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Journal of Environmental Management 231 (2019) 962–967

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Research article

Carbon footprint of fertilizer technologies T

a,∗ b b a,∗∗ b a c
K. Chojnacka , Z. Kowalski , J. Kulczycka , A. Dmytryk , H. Górecki , B. Ligas , M. Gramza
Department of Advanced Material Technologies, Faculty of Chemistry, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wrocław, Smoluchowskiego 25, 50-372, Poland
The Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Wybickiego 7, 31-261, Poland
Grupa Azoty Zakłady Azotowe Kędzierzyn S.A., Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Mostowa 30 A, 47-220, Poland


Keywords: The work discussed the necessity to evaluate the environmental effect – i.e. carbon footprint (CF), of N-con-
LCA analysis taining fertilizers when including their production, transportation and use. For that purpose, life cycle assess-
CO2 emission ment (LCA) methodology was involved. The LCA-based CF concerned model fertilizer technology determined
European Union Allowances with the consideration of greenhouse gases assimilation during fertilizer-induced vegetation, as compared to
Crop cultivation
non-treated crops system. According to the available data, the inclusion of CO2 assimilation by plants via
photosynthesis in balance sheet offsets 87.6% of the CF from the biomass consumption. Thus, the new approach
to LCA along with the analysis of life cycle costs would provide more reliable determination of the fee amount
charged to European fertilizer manufacturers. The approach might be further developed for various products for
plant treatment. Also, the verification of similar fertilizer technologies in different installations is expected to
identify bottlenecks in terms of the ecological, technical and economic evaluation.

1. European Union position on carbon footprint et al., 2015; Młynarski, 2014).

Based on the European Commission report, “the overall amount of
In the current European economy, when taking the production carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (…)
profitability into account, the role of various environmental fees is es- associated with a product along its supply-chain, use and end-of-life
sential. Environmental and economic goals relate to each other, and so recovery and disposal” is designated under the name carbon profile or
do the policies (Młynarski, 2014). The European Union (EU) aspires to carbon footprint (CF) (JRC European Commission, 2009). Originally
the leading position in combat with climate change – particularly conceived by Rees as the concept of ecological footprint (Rees, 1992),
greenhouse gas (GHG) emission, for which it competes with USA and CF is currently a critical environmental indicator (OECD, 2008; Gautam
the People's Republic of China (PRC). To mitigate the GHG emission, and Singh, 2010) – one of the environmental footprints (CICER, 2004) –
the governments enforce carbon pricing. It includes emissions trading regulated by ISO 14067 (2013). Besides CO2, CF involves methane
systems and carbon taxes, among others. Being applied in 39 national (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and fluorinated gases (ISO/TS 14067:2013).
and 23 subnational jurisdictions, these two key tools cover 8 and 4% of As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has estab-
the annual global GHG emission, respectively (Kossoy et al., 2015). The lished, quantitative determination of CF is referred to global warming
European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) – the first inter- potential (GWP) – the key indicator showing the effect of “the potential
national implement launched in 2005 – remains the single largest in- relative climate change per kg of a greenhouse gas over a fixed time
strument for carbon pricing at worldwide level as it accounts for over period” (Solomon, 2007). In other words, CF quantifies an individual
75% of the international carbon trading and covers about 45% of the contribution to global warming from industrial and human activities,
annual EU GHG emission. The working principle of EU ETS – 'cap and expressed in CO2 equivalents (CO2-eqv) (Wang et al., 2015).
trade', assumes the purchase or sale of emission allowances (European Although the determination of carbon footprint generally reveals
Union Emission Allowances, EUEA) for the price regulated by the stock the environmental impact of the product – meaning both goods and
market (European Commission, 2017a). While for governments carbon services (ISO 14040:2006), GHG emissions affect oceanic and atmo-
pricing is a revenue source, enterprises and long-term investors use it to spheric systems. Hence, an indirect influence on human health might
evaluate their actions in environmental and economic terms (Kossoy also be indicated (Barrett et al., 2015).

