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Special Crime investigation with Legal Medicine MODULE

At the end of this chapter students should be able to:
 Classification of Wounds
 Legal Classification of Physical Injuries
 Open wounds and Close wounds

An injury is the impairment of the body structure or function caused by the
outside force. It is the effect of some form of stimulus on the body. The effect of the
application of force is the production of wounds.
Wound - is a break or solution in the continuity of the skin or tissues of the living
Vital Reaction - is the total of all reactions of tissues or organs to physical injury
or trauma.
Classification of Wounds
A. As to severity
1. Mortal Wounds or Fatal Wounds – which when inflicted capable of
causing death. (e.g. Injuries to the brain, spinal cord heat, and big blood
vessels, internal abdominal organs).
2. Non-Mortal Wounds – wound when inflicted will not endanger one's life.
B. As to the manner of infliction
1. Hit - by the stroke of a bolo, axe, and other blunt instruments
2. Thrust or Stab - by the stroke of a knife, dagger, ice pick, bayonet, and
3. Sliding or Rubbing
4. Gunpowder explosion by Projectile or Shrapnel
5. Tearing or Stretching
C. As to the kind of instrument used
1. Lacerated Wound - produced by blunt instruments. e.g. lead pipe, piece
of wood, stones.
2. Incised Wound - wound produced by the sharp-edged instrument.
3. Stabbed Wound - wound produced by sharp-edged and sharp-pointed
instruments. e.g. kitchen knife, balisong, dagger.
4. Puncture Wound - Wound produced by Sharp pointed instrument - e.g.
ice pick, screwdriver, barbecue stick.
5. The wound produced by tearing force
D. As to the depth of the wound
1. Superficial Wound - a wound that involves the outer layer of the skin.

Special Crime investigation with Legal Medicine MODULE

e.g. scratch or abrasion

2. Deep Wound - a wound that involves the outer as well as the inner
structure of the body.
1. Penetrating Wound - wound wherein the instrument pierces
a solid organ or tissues. e.g. stab wound piercing the liver,
spleen, kidneys.
2. Perforating Wound - wound where there is communication
between the outer and inner portions of the hallow organs.
E. As to the relation of the site of application of force and the location of the
1. Coup Injury - an injury that is found at the site of application of force.
2. Contre Coup Injury - an injury which is found not at the site but opposite
the site of the application of the force.
3. Coup Contre Coup Injury - an injury which is found at the site and also
opposite the site of application of force.
4. Locus Minor's Resistencia - It is the injury that is found not at the site or
opposite the site of the application of force but in some areas offering the
least resistance to the force applied.
5. Extensive Injury - It is the physical injury involving greater areas beyond
the site of application of force. e.g. fall from a height, vehicular accident.
Special Types of Wound
Patterned Wound - wound produced by the shape of the instrument or object
reflected in the body. e.g. imprint of the radiator on the chest, tire marks on the
Defense Wound - produced by a person's instinctive reaction for self-protection.
e.g. contusion in the forearm produced by parring the blow incised wound.
Legal Classification of Physical Injuries
1. Mutilation
The intuitional act of cutting or looping any part or parts of the living body.
2. Slight Physical Injury
It is the physical injury wherein the victim is incapacitated for work or
requires medical attendance for a period from one to nine days.
3. Less Serious Physical Injury
A physical injury wherein the offended party is incapacitated for work or
require medical attendance for 10 days or more but not more than 30
4. Serious Physical Injury
It is an injury wherein the victim becomes ill or incapacitated for the
performance of his usual work for more than 90 days, the injury caused
deformity, loss of any member of his body, and loss the use thereof.
Deformity - Permanent disfigurement of the body producing physical ugliness. e.g. loss
of an ear, scars in the face. injured person
Incapacity - The inability of the injured person to perform his work where he is habitual

