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Background of the Study

In health care, it is not only important to be vaccinated for individual benefit, but also for
community benefit (Hong, 2021). Thus, it is important for everyone to be vaccinated. The people of
this generation carry the future of the country. Therefore, if majority will take the opportunity to be
vaccinated, there would be a huge possibility for this pandemic to end as earlier as possible.
According to the World Health Organization, vaccination is a simple, safe and effective way to
protect against harmful diseases before coming into contact with them, as it activates the body's
natural defenses to learn to resist specific infections and strengthen the immune system. In this
sense, vaccination against COVID-19 will reduce the risk of becoming seriously ill and dying, since the
person will be better protected. Immunity will not be 100%, since a vaccinated person can still catch
the disease; however, the consequences for the body are expected to be much less.

People are hesitant of getting vaccinated. According to the study of Arcadio Cerda and Leidy
García which was published last 2021, the results indicate that 49% of respondents were willing to
be vaccinated, with 28% undecided or 77% of individuals who would potentially be willing to be
inoculated. The main variables that explained the probability of rejection or indecision were
associated with the severity of COVID-19, such as, the side effects and effectiveness of the vaccine;
perceived benefits, including immunity, decreased fear of contagion, and the protection of oneself
and the environment; action signals, such as, responses from ones' family and the government,
available information, and specialists' recommendations; and susceptibility, including the contagion
rate per 1,000 inhabitants and relatives with COVID-19, among others. Our analysis of hypothetical
vaccine scenarios revealed that individuals preferred less risky vaccines in terms of fewer side
effects, rather than effectiveness. Additionally, the variables that explained the indecision toward or
rejection of a potential COVID-19 vaccine could be used in designing public health policies.

Utility of vaccine campaigns to control coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19) is not merely
dependent on vaccine efficacy and safety. Vaccine acceptance among the general public and
healthcare workers appears to have a decisive role in the successful control of the pandemic. The
aim of this review was to provide an up-to-date assessment of COVID-19 vaccination acceptance
rates worldwide. A systematic search of the peer-reviewed English survey literature indexed in
PubMed was done on 25 December 2020. Results from 31 peer-reviewed published studies met the
inclusion criteria and formed the basis for the final COVID-19 vaccine acceptance estimates. Survey
studies on COVID-19 vaccine acceptance rates were found from 33 different countries. Among adults
representing the general public, the highest COVID-19 vaccine acceptance rates were found in
Ecuador (97.0%), Malaysia (94.3%), Indonesia (93.3%) and China (91.3%). However, the lowest
COVID-19 vaccine acceptance rates were found in Kuwait (23.6%), Jordan (28.4%), Italy (53.7), Russia
(54.9%), Poland (56.3%), US (56.9%), and France (58.9%). Only eight surveys among healthcare
workers (doctors and nurses) were found, with vaccine acceptance rates ranging from 27.7% in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo to 78.1% in Israel. In the majority of survey studies among the
general public stratified per country (29/47, 62%), the acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination showed a
level of ≥70%. Low rates of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance were reported in the Middle East, Russia,
Africa and several European countries. This could represent a major problem in the global efforts to
control the current COVID-19 pandemic. More studies are recommended to address the scope of
COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. Such studies are particularly needed in the Middle East and North
Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Middle and South America. Addressing the
scope of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in various countries is recommended as an initial step for
building trust in COVID-19 vaccination efforts (Sallam, 2021).

Skepticism regarding COVID-19 vaccines has continued to wane down according to a latest Social
Weather Stations (SWS) survey, as only eight percent of adult Filipinos expressed hesitancy over
immunization compared to 18 percent in September 2021. According to SWS, the survey which was
done from December 12 to 16, 2021, showed that from the eight percent who were unwilling to
take COVID-19 vaccines, one percent said that they “probably” would not get the shots while seven
percent said “surely not.” (Lalu, 2022).Based on La Paz Rural Health Unit

Based on the data gathered regarding the COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the world, in the
Philippines, and in the locality, there are still number of people who were not yet vaccinated or are
still hesitant to get a vaccine. It is important to know the level of their hesitancy towards COVID-19

Based on the cited information above regarding the hesitancy of people on Covid-19 vaccine, the
researcher has fortitude and drive to conduct the study on the Level of Hesitancy on Covid-19
Vaccination Among Senior High School Students in Atty. Roque A. Marcos Memorial School.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to determine the level of hesitancy among Senior High students
of Atty. Roque A. Marcos Memorial School on Covid-19 vaccination.

Specifically this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in the following terms:

1.1 Age;
1.2 Gender;
1.3 Monthly family income; and
1.4 Grade level;
2. What is the level hesitancy of the respondents on Covid-19 vaccination?
2.1 Vaccine Hesitancy;
2.2 Probability of Rejection; and
2.3 Public Health Policies;
3. Is there significant difference in the level of hesitancy of the respondents on Covid-19
vaccination when grouped by profile?
3.1 Age;
3.2 Gender;
3.3 Monthly family income; and
3.4 Grade level

Significance of the Study

The study is conducted to determine the level of hesitancy e among Senior High students in Atty.
Roque A. Marcos Memorial School on COVID-19 vaccination. It will help the Department of Health
to know the level of hesitancy on COVID-19 vaccine of Senior High School students the result of this
study is beneficial to the students, to the parents, to the school, to the Department of Health(DOH)
and to the future researchers
To the students. The result of the study will help the students in Atty. Roque A. Marcos Memorial
School especially the Senior High School students to know their level of hesitancy on COVID-19
vaccine this will also benefit them to understand the importance of being vaccinated.

To the parents. The result of the study will help them decide better on COVID-19 vaccination for
their children this will help them to provide proper education to their children on COVID-19

To the School. The result of this study will provide information that could help to know the hesitancy
of these students on COVID-19 vaccination especially that the school are planning to conduct face to
face classes.

To the Department of Health (DOH). The outcome of this study will serve as their groundwork to
determine the hesitancy of the students on COVID-19 vaccination.

To the future researchers. The study would provide them with necessary information related to this
study. This could stand as their basis in conducting their own research study.

Scope and Delimitations of the study.

The study aims to determine the level of hesitancy students on COVID-19 vaccination among
Senior High School students in Atty. Roque A. Marcos Memorial School. The respondents of this
study will be Senior High School students in Atty. Roque A. Marcos Memorial School aged twenty
(20) years old and below.
The researcher formulated questions to know how hesitant the Senior High School students on
COVID-19 vaccination.

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