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Kashmeer Dyanne Amacio

ETHICS – Class Participation 01

According to Kant, when we do an act voluntarily we are operating under some kind
maxims, rules or directives. For example, not cheating - (this is the act)- and "
honesty is the best policy"-( this is the maxim.)

Now, below are some actions and you are going to give their corresponding

1. Practicing good study habits – practicing good study habits to do well in school.
2. Respecting your parents - Honor thy father thy mother in the Lord for this is right.
It is written as the fifth commandment of the Lord.
3. Saving Money – save money in order to have a secured future
4. Not doing Pre-marital Sex even you can – this is because according to the Bible,
this is only done by married couple.
5. Purity of Thoughts – our thoughts is our reflection that can be put up through
6. Loving oneself (not being self-centered) – in order to love others, you must love
yourself first.
7. Doing Generosity – sharing your blessings to others will have an impact in their
8. Going to Mass/Church every Sunday – going to mass will keep our faith to God.
9. Observing proper diet and exercise – this is to keep your body active and healthy
10. Doing the Promises Made – promises are made to fulfilled.

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