2022 Uh Suggestion Offer Wajib

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Part 1

Ana : Should I ask for a remedy?

Heri : I don’t think so. Ms Arum told us that everyone get a good score.
1. From the dialogue above, we can conclude that...
A. Ana got a bad score D. Heri is worried about his score
B. Heri don’t want to do remedy E. Ana got a good score
C. Ana don’t want to do remedy

Maris : I have bought a movie ticket for Heri, but he suddenly could not come.
Roni : ________________________? Her home is around here.
Maris : Good idea! I’ll give this to her.
2. The proper expressions to complete Roni’s sentence is...
A. Do you know Ana D. How about giving this ticket to Ana
B. Do you have any suggestion E. Should I ask Heri
C. Why don’t you call Heri

Amir : I’m not good at English.

Siti : __________________________

3. An advice that Siti might say is....

A. You should practice English every day.
B. Do you like mathematics?
C. Why don’t you take an English course?
D. I have to take an English course.
E. Why don’t you asking your English teacher?
4. ____________ we go to the cafe? It’s too early to go into the cinema now.
A. Why not D. Let’s
B. Why don’t E. I suggest
C. Shall we go

Sam : You look so pale today.

Adele : I’m not feeling well today.
Sam : You should stay at home instead.
Adele : OK then, please tell our team that I feel so sorry.
5. From the dialogue above we can conclude that....
A. Adele is not a good woman D. Adele needs to rest at home
B. Adele wants to watch movie E. Sam has an appointment
C. Sam is sick so that he could not go

Riski : I’m so sleepy.

Hari : Why don’t we skip English class today?
Riski : __________________. I don’t want to upset miss Arum again and I like
English lesson now.
6. The most suitable expression to complete the dialogue above is...
A. That’s a good idea D. Thanks for your suggestion
B. Well let’s do that E. No, I don’t think we should do that
C. It will be very interesting

Farah : I don’t have anything to do tomorrow.

Gerald : _______________ going to Yogyakarta? I have two prameks tickets.
Farah : Sounds good. I want to buy Batik dress at Malioboro.

7. The most appropriate phrase to complete the dialogue is...

A. Why don’t we D. How about
B. You ought to E. I suggest that
C. You could
Jeje : Any plan for this weekend?
Kurma : Not yet. Do you have any suggestion?
Jeje : How about going to Pasar Inis? We can buy some traditional foods
using bamboo money.
Kurma : That’s a good idea. I’ll pick you up at 7 a.m.

8. From the dialogue about, we can infer that....

A. Kurma don’t want to go to Pasar Inis
B. Kurma gives suggestion to go to Pasar Inis
C. Kurma and Jeje will go to Pasar Inis in the evening
D. Kurma and Jeje will go to Pasar Inis in the morning
E. Kurma and Jeje will buy some traditional bamboo

Grandma : I heard that you will go to Jakarta next month, is it true?

Iwan : Yes, that’s true. It will be my first time to go to a big town.
Grandma : You should be careful. There are many pickpockets there.
Iwan : I’ll remember that, grandma.

9. Grandma suggest Iwan to....

A. be careful of pickpockets D. visit Jakarta next month
B. take care of her money well E. caught the pickpockets there
C. Spend her money wisely

Riska : I would like to exercise more but I don’t know what to do.
Lala : _________________________? It’s interesting.
Riska : Sounds good.

10. To complete the dialogue, the most suitable sentence is....

A. Why don’t you join yoga club D. How about join yoga club
B. Why don’t you joining yoga club E. You should joining yoga club
C. How about join yoga club

Willy : I don’t know what to do on Saturday.

Olif : What about meeting your ex and re-united with her?
Willy : Can I take a rain check?
Olif : I see.

11. From the dialogue about, we can infer that....

A. Willy and Olif broke up D. Willy will not meet his ex
B. Willy has new girlfriend E. They will check the weather
C. Olif wants to re-united with Willy

Mark : Miss Arum mad at me because I did not do her homework.

Jeff : You should talk to our headmaster.
Mark : I don’t think that’s a good idea.
Jeff : Just kidding. Why don’t you meet her at the office?
Mark : Alright.

12. From the dialogue about, we can infer that....

A. Miss Arum was angry to Jeff D. They will do the homework
B. Jeff will meet the headmaster E. Mark will meet miss Arum
C. Mark will not meet miss Arum

Riky : You look so pale. Are you okay?

Gilang : I just helped my father painting the fence this morning.
Riky : Why don’t you just take a rest? I can tell the coach.
Gilang : You’re right. I think I should not join this match.