Corresponding author.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (K. Chojnacka), (A. Dmytryk).
Received 31 May 2018; Received in revised form 17 September 2018; Accepted 30 September 2018
Available online 12 November 2018
0301-4797/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Chojnacka et al. Journal of Environmental Management 231 (2019) 962–967

2. Carbon footprint in intensive crop production (EUROSTAT, 2014; FAOSTAT, 2014a). The values refer to 22 and 19%,
respectively, of the agricultural emission within these regions
The population growth is strongly correlated with agricultural (FAOSTAT, 2014a).
technology, including fertilizing (IFA, 2009). Nitrogen (N) was the In each year beginning from 1970, anthropogenic GHG emissions
major limiting nutrient in cropping systems until, in the 1950s, the includes approximately 25% of non-CO2 gases (UNFCCC, 2012) the
development of the Haber-Bosch process started the large-scale pro- almost sole source of which is AFOLU sector (IPCC, 2014). The great
duction of mineral N-containing fertilizers (N fertilizers) (Ma et al., attention is paid to nitrous oxide (N2O) because of its specific GWP –
2008; Robertson and Vitousek, 2009; Skowrońska and Filipek, 2014; about 265–298-fold higher for a 100-year timescale (GWP100) as com-
Zhang et al., 2013). The consumption of those increased 2.5-fold be- pared to CO2, and 44% contribution to agricultural GHG emission (EPA,
tween 1970 and 2000 in response to the crop farming development 2017; FAOSTAT, 2014a; Syakila and Kroeze, 2011). Also, agricultural
(FAOSTAT, 2000). For the last 20 years, the global agricultural demand activity results in above 60% of anthropogenic N2O releases (Syakila
for N has been rising systematically – except a recession observed be- and Kroeze, 2011), mainly during microbial nitrification and deni-
tween 2007 and 2009 as a result of the spike in commodity prices trification of fertilizer residues inefficiently recovered by the plants
worldwide (FAO, 2010, 2011, 2014). Since the decline, fertilizer ni- (Jensen et al., 2012).
trogen use increased by 16.3% reaching 114 Mt with the leading posi- Improvement in management of nitrogen rates in cropping requires
tion of East Asia – PRC, in particular (FAO, 2015, 2016, 2017). The to apply both environmental and economic indicators, including the
European countries contribute about 14% (EU countries – 11%) of N product carbon footprint (PCF) and the gross margin (GM), respectively
fertilizer purchase. The average consumption of other primary nutrients (Krause and Arora, 2008). Such approach shows significantly positive
– K2O and P2O5, has been 2.5- and 3.2-fold lower, respectively, within influence on the PCF, while its effect on GM is only minor. Yet, the yield
the accounting period (FAO, 2017; FAOSTAT, 2014b). Agrotechnical loss by 10% would affect PCF slightly, having however a strong detri-
treatments with N fertilizers provide food for 48% of the global popu- mental impact on farmers income. The bottleneck of reliable manage-
lation (FAO, 2006; Fertilizers Europe, 2017). The further 50–80% in- ment implementation is then dissemination of advanced strategies for
crease in agriculture, and hence corresponding demands, by 2050 is sustainability maintenance which will limit neither volume nor the
estimated (Huang and Tang, 2010; Müller, 2009). profitability of the crop production (Ha et al., 2015). Several agri-
At the same time, agronomic and economic optimum of nitrogen cultural systems have been verified to mitigate GHG emission (Carter
application rates has already been exceeded (Chen et al., 2011; Gan and Ambus, 2006; Hauggaard-Nielsen et al., 2016; Smith et al., 2007;
et al., 2012). Among severe environmental effects by N fertilizers, the Robertson et al., 2000), the technologies need to be developed to meet
major proportion of GHG emission in crop production (Gan et al., 2014) the efficacy requirements, though.
is of particular interest as it impairs the principles of sustainable de- On the other hand, the fact of efficient CO2 assimilation by crops is
