Amacio ClassParti1MT

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Kashmeer Dyanne P.

Assignment 01-MT

What do you think are the good and bad aspects of the culture portrayed in the
video clips? Give and explain each (good and bad) for four sentences only.

Good Aspect
The good aspect of their culture portrayed in the video clip is that they are
very respectful to their tradition. The Suri Women Tribe preserved their tradition
by wearing the lip plates. I also observed that they respect the choice of other
women not to wear lip plate. There is no doubt that they truly value and respect
their cultural tradition.

Bad Aspect
The bad aspect of their culture is that the Suri Men are willing to kill for the
sake of marriage and living. Some of them risks their lives to steal from other
tribes. Protecting your herd isn’t a bad thing at all but what makes it bad is that
they are willing to kill. Long ago, Suri Men smuggled automatic weapons from

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