun ASU-85, field gun
Filler: TNT 0.65 kg D-44, APAT gun SD-44, and AT gun D-48
Remarks: Fuze cover not shown. Also uses T-11 time fuze

Figure 61. Russian 85-mm Frag Projectile Model 0-365

NEG. 502863

Projectile fuzed mass: 9.62 kg Using weapon(s): AA guns KS-12 and 12A, tank gun
Fuze: KTM-1 PD ZIS-S53, assault gun ASU-85, field gun
Filler: TNT 0.78 kg D-44, APAT gun SD-44, and AT gun D-48
Remarks: Also uses KTM-1U fuze; a two-piece design also

Figure 62. Russian 85-mm Frag Projectile Model 0-365K

NEG. 502869

Projectile fuzed mass: 15.70 kg Using weapon(s): Field (AT) gun BS-3, tank guns D-10T,
Fuze: MD-8 BD D-10TG, and D-10TS; AA gun KS-19
Filler: RDX/Al 0.06 kg series and SU-100 assault gun
Remarks: None

Figure 63. Russian 100-mm AP-T Projectile Model BR-412

NEG. 502870

Projectile fuzed mass: 15.89 kg Using weapon(s): Field (AT) gun BS-3, tank guns D-10T,
Fuze: MD-8 BD D-10TG, and D-10TS; AA gun KS-19
Filler: RDX/Al 0.06 kg series and SU-100 assault gun
Remarks: Also uses DBR-2 fuze

Figure 64. Russian 100-mm AP-T Projectile Model BR-412B

NEG. 502871

Projectile fuzed mass: 16 kg Using weapon(s): Field (AT) gun BS-3, tank guns D-10T,
Fuze: DBR-2 BD D-10TG, and D-10TS; AA gun KS- 19
Filler: RDX/Al 0.06 kg series and SU-100 assault gun
Remarks: Also uses MD-8 fuze

Figure 65. Russian 100-mm APC-T Projectile Model BR-412D

NEG. 502872


Projectile fuzed mass: 15.81 kg Using weapon(s): Field (AT) gun BS-3, tank guns D-10T,
Fuze: DBR-2 BD D-10TG, and D-10TS; AA gun KS- 19
Filler: RDX/Al 0.06 kg series and SU-100 assault gun
Remarks: Also uses MD-8 fuze

Figure 66. Russian 100-mm APC-T Projectile Model BR-412D (Variant)

NEG. 520660

Projectile mass: 5.69 kg with sabot, 4.13 kg without sabot Using weapon(s): D-10T, D-10TG, and D-10TS tank
Penetrator: Tungsten carbide 2.82 kg cannons; SU-100 assault gun and field
(AT) gun BS-3
Remarks: Cartridge designated UBM-6

Figure 67. Russian 100-mm APDS-T Projectile Model BM-8

Projectile mass: 4.3 kg with sabot, 3.4 kg without sabot Using weapon(s): T-12, MT-12 ATG
Penetrator: Monobloc steel Remarks: Cartridge designated UBM-2

Figure 68. Russian 100-mm APFSDS-T Projectile Model BM-2

Projectile mass: 4.6 kg with sabot, 3.0 kg without sabot Using weapon(s): D-10T, D-10TG, and D-10TS tank
Penetrator: Steel with a tungsten carbide core cannons; SU-100 assault gun and field
(AT) gun BS-3
Remarks: Cartridge designated UBM-8

Figure 69. Russian 100-mm APFSDS-T Projectile Model BM-20

Projectile mass: 5.0 kg with sabot Using weapon(s): D-10T, D-10TG, and D-10TS tank
Penetrator: Steel with a core cannons; SU-100 assault gun and field
(AT) gun BS-3
Remarks: None

Figure 70. Russian 100-mm APFSDS-T Munition Model UBM-11, Projectile Model BM-25

NEG. 520445

Projectile fuzed mass: 12.37 kg Using weapon(s): Field (AT) gun BS-3, all rifled 100-mm
Fuze: VP-9 PIBD tank guns, and SU-100 assault gun
Filler: RDX 1.04 kg Remarks: Uses steel slip band seat. May be seen with
Bulgarian markings

Figure 71. Russian 100-mm HEAT-FS Projectile Model BK-5M

NEG. 527411

Projectile fuzed mass: 15.44 kg Using weapon(s): AA gun KS-19 series

Fuze: VM-30 and VM-30L MT Remarks: None
Filler: TNT/Al 1.58 kg

Figure 72. Russian 100-mm Frag Projectile Model 0-415

NEG. 502868

Projectile fuzed mass: 15.91 kg Using weapon(s): Field (AT) gun BS-3, tank guns D-10T,
Fuze: RGM PD D-10TG, and D-10TS; AA gun KS-19
Filler: TNT 2.16 kg series and SU-100 assault gun
Remarks: None

Figure 73. Russian 100-mm HE Projectile Model F-412

NEG. 502873

Projectile fuzed mass: 15.61 kg Using weapon(s): Field (AT) gun BS-3, tank guns D-10T,
Fuze: V-429 PD D-10TG, and D-10TS; AA gun KS-19
Filler: TNT 1.46 kg series and SU-100 assault gun
Remarks: Also uses RGM series fuzes. Projectile may have
Bulgarian markings

Figure 74. Russian 100-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-412

Projectile fuzed mass: 16.7 kg Using weapon(s): T-12, MT-12 ATG
Fuze: V-429 PD Remarks: None
Filler: RDX/Al 2.2 kg

Figure 75. Russian 100-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-15

Projectile fuzed mass: 10.1 kg Using weapon(s): T-12, MT-12 ATG
Fuze: NA Remarks: Target practice munition
Filler: Inert

Figure 76. Russian 100-mm Frag-HE TP Projectile Model UP-4 With Projectile Model P-7

Using weapon(s): T-12, MT-12 ATG
Remarks: Used to simulate firing. Does not launch a

Figure 77. Russian 100-mm Blank Charge Model ?

Projectile fuzed mass: 4.5 kg Using weapon(s): RPG-7 and variants
Fuze: Unknown Remarks: Tandem warhead. Shown with launcher
Filler: HMX

Figure 78. Russian 40/105-mm HEAT Projectile Model PG-7VR

NEG. U-INT.003320

Projectile fuzed mass: 4.5 kg Using weapon(s): RPG-27

Fuze: Unknown Remarks: Tandem warhead. Shown with launcher
Filler: HMX

Figure 79. Russian 105-mm HEAT Projectile Model RPG-27

Projectile fuzed mass: 6.1 kg Using weapon(s): RPG-29
Fuze: Unknown Remarks: Tandem warhead. Shown with launcher
Filler: HMX

Figure 80. Russian 105-mm HEAT Projectile Model RPG-29

Projectile fuzed mass: 7.51 kg Using weapon(s): Recoilless gun B-11
Fuze: GK-2 PIBD Remarks: None
Filler: RDX/Al 1.06 kg

Figure 81. Russian 107-mm HEAT Projectile Model BK-883

NEG. 520876

Projectile fuzed mass: 8.50 kg Using weapon(s): Recoilless gun B-11

Fuze: GK-2 PD Remarks: None
Filler: Amatol 80/20 2.09 kg

Figure 82. Russian 107-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-883A

NEG. 000059

Projectile mass: 5.55 kg with sabot, 4.0 kg without sabot Using weapon(s): U-5TS gun on T-62 tank
Penetrator: Steel body with a tungsten carbide cap Remarks: Cartridge designated UBM-3

Figure 83. Russian 115-mm APFSDS-T Projectile Model BM-3

NEG. 520495

Projectile mass: 5.40 kg with sabot, 3.9 kg without sabot Using weapon(s): U-5TS gun on T-62 tank
Penetrator: Monobloc steel Remarks: Cartridge designated UBM-5

Figure 84. Russian 115-mm APFSDS-T Projectile Model BM-6

NEG. 000060

Projectile mass: 5.40 kg with sabot, 3.9 kg without sabot Using weapon(s): U-5TS gun on T-62 tank
Penetrator: Monobloc steel with a steel cap Remarks: Cartridge designated UBM-5V

Figure 85. Russian 115-mm APFSDS-T Projectile Model BM-6 (Variant)

Projectile mass: 6.1 kg with sabot, 4.5 kg without sabot Using weapon(s): U-5TS gun on T-62 tank
Penetrator: Steel body with a tungsten carbide core Remarks: Cartridge designated UBM-9

Figure 86. Russian 115-mm APFSDS-T Munition Model UBM-9, Projectile Model BM-21

Projectile mass: 6.7 kg with sabot, 3.9 kg without sabot Using weapon(s): U-5TS gun on T-62 tank
Penetrator: Monobloc depleted uranium Remarks: None

Figure 87. Russian 115-mm APFSDS-T Munition Model UBM-13, Projectile Model BM-28

NEG. 520496

Projectile fuzed mass: 13.15 kg Using weapon(s): U-5TS gun on T-62 tank
Fuze: GPV-2 PIBD Remarks: Cartridge designated UBK-3M
Filler: RDX 1.45 kg

Figure 88. Russian 115-mm HEAT-FS Projectile Model BK-4M

Projectile fuzed mass: 14.9 kg Using weapon(s): U-5TS gun on T-62 tank
Fuze: V-429E PD Remarks: Cartridge designated UOF-1
Filler: TNT 2.6 kg

Figure 89. Russian 115-mm Frag-HE Munition Model UOF-1, Projectile Model OF-11

NEG. 520494

Projectile fuzed mass: 17.74 kg Using weapon(s): U-5TS gun on T-62 tank
Fuze: V-429E PD Remarks: Cartridge designated UOF-6. Designated
Filler: TNT 2.72 kg “Extended Range” by former Soviets

Figure 90. Russian 115-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-18

NEG. 000058

Projectile fuzed mass: 17.70 kg Using weapon(s): U-5TS gun on T-62 tank
Fuze: V-429E PD Remarks: Cartridge designated UOF-37
Filler: 75/22 RDX/Al 3.062 kg

Figure 91. Russian 115-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-27

NEG. 502880

Projectile fuzed mass: 16.45 kg Using weapon(s): Mortars M1938 and M1943
Fuze: GVMZ PD Remarks: Also uses M-1 PD fuze
Filler: TNT 3.90 kg

Figure 92. Russian 120-mm HE Projectile Model F-843

NEG. 502881

Projectile fuzed mass: 16.02 kg Using weapon(s): Mortars M1938 and M1943
Fuze: GVMZ-7 PD Remarks: Also uses M-12 PD fuze
Filler: TNT 2.68 kg

Figure 93. Russian 120-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-843

NEG. 502882

Projectile fuzed mass: 15.98 kg Using weapon(s): Mortars M1938 and M1943
Fuze: GVMZ-7 PD Remarks: Also uses M-12 PD fuze. Shown with nose plug
Filler: Amatol 80/20 1.58 kg

Figure 94. Russian 120-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-843A

NEG. 001548

Projectile fuzed mass: 16.0 kg Using weapon(s): Mortars M1938 and M1943
Fuze: GVMZ-7 PD Remarks: Also uses M12 PD fuze
Filler: 50/50 TNT/dinitronapthalene 1.4 kg

Figure 95. Russian 120-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-843B

NEG. 532977

Projectile fuzed mass: 16.86 kg Using weapon(s): Mortars M1938 and M1943
Fuze: T-1 TSQ Remarks: Uses 0.027 kg black powder expelling charge
Filler: Illuminating assembly 2.0 kg

Figure 96. Russian 120-mm Illuminating Projectile S-843

NEG. 502894

Projectile fuzed mass: 25.26 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun A-19, tank gun D-25, and SP
Fuze: MD-8 BD assault guns D-25S and A-19S
Filler: RDX/Al 0.16 kg Remarks: None