Special Crime investigation with Legal Medicine MODULE

F. As to the types of wound
1. Closed Wound - When there is no break in the continuity of the skin or mucous
 Petechiae
minute pin-point circumscribed extravasations of blood
underneath the skin or mucous membrane, e.g. subpleural
petechiae hemorrhage, insect bite, tardieu spots.
 Contusion or Bruise
Wound in the skin and subcutaneous tissues characterized by
swelling and discoloration of tissues because of extravasation of
 Hematoma
Large extravasation in a newly formed cavity secondary to trauma
characterized by swelling, discoloration of tissues, and effusion of
blood underneath the tissues. Musculo Skeletal Injuries - e.g.
sprain, dislocation, strain, fracture.
 Internal Hemorrhage
 Cerebral Concussion

2. Open Wound -There is a breach of the continents of the skin, e.g. abrasion,
incised wound, stab wound, puncture wound, lacerated wound, and shrapnel
Closed Wounds
Circumscribed extravasation of blood e subcutaneous tissues, pinhead size like
mosquito bites.
Contusion “Pasa”
Effusion of blood into the tissues underneath the skin on account of the rupture of
the blood vessels as a result of the application of blunt force. A contusion is red
or purple when fresh, after 4-5 days it becomes green and after 7-10 days, it
becomes yellow and gradually disappears on the 14th day.
Hematoma (blood cyst, bukol)
Effusion of blood in the newly formed cavity.
Musculo-Skeletal Injuries
Sprain - partial or incomplete disruption in the continuity of muscle or ligaments.
Dislocation - displacement of the articular surface of the bones.
Fracture - it is a break or solution in the continuity of the bone tissues.
Internal Hemorrhage - Rupture of blood vessels causing hemorrhage may be due to
the following:
1. traumatic intracranial hemorrhage

Special Crime investigation with Legal Medicine MODULE

2. rupture of parenchymatous organs

Cerebral Concussion - jarring or of the brain follows a blow in the head.

Open Wounds
1. Abrasion ("Gasgas", Scratch, Graze, Friction Mark)
Characterized by removal of the superficial layer of the skin brought about
by friction against a hard rough object.

Forms of Abrasion
a. Linear Abrasion - There is a single line that may be curved or straight.
b. Multi-Linear Abrasion - several lines of injury which are parallel to one
c. Confluent Abrasion - the lines of injury are arranged haphazardly.
d. Multiple Abrasions - abrasion in the body surface located in different
parts of the body.

Types of Abrasion
a. Scratches - abrasion brought about by the stroke of the sharp-pointed
instrument over the skin.
b. Grazes – due to forcible contact with a rough, hard object resulting in
irregular removal of the skin surface.
c. Impact or Imprint Abrasion – and abrasion due to contact with a rough,
hard object in which the structural form of the object is reflected over the
d. Pressure or Friction Abrasion – and abrasion due to pressure applied
and with accompanying movement over the skin.
2. "Incised wound (Cut, Slash, "Hiwa")
an open wound produced by forcible contact with sharp-edged

Special Crime investigation with Legal Medicine MODULE

instruments characterized by gaping of the wound with smooth edges and

causing profuse bleeding, e.g. knife, razor, broken glasses, metal sheet.
The incised wound may be suicidal, homicidal, accidental depending upon
the location, direction, and presence or absence of hesitation cuts.
When the wounding instrument is fairly large and hearing, like bolo,
samurai, axe, saber the wound produced is chopped or alike wounds.

Multiple Incised wound (Homicidal)

3. Lacerated Wound (Tear, “Putok”)

the wound produced by blunt instrument characterized by ill-defined
or irregular edges e.g. blows by a piece of wood, lead pipe, stone, the butt
of a firearm, fist blow.

4. Punctured Wound
an open wound produced by a round-bodied and pointed
instrument characterized by a small opening, e.g. ice picks, nails, thorns,
hooks, screwdrivers, and barbecue sticks. the wound produced by the
sharp-pointed and sharp-edged instrument. The edges of the wound are
edged instrument. The edge of the wound is clean in cut, smooth and
 Penetrating Stab Wound - involves solid interval organs.
 Perforating Stab Wound - involves hallow interval organs.

