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303 Date: 09/17/2022

Happiness begins from the moment you do something for others. Those who consistently
help others, are happy, and do not come across any obstacles in their lives. Research
indicates that they are less stressed, and experience improved mental health. The purpose of
life is to serve others. However, when doing so, you should not expect something in return;
your intention should be to lessen other people’s misery. “Service to others should be sincere
and done from the heart; only then it is fruitful.” Do any trees eat their own fruit? No. This
teaches us that human beings should not only use their mind, body, and speech for
themselves, but also to serve others.
When you do this, nature in turn will reward you. Life taught us in many events that in
every circumstance, the values we inculcate to our minds must be seen by other people. It is
very important that we are the model of good values. Values that will be remembered by
other people to our life. We must be the light to those people are in darkness. Darkness
implies the problems, failures, and frustrations in life.
This paper is all about the values of Webb R. Galzote in his daily life and on how he
handles values in terms of problems, failures, happiness, and comfortability.

HUMILITY. The Lord gave me different talents and skills, that’s why I received
different awards during my High School days and College days in which it helps me a lot in
my work. I always embrace humility to myself to see people in me that I always put my feet
on the ground. I can connect myself to a bamboo tree. The bamboo tree is very flexible, very
thin, and strong foundation. In every wind that comes, the bamboo tree is always go with
flow of the direction of the wind. Where the wind describes the different problems in life.
The height of a bamboo tree is high where it signifies the achievements of my life. Even the
bamboo tree is high, its feet will always be marked on the ground. It means that even you are
flexible person, you must have an attitude of down to earth which means, you must have a
humility because you are the source of light to other people. You are the one to correct them
and inspire them.
LOYALTY. Loyalty means being there for someone through the highs and lows and
staying by their side regardless of the circumstances. Loyalty involves accepting and loving
someone for who they are, and not threatening to leave them when things become
challenging. People display loyalty by weathering storms together, providing support, and
sticking it out. These values I appreciate and apply in my daily life where my loyalty to the
Lord is very strong. The reason why I choose this value because I really appreciate the small
actions to those people who loves me not just in good times but in bad times. I am not jealous
to other people’s success. Instead, I clap them and appreciate them because every individual
is unique in their own pace.

SPIRITUALITY. This is the center of one of my values in life, my spirituality. I am not

satisfied if this value is not included in my life. God is really the center of my life from then.
Without God, my life will be trashed. I am very thankful for my value in spirituality. The
Christianity really influence me to honor God. The highs and lows of my life is controlled by
the Lord. My faith everyday is really tested but the reward is excellent because of my faith.
The ethics of my life really sharpens my ability to influence other people. That’s why some
people like my attitude

COMPASSION. I always believe that being compassionate to other people, God will
reward you in unexpected time and place. I always show compassion to other people by
trying to help them and give pieces of advice. As a public-school teacher, you must show
compassion to your vocation and to your students. You are always there to help them to
develop their skills and bring out the best in them.

GIVING. “I can give what I have but I cannot give what I do not have.” This statement
really embraces me in my values in life. It gives me a hint on how to be a wise person. I also
apply this kind of value in our church. I always give my 10% income to our church. Also, in
my professional life. My students who don’t have enough money to buy their snacks, I give
them five pesos or 10 pesos sometimes.
INTEGRITY. In my age, I always avoid negativity and gossiping to my colleague. I
strive my best to have a better result with my team so that we will have a good result and
good understanding towards each other. I consider this as one of my values in my life
because I want a peace and harmony in my life. With this, I can achieve my goals in life.

APPRECIATION. One of the best qualities of a person is having an appreciation attitude.

Small things or big things, he/she appreciates of what he/she has. I really appreciate small
things in my life. Small rewards are a very big help to my ability and values in life. In my
professional life, I appreciate my students for winning their goals in life. In achieving their
dreams and giving their best.

DETERMINATION. Self-determination means you have the power to make decisions

and truly be in control of your life. This means that you have the right to choose what you
will do with your life and with whom you will do it. We all have the freedom to choose, and
all our decisions has its own consequences. We are determined because we have a goal to
achieve. A goal that needs to accomplish as a person. I chose this value because it fits me to
grow in different aspects of life and to choose my battle wisely. As an educator, my goal is to
strengthen my good relationship to my internal and external stakeholders and to my students
to build harmonious relationship.

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