Figure 97. Russian 122-mm AP-T Projectile Model BR-471

NEG. 502895

Projectile fuzed mass: 25.02 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun A-19, tank gun D-25, and SP
Fuze: MD-8 BD assault guns D-25S and A-19S
Filler: RDX/Al 0.16 kg Remarks: Also uses DBR BD fuze

Figure 98. Russian 122-mm AP-T Projectile Model BR-471B

NEG. 502897

Projectile fuzed mass: 25.10 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun D-74, and possibly T-10M tank
Fuze: DBR BD gun
Filler: RDX/Al 0.34 kg Remarks: None

Figure 99. Russian 122-mm APC-T Projectile Model BR-472

Projectile mass: 9.8 kg with sabot, 6.5 kg without sabot Using weapon(s): T-10M tank gun
Penetrator: Tungsten carbide Remarks: None

Figure 100. Russian 122-mm APDS-T Munition Model UBM-4, Projectile Model BM-11

NEG. 532860

Projectile fuzed mass: 14.80 kg Using weapon(s): Howitzer M-30 (M1938)

Fuze: GKV PIBD Remarks: None
Filler: RDX 2.18 kg

Figure 101. Russian 122-mm HEAT Projectile Model BP-463

NEG. 532859

Projectile fuzed mass: 21.26 kg Using weapon(s): Howitzer M-30 (M1938)

Fuze: GPV PIDB Remarks: None
Filler: RDX 2.15 kg

Figure 102. Russian 122-mm HEAT Projectile Model BK-463UM

NEG. 502898

Projectile fuzed mass: 21.58 kg Using weapon(s): Howitzers D-30 and SP 2S1
Fuze: GPV-2 PIBD Remarks: None
Filler: RDX 2.15 kg

Figure 103. Russian 122-mm HEAT-FS Projectile Model BK-6M

Projectile fuzed mass: 18.2 kg Using weapon(s): Howitzers D-30 and SP 2S1
Fuze: V-15 PIBD Remarks: None
Filler: RDX 1.8 kg

Figure 104. Russian 122-mm HEAT-FS-T Projectile BK-13

NEG. 502887

Projectile fuzed mass: 21.76 kg Using weapon(s): Howitzers M-30 and D-30, SP howitzer
Fuze: RGM-2 PD 2S1, and field gun A-19
Filler: TNT and amatol 3.46 kg Remarks: Also uses D-1, D-1U TSQ, and V-90 MTSQ fuzes

Figure 105. Russian 122-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-462 (Variant)

NEG. 502889

Projectile fuzed mass: 24.97 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun A-19, tank gun D-25, and SP
Fuze: RGM-2 PD assault guns D-25S and A-19S
Filler: TNT 3.36 kg Remarks: Also uses RGM-6 and V-429 PD fuzes and D-1
TSQ fuze

Figure 106. Russian 122-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-471N

NEG. 502890

Projectile fuzed mass: 25 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun A-19, tank gun D-25, and SP
Fuze: RGM PD assault guns D-25S and A-19S
Filler: TNT/amatol 4.48 kg Remarks: Also uses RGM-2 and RGM-6 PD fuzes and D-1
TSQ fuze

Figure 107. Russian 122-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-471N (Variant)

NEG. 502896

Projectile fuzed mass: 27.30 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun D-74 and possibly T-10M tank
Fuze: V-429 PD gun
Filler: TNT 3 kg Remarks: Also uses RGM-6 PD fuze

Figure 108. Russian 122-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-472

Projectile fuzed mass: 21.76 kg Using weapon(s): Howitzer D-30 and 2S1
Fuze: RGM-2 Remarks: Alternate filler TNT illustrated without fuze
Filler: RDX/A1 4.31 kg

Figure 109. Russian 122-mm Projectile OF-56

Projectile fuzed mass: 21.76 kg Using weapon(s): Howitzer D-30 and 2S1
Fuze: RGM-2 PD Remarks: Has sintered iron rotating band. Illustrated without
Filler: RDX/A1 4.31 kg fuze

Figure 110. Russian 122-mm Projectile OF-56-1

NEG. 502888

Projectile fuzed mass: 22.30 kg Using weapon(s): Howitzer M-30

Fuze: KTM-2 PD Remarks: Main filler is 3.60-kg white phosphorous
Filler: TNT 0.16 kg

Figure 111. Russian 122-mm Smoke Projectile Model D-462

NEG. 533384

Projectile fuzed mass: 21.70 kg Using weapon(s): Howitzers M-30 (M1938), D-30, and SP
Fuze: RGM-2 PD 2S1
Filler: WP 3.60 kg Remarks: Uses a bursting charge of 0.16 kg tetryl and TNT

Figure 112. Russian 122-mm Smoke Projectile Model D-4

NEG. 533383

Projectile fuzed mass: 21.96 kg Using weapon(s): Howitzers M-30 (M1938), D-30, and SP
Fuze: T-7 time 2S1
Filler: Black powder 0.02 kg and illuminating composition Remarks: Shown with fuze cover
1 kg

Figure 113. Russian 122-mm Illuminating Projectile Model S-463

NEG. 502892

Projectile fuzed mass: 22.70 kg Using weapon(s): Howitzers M-30, SP 2S1, and D-30
Fuze: Fuze: T-7 TSQ Remarks: Contains leaflets, mass ?
Filler: Black powder ejection charge mass ?

Figure 114. Russian 122-mm Propaganda Projectile Model A-462

NEG. 000076

Projectile mass: 5.62 kg with sabot, 3.6 kg without sabot Using weapon(s): D81 tank gun, 2A45M ATG
Penetrator: Monobloc steel Remarks: Cartridge designated VBM-3, projectile and
auxillary charge designated BM-10

Figure 115. Russian 125-mm APFSDS-T Projectile Model BM-9

Projectile mass: 5.7 kg with sabot, 3.5 kg without sabot Using weapon(s): D81 tank gun, 2A45M ATG
Penetrator: Steel body with a tungsten carbide core Remarks: Cartridge designated VBM-3, projectile and
auxillary charge designated BM-13

Figure 116. Russian 125-mm APFSDS-T Munition Model VBM-6, Projectile Model BM-12

NEG. 000096

Projectile mass: 5.93 kg with sabot, 3.8 kg without sabot Using weapon(s): D81 tank gun, 2A45M ATG
Penetrator: Steel body with a tungsten carbide core Remarks: Cartridge designated VBM-7, projectile and
auxillary charge designated BM-18

Figure 117. Russian 125-mm APFSDS-T Projectile Model BM-15

NEG. U-INT.003482

Projectile/charge assembly length: 585 mm Using weapon(s): D81 tank gun 2A45M ATG
Projectile/charge assembly mass: 10.95 kg Remarks: Projectile/aux charge assembly designated BM-38;
Projectile length: 486 mm complete cartridge designated VBM-13
Projectile mass: 7.1 kg with sabot, 5.0 kg without sabot
Penetrator: Monobloc depleted uranium

Figure 118. Russian 125-mm APFSDS-T Projectile Model BM-32

NEG. U-INT.003480

Projectile/charge assembly length: 621 mm Using weapon(s): D81 tank gun, 2A45M ATG
Projectile/charge assembly mass: 10.8 kg Remarks: Projectile/aux charge assembly designated BM-44;
Projectile length: 571 mm complete cartridge designated VBM-17
Projectile mass: 7.1 kg with sabot, 4.9 kg without sabot
Penetrator: Steel-sheathed tungsten alloy core

Figure 119. Russian 125-mm APFSDS-T Projectile Model BM-42

NEG. U-INT.003479

Projectile/charge assembly length: 582 mm Using weapon(s): D81 tank gun, 2A45M ATG
Projectile/charge assembly mass: 9.5 kg Remarks: Complete cartridge designated VP-6
Projectile length: 535 mm
Projectile mass: 5.2 kg
Projectile material: Steel

Figure 120. Russian 125-mm TPFSDS-T Projectile Model P-31

NEG. 000075

Projectile fuzed mass: 19.02 kg Using weapon(s): D81 tank gun, 2A45M ATG
Fuze: VG-15 PD PIBD Remarks: Cartridge designated VBK-7. Supersedes BK-12M
Filler: HMX 1.85 kg projectile

Figure 121. Russian 125-mm HEAT-FS Projectile Model BK-14M

NEG. U-INT.003473

Projectile length: 680 mm Using weapon(s): D81 tank gun, 2A45M ATG
Projectile fuzed mass: 19.0 kg Remarks: Cartridge designated VBK-16
Fuze: B-15
Filler: HMX/wax 1.76 kg

Figure 122. Russian 125-mm HEAT Munition Model BK-18M

NEG. U-INT.003488

Projectile length: 680 mm Using weapon(s): D81 tank gun, 2A45M ATG
Projectile fuzed mass: 19.0 kg Remarks: Cartridge designated VP-5
Filler: Inert

Figure 123. Russian 125-mm HEAT-TP Munition Model P-11

NEG. 000074

Projectile fuzed mass: 23 kg Using weapon(s): D81 tank gun, 2A45M ATG
Fuze: V-429E PD Remarks: Cartridge designated VOF-22
Filler: TNT 3.15 kg

Figure 124. Russian 125-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-19

NEG. U-INT.000129

Projectile fuzed mass: 23.20 kg Using weapon(s): D81 tank gun, 2A45M ATG
Fuze: V-429E PD Remarks: Cartridge designated VOF-36
Filler: RDX/Al 3.34 kg

Figure 125. Russian 125-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-26

NEG. 502902

Projectile fuzed mass: 33.49 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun M-46

Fuze: DBR BD Remarks: None
Filler: RDX/Al 0.13 kg

Figure 126. Russian 130-mm APC-T Projectile Model BR-482B

NEG. U-INT.00008

Projectile fuzed mass: 33.40 kg Using weapon(s): Coastal gun M-58

Fuze: V-350 BD Remarks: Projectile painted grey
Filler: RDX/Al

Figure 127. Russian 130-mm SAP-HE Projectile Model PB-42

NEG. 502901

Projectile fuzed mass: 33.40 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun M-46

Fuze: RGM-2 PD Remarks: Also uses RGM-6 and V-429 PD fuzes
Filler: TNT with spotting charge 3.60 kg

Figure 128. Russian 130-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-482M

Projectile fuzed mass: 33.1 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun M-46
Fuze: None shown, PD & MT available Remarks: None
Filler: RDX/Al 4.02 kg

Figure 129. Russian 130-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-33

NEG. 502903

Projectile fuzed mass: 33.46 kg Using weapon(s): Coastal gun M-58

Fuze: VGU-1 PD or VM-60 MT Remarks: A Model PS-42 practice round exists. It has two
Filler: TNT 2.76 kg white bands or ogive and white cross on base

Figure 130. Russian 130-mm SAP-HE Projectile Model OF-3S-42

NEG. 533386

Projectile fuzed mass: 32.80 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun M-46

Fuze: V-429 PD Remarks: Uses tetryl and RDX bursting charge
Filler: WP 3.23 kg

Figure 131. Russian 130-mm Target Marker Smoke Projectile Model DTS-1

NEG. 533385

Projectile fuzed mass: 25.80 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun M-46

Fuze: TM-16L MT and VM-60 MT Remarks: White body with red star
Filler: Black powder 0.78 kg; illuminating composition
2.38 kg

Figure 132. Russian 130-mm Illuminating Projectile Model SP-46

NEG. 001323

Projectile fuzed mass: 43 kg Using weapon(s): M-13 16-round MRL

Fuze: GVMZ PD Remarks: Still used in Third World countries
Filler: TNT/tetryl 4.78 kg

Figure 133. Russian 132-mm Frag-HE Rocket Model M-13-UK

NEG. 502904

Projectile fuzed mass: 39.66 kg Using weapon(s): Truck-mounted BM-14-16 and BM-14 -17
Fuze: V-25 PD launchers and 16-rd towed launcher
Filler: TNT 3.68 kg Remarks: Shown without fuze

