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Kashmeer Dyanne P.

Class Participation-MT

From the good aspect you mentioned from the previous activity, give one
argument for ethical relativism that supports your ideas? In the same way, from
the bad aspect you mentioned, give one critical evaluation of ethical relativism
that supports your ideas as well. Answers must not go beyond ten sentences.

The ethical relativism that support my ideas is the argument from respect.
According to Timothy and Wong (1996), no culture has the right to impose its
own ethical views and practices on anyone else, least of all on people in
different cultures and traditions. Every one of us grew up with different
traditions, beliefs and moral values. For someone who doesn’t belong to the
tribe of Suri women, it can be bothering to witness their culture. However, we
must respect the beliefs and traditions of anyone. Differences doesn’t stop us
for being a human. As long as it respects the decision of other whether to apply
them or not, it is okay. Their cost of living depends on their tradition and it also
beneficial for them, who are we to judge.
The critical evaluation of ethical relativism that supports my idea is the
argument from conformity. It is because they believe that fighting over tribes
and killing is normal. It has been normalized because majority of the people in
the tribe believes that it is the right way of protecting your herd. According to
Fernandez and Cayugyog (2019), the argument of conformity refers to whatever
a society believes to be right is right and vice versa. Majority of the Suri Men
acknowledged this practice as good. It won’t be a practice for the longest time if
majority of the people disagrees to this practice.

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