velopment (Zhang et al., 2013). The discussion about climate change usually neglected in the debate. At the same time, the current en-
directs an attention to enhance crop yielding while decreasing GHG terprises pay significant fees for the GHG (CO2) released during ferti-
released from agricultural activity (Grassini and Cassman, 2012; IPCC, lizer production – which are expected to increase during the coming
2014). decades. Since GHG emission strongly corresponds to overpopulation
Since 1970, a high confidence in anthropogenic GHG (CO2) emis- and overconsumption (Barnosky et al., 2016), the actual balance of CO2
sion had begun, which finally – in 2010, led to double the results from in the environment is a very important issue of modern fertilizer in-
previous 220-year long period reaching 49 ± 4.5 Gt CO2-eqv/yr (IPCC, dustry. For this purpose, the life cycle assessment (LCA) is the most
2014; UNFCCC, 2012). According to IPCC (2014), approximately 78% suitable tool as it enables reliable evaluation of burdens and improve-
of total GHG increase observed in the atmosphere during high con- ments corresponded to various environmental issues – ecosystem de-
fidence was induced by CO2 emission from the combustion of fossil gradation, resource and ozone depletion, negative human health im-
fuels and industrial process. These two sources are still liable for the pacts (Consoli et al., 1993, GHG Protocol for products, 2011; Lindfors
total GHG emission within the food production chain (Wang et al., et al., 1995).
2015). Besides energy production and electricity, agricultural system – In the current work, a new approach of life cycle assessment to
when combined with forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector – is determine the carbon footprint in production of fertilizers with the
one of the main anthropogenic emission source as it releases about 25% consideration of their further involvement plants vegetation is pre-
GHG (EEA, 2014; IPCC, 2014; JRC European Commission, 2009; sented. The paper discusses the main assumptions of CO2 balance in the
UNFCCC, 2012). fertilizer industry – taking account of the removal of CO2 from the
The agricultural sector itself emitted 5.2 Gt CO2-eqv/yr globally, environment by plants in the process of photosynthesis.
divided into 10 sub-domains as shown in Fig. 1 (FAOSTAT, 2014a).
The amount of GHG released from mineral fertilizing reflects the 3. LCA-based methodologies for carbon footprint evaluation
consumption, hence indirectly the manufacturing, of N-containing
products proving their dominancy within the group (FAOSTAT, 2014a, There are various methodologies to estimate CF (Wiedmann and
2014b). The contribution of the mineral fertilizer use to the total GHG Minx, 2008), yet, LCA is the most common approach (Peter et al.,
emission differs depending on the area, and it is about 7% for PRC (Gan 2017). In addition, there are requirements for LCA to gain environ-
et al., 2014) while below 2% for EU member countries altogether mental certificates – especially those issued in Western European
countries. Two international standards – ISO 14040 (2006) and 14044
(2006), specify LCA itself. Since the life cycle is defined as “the con-
secutive and interlinked stages of a product system, from raw material
acquisition, or generation from natural resources, to final disposal” (ISO
14040:2006), its assessment involves detailed statement of material and
energy consumption and related emissions (Consoli et al., 1993). The
execution of such research enables to manage the environmental impact
and provide measurable financial savings – e.g. by identifying the least
efficient operations and then upgrading. The method of LCA works
based on quite complex quantitative data, and thus, it should be com-
plemented with the input-output analysis within the system of interest.
Fig. 1. Agricultural GHG emission categories (FAOSTAT, 2014a). While considering the life cycle of fertilizers, one usually thinks of 3