Figure 134. Russian 140-mm Frag-HE Rocket Model M-14-OF

Projectile fuzed mass: 27 kg Using weapon(s): D-20, 2S3, 2S19, 2A65
Fuze: None shown, GPV-3 PD Remarks: None
Filler: RDX 3.9 kg

Figure 135. Russian 152-mm HEAT Projectile Model BP-540

NEG. 502907

Projectile fuzed mass: 40 kg Using weapon(s): Howitzers ML-20, D-1 and D-20, SP
Fuze: KTD BD gun-howitzer 2S3, and assault gun
Filler: TNT 5.10 kg ML-20S
Remarks: Also uses DBT BD fuze

Figure 136. Russian 152-mm CP Projectile Model G-530

NEG. 502905

Projectile fuzed mass: 43.56 kg Using weapon(s): Howitzers ML-20 and D-20, SP
Fuze: RGM PD gun-howitzer 2S3, and assault gun
Filler: TNT 6.24 kg ML-20S
Remarks: A two-piece OF-540B projectile also exists

Figure 137. Russian 152-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-540 (Two-Piece)

NEG. 502906

Projectile fuzed mass: 43.51 kg Using weapon(s): Howitzers ML-20 and D-20, SP
Fuze: RGM-2 PD gun-howitzer 2S3, and assault gun
Filler: TNT 6.24 kg ML-20S
Remarks: Also uses TSQ fuze D-1U

Figure 138. Russian 152-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-540

Projectile fuzed mass: 43.1 kg Using weapon(s): 2A65, 2S19
Fuze: RGM-2 PD Remarks: None
Filler: RDX/Al 7.7 kg

Figure 139. Russian 152-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-45

Projectile fuzed mass: 42.5 kg Using weapon(s): 2A65, 2S19
Fuze: RGM-2 PD Remarks: None
Filler: RDX/Al 7.8 kg

Figure 140. Russian 152-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-61

Projectile fuzed mass: 32.46 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun M-46
Fuze: None shown, MT Remarks: None
Filler: Black powder 0.1 kg, illuminating composition
2.27 kg

Figure 141. Russian 152-mm Illuminating Projectile Model S-2

NEG. 502908

Projectile fuzed mass: 39.95 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar M1943

Fuze: GVMZ-7 PD Remarks: None
Filler: TNT 7.39 kg

Figure 142. Russian 160-mm HE Projectile Model F-852

NEG. 502910

Projectile fuzed mass: 41.18 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar M-160

Fuze: GVMZ-7 PD Remarks: Shown with fuze cover
Filler: Amatol 7.73 kg

Figure 143. Russian 160-mm HE Projectile Model F-853A

NEG. 502909

Projectile fuzed mass: 41.18 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar M-160

Fuze: GVMZ-7 PD Remarks: Shown with fuze cover
Filler: TNT 8.99 kg

Figure 144. Russian 160-mm HE Projectile Model F-853U

NEG. 527607

Projectile fuzed mass: 97.50 kg Using weapon(s): Gun S-23

Fuze: DBT BD Remarks: None
Filler: TNT 7.35 kg

Figure 145. Russian 180-mm CP Projectile Model G-572

NEG. 533387

Projectile fuzed mass: 88 kg Using weapon(s): Gun S-23

Fuze: RGM-2 PD Remarks: None
Filler: TNT 10.70 kg

Figure 146. Russian 180-mm HE Projectile Model F-572

NEG. 520521

Projectile fuzed mass: 84 kg Using weapon(s): Gun S-23

Fuze: V-429 PD Remarks: None
Filler: RDX/Al 5.62 kg

Figure 147. Russian 180-mm Frag-HE-RA Projectile Model OF-23

NEG. 502911

Projectile fuzed mass: 100 kg Using weapon(s): Howitzers B-4 and B-4M
Fuze: KTD BD Remarks: Also uses KTD BD fuze
Filler: TNT 15.36 kg

Figure 148. Russian 203-mm CP Projectile Model G-620

NEG. 520522

Projectile fuzed mass: 130.84 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar M-240, 2S4

Fuze: GVMZ-7 PD Remarks: Shown with nose plug. Also uses M-16 PD fuze
Filler: TNT 31.93 kg

Figure 149. Russian 240-mm HE Projectile Model F-864

NEG. 520912

Projectile fuzed mass: 112.53 kg Using weapon(s): 12-tube launcher on AT-S artillery tractor
Fuze: V-24 PD and BM-24 launcher on ZIL-151 truck
Filler: TNT 27.15 kg Remarks: Two other versions exist

Figure 150. Russian 240-mm HE Rocket Model F-961


Round/missile mass: 5.5/4.8 kg Platforms: Man-portable tripod (tube launched)

Warhead mass: Unknown Remarks: The METIS has been superseded by the METIS-M
Designator(s): METIS, NATO: AT-7 SAXHORN

Figure 151. Russian 94-mm ATGM Model 9M115

1098 1098 1084

100 DIA


Wing span: 255 mm Platforms: MT-12(3UBK10/KASTET), T-55 (3UBK10-1/

Round/missile mass: 24.5/18.4 kg BASTION), T-62 (3UBK10-2/SHEKS’NA),
Explosive type: HMX BMP-3 (3UBK10-3/BASYNA)
Designator(s): BASTION, SHEKS’NA, BASNYA, Remarks: There is a tandem version, 9M117M

Figure 152. Russian 100-mm ATGM Model 9M117


100 DIA


Wing span: 255 mm Platforms: MT-12(3UBK10M/KASTET), T-55 (3UBK10M-

Round/missile mass: Unknown 1/BASTION), T-62 (3UBK10M-2/SHEKS’NA),
Explosive type: Unknown BMP-3 (3UBK10M-3/BASYNA)
Designator(s): KAN, NATO: AT-10B STABBER Remarks: Tandem version of AT-10A

Figure 153. Russian 100-mm ATGM Model 9M117M

Wing span: 393 mm Platforms: Man-portable suitcase, BMP-1, BMD-1,
Missile mass: 11.3 kg BRDM-2, Mi-2 HOPLITE, Chinese WZ-501,
Explosive type: RDX Yugoslav SA-341/342 GAZELLE, Yugoslav
BVP-M80AK, Yugoslav M-980, North Korean
Remarks: None

Figure 154. Russian 120-mm ATGM Model 9M14M

Wing span: 393 mm Platforms: Man-portable suitcase, BRDM-2, Chinese
Missile mass: 11.3 kg WZ-504, Yugoslav BOV-1, North Korean
Explosive type: HMX M-1985
Designator(s): MALYUTKA-P, NATO: AT-3C SAGGER Remarks: A SACLOS version of the original 9M14

Figure 155. Russian 120-mm ATGM Model 9M14P

Round/missile mass: 13/7.3 kg Platforms: Crew-portable tripod, BMP-1, BMD-1
Warhead mass: 2.5 kg Remarks: A follow-on exists called the FAGOT-M
Designator(s): FAGOT, NATO: AT-4A SPIGOT A

Figure 156. Russian 120-mm ATGM Model 9M111 & 9M111-2

Round/missile mass: 13.4/7.3 kg Platforms: Crew-portable tripod, BMP-1, BMD-1
Warhead mass: 2.5 kg Remarks: A follow-on the FAGOT ATGM
Designator(s): FAGOT-M, FACTORIA, NATO: AT-4B

Figure 157. Russian 120-mm ATGM Model 9M111M


125 DIA


Round/missile mass: 24.3/17.2 kg Platforms: T-72B/T-72S, T-80

Warhead mass: 4.2 kg Remarks: Gun launched

Figure 158. Russian 125-mm ATGM Model 9M119


125 DIA


Round/missile mass: Unknown Platforms: T-72B/T-72S

Warhead mass: Unknown Remarks: Tandem version of AT-11A
Designator(s): Unknown

Figure 159. Russian 125-mm ATGM Model 9M119M

130 DIA


Wing span: 250 mm Platforms: MTLB, Mi-24 (HIND), Mi-28 (HAVOC), Ka-29
Round/missile length: 1830/1630 mm (HELIX B)
Warhead mass: 7-8 kg Remarks: SHTURM has an optional blast warhead
Designator(s): SHTURM, NATO: AT-6 SPIRAL

Figure 160. Russian 130-mm ATGM Model 9M114

ATAKA launch tube

Round/missile length: Unknown Platforms: MTLB, Mi-24 (HIND), Mi-28 (HAVOC), Ka-29
Warhead mass: Unknown (HELIX B)
Designator(s): ATAKA, NATO: AT-9 Remarks: ATAKA has three warhead options

Figure 161. Russian 130-mm ATGM Model 9M120, 9M120F, and 9A220

Missile length: 910 mm Platforms: Crew-portable tripod (tube launched)
Missile diameter: 130 mm Remarks: METIS-M has an optional blast warhead
Round/missile length: 13/11.5 kg
Warhead mass: 4.6 kg
Designator(s): METIS-M, METIS-2, NATO: AT-13

Figure 162. Russian 130-mm ATGM Model 9M131

Round/missile mass diameter: 130 mm Platforms: Ka-50, SU-25
Missile length: Unknown Remarks: ViKhR has a shaped-charge/fragmentation
Round missile mass: 59/45 kg warhead
Warhead mass: Unknown
Designator(s): ViKhR, NATO: AT-16

Figure 163. Russian 130-mm ATGM Model 9-A-4172

Round/missile mass: 25.9/14.6 kg Platforms: Crew-portable tripod
Warhead mass: 2.7 kg Remarks: KONKURS is comparable to FAGOTS’ launch
Designator(s): KONKURS, NATO: AT-5A SPANDREL platforms

Figure 164. Russian 135-mm ATGM Model 9M113

Round/missile mass: 28.8/17.5 Platforms: Crew-portable tripod
Warhead mass: Unknown Remarks: This is the tandem version of the KONKURS

Figure 165. Russian 135-mm ATGM Model 9M113M

150 DIA


Missile length: Unknown Platforms: BMP-3

Missile diameter: 150 mm Remarks: KhRIZANTEMA has an optional blast warhead
Missile mass: Unknown
Warhead mass: Unknown
Designator(s): KhRIZANTEMA, NATO: AT-15

Figure 166. Russian 150-mm ATGM Model 9M123

152 DIA



Round/missile length: 27/22 kg Platforms: Crew-portable tripod, BMP-3

Warhead mass: Unknown Remarks: KORNET has an optional blast warhead
Designator(s): KORNET, NATO: AT-14

Figure 167. Russian 152-mm ATGM Model Unknown

Missile length: 1020 mm Using weapon(s): Crew Portable
Wing span: 420 mm Remarks: None
Missile mass: 12.5 kg
Filler: 2.8 kg

Figure 168. Argentinian 104-mm ATGM Model MATHOGO

Using weapon(s): Mortar
Remarks: None

Figure 169. Austrian 60-mm HE Projectile Model HE-80

Using weapon(s): Mortar
Remarks: None

Figure 170. Austrian 81-mm HE Projectile Model HE-70LD

NEG. U-INT.003553

Projectile length: 313 mm Using weapon(s): Oto Melara

Projectile mass: 1.3 kg without sabot Remarks: None
Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy

Figure 171. Belgian 60-mm APFSDS Projectile Model M300

Projectile mass: 1.39 kg Using weapon(s): None
Filler: TNT 0.181 kg Remarks: None

Figure 172. Belgian 60-mm HE Projectile Model NR431A1

NEG. U-INT.003555

Complete cartridge length: 647 mm Using weapon(s): Cockerill MK II and Mk III guns
Complete cartridge mass: 7.2 kg Remarks: None
Projectile length: 426 mm
Projectile mass: 2.5 kg with sabot, 1.5 kg without sabot
Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy

