Causes and Effects of Junk Food

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Causes and Effects of Junk Food

Junk food is packaged food that has low nutritional value and that isn’t healthy
for the human body especially for young people. Junk food is typically cheap,
processed, and prepackaged, making it available to everyone easily. This essay will
talk about how junk food affects the human body nutritiously, emotionally and

To begin with, junk food has become a way of life for many busy people
seeking a fast and inexpensive alternative to cooking at home. Over time, people
become addicted to this easy method and eventually it becomes necessary to eat it.
A study shows that people who eat fast-food regularly in a week are increasing
their risk of dying from heart disease by 80 %.(Harvard University) .The high level
of saturated or Trans fats found in junk food can and the arteries get clogged and,
over time, the levels of cholesterol increase rapidly.

Another topic that junk food affects is people’s emotions. A study published in
showed that eating fast food like pizza, burgers, hot dogs and baked goods
doughnuts, croissants, cake may be linked to depression. People who eat fast food
are 51 % more likely to develop depression than those who eat little or no fast
food. (Journal Public Health in Nutrition) They results showed that when a person
eats fast food the sugar level increases and it depression starts to rise slowly.
Therefore, depression links with junk food.
Furthermore, new research indicates that junk food can also
negatively affect your memory. Bad diets have been linked to dementia due to
high blood pressure and cholesterol disrupting the blood supply to the brain.
Research now confirms that junk foods can prevent brain cells from responding
properly to insulin, so the brain’s memory becomes weaker and is unable to
function in the best way possible.

In conclusion, junk food affects the human body nutritiously, emotionally and
mentally in a negative way so the best options is to find healthy food that contains
low saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt, and added sugars. Also, what are
good examples of healthy food?

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