K. Chojnacka et al. Journal of Environmental Management 231 (2019) 962–967

stages: production-transport and logistics-use (IFA, 2009). At the same

time, emissions from these processes are discussed to share the en-
vironmental burden in agricultural system (Audsley et al., 1997). Fer-
tilizers remain one of the main inputs for crop production – about 8
(along with soil improvers) and 21% of intermediate consumption in
EU and USA, respectively – which affect the outputs as they enhance the
yield (Coyette and Schenk, 2013; EUROSTAT, 2016; FAO, 2015; USDA,
2016). In parallel, crop yielding testifies fertilizer efficiency. The in-
corporation into input-output balance of agricultural industry, as well Fig. 2. Simplified diagram of LCA-based CF evaluation for fertilizer; FP – fer-
as the manner of performance determination, seems to be sensible tilizer production, FT – fertilizer transportation, FU – fertilizer use, CP – crop
reason why plant treatment products would undergo the environmental production (ending with the crop harvest) (Audsley et al., 1997; YARA, 2010).
impact evaluation extended with the cultivation stage – meaning the
vegetation cycle. The approach also justifies the inclusion of the ferti- statistics, regional averages and best available techniques (BAT). The
lizer-induced enhancement of plant growth – hence carbon dioxide calculations would require more precise values if the system was spe-
metabolism via photosynthesis (CO2 assimilation), in the overall CO2 cific.
balance. The functional unit would be 1 tonne of plant biomass produced as a
The quantification of GHG emission within a production chain is result of fertilizer application referring to non-treated crops. Such ap-
performed according to different guidelines – GHG Protocols (GHG proach enables to compare the individual CF, between the systems.
Protocol corporate, 2004, 2011; Wiedmann and Minx, 2008), de- Despite GHG emissions from the production, transportation and use of
pending on whether product or corporate level is considered (Navarro fertilizers, optimal treatment might improve CO2 assimilation – because
et al., 2017). The former is related to ISO 14067, while the latter refers of the increase in crop productivity, by 4–5-fold over non-fertilized
to ISO 14064 (2006). The Product Standard provides guidelines to cultivation.
elaborate the inventory of GHG emissions and removals concerning a For the production of a given fertilizer, material and energy balance
specific product throughout its life cycle (Peter et al., 2017). At the need to be performed to calculate the amount of GHG – as CO2
same time, there are three scopes of CF appeared in the Corporate equivalents, released in both direct and indirect emissions related to the
Standard: “1) direct emissions, 2) indirect emissions from electricity energy, process and waste or wastewater (Fischedick et al., 2014). The
production and other services, and 3) indirect emissions upstream and/ balance sheet should contain entries regarding individual fertilizer
or downstream on the production chain” (GHG Protocol corporate, production unit; to select the data source (i.e. expertise, report for the
2004, 2011). The application of LCA is recommended for PCF or 3 CCF region), one relies upon the operational efficiency. It is assumed that
evaluation (Navarro et al., 2017). the natural gas plays a role of the main energy source and, in the case of
In the literature, PCF is reported rather than CCF (Navarro et al., N fertilizers, primary raw material.
2017). Regarding crop cultivation, PCF studies commonly involve one Although fertilizers are provided to the consumer by various means
single plant type through one vegetation period. Though, the com- of transport, average regional volumes of GHG emission for transpor-
plexity of such systems poses a challenge to quantify all underlying tation are relevant for the indicator determination.
material flows during a limited time (Brankatschk and Finkbeiner, Besides CO2 emitted from the machinery, fertilizer application
2015; Peter et al., 2017). Since PCF focuses on agricultural activities, it contributes to N2O release via microbial transformation of nitrogen
might be, however, limited to “cradle to farm gate” rather than “cradle introduced into the soil. Indicators of this issue are preferably calcu-
to grave”. The simplification set the system boundaries to end with crop lated by using BAT data. Depending on the guidelines chosen for
harvest (“when identical products pass out of the farm gate”). In multi- GWP100, emission of 1 kg of N2O provides up to 298 kg CO2-eqv (EPA,
function systems, such as agricultural production, there are operational 2017).
subsystems interlinked giving rise to the allocation of environmental
impact, hence – difficulties in the final assessment (Audsley et al.,
1997). Considering agricultural processes, some of their key parameters 5. Perspectives
are still underexamined as depending on inter-related factors, e.g. local
and climate conditions, and farming practice (Audsley et al., 1997; The new concept of LCA-based carbon footprint evaluation was
Cherubini and Strømman, 2011). Thus, the methods of reliable PCF applied by the European leader in fertilizer production – YARA, on the
quantification are still developed. most commonly used nitrogen source for agricultural systems in Europe
– ammonium nitrate (AN) (IFA, 2014). The study focused on showing
4. The new concept of product carbon footprint assessment in the big picture of the performance delivered by the agricultural system
fertilizers production with the consideration of plant vegetation with fertilizer input (Yara, 2010). According to the balance sheet
published by the company in 2010, the results were as follows:
The LCA requires a clear definition of the purpose and scope, as well
as the production system and its boundaries. For the case study, the a) the total CF of AN production, based on BAT data, 3.6 kg CO2-eqv
analysis of the environmental indicator – i.e. carbon footprint, should per kg N – then verified with calculation tool developed by
involve two agricultural systems: Fertilizers Europe (FE) (Yara, 2015a),
b) the European average GHG emission during fertilizer transportation
a) without the fertilizer input – carrying out a full life cycle inventory 0.1 kg CO2-eqv per kg N,
in the plant cultivation; c) the average CF for AN use 5.6 kg CO2-eqv per kg N,
b) with the fertilizer input – carrying out a full inventory for the life d) the total PCF of crop production −75 kg CO2-eqv per kg N – con-
cycle of these products (see 2nd paragraph of section 3) followed by sidering yield of 8 t/ha at the AN application of 170 kg N/ha and
their involvement in the plant cultivation (Fig. 2). 12.8 t CO2/ha carbon assimilation by growing plants (Yara, 2010).