Figure 173. Belgian 90-mm APFSDS-T Munition Model M652

NEG. U-INT.003554

Complete cartridge length: 865 mm Using weapon(s): M36 gun

Complete cartridge mass: 13.8 kg Remarks: None
Projectile length: 480 mm
Projectile mass: 3.5 kg with sabot, 2.1 kg without sabot
Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy

Figure 174. Belgian 90-mm APFSDS Munition Model M670

Complete cartridge length: 656 mm Using weapon(s): Cockerill Mk II & Mk III
Complete cartridge mass: 7.9 kg Remarks: None
Projectile mass: 4.9 kg
Fuze: PIBD
Filler: Comp B 0.47 kg

Figure 175. Belgian 90-mm HEAT Munition Model M517

NEG. U-INT.003570

Complete cartridge length: 702 mm Using weapon(s): Cockerill Mk I, Mk II, Mk III guns
Complete cartridge mass: 7.35 kg Remarks: None
Projectile mass: 5.07 kg
Fuze: GIPD 9009
Filler: Comp A3 0.77 kg

Figure 176. Belgian 90-mm HEAT Munition Model M617

NEG. U-INT.003571

Complete cartridge length: 680 mm Using weapon(s): Cockerill Mk I, Mk II, and Mk III guns
Complete cartridge mass: 6.55 kg Remarks: None
Projectile mass: 4.1 kg
Fuze: GIPD 9010
Filler: Comp A3 0.51 kg

Figure 177. Belgian 90-mm HEAT Munition Model M620

NEG. U-INT.003585

Complete cartridge length: 645 mm Using weapon(s): Cockerill Mk III gun

Complete cartridge mass: 8.2 kg Remarks: None
Projectile mass: 5.1 kg
Fuze: PIBD
Filler: Comp B 0.5 kg

Figure 178. Belgian 90-mm HEAT Munition Model NR 220

NEG. U-INT.003583

Complete cartridge length: 645 mm Using weapon(s): Cockerill Mk III gun

Complete cartridge mass: 7.3 kg Remarks: None
Projectile mass: 4.1 kg
Fuze: PIBD
Filler: Comp B 0.5 kg

Figure 179. Belgian 90-mm HEAT Munition Model NR 478

NEG. U-INT.003574

Complete cartridge length: 600 mm Using weapon(s): Cockerill Mk I, Mk II, & Mk III guns
Complete cartridge mass: 6.8 kg Remarks: None
Projectile mass: 4.4 kg
Fuze: Base
Filler: Comp A3 1.1 kg

Figure 180. Belgian 90-mm HESH Munition Model M625

NEG. U-INT.003586

Complete cartridge length: 591 mm Using weapon(s): Cockerill Mk III gun

Complete cartridge mass: 7.7 kg Remarks: None
Projectile mass: 4.4 kg
Fuze: BD
Filler: Comp A3 1.1 kg

Figure 181. Belgian 90-mm HESH Munition Model NR 503

NEG. U-INT.003588

Complete cartridge mass: 11.0 kg Using weapon(s): Cockerill Mk III gun

Projectile mass: 8.5 kg Remarks: None
Fuze: ?
Filler: TNT 1.0 kg

Figure 182. Belgian 90-mm HE-Frag Munition Model NR 219

NEG. U-INT.003572

Complete cartridge length: 638 mm Using weapon(s): Cockerill Mk I, Mk II, & Mk III guns
Complete cartridge mass: 7.4 kg Remarks: None
Projectile mass: 5.1 kg
Fuze: GIPD 9004
Filler: Comp B 1.02 kg

Figure 183. Belgian 90-mm HE Munition Model M616

NEG. U-INT.003587

Complete cartridge length: 635 mm Using weapon(s): Cockerill Mk III gun

Complete cartridge mass: 8.3 kg Remarks: None
Projectile mass: 5.1 kg
Fuze: PD
Filler: TNT 1.05 kg

Figure 184. Belgian 90-mm HE Munition Model NR 501

NEG. U-INT.003575

Complete cartridge length: 526 mm Using weapon(s): Cockerill Mk I, Mk II and Mk III guns
Complete cartridge mass: 7.4 kg Remarks: None
Filler: 1100 8.5-mm steel spheres

Figure 185. Belgian 90-mm Canister Munition Model M621

NEG. U-INT.003589

Complete cartridge mass: 6.15 kg Using weapon(s): Cockerill Mk I, Mk II and Mk III guns
Complete cartriudge length: 520 mm Remarks: Fires 1400 7.4 mm steel balls

Figure 186. Belgian 90-mm Canister Munition Model NR 125

NEG. U-INT.003573

Complete cartridge length: 640 mm Using weapon(s): CMI Mk I, Mk II and Mk III guns
Complete cartridge mass: 7.7 kg Remarks: None
Projectile mass: 5.4 kg
Filler: WP 1.1 kg

Figure 187. Belgian 90-mm Smoke Munition Model M618

NEG. U-INT.003590

Complete cartridge length: 635 mm Using weapon(s): Cockerill Mk I, Mk II

Complete cartridge mass: 8.7 kg Remarks: None
Filler: WP 0.8 kg

Figure 188. Belgian 90-mm SMK/WP Munition Model NR 502

NEG. U-INT.003558

Complete cartridge length: 1064 mm Using weapon(s): D10 gun series

Complete cartridge mass: 21.8 kg Remarks: None
Projectile mass: 5.0 kg with sabot, 3.8 kg without sabot
Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy

Figure 189. Belgian 100-mm APFSDS-T Munition Model M1000

NEG. U-INT.003561

Complete cartridge length: 838 mm Using weapon(s): L7 gun

Complete cartridge mass: 14.5 kg Remarks: Copy of U.S. M724
Projectile mass: 3.9 kg without sabot
Core: Steel

Figure 190. Belgian 105-mm TPDS Munition Model M724

NEG. U-INT.003560

Complete cartridge length: 985 mm Using weapon(s): M68 gun

Complete cartridge mass: 19.1 kg Remarks: None
Projectile mass: 5.8 kg with sabot, 3.8 kg without sabot
Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy

Figure 191. Belgian 105-mm APFSDS Munition Model M1001

NEG. U-INT.003556

Complete cartridge length: 927 mm Using weapon(s): L7 guns

Complete cartridge mass: 17.7 kg Remarks: None
Projectile mass: 5.8 kg with sabot
Penetrator: Monobloc Tungsten Alloy

Figure 192. Belgian 105-mm APFSDS-T Munition Model M1050

NEG. U-INT.003557

Complete cartridge length: 980 mm Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy

Complete cartridge mass: 18.0 kg Using weapon(s): L7 guns
Projectile mass: 5.8 kg with sabot Remarks: None

Figure 193. Belgian 105-mm APFSDS-T Munition Model M1060

NEG. U-INT.003565

Complete cartridge length: 1006 mm Filler: Comp B 0.97 kg

Complete cartridge mass: 22.2 kg Using weapon(s): L7 guns
Projectile mass: 10.5 kg Remarks: Copy of U.S. M456A2
Fuze: PIBD

Figure 194. Belgian 105-mm HEAT Munition Model M456A2

NEG. U-INT.003569

Complete cartridge length: 991 mm Using weapon(s): L7 guns

Complete cartridge mass: 20.45 kg Remarks: Ballistically matched to M456
Filler: Inert

Figure 195. Belgian 105-mm HEAT-TP Munition Model M490

NEG. U-INT.003562

Complete cartridge length: 940 mm Filler: Comp A3 3.0 kg

Complete cartridge mass: 20.4 kg Using weapon(s): L7 gun
Projectile mass: 11.25 kg Remarks: Copy of U.S. M393A2
Fuze: BD

Figure 196. Belgian 105-mm HESH Munition Model M393A2

NEG. U-INT.003563

Complete cartridge length: 940 mm Using weapon(s): L7 gun

Complete cartridge mass: 20.42 kg Remarks: Ballistically matched to M393 HESH
Filler: Inert

Figure 197. Belgian 105-mm HESH-TP Munition Model M467

NEG. U-INT.003566

Complete cartridge length: 990 mm Filler: Comp B 2.0 kg

Complete cartridge mass: 20.8 kg Using weapon(s): L7 guns
Projectile mass: 12.1 kg Remarks: None

Figure 198. Belgian 105-mm HE-T Munition Model M1010

NEG. U-INT.003564

Complete cartridge length: 940 mm Using weapon(s): L7 guns

Complete cartridge mass: 20.6 kg Remarks: Copy of U.S. M416
Filler: WP 2.72 kg

Figure 199. Belgian 105-mm Smoke Munition Model M416

NEG. U-INT.003567

Complete cartridge length: 990 mm Filler: WP 1.77 kg

Complete cartridge mass: 20.8 kg Using weapon(s): F1 gun
Projectile mass: 12.8 kg Remarks: None
Fuze: PD impact

Figure 200. Belgian 105-mm Smoke Munition Model M1009

NEG. U-INT.003568

Complete cartridge length: 960 mm Filler: 0.46 kg

Complete cartridge mass: 11.7 kg Using weapon(s): F1 gun, L7 gun
Projectile mass: 11.7 kg Remarks: None
Fuze: MT

Figure 201. Belgian 105-mm Illumination Munition Model M1008

NEG. U-INT.003559

Complete cartridge length: 995 mm Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy

Complete cartridge mass: 25 kg Using weapon(s): GSB
Projectile mass: 7.2 kg with sabot Remarks: None

Figure 202. Belgian 120-mm APFSDS-T Munition Model M1080

NEG. U-INT.000095

Projectile fuzed mass: 1.39 kg Using weapon(s): RPG-7 AT grenade launcher

Fuze: 0-4M Remarks: Illustrated with plastic shipping cap.
Filler: RDX 0.21 kg Uses same propellant charge as PG-7G

Figure 203. Bulgarian 40-mm HE Projectile Model OG-7V

NEG. U-INT.003145

Using weapon(s): BMP, BMD, and SPG-9 recoilless gun

Remarks: None

Figure 204. Bulgarian 73-mm HE Projectile Model OG-9B

Projectile mass: 4.0 kg Using weapon(s): BMP, BMD, and SPG-9 recoilless gun
Fuze: GO-2 PD Remarks: Prefragmented body 990 fragments
Filler: TNT

Figure 205. Bulgarian 73-mm HE Projectile Model OG-15VB

NEG. 520504

Projectile fuzed mass: 15.69 kg Using weapon(s): Former Soviet field, tank, assault, and AT
Fuze: V-429 PD guns
Filler: 1.5 kg TNT Remarks: Copy of former Soviet OF-412 projectile

Figure 206. Bulgarian 100-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-412

NEG. U-INT.003696

Complete cartridge length: 927 mm Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy

Complete cartridge mass: 18.0 kg Using weapon(s): L7 gun
Projectile mass: 5.8 kg with sabot, 3.6 kg without sabot Remarks: Copy of FP105

Figure 207. Canadian 105-mm APFSDS-T Projectile Model C76

NEG. 520128

Projectile fuzed mass: 0.62 kg Using weapon(s): AA gun Type 55

Fuze: Type 1 PDSD Remarks: Patterned after former Soviet OR-167 projectile
Filler: RDX/Al 0.04 kg

Figure 208. Chinese 37-mm Frag-T Projectile Type ?

Projectile fuzed mass: 1.23 kg Using weapon(s): Recoilless rifle Type 36
Fuze: PIBD Remarks: Rotating band is integral part of projectile body.
Filler: TNT 0.16 kg Projectile is copy of U.S. M307

Figure 209. Chinese 57-mm HEAT Projectile Type ?

Projectile fuzed mass: 1.29 kg Using weapon(s): Recoilless rifle Type 36
Fuze: PD Remarks: Rotating band is integral part of projectile body.
Filler: TNT 0.23 kg Projectile is copy of U.S. M306

Figure 210. Chinese 57-mm HE Projectile Type ?