Special Crime investigation with Legal Medicine MODULE

Multiple stab wounds

Is an open wound brought about by the penetrating power of the projectile
propelled by the expansive force of the burning gunpowder in the cartridge shell,
shrapnel wounds are open wounds produce by shrapnel and fragments of high velocity
after the detonation of high explosives like grenades and bombs.
A firearm - is an instrument used for the propulsion of a projectile by the
expansive force of gases coming from the burning gunpowder.
Types of Firearm
1. Revolver - has a cylindrical magazine capable of revolving action. It is a low-
velocity firearm with a muzzle velocity of 600ft. /sec.
2. Automatic Pistol - self-loading firearm with a muzzle velocity of 1,200ft. /sec.
classified as a low-velocity firearm.
3. Rifle - with long barrel and butt with a muzzle velocity of 2,500ft. sec. and a
range of 3,000 feet classified as a high-velocity firearm.
4. Shot Gun - the projectile is the collection of pellets or shorts and without
predetermined directions.
Gunshot wounds of entrance and exit are the subject of meticulous examination
by the medical examiner. Its characteristics and appearance are influenced by the
following factors.

1. kind of weapon
2. caliber of weapon
3. shape and composition of the missile
4. range of fire
5. direction of fire

Special Crime investigation with Legal Medicine MODULE

6. parts of the body involved

Gunshot wound of the entrance with contusion collar, powder burns, and tattooing.

Characteristic of the wound of entrance

1. In general, the size of the wound of entrance is usually smaller than the missile
owing to retraction of the skin. The shape may be oval or circular. The edge of
the wound is inverted with a contusion collar or abrasion collar around the wound
of entrance.
2. In contact or closed range fire, there is burning of the skin and singeing of hair
due to flame and gunpowder tattooing.
a. Contact Fire
The wound of the entrance bursted due to the sudden release of
the expanded gas. There is a burning of the tissues around the wound of
the entrance because it is within the flame zone. There is soot, smoke,
and smudging. These are here by-products of the complete combustion of
the gunpowder deposited around the wound of entrance. The presence of
smudging at the wound of entrance indicates a near shot. Unburned and
partially burned gunpowder is responsible for tattooing, stippling, or
peppering around the wound of entrance. It becomes lesser and lesser
until it disappears beyond the distance of 24 inches.
b. Near Contact Up to 6 Inches Distance
There is bursting of tissues, burning and blackening the skin as in
contact fire but the particles of the gunpowder are present not only the
inside but as well as around the wound of entrance. The shape of the
wound may be lacerated, stellate, or slitlike and the size is larger than the
diameter of the missile.
c. Distance Above 6 Inches Up to 24 Inches and beyond

Special Crime investigation with Legal Medicine MODULE

The size of the wound gradually approximates the size of the

missile. As the distance from the target becomes farther, the burning,
blackening of tissues, gunpowder tattooing, or stippling and singeing of
hair becomes lesser and lesser until it disappears beyond the 24 inches
Characteristics of the Wound of Exit
 Usually the size larger than the missile.
 It has no definite shape.
 The edge of the wound is averted.
 Sometimes flaps the skin and tissues are seen protruding from the wound
Characteristics between Gunshot Wound of Entrance and Exit
1. The size of the wound entrance is smaller than the missile while the exit wound
is bigger than the missile.
2. Edge of the Exit - The entrance wound is inverted while the exit wound is
3. The shape of the Wound - The entrance wound is round or oval while the exit
wound has no definite shape.
4. Contusion Collar - present in the entry wound while absent in exit wound.
5. Gunpowder Tattooing - present in contact or near contact fire while absent in
exit wound.
6. Paraffin Test - Positive in the wound of entrance in contact and near contact fire,
negative in exit wounds.