13. Form the dialogue, we can conclude that…

A. Gilang will tell the coach D. Riky will not join this match
B. Riky will not join the match E. Riky will take a rest today
C. They will skip this match

The following text is for number 14 and 15

Dear Sue,
I was so sorry to read your letter about your parent’s objection to letting you to
meet your friends after 7 p.m. I know how you feel, and I can give you some
suggestion for it. I hope it suits on you.
I think your parents are afraid if something bad might happen to you. They just
protect you from negatives activities. First you should not argue with your parents
but try to explain to them clearly about your reason why you have to meet your
friends after 7 p.m. You can give some proof to make them believe what you are
doing with your friends.
It might also be a good idea to tell your parents that you have always respect
them and depend on their advice. You can also tell them that your schoolwork is
your priority, so they have nothing to worry about. Finally you should let them know
that your friends are good persons. I’m sure it will work out and they will show

Good Luck,
Dr. Anne
14. The following are Dr. Anne sugesstions, except …
A. Sue should not argue with her parents
B. Sue should protect her parents from negative activities
C. Sue can tell her parents that her school work is her priority
D. Sue can give some proofs to make her parents believe in her
E. Sue should let her parents know that her friends are good persons

15. … respect them and depend on their advice.

The word depend has the closest in meaning to.…
A. do D. disagree
B. ignore E. decline
C. rely

Man : I feel bored recently.

Woman : You should go picnic to refresh your mind.
Man : That's a good idea, but we are still not allowed to visit a tourist attraction.
Woman : How about fishing or jogging at the park near our neighborhood.
Man : You're right. Leo likes fishing. I'll ask him later.

16. From the text, we know that….

A. they will go picnic sometime soon
B. Leo also likes to visit tourist attraction
C. the woman will go fishing with the man
D. the man will ask Leo to fish together
E. the woman offers some help to the man

Woman : You look confused.

Man :I met a foreigner today, but I couldn't say a word. l'm too nervous.
Woman : We live in Bali. There are many foreigners here.
Man : What should I do?
Woman : _______________________.

17. The best response to complete the dialogue is….

A. you should try to practice your English
B. you can meet the foreigners again
C. I think you are right
D. That sounds interesting
E. I will do the raincheck

Vany : I’m really tired. My room is so big and dirty.

Yuni : Is there anything else I can do fot you apart from doing your homework?
Vany : _________________. I’ll buy you ice cream tomorrow because I’m so

18. The best response to complete the dialogue is....

A. You must do my homework D. I agree with your opinion
B. I can do your homework too E. I don’t think I can help you
C. You can help me clean my room

Susan : You don’t look okay.

Dan : I have so many files to be organized.
Susan : Can I help you?
Dan : Thank you but I’ll try to organize it by myself.

19. From the dialogue above, we can conclude that....

A. Dan need Susan’s help
B. Dan will help Susan to organize the file
C. Susan have so many files to be organized
D. Susan will help Dan to organize the file
E. Dan will organize the files by himself

Haris : Why are you sleepy in class?

Duta : I am not sleepy, but I have a painful stomachache.
Haris : Let me accompany you to go to the school clinic.
Duta : No, thanks. I have took my medicine. I want to join this lesson.

20. From the text above, we know that....

A. Duta want to skip the lesson D. Duta did not want to go to the clinic
B. Duta accept Haris’ offer E. Haris will not join the lesson
C. Haris refuse Duta’ offer

Part 2
Complete the sentence using should or can.
21. Akbar _____ apologize to her if you don’t want to lose her.
22. Firda _____ study harder to get better result this semester.
23. You _____ ask me if you cannot do math homework.
24. The students _____ ask your parent first before joining Big camp.
25. They _____ eat this bread if they want.
26. The students ______ use my printer to print their homework.
27. Kate ______ promise her mom not to do the same mistakes.
28. Dela ______ pick her sister on time.
29. The students _______ not cheat during the class to be safe in this class.
30. The students ______ chat me if they have some problems.

Part 3
Read the following dialogue and answer the following questions.
Dinda : What are you going to do this weekend?
Marta : I'm not sure since I don't have any plan yet. How about you?
Dinda : Same. Let’s figure it out. Why don't we go to the Jazz Festival?
Marta : I don’t think that a good suggestion. I know nothing about that genre.
Dinda : No need to worry. It is not like what you have expected.
Marta : Oh really?
Dinda : This event will have Yovie and Nuno, Raisa, Tulus, and many more.
Marta : But they are pop singers..
Dinda : The point is that they are singers, and they will perform in a jazz instrument.
Marta : Really? It's great then. However, I don't have any experience in ticketing.
Dinda : No worries. Let me get that for two us.
Marta : Thanks, but I want to try to do it myself. I will book yours as well.
Dinda : Alright. I will just send you the money.
Marta : Okay, I cannot wait to do that and enjoy the concert.

31. Who will go to the Jazz Festival?

32. Who will sing on the Festival?
33. Who will book the tickets?
34. Mention the expression of giving suggestion used in the dialogue above.
35. Mention the expression of refusing an offer used in the dialogue above.

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