Projectile fuzed mass: 1.3 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar
Filler: TNT Remarks: None

Figure 211. Chinese 60-mm HE Projectile Type 83A

Projectile fuzed mass: 5.39 kg Using weapon(s): Recoilless rifles Types 52 and 56
Fuze: PIBD Remarks: Projectile is copy of US M310A
Filler: RDX/TNT 0.62 kg

Figure 212. Chinese 75-mm HEAT Projectile Type ?

Projectile fuzed mass: 2.81 kg Using weapon(s): Recoilless rifles Types 52 and 53
Fuze: Type 1 PIBD Remarks: Also uses TS-1 and TS-2 PIBD fuzes
Filler: RDX/TNT 0.34 kg

Figure 213. Chinese 75-mm HEAT Projectile Type ?

NEG. 502922

Projectile fuzed mass: 6.16 kg Using weapon(s): Recoilless rifles Types 52 and 56
Fuze: Type 1 PD Remarks: Also uses Types 3 and 53 PD fuzes.
Filler: TNT 0.71 kg Projectile is a copy of U.S. M309

Figure 214. Chinese 75-mm HE Projectile Type 26.8

NEG. 502923

Projectile fuzed mass: 6.16 kg Using weapon(s): Recoilless rifles Types 52 and 56
Fuze: Type 1 PD Remarks: Also uses Types 3 and 53 PD fuzes.
Filler: TNT 0.71 kg Projectile is a copy of U.S. M309

Figure 215. Chinese 75-mm HE Projectile Type 26.12 (Variant I)

NEG. 503007

Projectile fuzed mass: 5.94 kg Using weapon(s): Recoilless rifles Types 52 and 56
Fuze: Type 6 PD Remarks: Fuze is same as former Soviet M-6 mortar fuze.
Filler: TNT 0.71 kg Projectile is copy of US M309

Figure 216. Chinese 75-mm HE Projectile Type ? (Variant II)

Projectile fuzed mass: 6.51 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun Type 54, former Soviet field gun ZIS-3,
Fuze: Type 8 PD and tank gun D-56T for PT-76 tank
Filler: RDX/Al 0.06 kg Remarks: Can be found with other PD fuzes. Projectile is copy of
Penetrator: Steel former Soviet BR-350B

Figure 217. Chinese 76-mm AP-T Projectile Type 350

NEG. 502926

Projectile fuzed mass: 1.62 kg Using weapon(s): AT grenade launcher Type 56

Fuze: Type 2 BD Remarks: Launcher has 40-mm bore. Projectile has 80-mm
Filler: TNT 0.48 kg warhead. Projectile is copy of former
Soviet PG-2

Figure 218. Chinese 40/80-mm HEAT Projectile Type 56

NEG. 502930

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.15 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar Type 53

Fuze: Type 6 PD Remarks: Fuze is copy former Soviet M-6.
Filler: TNT/DNN 0.42 kg Projectile is copy of former Soviet 0-832 series

Figure 219. Chinese 82-mm Frag Projectile Type M30

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.1 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar Type 53
Filler: TNT/DNN 0.39 kg Remarks: None

Figure 220. Chinese 82-mm HE Projectile Type 53

NEG. 502934

Projectile fuzed mass: 2.95 kg Using weapon(s): Recoilless gun Type 65

Fuze: Type 4 BD Remarks: None
Filler: RDX 0.42 kg

Figure 221. Chinese 82-mm HEAT Projectile Type 65

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.54 kg Using weapon(s): Recoilless gun Type 65
Fuze: Type 3 PIBD Remarks: None
Filler: RDX/TNT 0.45 kg

Figure 222. Chinese 82-mm HEAT-FS Projectile Type ?

NEG. 521074

Projectile fuzed mass: 2.94 kg Using weapon(s): Recoilless gun Type 65

Fuze: Type 4 BD Remarks: PETN comprises lower part of main charge
Filler: RDX/PETN 0.45 kg

Figure 223. Chinese 82-mm HEAT-FS Projectile Type 65 (Variant)

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.5 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar Type 53
Fuze: PD Remarks: None
Filler: WP

Figure 224. Chinese 82-mm Smoke Projectile Type 53

NEG. 502935

Projectile fuzed mass: 9.23 kg Penetrator: Steel with a steel cap

Fuze: Type 2 BD Using weapon(s): Field AT gun Type 56, tank guns Types 62
Filler: RDX/Al 0.13 kg and 60/63
Remarks: Fuze is copy of former Soviet DBR-2

Figure 225. Chinese 85-mm APC-T Projectile Type 367

NEG. 520045

Projectile fuzed mass: 16.22 kg Using weapon(s): Field AT gun Type 56, tank guns Types 62
Fuze: Type 1 (artillery) BD and 60/63, and AA gun Type 39
Filler: TNT 0.75 kg Remarks: Fuze is copy of former Soviet KTM-1. Projectile is
copy of former Soviet 0-365K

Figure 226. Chinese 85-mm Frag Projectile Type 365K

NEG. U-INT.003679

Complete cartridge length: 945 mm Penetrator: Steel Body

Complete cartridge mass: 19.0 kg Using weapon(s): D10 series tank guns
Projectile mass: 4.7 kg Remarks: None
Projectile length: 532 mm

Figure 227. Chinese 100-mm APFSDS Munition Model Type 73

NEG. 520483

Projectile fuzed mass: 15.07 kg Using weapon(s): D10 series tank guns
Fuze: Type 429 PD Remarks: Shown without fuze. Projectile is copy of former
Filler: TNT 1.5 kg Soviet OF-412

Figure 228. Chinese 100-mm Frag-HE Projectile Type 412

Projectile fuzed mass: 6.92 kg Using weapon(s): Type 71 and Type 80
Fuze: MP-4 Remarks: None
Filler: TNT/DNN 0.94 kg

Figure 229. Chinese 100-mm HE Projectile Type 71

Projectile fuzed mass: 8.3 kg Using weapon(s): 12-tube launcher Types 63 and 63-1
Filler: TNT 1.3 kg Remarks: None

Figure 230. Chinese 107-mm HE Rocket Type 63-1

Projectile fuzed mass: 18.84 kg Using weapon(s): 12-tube launcher Types 63 and 63-1
Fuze: Type 1 PD, MJ-1 Remarks: Fuze is modified copy of former Soviet V-25
Filler: TNT 1.3 kg

Figure 231. Chinese 107-mm HE Rocket Type 63-2

NEG. U-INT.003492

Complete cartridge mass: 23.0 kg Using weapon(s): 120-mm L44 German gun
Projectile mass: 7.1 kg with sabot Remarks: None
Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy

Figure 232. Chinese 120-mm APFSDS-T Munition Model Unknown

Projectile mass: 16.0 kg Using weapon(s): Chinese 120-mm Mortars
Filler: TNT Remarks: None

Figure 233. Chinese 120-mm HE Munition Type 55

Projectile fuzed mass: 15.72 kg Using weapon(s): Type 85, Type 90
Fuze: Not shown, MT Remarks: None
Filler: 46 g black powder, 2.04 kg illumination charge

Figure 234. Chinese 120-mm Illumination Projectile Type 55

Using weapon(s): Type 54-1, Type 83, D-30
Remarks: None

Figure 235. Chinese 122-mm HE Projectile Type 54

Projectile fuzed mass: 20.63 kg Using weapon(s): Type 54-1, Type 83, D-30
Fuze: Not shown, MT Remarks: None
Filler: 60 g black powder, 1.53 kg illumination charge

Figure 236. Chinese 122-mm Illumination Projectile Type 54

NEG. U-INT.003493

Projectile charge assy length: 672 mm Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy

Projectile length: 546 mm Using weapon(s): D81 tank gun, 2A45M ATG
Projectile mass: 7.3 kg with sabot, 4.0 kg without sabot Remarks: None

Figure 237. Chinese 125-mm APFSDS-T Projectile Model Unknown

Projectile fuzed mass: 32.21 kg Using weapon(s): Type 59-1
Fuze: Not shown, PD or Prox Remarks: None
Filler: TNT 3.64 kg

Figure 238. Chinese 130-mm Frag-HE Projectile Type 59

Projectile fuzed mass: 27.9 kg Using weapon(s): Type 59-1
Fuze: Not shown, MT Remarks: None
Filler: 90 g black powder, 2.05 kg illumination charge

Figure 239. Chinese 130-mm Illumination Projectile Type 59

Projectile fuzed mass: 43.6 kg Using weapon(s): Type 66, Type 83
Fuze: Not shown, PD & Prox Remarks: None
Filler: TNT 5.3 kg

Figure 240. Chinese 152-mm HE-Frag Projectile Type 66

Projectile fuzed mass: 46.95 kg Using weapon(s): Type 66, Type 83
Fuze: Not shown, PD & Prox Remarks: None
Filler: TNT 6.5 kg

Figure 241. Chinese 152-mm HE-Frag Projectile Type 83

Fuze: Not shown, MT Using weapon(s): Type 66, Type 83
Filler: 100 g black powder, 2.38 kg illumination charge Remarks: None

Figure 242. Chinese 152-mm Illumination Projectile Type 66

Using weapon(s): Man-portable, vehicle mounted
Remarks: A, B, & C variants exists. Copy of Russian 9M14

Figure 243. Chinese ATGM Model Red Arrow 73

Tube length: 1566 mm Missile mass: 11.2 kg
Tube dia (max): 255 mm Using weapon(s): Crew portable, vehicle mounted
Missile length: 875 mm Remarks: A, B, & C variants exists. Copy of Russian 9M14
Wing span: 320 mm

Figure 244. Chinese 120-mm ATGM Model Red Arrow 8

Tube length: 1566 mm Missile mass: 11.2 kg
Tube dia (max): 255 mm Using weapon(s): Crew portable, vehicle mounted
Missile length: 1100 mm Remarks: None
Wing span: 320 mm

Figure 245. Chinese 120-mm ATGM Model Red Arrow 8C

Projectile fuzed mass: 0.75 kg Penetrator: Steel
Fuze: None Using weapon(s): Former Soviet aircraft cannon Model N
Filler: None Remarks: Copy of former Soviet BZT projectile

Figure 246. Czechoslovak 37-mm AP-T Projectile Model BZT

NEG. 502945

Projectile fuzed mass: 0.73 kg Using weapon(s): Former Soviet aircraft cannon Model N
Fuze: A-37 PDSD Remarks: Copy of former Soviet OZT projectile
Filler: RDX/Al 0.04 kg

Figure 247. Czechoslovak 37-mm HEI-T Projectile Model OZT

NEG. 502947

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.16 kg Using weapon(s): Former Soviet AT, APAT, AA, and assault
Fuze: MD-10 BD guns
Filler: RDX 0.01 kg Remarks: Copy of former Soviet BR-271 projectile

Figure 248. Czechoslovak 57-mm AP-T Projectile

Using weapon(s): Mortar M1937, 1941, and M1943
Remarks: Mass is without fuze

Figure 249. Czechoslovak 82-mm HEAT Projectile Model T21

NEG. 502948

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.18 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar M1937, 1941, and M1943
Fuze: Model ? PD Remarks: Mass is without fuze
Filler: TNT 0.57 kg

Figure 250. Czechoslovak 82-mm Frag Projectile

NEG. 502950

Projectile fuzed mass: 8.36 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun K-52/K-55 and AA gun PLK-39
Fuze: KTM-1U PD Remarks: Copy of former Soviet 0-365K projectile
Filler: TNT 0.78 kg

Figure 251. Czechoslovak 85-mm Frag Projectile Model OF

NEG. 502952

Projectile fuzed mass: 16 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun K-53, assault gun ShK-44, and
Fuze: DZ-30 BD tank guns T-54/T-55
Filler: RDX 0.06 kg Remarks: Similar to former Soviet BR-412D projectile
Penetrator: Steel with a steel cap