In both, the amount of CO2 absorbed by plants in the crop area is Summing up, the resultant CF of the exemplary product would be
estimated. −65.7 kg CO2-eqv per kg N within “cradle to farm gate” system (see
As the assessment concerns the typical system, it combines the up- section 3). At the same time, CO2 assimilation by crops does not affect
to-date state of knowledge with published data – such as official the global GHG emission long enough to term it the saving since the

K. Chojnacka et al. Journal of Environmental Management 231 (2019) 962–967

majority of cultivated biomass undergoes further processing for food or conducted. The determination of life cycle costs in the production
feed. The analysis performed by YARA showed, however, that AN-in- system will be followed by objective assessment of the effects of man-
duced crop production – when including emissions from fertilizer input, ufacturing processes.
could remove atmospheric CO2 equivalent to 87.6% of the CF of the The approach shown in the current work for N fertilizers might be
biomass consumption (75 kg CO2-eqv per kg N) (Yara, 2010). adapted for products obtained from various raw materials. Analysis of
For non-treated cultivation, there are no emissions listed under similar fertilizer technologies in different fertilizer installations will
points a)-c) shown above. Yet, long-term lack of treatment would lead create an opportunity to compare the environmental, technical and
to only 14% reduction of the carbon footprint calculated per unit mass economic indicators of the applied and dependent nodes or unit op-
of biomass cultivated while 75–80% decrease in crop production, as erations required upgradation. Finally, a library of balance sheets
compared to fertilized system. The necessity of high agricultural pro- would be created enabling to estimate CF of fertilizers performing
ductivity is followed by extension of arable lands (acreage conversion) significant improvement in composition and technology or, in the fu-
which results in the leakage of carbon – in the CO2 form, stored in the ture, before placing on the market.
soil (Smith et al., 2014; Yara, 2017). Taking EU premises into account,
the release of soil carbon at the level of 0.1% is estimated to even the 6. Conclusions
annual GHG emissions from 100 million cars (European Commission,
2017b). Globally, the land-use change activities contribute to 9–11% of The concept for the main assumptions of CO2 balance in the ferti-
total anthropogenic GHG emissions (Smith et al., 2014) – similar to lizer industry was discussed, with emphasize on the matter of CO2 as-
agriculture share. similation by cultivated plants. The view widening would substantiate
Besides efficient land management, it is the fertilizer use what re- the arguments of fertilizer companies to reduce the fees for CO2 emis-
quires major improvements as accounting for 60% of the input. sion and confirm the validity of detailed LCA analysis as the useful tool
Intensive farming help to protect forests termed as “carbon sinks”, for that purpose. The crops take up CO2 in an amount which exceeds, by
though. In European Union, forests absorb the equivalent of about 10% a few-fold, PCF determined during production, transportation and use
of the total annual EU GHG emissions (European Commission, 2017b; of fertilizers plants are treated with. At the same time, increase in de-
Yara, 2017). A study based on 1965–2005 data, performed at Stanford mand/consumption for crop biomass will not cease to be an issue in the
University, showed the mineral fertilizer input to prevent CO2 release of near term. Nor arable land limitations will. There is also no large-scale
up to 590 Gt (Burney et al., 2010). solution showing cost-to-performance ratio comparable to fertilizing.
Considering the above, European fertilizer manufacturers face the Thus, although the reduction of fertilizer use arises as the simplest re-
inequitable settlement for their alleged environmental impact – which sponse to the emission restriction, the agricultural industry has no ca-
is not as strongly negative as it is reported. The divergency in metho- pacity to handle such solution, yet. Agricultural practice and nutrient
dology causes large differences, and thus harmonized approach should management need to be developed instead. The fertilizing optimization
be set. The further restrictions referring to GHG emissions are im- requires, however, considerable financial outlays. The trade of emission
plemented instead. allowances affects GHG released to the environment without long-term
Between 2014 and 2016, European Commission load back 900 solution involved. In that situation, shifting the interest on innovative
million allowances to reduce the supply of such on the carbon market. farming techniques is expected to provide more benefits to en-
On May 2017, nearly 1.7 billion allowances circulated on the European trepreneurs on the both sides – fertilizer and crop production. The LCA-
carbon market (European Commission, 2017d). Contrariwise, 6.1 bil- based approach shown in the current paper would support sustainable
lion allowances were traded through the EU ETS in 2014 (Thomson development of agriculture industrial branch.
Reuters, 2015).
A potential increase in the fees resulted from EUEA – €8/t CO2 Acknowledgement
(Thomson Reuters, 2015), will challenge the profitability of European
production of fertilizers for a reason of hampered prices. Since the AN This paper is financed in the frame of Wrocław Centre of
production requires about 19 MMBtu natural gas/t and the average EU Biotechnology, programme The Leading National Research Centre
gas price is €5/MMBtu, the cost of raw materials for manufacturing 1 (KNOW) for years 2014–2018, and grant entitled “Crop plants and
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