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Nama : Firmansyah

NIM : 045290138
Kode Matkul : MKWI4201
Kelas Tuton : 138

Soal nomor 1

Identifikasi bagian surat yang ditandai oleh nomor 1-3. / Please identify the part of the letter numbered

Answer :

The part of the official letter marked by No. 1-3 are identified as follows:

No. 1 – Part Greeting (Salutation)

No. 2 – Contents of the Letter (Body Text)

No. 3 - Signature (Signature/Sign-off)

The type of letter above is classified as an official letter. Official Letter is a letter written by a company or
organization that is used for internal and external correspondence purposes. Official letters in English
generally use formal/official language in the form of the Simple Present Tense. This Official Letter needs
to be archived by the company for a long period of time which can be used as a proof document at any
time if needed.

Here are the parts of the official letter:

• Letterhead/header

• The date of the letter

• Letter number, attachment and subject

• Name of recipient of the letter

• Greetings

• Content of letter

• Closing

• Name and signature

Soal nomor 2

Identifikasi 3 (tiga) kesalahan pada surat di atas. / Please identify 3 (three) errors in the letter above/

Answer :

The letter above is a type of formal letter because it was sent from someone to the company regarding
the confirmation of catalog delivery.

There are 3 (three) errors in the letter above. They are:

1. Avoid using abbreviations. For example "u" in "Thank u for your letter...".

2. Use capital letters in words that indicate the name of the month. For example "july" in "...4 july...".

3. Declarative sentence ends with a punctuation mark. For example "?" in "...and terms of payment?".

Soal nomor 3

Anda baru saja membeli biskuit secara online dan menerima produk yang kedaluwarsa. Tulislah sebuah
surat singkat sebanyak kurang lebih 100-200 kata yang menyatakan kekecewaan Anda dan bahwa Anda
meminta produk pengganti atau uang kembali.

You ordered some cookies online and received an expired one. Please write a body letter Please write a
body letter in approximately 100-200 words that explains your disappointment and you are asking for a

Answer :

Dear Sir/Madam.

This is with reference to the instant food I brought from your TiktokSho market on 18th May 2022. I am
a regular customer of your TiktokSho market and I have got satisfying results in past. But I am writing
this letter as a complaint against the instant food that I ordered yesterday.

When I was about to cook the instant food and I saw that there was mold in the food, then I looked at
the packaging and it turned out that the product had expired. I request you replace the product/refund.

I hope that you will rectify your mistake and take extra care of products with expiry date. I
attached the bill and other details. Please contact me on the phone number +62 888999222 .
I look forward to hear from you. Thanking you

Yours sincerely
Dear Sir/Madam.

This is with reference to the instant food I brought from your TiktokSho market on 18th May 2022. I am
a regular customer of your TiktokSho market and I have got satisfying results in past. But I am writing
this letter as a complaint against the instant food that I ordered yesterday.

When I was about to cook the instant food and I saw that there was mold in the food, then I looked at
the packaging and it turned out that the product had expired. I request you replace the product/refund.

I hope that you will rectify your mistake and take extra care of products with expiry date. I
attached the bill and other details. Please contact me on the phone number +62 888999222 .
I look forward to hear from you. Thanking you

Yours sincerely
Dear Sir/Madam.

This is with reference to the instant food I brought from your TiktokSho market on 18th May 2022. I am
a regular customer of your TiktokSho market and I have got satisfying results in past. But I am writing
this letter as a complaint against the instant food that I ordered yesterday.

When I was about to cook the instant food and I saw that there was mold in the food, then I looked at
the packaging and it turned out that the product had expired. I request you replace the product/refund.

I hope that you will rectify your mistake and take extra care of products with expiry date. I
attached the bill and other details. Please contact me on the phone number +62 888999222 .
I look forward to hear from you. Thanking you

Yours sincerely
Dear Sir/Madam.

This is with reference to the instant food I brought from your TiktokShop market on 20th May 2022. I am
a regular customer of your TiktokShop market and I have got satisfying results in past. But I am writing
this letter as a complaint against the instant food that I ordered yesterday.

When I was about to cook the instant food and I saw that there was mold in the food, then I looked at
the packaging and it turned out that the product had expired. I request you replace the product/refund.

I hope that you will rectify your mistake and take extra care of products with expiry date. I have
attached the bill and other details. Please contact me on the phone number +62888999222 look forward
to hear from you. Thank you.

Yours sincerely
Soal Nomor 3

Anda baru saja membeli biskuit secara online dan menerima produk yang kedaluwarsa. Tulislah sebuah
surat singkat sebanyak kurang lebih 100-200 kata yang menyatakan kekecewaan Anda dan bahwa Anda
meminta produk pengganti atau uang kembali.

You ordered some cookies online and received an expired one. Please write a body letter Please write a
body letter in approximately 100-200 words that explains your disappointment and you are asking for a

Jawaban Soal Nomor 3 :

Dear Sir/Madam.

Soal nomor 4

Anda sedang menggalang dana untuk korban bencana alam dan ada seorang donatur yang memberikan
bantuan dalam jumlah besar. Tulislah sebuah email ucapan terima kasih terkait pemberian donasi
tersebut sebanyak kurang lebih 50-100 kata.

You initiate a fundraising event after a natural disaster and there is one person who donated a large
amount of money. Write a thank you email about the donation in approximately 50-100 words.

Answer :

Subject: Thank you for your donation to

Dear Mrs. Rahmalia Utami

Thank you for your donation towards supporting disaster natural " emergency! Mount Semeru

erupts again"

Hundreds of families need food, shelter, and other supplies during this time of emergency. Donors like
you make it possible for 'Hope Always' to assist those in dire need of help. With the
donation from generous people such as you, we have been able to deploy teams and dispatch
emergency supplies for those who have lost their homes.

With the donations we have gathered, we are providing food, freshwater, hygiene products, and
medicines to the residents of Slidell. We have set up three distribution sites to make sure we can reach
the maximum number of people.
Thank you for your quick response in sending the money. We thank you for lending your support in the
wake of this disaster.

Please find attached here with a summary of your donation. Click on this link to access a receipt of your

Thank you for your compassion.



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