Gunshot wound of exit of the skull with punch out edges

Special Crime investigation with Legal Medicine MODULE

Determination Whether the Gunshot wound, Suicidal, Homicidal, or Accidental

A. Evidence to Prove that the Gunshot wound is Suicidal.
1. Parts of the body involved are accessible to the hands of the victim.
2. There is usually one gunshot wound.
3. Presence of suicidal note.
4. Usually, the distance is near or close range.
5. History of frustration.
6. Drug dependency.
B. Evidence that the Gunshot wound is Homicidal.
1. The wound is located in any part of the body.
2. The victim is usually at a certain distance from the assailant.
3. Signs of struggle or defense wound may be present on the part of the
4. Wounding weapons are usually not found at the crime scene.
5. There may be a disturbance in the surrounding
C. Evidence that Gunshot wound is Accidental.
1. There is usually one gunshot wound.
2. The wound is located in any part of the body.
3. Testimony of the witness.

Shotgun Wound
It is an open wound produced by the penetration of pellets or shots which are
usually lodged inside the body.

Mutilating gunshot wound of exit

Special Crime investigation with Legal Medicine MODULE

Characteristics of the Shotgun Wound of Entrance.

A. Contact Fire - The wound of entrance is irregular with bursting the tissues due to
the heated and expanded gases with accompanying flame. There is singeing of
hair presence of wads as well as particles of gunpowder inside the wound of
B. Near Shot Up to 6 Inches Fire - There is marked laceration of the skin and
distinction of tissues due to the presence of explosion The burning is marked on
the surface of the skin and particles of gunpowder are present inside and around
the wound of entrance. There is singeing of the hair as well as pieces of wads
inside and outside the wound of entrance.
C. Distance About 1 Yard - The pellets penetrate the tissues as one mass with
irregular edges at the wound of entrance. There is also blackening of tissues with
slight burning, singeing, and tattooing.
D. Distance About 2-3 Yards - The wound of the entrance has a big central hole
with ragged edges. There is no blackening or burning of the skin, singeing, and
E. The distance at 4 Yards - Small group of pellets may penetrate the tissues.
Wounds from Explosion of Explosive Materials like Dynamite and Bombs.
The explosive materials may be covered by soft materials such as pieces of
paper, cartoons, aluminum foils as exemplified in dynamite and big firecrackers while
other explosive materials are covered by metal as exemplified by grenades, bombs,
mines, anti-aircraft, and said missiles.
The following Injuries Occur from the explosion of Explosive Materials.
1. Blast Wave Injury - When the explosion occurs, it causes a sudden increase in
atmospheric pressure followed by a sudden decrease. This compression-
decompression effect will be relayed in the atmosphere producing destruction,
distortion, and bursting of tissues especially the interval organs causing
2. Burns from Flame and Heated Gases – The explosion of the powder will
produce flame and heated expanded gases.
3. Poison by Inhalation of Carbon Monoxide, Nitrous and Nitric Gases,
Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfur Dioxide - the explosion cause liberation of
poisonous gases which when inhaled insufficient amount will produce gas
poisoning or asphyxia.
4. Direct Injury from the Flying Missile – The detonation of high explosives
especially those with metal covering will cause fragmentation of metal in the form
of shrapnel.
The "odd and even rule" in gunshot wounds
If the number of gunshot wounds of entrance and exit found in the body of the
victim is even, the presumption is that no bullet is lodged in the body but if the number
of gunshot wounds entrance and exit is odd, the presumption is that one or more bullets
might have lodged in the body.

Special Crime investigation with Legal Medicine MODULE

No Gunshot wound of Exit but the Bullet is not found in the body of the Victim.
1. Bullet lodged in the gastrointestinal tract and expelled thrown the bowel.
2. Near contact with blank Cartridge of the wound of the entrance but no slug
3. The bullet may enter the wound of entrance and upper hitting the bone, the
course is deflecting to have the wound of the entrance as a wound of exit.


Physical Injuries and Mutilation


Physical Injuries

Solis, P. P. Legal medicine . Manila : Beltran Educational Supply.
Lagonera, M. G. (2010). Legal medicine. Quezon City : Wiseman's Books Trading.


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