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(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)

Dr. Ortega St. San Miguel, Iriga City, Philippines
Phone No. (054) 299-2401/Fax No. (054) 299-2403

Camille P. Cabrera
BSED- 3 (English)
Reflection 2

Music: Tool for Communicative Competence

Music is the majority’s tool for entertainment, relaxation, anti-depressant, and some
simply can’t live without it. I myself is really into music, it has become my passion and source
of happiness eversince I was young. Through music, I discovered who I really am, what are
the things that I love, and more importantly, it gives me a sense of belongingness. But these
are not only the thing music can bring to us, it is beyond the melody, the rhythm and the
beat that we hear. Music can improve not just our awareness with tones, but its structure
are full of meaning which can also able to develop our communicative competence as it
brings us a wide variety of words, introduces us figuratively written sentences, and teaches
us proper pronunciation.

Communicative competence is our ability to communicate effectively with the use of a

language. And us to be able to have these competence, we need to have deep
understanding with a certain language to be able to utilize it in communicating with others.
Music can be a tool that we can use for us to achieve these things as it exposes us to a wide
variety of words that may improve our vocabulary. The more exciting about this is that,
these words were being used in a context, giving us an idea on how to use these words.
Moreover, music also introduces us set of sentences that are usually written in a more
figurative and artistic way. Through that, we can able to understand and construct sentences
figuratively. Lastly, music also teaches us pronunciation considering that singer that
originally sang the songs pronounce the song lyrics in accordance with te way how they
usually use it, making us immitate them when we sing their songs.

Music in indeed an important thing to our lives, giving us the opportunity to enrich the
wolrd around us. Alongside it is the opportunity that music gives us in acquiring some of the
essential skills that us, students should obtain, language skills to be exact. And these skills
will surely contribute to ourselves not just in our future profession but throughout our lives.

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