Disaster Management

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I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to

academic director Mrs.Latha Maheshwari and my social science
teacher Mrs.Raju Gokila who gave me the golden opportunity to
do this wonderful project on the topic “Disaster management”
which also helped me in doing a lot of research and I came to
know about so many new things. I am really thankful to them.
Secondly I would also thank my parents who helped me a lot in
finalizing this project within the limited time frame.
Local Tsunami
A local tsunami is a tsunami that causes damage in relatively
close proximity to the tsunami-causing event. Specifically, the
underwater event -- usually an earthquake -- that produces a
local tsunami happens within 100 km, which is a little over 60
miles, of the land damage that results. These tsunamis can be
devastating because the time between the underwater event and
the arrival of the tsunami can be under an hour -- and sometimes
less than 10 minutes.
Regional Tsunami
A regional tsunami is one that causes damage from 100 km to
1,000 km from the underwater event that causes the tsunami. In
some cases, more contained damages occur outside the 1,000
km perimeter. Regional tsunamis provide slightly more warning
time than local tsunamis, making landfall between one and three
hours of the event that causes them.
Distant Tsunami
A distant tsunami, also called a tele-tsunami or ocean-wide
tsunami -- originates with an exceptionally powerful and
destructive event more than 1,000 km away from landfall.
Though a distant tsunami may first appear like a local tsunami, it
travels across wide swathes of ocean basin.
It can be generated by movements along fault zones associated
with plate boundaries. The region where two plates come in
contact is a plate boundary
A landslide that occurs along the coast can force large amounts
of water into the sea, disturbing the water and generate a
tsunami. Underwater landslides can also result in tsunamis when
the material loosened by the landslide moves violently, pushing
the water in front of it.
Volcanic Eruption
Although relatively infrequent, violent volcanic eruptions
represent also impulsive disturbances, which can displace a
great volume of water and generate extremely destructive
tsunami waves in the immediate source area.
 When a massive tsunami hits land, the amount of energy
and water stored in it will cause massive damage.
 Tsunamis inflict damage by two mechanisms: the
slamming force of a fast-moving wall of water, and the
destructive strength of a large volume of water draining off
the ground and bringing a large amount of debris with it,
even with small waves.
 The cost of human life is one of the most significant and
destructive consequences of a tsunami since surviving a
tsunami is virtually impossible. Tsunamis claim the lives of
hundreds of thousands of people.
 In tsunami-affected areas, the disease could spread due to
flooding and polluted drinking water. When water is
stagnant and polluted, illnesses like malaria will spread.
 Tsunamis not only kill humans, but also wipe out insects,
livestock, plants, and natural resources.
 The landscape is changed by a tsunami. It uproots trees and
plants, as well as animal habitats including bird nesting
The drawback of water can be a sign of caution. Individuals. A
person who watches drawback can survive just on the off-
chance that they quickly keep running for high ground or look
for the upper floors of adjacent structures. In 2004, ten-year-old
Tilly Smith of Surrey, England, was on Maikhao shoreline in
Phuket, Thailand with her folks and sister. When she found out
about tsunamis as of late in school, disclosed to her family that a
tidal wave may be inescapable. Her folks cautioned others
minutes before the wave arrived, and this saved many lives.

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