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Modal verbs Function Example

Strong obligation You must stop when the traffic lights turn red
Must Certainty He must be very tired. He has been working all day long.
Mustn’t Prohibition You mustn’t smoke in the hospital.

Ability I can swim.

Can Permission Can I use your phone, please?
Possibility Smoking can cause cancer.
Ability in the past When I was younger I could run fast.
Could Polite permission Excuse me, could I just say something?
Possibility It could rain tomorrow!
May permission May I use your phone, please?
Possibility/probability It may rain tomorrow!
Might Polite permission Might I suggest an idea?
Possibility/probability I might go on holiday to Australia next summer.

Needn’t Lack of necessity I needn’t buy tomatoes. There are plenty of them in the fridge.
Should/Ought 50% obligation I should / ought to see a doctor. I have a terrible headache.
to Advice You should / ought to revise your lessons.
Shall Suggestion Shall we move into the living room?
Would Polite request Would you mind closing the door, please?
Have to Obligation Students have to wear the school uniform.
Had to I was raining heavily, so I had to drive slowly.

Exercise 1: Underline the right modal verb

8. I (can / could) play violin and guitar.
1. It’s cloudy; it (might / should) rain tonight.
9. Tom (had to / have to) leave yesterday.
2. I (must / needn’t) respect the red light.
10. He (can’t / couldn’t) come last night.
3. (May / might) I take your pen? 11. It’s a hospital. You (must / mustn’t) smoke here.
4. You (should / mustn’t) see a doctor. 12. (Can / may) you drink a bottle of water without
5. He (must / mustn’t) smoke in the station. stopping? No I (mightn’t / can’t).
13. He didn’t show up yet. He (might / might have) taken
6. You (must / needn’t) come; you could just call.
the wrong bus.
7. When I was 14, I (can / could) run faster. 14. You (should / should have) helped him.

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the

appropriate modal verb from the list.
1. I am good at languages. I …………. speak French, Spanish and English. will – can – must
2. …………. I use calculator machine, please? might – may – should
3. …………. you pass some salt, please? should – must – could
4. “You …………. smoke in the hospital,” he said. would – needn’t – mustn’t
5. He said it …………. rain tonight. had to – should – might
6. You …………. work hard if you want to succeed. must – can – mustn’t
7. She …………. come because she was sick. mustn’t – couldn’t - can
8. When I was a child, I …………. wear the school uniform. had to – must – can
9. We have a party tonight. So, we …………. be late. mustn’t – had to – has to
10. The entrance to the stadium is free today. You …………. buy the ticket. mustn’t – needn’t – should
11. I saw her crying. She …………. have had a problem. must – can’t – should
12. The man over there …………. be Mr. Jason. Mr. Jason died two weeks ago. should – can’t – must
13. When he was a young boy, he …………. work out every day. can – must – could
14. “It’s a library. You …………. keep quit”, he said. must – may - can
15. Everybody can get this job. You …………. get any diploma. needn’t – must - may
16. “You …………. go if you want to”, the boss told his secretary. may – should – must
17. If you want to catch the train, you …………. leave now. can’t – must – can
18. You …………. leave the medicine on the ground. The child might swallow it. can – shouldn’t – may not
19. Taxi drivers …………. respect the red light. can – must – may
20. He has a Ferrari car. He …………. be very rich. must – might – can
Exercise 3: Put an asterisk (*) for what you MUST, MUSTN’T or NEEDN’T do and then write
them down as in the example.
tidy your room.
cheat on the exams.
do your homework regularly.
listen to the teacher.
take the umbrella. It isn’t raining.
disrespect your classmates.
talk during the test.
wake up early at weekends.
get to class late.
wash your hands before meals.
wear a tie at the parties.
1. I must tidy up my room.
2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
7. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
9. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
10. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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