Figure 252. Czechoslovak 100-mm APC-T Projectile Model PSv

NEG. 520150

Projectile fuzed mass: 9.52 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun K-53, assault gun ShK-44, and
Fuze: NZ-42 PIBD tank guns T-54/T-55
Filler: RDX/TNT 0.95 kg Remarks: None

Figure 253. Czechoslovak 100-mm HEAT-FS Projectile Model PrSv

NEG. 502951

Projectile fuzed mass: 15.96 kg Using weapon(s): Field gun K-53, assault gun ShK-44, and
Fuze: NZ-10av PD tank guns T-54/T-55
Filler: TNT 1.59 kg Remarks: Shown without fuze. Also uses NZ-10bv and
NZ-11 fuzes

Figure 254. Czechoslovak 100-mm HE Projectile Model OF

NEG. 502953

Projectile fuzed mass: 15.33 kg Using weapon(s): Former Soviet mortars M1938 and M1943
Fuze: MZ-30av PD Remarks: None
Filler: TNT 2.04 kg

Figure 255. Czechoslovak 120-mm HE Projectile Model OF-A

Projectile fuzed mass: 14.85 kg Using weapon(s): RM-70
Fuze: ET Remarks: None
Filler: RDX 1.45 kg

Figure 256. Slovak 122-mm DPICM Warhead TRNOVNIK

NEG. 502954

Projectile fuzed mass: 24.22 kg Using weapon(s): Launcher M-51

Fuze: NZ-60V PD Remarks: None
Filler: TNT 2.33 kg

Figure 257. Czechoslovak 130-mm HE Rocket RP-2

NEG. 000078

Projectile fuzed mass: 43.5 kg Using weapon(s): Gun/how KH-37, how H18-47, SP gun/
Fuze: NZ-11M PD how 1978
Filler: TNT 6.45 kg Remarks: Rotating band and seat are not dovetailed

Figure 258. Czechoslovak 152-mm HE Projectile Model OF

Projectile fuzed mass: 38.10 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar M1953
Fuze: SP-52 PD Remarks: None
Filler: TNT 4.21 kg

Figure 259. Finnish 160-mm HE Projectile Model M1955

NEG. U-INT.003612

Complete cartridge length: 958 mm Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy

Complete cartridge mass: 9.9 kg Using weapon(s): CN-90-F3 and CN-90-F4 guns
Projectile mass: 3.3 kg vith sabot, 2.3 kg without sabot Remarks: None

Figure 260. French 90-mm APFSDS-T Munition Model OFL-90-F1

NEG. 502973

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.65 kg Using weapon(s): CN-90-F1, CN-90-F2, CN-90-F3, CN-90-
Fuze: G3E-A PIBD F4
Filler: RDX/TNT 0.67 kg Remarks: None

Figure 261. French 90-mm HEAT Projectile Model 62

NEG. U-INT.003595

Using weapon(s): CN-90-F1, F2, F3, & F4

Remarks: Ballistically matched to the Model 62

Figure 262. French 90-mm HEAT-TP Munition Model BSCC

NEG. U-INT.003593

Complete cartridge length: 638 mm Filler: Hexolite 0.945kg

Complete cartridge mass: 8.95 kg Using weapon(s): CN-90-F1 gun
Projectile mass: 5.3 kg Remarks: None
Fuze: FUI-F1 or FUI-F2

Figure 263. French 90-mm HE Munition Model OE-90-F1

NEG. U-INT.003594

Complete cartridge length: 886 mm Using weapon(s): CN-90-F1 & CN-90-F3 and CN-90-F4
Complete cartridge mass: 10.4 kg gun
Projectile mass: 5.4 kg Remarks: Same projectile is used in the F1 & F2 cartridge
Filler: 0.8 kg

Figure 264. French 90-mm Smoke Munition Model OFUM-90

Complete launcher mass: 7 kg Remarks: Tandem heat and terminal homing projectile under
Projectile mass: 1.8 kg development
Using weapon(s): AB-92 antitank rocket launcher

Figure 265. French 92-mm HEAT Projectile Model AB-92

NEG. 532857

Complete cartridge length: 985 mm Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy

Complete cartridge mass: 17.1 kg Using weapon(s): CN-105-FL
Projectile mass: 5.8 kg with sabot, 3.8 kg without sabot Remarks: Usable in L7

Figure 266. French 105-mm APFSDS-T Munition Model OFL-105-F1

NEG. U-INT.003548

Complete cartridge mass: 12.8 kg Using weapon(s): CN-105-F2

Projectile mass: 3.8 kg without sabot Remarks: None
Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy

Figure 267. French 105-mm APFSDS-T Munition Model OFL-105-F3

NEG. 502977

Projectile fuzed mass: 10.90 kg Using weapon(s): Howitzers 14/56 and AU50 SP; AMX-13
Fuze: G4A PIBD and AMX-30 tanks
Filler: RDX/TNT 0.73 kg Remarks: Projectile is same as OCC-90-F1

Figure 268. French 105-mm HEAT Projectile Model 61 OCC

NEG. 502978

Projectile fuzed mass: 13.44 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar M1950 and M1960
Fuze: V-19 PD Remarks: Also uses V-18-1 fuze. Shown with nose plug
Filler: TNT 2.33 kg

Figure 269. French 120-mm HE-RA Projectile Model PEPA-ED (Type 1)

NEG. 502979

Projectile fuzed mass: 16.99 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar M61R

Fuze: M557 Remarks: None
Filler: RDX/TNT 2.7 kg

Figure 270. French 120-mm HE-RA Projectile Model PRPA

NEG. 502980

Projectile fuzed mass: 13 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar M1951 and LT mortar M1960
Fuze: V-18-1 PD Remarks: None
Filler: TNT 2.68 kg

Figure 271. French 120-mm HE (Light) Projectile Model 44

Projectile fuzed mass: 42.2 kg Using weapon(s): AU-F1
Filler: RDX/TNT 8.9 kg Remarks: None

Figure 272. French 155-mm HE Projectile Model OE-155-56/69

Tube length: 1300 mm Missile mass: 21.8 kg
Tube dia (max): 175 mm Using weapon(s): Vehicle mounted, helicopter mounted
Tube mass: 6.2 kg Remarks: Codeveloped and also in service with the Germans
Missile length: 1275 mm
Wing span: 310 mm

Figure 273. French 136-mm ATGM Model HOT

Tube length: 1300 mm Wing span: 310 mm
Tube dia: 175 mm Missile mass: 23.0 kg
Tube mass: 6.2 kg Using weapon(s): Vehicle mounted, helicopter mounted
Missile length: 1275 mm Remarks: Codeveloped and also in service with the Germans

Figure 274. French 150-mm ATGM Model HOT2

Tube length: 1300 mm Using weapon(s): Vehicle mounted, helicopter mounted
Tube dia: 175 mm Remarks: Codeveloped and also in service with the Germans.
Tube mass: 6.2 kg The HOT3 has a proximity fuse which
Missile length: 1275 mm ejects a small precursor warhead a meter
from the target.
Wing span: 310 mm
Missile mass: 23.0 kg

Figure 275. French 150-mm ATGM Model HOT3

Tube length: 1200 mm Wing span: 265 mm
Tube dia: 140 mm Missile mass: 6.7 kg
Tube mass: 4.6 kg Using weapon(s): Crew portable, vehicle mounted
Missile length: 770 mm Remarks: Codeveloped and also in service with the Germans

Figure 276. French 103-mm ATGM Model MILAN

Tube length: 1200 mm Wing span: 265 mm
Tube dia: 140 mm Missile mass: 6.7 kg
Tube mass: 4.6 kg Using weapon(s): Crew portable, vehicle mounted
Missile length: 893 mm Remarks: Codeveloped and also in service with Germany

Figure 277. French 115-mm ATGM Model MILAN 2

Main warhead diameter: 117 mm Using weapon(s): Crew portable tripod, vehicle mounted
Tube mass: 4.7 kg Remarks: Codeveloped and also in service with Germany.
Missile length: 1200 mm The Milan 3 has a small precursor
Wing span: 265 mm warhead in the nose probe
Missile mass: 7.1 kg

Figure 278. French 115-mm ATGM Model MILAN 3

Tube length: 926 mm Missile mass: 9.8 kg
Tube dia (max): 160 mm Using weapon(s): Man portable
Missile length: 885 mm Remarks: None

Figure 279. French 136-mm ATGM Model ERYX

NEG. U-INT.000564

Complete cartridge mass: 7 kg Using weapon(s): Panzerfaust-3 antitank weapon

Projectile mass: 3.8 kg Remarks: Projectile shown in Panzerfaust-3 launcher

Figure 280. German 60/110-mm HEAT Projectile, Model PANZERFAUST 3

Projectile mass: 1.0 kg Using weapon(s): ARMBRUST antitank weapon
Filler: RDX, 0.16 kg Remarks: None

Figure 281. German 67-mm HEAT Projectile Model ARMBRUST

NEG. U-INT.003152

Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy Using weapon(s): D81 tank gun, 2A45M
Remarks: UK L64 modified for 125 mm

Figure 282. Indian 125-mm APFSDS-T Projectile Model MK II

Projectile fuzed mass: 1.35 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar
Fuze: PD Remarks: None
Filler: TNT

Figure 283. Iraqi 60-mm HE Projectile Model M73

Projectile fuzed mass: 43.0 kg Using weapon(s): G-5, GHN-45
Fuze: Not shown, PD & Prox Remarks: None
Filler: TNT 7.86 kg

Figure 284. Iraqi 155-mm HE-Frag Projectile Model M1A1

Projectile fuzed mass: 1.02 kg Using weapon(s): Soltam mortar
Fuze: Model ? PD Remarks: None
Filler: TNG 0.16 kg

Figure 285. Israeli 52-mm HE Projectile Model MK 2/1

Projectile fuzed mass: 1.02 kg Using weapon(s): Soltam mortar
Fuze: Model ? PD Remarks: Appears to be a variant of MK 2/1 projectile
Filler: TNT 0.17 kg

Figure 286. Israeli 52-mm HE Projectile Model ? (Variant)

Projectile fuzed mass: 0.91 kg Using weapon(s): Soltam mortar
Fuze: None Remarks: None
Filler: WP 0.54 kg

Figure 287. Israeli 52-mm Smoke Projectile Model MK 1/2

Projectile fuzed mass: 0.83 kg Using weapon(s): Soltam mortar
Fuze: None Remarks: Filler mass is for expelling charge only
Filler: Parachute and expelling charge 0.02 kg

Figure 288. Israeli 52-mm Illuminating Projectile Model ?

