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Environmental sciences- Dr.S.

Santhana Bosu

14 Natural Resources- Fill in the blanks:

Land Resources 1. The consumption of resources per capita (per individual) of the developed countries is upto ______ times greater
than in most developing countries.
2. The two types of resources are ______________ and ____________________ resources.
3. ___________________ is the decline in land quality or reduction in its productivity or production potential
caused by human activities.
4. _____________is a process where in fertile lands become arid through land mismanagement or climate changes.
5. ______________ Desert in Rajasthan covers about 12,000 hectares of land.

Write short answers:

1. What is „human development index‟?
2. What is a renewable resource?
3. What are the Mechanisms that initiate land degradation?
4. What are the causes of desertification?
5. List down the measures to control desertification.
15 Forest Resources Fill in the blanks:
1. Forest is derived from latin word „______________‟ means „outside‟.
2. MoEF formulated the _____________________ of 1988 to give
added importance to joint forest management (JFM).
3. FAO ( Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN) defines tropical deforestation as “change of forest with
depletion of tree grown cover more than __________”.
4. The word "_____________" is considered to be a combination of the Portuguese word "Mangue" and the English
word "grove"
5. The presence of _____________ ecosystems on coastline save lives and property during natural hazards such as
cyclones, tsunami storm surges and erosion.

Write short answers:

1. What are the functions of a forest ?
2. How the forests are ecologically significant ?
3. List down the consequences of deforestation.
4. Write on “Chipko Movement From Barucha”
5. Detail the importance of Mangrove in Coastal ecosystem.
Environmental sciences- Dr.S.Santhana Bosu
16 Water Resources Fill in the blanks:
1. As per the National Commission on Agriculture, considering an average rainfall of 1200mm, the water wealth of
India is about __________ million hectare meters.
2. Nearly ____________ % of currently exploited groundwater is used only for irrigation.
3. A region where renewable fresh water availability is below ____________ cubic meters/capita/annum is a 'water
stress' region, and one where availability falls below ___________ cubic meters/capita/annum experiences
chronic 'water scarcity'.
4. If water in our body drops by _________________ we feel thirst, if it drops by _____________ we face death.
5. The IIMI estimates that India is using its underground water resources ___________________ as fast they are
being replenished.

Write short answers:

1. Write on the importance of rainfall as main source of water.

2. What are the reasons for decline of groundwater ?
3. List down the measures for sustainable water management.
4. “Dams are for development”- Support and oppose this statement.
5. Write on „Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP)‟ and “Narmada Bachao Andolan”.

17 Food Resources Fill in the blanks:

1. __________________ is the ability of all people at all times to access enough food for an active and healthy life.
2. Loss of nutrients and overuse of agricultural chemicals are major factors in land _____________________.
3. India‟s distinctive traditional varieties of rice alone are said to have numbered between ____________ thousand.
4. As living standards of the people are improving, people are eating more ________________________ food.
5. The former Soviet Union diverted the Ama Dariya and the Syr Dariya (the rivers which fed the Aral Sea) to grow
________________ crop in the desert.

Write short answers:

1. Define „sustainable agriculture‟ as per FAO.
2. What are the 3 conditions to be fulfilled to ensure food security?
3. Why should we protect genetic diversity?
4. How the „change in food habits‟ affect the poor?
5. Write on “Aral Sea Tragedy”.
Environmental sciences- Dr.S.Santhana Bosu
18 Energy Resources Fill in the blanks:
1. _____________ is defined as „the capacity to do work‟.
2. _____________ is the standard unit of energy in SI units.
3. Energy resources can be described as ___________________________ and sustainable.
4. __________________ are liquified and removed as LPG and Methane is cleaned and pumped in to pipelines.
5. India‟s oil reserves which are being used at present lie off the coast of ________________________________.
6. Energy released from 1kg of Uranium 235 is equivalent to that produced by burning ________________ of coal.
7. Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman demonstrated nuclear fission. They found that they could split the nucleus of a
uranium atom by bombarding it with _____________________________.
8. _____________________________ was the father of Nuclear Power development in India.
9. The future will most likely to be a mix of sources with increase in emphasis on the ______________________.

Write short answers:

1. How is the earth itself the key source of energy?
2. What are the impacts of nuclear power on environment?
3. What are the three types of energy?
4. How the Ocean Thermal Exchange Capacity (OTEC) is operating?
5. Write on Coal Power and Its Environmental Impacts.
19 Renewable Energy Fill in the blanks:
1. Sun‟s energy each day is ______ times greater than produced from all other sources (1/5 of known reserves of
fossil fuels).
2. Water flowing down a natural gradient to turn turbines to generate electricity known as „_________________‟.
3. PV systems also of course only work when the sun is shining, and thus need _________ to store the electricity.
4. Biomass is organic material which has stored sun light in the form of ________________ energy.
5. India stands _________________ in the world in wind power.
6. The average wind ______________ of an area is an important determinant of economically feasible power.

Write short answers:

1. What are the environmental impacts of hydro electric projects?
2. Write on geothermal energy.
3. Write on tidal and wave power.
4. How biogas is produced?
5. Is PV cells are environment friendly?

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