Projectile mass: 6.30 kg with sabot 4.2 kg without sabot Using weapon(s): L7 series
Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy with tungsten alloy Remarks: Adopted by Germany as DM-23
slugs in the windscreen

Figure 289. Israeli 105-mm APFSDS-T Projectile Model M111

Using weapon(s): Vehicle mounted, helicopter mounted
Remarks: None

Figure 290. Israeli ATGM Model NIMROD

Missile length: 1560 mm Using weapon(s): Crew portable, vehicle mounted
Missile mass: 18.5 kg Remarks: None

Figure 291. Israeli 149-mm ATGM Model MAPATS

Using weapon(s): Crew portable, vehicle mounted
Remarks: Also designated ATM-1

Figure 292. Japanese ATGM Model KAM-3D

Using weapon(s): Crew portable, vehicle mounted
Remarks: Also designated ATM-2

Figure 293. Japanese ATGM Model JuMAT

Projectile fuzed mass: 1.77 kg Using weapon(s): AT grenade launcher RPG-2
Fuze: M-1 PD Remarks: Fuze is copy of former Soviet M-1
Filler: TNT/DNN 0.10 kg

Figure 294. North Korean 40/45-mm HE Projectile Model LCC-32

Projectile fuzed mass: 4.05 kg Using weapon(s): Recoilless gun B-10
Fuze: GK-2 PD Remarks: Copy of former Soviet 0-881 projectile
Filler: TNT/DNN 0.47 kg

Figure 295. North Korean 82-mm Frag Projectile Model 0-881

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.89 kg Using weapon(s): Recoilless gun B-10
Fuze: GK-2 PIBD Remarks: Copy of former Soviet BK-881 projectile
Filler: RDX 0.54 kg

Figure 296. North Korean 82-mm HEAT Projectile Model BK-881

Projectile fuzed mass: kg

Figure 297. North Korean 40/85-mm HE Projectile Model F-7

Complete cartridge mass: 20.0 kg Using weapon(s): D10 series
Projectile mass: 4.9 kg without sabot Remarks: Modified version of the UK 105-mm L28
Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy

Figure 298. Pakistani 100-mm APDS Munition Model “100-mm APDS”

Complete cartridge length: 1021 mm Using weapon(s): D10 series
Complete cartridge mass: 20.2 kg Remarks: Modified version of the UK 105mm L64
Projectile mass: 5.0 kg with sabot, 3.6 kg without sabot

Figure 299. Pakistani 100-mm APFSDS-T Munition Model “100-mm APFSDS-T”

Using weapon(s): D10 series
Remarks: None

Figure 300. Pakistani 100-mm HEAT Munition Model Unknown

Complete cartridge length: 948 mm Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy
Complete cartridge mass: 18.9 kg Using weapon(s): L7 gun series
Projectile mass: 6.1 kg with sabot Remarks: Copy of UK 105-mm L64A4

Figure 301. Pakistani 105-mm APFSDS-T Munition Model L64A4

Complete cartridge length: 940 mm Filler: RDX 4.0 kg
Complete cartridge mass: 21.26 kg Using weapon(s): L7 gun series
Projectile mass: 11.28 kg Remarks: Copy of UK L35

Figure 302. Pakistani 105-mm HESH Munition Model L35

Projectile fuzed mass: 1.57 kg Using weapon(s): AT grenade launcher RPG-2
Fuze: DK-2 BD Remarks: Copy of former Soviet PG-2 projectile
Filler: RDX/TNT 0.47 kg

Figure 303. Polish 40/80-mm HEAT Projectile Model PG-2

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.87 kg Using weapon(s): Recoilless gun B-10
Fuze: GK-2 PIBD Remarks: Copy of former Soviet BK-881 projectile
Filler: RDX 0.46 kg

Figure 304. Polish 82-mm HEAT Projectile Model BK-881

Projectile fuzed mass: 21.76 kg Using Weapon(s): Howitzer M-30, 2S1 and field gun A-19
Fuze: RGM-2 Pd (1938) and D-30 SP howitzer Remarks: Copy of former Soviet OF-462 projectile
Filler: TNT 3.46 kg

Figure 305. Polish 122-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model OF-462

Projectile fuzed mass: 2.02 kg Remarks: Launcher is 40mm. Projectile has 70-mm warhead,
Fuze: VP-7 PIBD otherwise is similar to former Soviet
Filler: RDX 0.31 kg PG-7 grenade
Using weapon(s): RPG-7 AT grenade launcher

Figure 306. Romanian 40/70-mm HEAT Projectile Model PG-7M

Complete cartridge length: 776 mm Filler: TNT .535 kg
Complete cartridge mass: 4.63 kg Using weapon(s): AG-9
Projectile mass: 3.0 kg Remarks: None
Fuze: PD

Figure 307. Romanian 73-mm HE Projectile Model 346-E

Projectile mass: 3.2 kg Using weapon(s): M1937
Fuze: PD Remarks: None
Filler: TNT 0.71 kg

Figure 308. Romanian 82-mm HE Projectile Model O-832

Using weapon(s): D10 series
Remarks: None

Figure 309. Romanian 100-mm HEAT Munition Model Unknown

Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy Using weapon(s): CN-75-50 gun
Remarks: None

Figure 310. Singapore 75-mm APFSDS Munition Model Unknown

Complete cartridge length: 876 mm Filler: TNT 0.6 kg
Complete cartridge mass: 12.7 kg Using weapon(s): CN-75-50 gun
Projectile mass: 4.6 kg Remarks: None
Fuze: PD Model M572

Figure 311. Singapore 75-mm HE Munition Model Unknown

Complete cartridge length: 873 mm Using weapon(s): Oto Melara 76-mm gun
Complete cartridge mass: 9.07 kg Remarks: None
Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy

Figure 312. South African 76-mm APFSDS-T Munition

Complete cartridge length: 908 mm Filler: TNT 0.6 kg
Complete cartridge mass: 12.5 kg Using weapon(s): Oto Melara 76 mm
Projectile fuzed mass: 6.6 kg Remarks: None
Fuze: PD

Figure 313. South African 76-mm HE Munition Model Unknown

Using weapon(s): FT-5 antitank rocket launcher
Remarks: Standard heat rocket for FT-5 shown in canister

Figure 314. South African 92-mm HEAT Projectile Model ?

Using weapon(s): FT-5 antitank rocket launcher
Remarks: Tandem heat warhead

Figure 315. South African 92-mm Tandem HEAT Projectile Model ?

Using weapon(s): FT-5 antitank rocket launcher
Remarks: Multipurpose warhead

Figure 316. South African 92-mm HE Multipurpose Projectile Model ?

Complete cartridge length: 1004 mm Filler: TNT 2.0 kg
Complete cartridge mass: 23 kg Using weapon(s): L7 gun series
Projectile mass: 14.2 kg Remarks: None

Figure 317. South African 105-mm HE Munition Model Unknown

Projectile fuzed mass: 47.8 kg (max) Using weapon(s): Gun howitzers G-5 and G-6 (SP)
Fuze: M841 PD Remarks: Illustrated without fuze. Also uses M8513A1 radio
Filler: TNT/RDX 0.7 kg proximity fuze

Figure 318. South African 155-mm M1A1 ERFB-BB Projectile

Tube length: 1600 mm Missile mass: 17.6 kg
Tube diameter: 200 mm Charge mass: 2.5 kg
Tube mass: 7.2 kg Using weapon(s): Crew portable, vehicle mounted
Missile length: 1220 mm Remarks: None

Figure 319. South African 127-mm ATGM Model ZT-3

Tube length: 1600 mm Missile length: 1450 mm
Tube diameter: 200 mm Using weapon(s): Crew portable, vehicle mounted
Tube mass: 7.2 kg Remarks: Tandem version of the ZT-3

Figure 320. South African 127-mm ATGM Model ZT-3.5

Tube length: 1600 mm Charge mass: 2.5 kg
Tube diameter: 200 mm Using weapon(s): Crew portable, vehicle mounted,
Tube mass: 7.2 kg helicopter mounted
Missile length: 1220 mm Remarks: None
Missile mass: 17.6 kg

Figure 321. South African 127-mm ATGM Model SWIFT

Complete cartridge length: 996 mm Using weapon(s): L7 series guns
Complete cartridge mass: 18.0 kg Remarks: Copy of Israeli M111
Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy

Figure 322. Spanish 105-mm APFSDS Munition Model Unknown

Complete cartridge length: 1015 mm Filler: 1.5 kg
Complete cartridge mass: 22.0 kg Using weapon(s): L7 gun series
Projectile mass: 10.7 kg Remarks: None

Figure 323. Spanish 105-mm HEAT Munition Model Unknown

Filler: TNT 3.1 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar
Remarks: None

Figure 324. Spanish 120-mm HE Projectile Model M-75N

Projectile fuzed mass: 2.02 kg Using weapon(s): Recoilless rifle M-48 (M2)
Fuze: M-48 PIBD Remarks: None
Filler: 0.59 kg RDX/TNT

Figure 325. Swedish 84-mm HEAT Projectile Model 48

Projectile fuzed mass: 1.75 kg Using weapon(s): Recoilless rifle M-48 (M2)
Fuze: PIBD Remarks: None
Filler: RDX/TNT 0.59 kg

Figure 326. Swedish 84-mm HEAT Projectile Model 59

Complete cartridge mass: 4.0 kg Using weapon(s): Carl Gustaf recoilless rifle
Projectile mass: 3.2 kg Remarks: Tandem heat warhead

Figure 327. Swedish 84-mm HEAT Projectile, Model FFV-751

Complete cartridge mass: 3.3 kg Using weapon(s): Carl Gustaf recoilless rifle
Projectile mass: 2.5 kg Remarks: Projectile has dual mode fuze

Figure 328. Swedish 84-mm HEDP Projectile Model FFV-502

Projectile mass: 6.31 kg with sabot Using weapon(s): STRV-103S tank gun L-62
Penetrator: Tungsten carbide Remarks: None

Figure 329. Swedish 105-mm APDS-T Projectile Model M62

Tube length: 1600 mm Missile mass: 10.7 kg
Tube diameter: 225 mm Charge mass: 1.5 kg
Tube mass: 9.3 kg Using weapon(s): Crew portable, vehicle mounted
Missile length: 900 mm Remarks: Also designated RB556
Wing span: 410 mm

Figure 330. Swedish 150-mm ATGM Model BILL

Projectile fuzed mass: 0.55 kg Using weapon(s): Oerlikon KDA, KDB, KDC, KDE, and
Fuze: BZD 342 BDSD KDF cannon
Filler: 0.022 kg Remarks: Cartridge designated PMD 044

Figure 331. Swiss 35-mm SAPHEI-T Projectile Model PLD 044

Projectile mass: 0.380 kg Using weapon(s): Oerlikon KDA, KDB, KDC, KDE, and
Penetrator: Tungsten carbide KDF cannon
Remarks: Cartridge designated PMD 038

Figure 332. Swiss 35-mm APDS-T Projectile Model TLD 038

Projectile mass: 0.38 kg Using weapon(s): Oerlikon KDA, KDB, KDC, KDE, and
Penetrator: KDF cannon
Remarks: Cartridge designated PMD 049

Figure 333. Swiss 35-mm APDS-T Projectile Model TLD 049

Projectile mass: 0.38 kg Using weapon(s): Oerlikon KDA, KDB, KDC, KDE, and
Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy KDF cannon
Remarks: Cartridge designated PMD 060. Black Plastic

Figure 334. Swiss 35-mm APFSDS Projectile Model TLD 060

Projectile mass: 0.375 kg Using weapon(s): Oerlikon KDA, KDB, KDC, KDE, and
Penetrator: KDF cannon
Remarks: Cartridge designated PMD 055. Black plastic sabot

Figure 335. Swiss 35-mm FAPDS Projectile Model TLD 055

Projectile fuzed mass: 0.535 kg Using weapon(s): Oerlikon KDA, KDB, KDC, KDE, and
Fuze: KZD 338 PDSD KDF cannon
Filler: 0.098 kg Remarks: Cartridge designated PMD 040

Figure 336. Swiss 35-mm HEI-T Projectile Model MLD 040

Projectile fuzed mass: 0.55 kg Using weapon(s): Oerlikon KDA, KDB, KDC, KDE, and
Fuze: KZD 338 PDSD KDF cannon
Filler: 0.112 kg Remarks: Cartridge designated PMD 042

Figure 337. Swiss 35-mm HEI Projectile Model MSD 042

Projectile fuzed mass: 0.55 kg Using weapon(s): Oerlikon KDA, KDB, KDC, KDE, and
Fuze: KZD 366 Prox/PDSD KDF cannon
Filler: 0.112 kg Remarks: Cartridge designated PMD 054. “IP” refers to the
Impact/Proximaty fuze function

Figure 338. Swiss 35-mm HEI-IP Projectile Model MSD 054

Projectile fuzed mass: 0.55 kg Using weapon(s): Oerlikon KDA, KDB, KDC, KDE, and
Fuze: BZD 357 BDSD KDF cannon
Filler: 0.1 kg Remarks: Cartridge designated PMD 048

Figure 339. Swiss 35-mm HEI Projectile Model SSD 048

Projectile fuzed mass: 0.55 kg Using weapon(s): Oerlikon KDA, KDB, KDC, KDE, and
Fuze: BZD 363 BDSD KDF cannon
Filler: 0.1 kg Remarks: Cartridge designated PMD 052

Figure 340. Swiss 35-mm HEI Projectile Model SSD 052

Complete cartridge length: 927 mm Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy
Complete cartridge mass: 18.0 kg Using weapon(s): L7 series guns
Projectile mass: 5.8 kg with sabot, 3.6 kg without sabot Remarks: Copy of FP105

Figure 341. Turkish 105-mm APFSDS Munition Model FP105

Fuze: PD M51A5, M557 Using weapon(s): L7 gun series
Filler: TNT Remarks: None

Figure 342. Turkish 105-mm HE Munition Model 233

Fuze: M51A5 Using weapon(s): L7 gun series
Filler: Inert Remarks: Ballistically matched to Model 233

Figure 343. Turkish 105-mm HE-TP Munition Model 234

Complete cartridge length: 527 mm Using weapon(s): L5 and L23 guns
Complete cartridge mass: 7.34 kg Remarks: None
Filler: RDX 1.08 kg

Figure 344. British 76-mm HE-T Munition Model L24

Complete cartridge length: 533 mm Using weapon(s): L5 and L23 guns
Remarks: Ballistically matched to the L29 HE

Figure 345. British TP-HE Munition Model L25

Complete cartridge length: 539 mm Using weapon(s): L5 and L23 guns
Complete cartridge mass: 7.42 kg Remarks: None
Filler: RDX 0.93 kg

Figure 346. British 76-mm HESH Munition Model L29

Complete cartridge length: 399 mm Using weapon(s): L5 and L23 guns
Complete cartridge mass: 6.69 kg Remarks: None
Filler: 816 steel pellets

Figure 347. British 76-mm CANISTER Munition Model L33

Complete cartridge length: 588 mm Using weapon(s): L5 and L23 guns
Complete cartridge mass: 10.2 kg Remarks: None

Figure 348. British 76-mm SMOKE Munition Model L32

Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy Using weapon(s): CKL Mk III
Remarks: None

Figure 349. British 90-mm APFSDS Munition Model RO964

Complete cartridge length: 245 mm Filler: Comp B 0.5 kg
Complete cartridge mass: 7.3 kg Using weapon(s): CKL Mk III
Projectile fuzed mass: 4.1 kg Remarks: Copy of Belgian NR 478
Fuse: PIBD

Figure 350. British 90-mm HEAT Munition Model RO907

Filler: Inert Using weapon(s): Cockerill Mk III gun
Remarks: Ballistically matched to the RO907

Figure 351. British 90-mm HEAT-TP Munition Model RO940

Complete cartridge length: 591 mm Filler: Comp A3 1.23 kg
Complete cartridge mass: 7.4 kg Using weapon(s): CKL Mk III
Fuse: BD Remarks: Copy of Belgian NR 445 munition

Figure 352. British 90-mm HESH-T Munition Model RO929

Complete cartridge length: 635 mm Filler: TNT 1.05 kg
Complete cartridge mass: 8.3 kg Using weapon(s): CKL Mk III
Projectile fuzed mass: 5.1 kg Remarks: Copy of Belgian NR 501 munition
Fuse: PD

Figure 353. British 90-mm HE-T Munition Model RO924

Complete cartridge mass: 11.0 kg Using weapon(s): CKL Mk III
Projectile fuzed mass: 8.5 kg Remarks: Copy of Belgian NR 219 munition
Fuse: PD

Figure 354. British 90-mm HE-APERS-T Munition Model RO925

Using weapon(s): CKL Mk III
Remarks: Copy of Belgian NR 125 munition

Figure 355. British 90-mm Canister Munition Model RO933

Complete cartridge length: 635 mm Using weapon(s): CKL Mk III
Complete cartridge mass: 8.7 kg Remarks: Copy of Belgian NR 502 munition
Filler: WP

Figure 356. British 90-mm SMOKE Munition Model RO932

Complete cartridge length: 838 mm Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy
Complete cartridge mass: 19.1 kg Using weapon(s): L7 series guns
Projectile mass: 6.5 kg with sabot Remarks: None

Figure 357. British 105-mm APDS-T Munition Model L52

Using weapon(s): L7 gun
Remarks: Ballistically matched to the L52

Figure 358. British 105-mm TPDS-T Munition Model L63

Complete cartridge length: 948 mm Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy
Complete cartridge mass: 18.5 kg Using weapon(s): L7 series guns
Projectile mass: 6.1 kg with sabot, 3.6 kg without sabot Remarks: None

Figure 359. British 105-mm APFSDS Munition Model L64

Complete cartridge length: 990 mm Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy
Complete cartridge mass: 18.5 kg Using weapon(s): L7 series guns
Projectile mass: 6.1 kg with sabot, 3.6 kg without sabot Remarks: None

Figure 360. British 105-mm APFSDS Munition Model H6/62

Complete cartridge length: 939 mm Filler: RDX 2.1 kg
Complete cartridge mass: 21.2 kg Using weapon(s): L7 series guns
Projectile mass: 11.3 kg Remarks: None
Fuse: BD L19 or L56

Figure 361. British 105-mm HESH Munition Model L35

Complete cartridge length: 925 mm Filler: Inert
Complete cartridge mass: 21.2 kg Using weapon(s): L7 series guns
Fuse: BD L19 or L56 Remarks: Ballistically matched to the L35 HESH

Figure 362. British 105-mm HESH-TP Munition Model L38

Complete cartridge length: 927 mm Fuse: Time
Complete cartridge mass: 26.4 kg Using weapon(s): L7 series guns
Projectile mass: 19.6 kg Remarks: None

Figure 363. British 105-mm Smoke Munition Model L39

Projectile mass: 10.4 kg with sabot, 7.5 kg without sabot Using weapon(s): L11 gun
Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy Remarks: None

Figure 364. British 120-mm APDS Munition Model L15

Projectile mass: 5.8 kg without sabot Using weapon(s): L11 gun
Core material: Steel Remarks: Ballistically matched to the L15

Figure 365. British 120-mm TPDS-T Projectile Model L20

Projectile mass: 7.9 kg with sabot Using weapon(s): L11 gun
Penetrator: Monobloc tungsten alloy Remarks: None

Figure 366. British 120-mm APFSDS Munition Model L23

Projectile length: 503 mm Using weapon(s): L11 gun
Projectile mass: 17.1 kg Remarks: None
Filler: RDX 4.1 kg

Figure 367. British 120-mm HESH Projectile Model L31

Projectile length: 500 mm Using weapon(s): L11 gun
Projectile mass: 17.1 kg Remarks: Ballistically matched to L31
Filler type and mass: Either inert or with live fuze and flush

Figure 368. British 120-mm S.H. PRAC Projectile Model L32

Using weapon(s): Vehicle mounted
Remarks: None

Figure 369. British ATGM Model Swingfire

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.23 kg Using weapon(s): Chinese mortars Types 20 and 53 and
Fuze: Type II base/time former Soviet M1937
Filler: TNT 0.6 kg Remarks: Projectile has payload of 240 steel fragments

Figure 370. Vietnamese 82-mm HE Projectile Model B1

Projectile fuzed mass: 1.35 kg Using weapon(s): M57 mortar
Fuze: M55 PP Remarks: None
Filler: TNT 0.1 kg

Figure 371. Yugoslav 60-mm HE Projectile Model M57

Projectile fuzed mass: 6.20 kg Using weapon(s): Mountain gun M-48
Fuze: KTM-1 PD Remarks: Shown with nose plug
Filler: TNT 0.63 kg

Figure 372. Yugoslav 76-mm HE Projectile Model OF-350

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.35 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar M-5
Fuze: PSM No. 4, MK-1 PD Remarks: Charge mass includes a 46-gram supplementary
Filler: TNT 0.71 kg TNT charge

Figure 373. Yugoslav 81-mm HE Projectile Model M66

Projectile fuzed mass: 2.94 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar M-5
Fuze: M70P1 PD Remarks: None
Filler: TNT 0.66 kg

Figure 374. Yugoslav 81-mm HE-Frag Projectile Model M72

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.31 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar M-31, M-68, and Type 52
Fuze: UT M45P1 PD Remarks: None
Filler: TNT 0.46 kg

Figure 375. Yugoslav 82-mm HE Projectile Model M31

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.3 kg Using weapon(s): M-69A
Fuze: Not shown, PD Remarks: None
Filler: TNT 0.54 kg

Figure 376. Yugoslav 82-mm HE Projectile Model M48P1

Projectile fuzed mass: 3.05 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar M-31, M-68, and Type 52
Fuze: M68P1 Remarks: None
Filler: WP

Figure 377. Yugoslav 82-mm Smoke Projectile Model M74

Projectile fuzed mass: 15.73 kg Using weapon(s): M56, M101
Fuze: M557 PD Remarks: None
Filler: TNT 2.2 kg

Figure 378. Yugoslav 105-mm HE Projectile Model M1

Projectile fuzed mass: 15.91 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar UB M-52
Fuze: B-45TU PD Remarks: Fuze is modified Brandt 1945 design
Filler: TNT 3.10 kg

Figure 379. Yugoslav 120-mm HE Projectile Model 49

Projectile fuzed mass: 12.21 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar UB M-52
Fuze: UTU-M45 PD Remarks: Fuze is copy of 1945 Brandt
Filler type and mass: TNT 2.5 kg

Figure 380. Yugoslav 120-mm HE Projectile Model 56

Projectile fuzed mass: 14.72 kg Using weapon(s): Mortar M-74, M-75
Fuze: M78 PD Remarks: None
Filler: TNT 2.92 kg

Figure 381. Yugoslav 120-mm HE-Frag RAP Mortar Projectile

Projectile fuzed mass: 21.09 kg Using weapon(s): D-30J
Fuze: Not Shown, PD and Prox Remarks: None
Filler: TNT 3.63 kg

Figure 382. Yugoslav 122-mm HE Projectile Model HE-462J

Projectile length: 550 mm Using weapon(s): D81 gun, 2A45M ATG
Projectile mass: 5.86 kg with sabot, 3.82 kg without sabot Remarks: Copy of Russian BM-15
Penetrator: Steel body with a tungsten carbide core

Figure 383. Yugoslav 125-mm APFSDS Projectile Model M88

Projectile length: 680 mm Using weapon(s): D81 tank gun, 2A45M ATG
Projectile mass: 19.1 kg Remarks: Copy of Russian Bk-14M
Filler: 1.75 kg of Octogen

Figure 384. Yugoslav 125-mm HEAT Projectile Model M88

Projectile length: 615 mm unfuzed, 670 mm fuzed Using weapon(s): D81 tank gun, 2A45M ATG
Projectile mass: 21.19 kg Remarks: Copy of Russian OF-19
Filler: TNT 3.3 kg

Figure 385. Yugoslav 125-mm Frag-HE Projectile Model M86

Projectile fuzed mass: 8.43 kg Using weapon(s): M-63
Fuze: Not shown, PD and Prox Remarks: None
Filler: TNT 2.43 kg

Figure 386. Yugoslav 128-mm HE-Frag Rocket Warhead Model M63

Projectile fuzed mass: 33.45 kg Using weapon(s): M-46
Fuze: Not shown, PD and Prox Remarks: None
Filler: TNT 3.6 kg

Figure 387. Yugoslav 130-mm HE-Frag Projectile Model M79

(Reverse Blank)
Appendix A
Transliteration of Russian Alphabet

(Reverse Blank)
Appendix B
Glossaries of Foreign Projectile Terms


Albanian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
Arabic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
Bulgarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
Chinese. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
Czech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
Dutch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
French. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
German . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
Hebrew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
Hungarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
Japanese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
Korean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
Polish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
Romanian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
Russian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
Swedish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
Vietnamese. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482

(Reverse Blank)

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