Wavelets For Security

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Spread Spectrum Communication Using Wavelets of Signal for More Security

S.Ananthi Instrumentation Department, University of Madras, Chennai-25, India


R.Hariprakash, Bharath Institute of Higher Education & Research, Chennai-73, India


V.Vidya Devi, Instrumentation Department, University of Madras, Chennai-25, India


K.Padmanabhan, Emeritus Professor, A.C.Tech campus, Chennai-25, India

ck_padmanabhan @rediffmail.com

Secure communication has a wide range of interesting techniques. Here, a wavelet decomposed data communication packet is used, whose advantages are described. The problems of wide spectrum noise-based jamming, by hostile elements is counteracted. For this, several wavelet coefficients of a data packet are transmitted in non-harmonically related spread frequencies. The reconstruction of the wavelets, despite noisy detection at the received end, is shown to be better, typically for test data packets. The number of frequencies and the coefficients can be varied to suit the detection error limits. Several wavelets have been tired for this purpose and testing has been done even with image data. The results are found to be useful and interesting. Keywords: Spread spectrum, Wavelet analysis, Wavelet synthesis, jamming. IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN uses spread spectrum in the 2.4GHZ ISM band.[2]. Two methods of spreading the spectrum are the Direct sequence (DS) technique and the Frequency hopping technique. In DS technique, if the original signal is s(t), where it is a binary PSK signal for example , s(t)= 2Ps d(t) Cos w0t then a pseudo-random modulating signal g(t) multiplies it to generate the transmitted signal as v(t) = g(t) s(t) = 2Ps d(t)g(t) Cos w0 t If g(t) chops the data at the chiprate as fc while the data bit rate is fs, the spread in the spectrum is by the ratio fc/fb. Reception requires the pre-multiplication of the received v(t) (which includes noise n(t) caused by jamming) by g(t) and detected synchronously with the Cos ot and integrated over the bit time period Tb, to get the data sample of d(kTb). It is shown [1] that the mean jamming power PJ/2 is reduced at the receiver and the ratio fc/fb gives a measure of its reduction.

1. Wavelet based Spread spectrum provides improvements

Information is often transmitted with a view to security, that allows a transmitter to send a message to a receiver without the message being detected by an intruder or be disturbed from reception by jamming by a purposely introduced noise signal.[1]. One or more spread spectrum techniques are now in use, particularly for Police Radar and military communications. The

Proceedings of the Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications and International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (AICT/ICIW 2006) 0-7695-2522-9/06 $20.00 2006 IEEE

In the second method of Frequency hopping, the signal, usually a binary Frequency shift keyed signal (BFSK) is modulated by the PN sequence signal such that the carrier frequency fo is varied at random , or it changes in values every TH seconds, where H denotes hopping. Typically a set of frequencies are predetermined, from which fo is chosen as per the PN sequence. In this, the important advantage is that it enables the transmitter to change its carrier frequency and thereby avoid an otherwise in-band interfering signal. Even if it interferes with one or more frequencies, the rest are unaffected and the probability of the interferer causing an error is reduced very much. In wavelet decomposed spread spectrum, we take the signal s(t) and first convert it into wavelets at different frequencies (scales) and time grids as C(a,b). Then, we transmit each of these in different frequencies as a spread spectrum signal, of course, using non-harmonically related frequencies. In frequency hopping spread spectrum technique, the signal is sent at differen+ t frequency bands as decided by the random PN sequence.

With the method of sending each wavelet scale in one frequency band, we have the signal available in all the spread frequency bands. To retrieve the signal back in (a), we simply take the signal at different time slots, do a filtering with the PN sequence and integrate over a bit time to get the bit value. If the signal gets marred in one or more frequency bands, as in (c), the probability of error is high at time slots t2,t3. (Even here, when we observe noise in the signal we might filter it and improve the error).

Fig.2c Whatever are the advantages in the conventional FH technique, they are improved when wavelet decomposed signal packets are spread and transmitted.


(c) The time slots t2,t3 are noisy signals caused by jamming. (d) Here, with wavelets at each band,all time slots are noisy in f2,f3. But, in (d), when two bands (f1,f2) are noisy and jammed, then at all times we get only noisy signals at the two bands f1 and f2.

Fig.1. The signal is available at different frequency bands at different times (fig.1)

But the signal is only partly contained in these bands. When we do the wavelet reconstruction of the signal at the t1 time slot, we get the erroneous output as s(t) = {dwt(a,b)+ N(b) } (a,b) t1 a,b where the dwt(a,b) corresponds to the (discrete wavelet decomposed ) signal at the band a at all time slots and N(b) denotes the noise time signal at the time slot b, while the function (a,b) is the wavelet function chosen.

Fig.2a Fig.2b a) Shows the presence of signals at different frequencies at different at time slots b) Wavelet based spreading has signals in all frequency bands at all times.

2. Signal noise ratio improvement with wavelet spreading

While we may not be able to give a rigorous proof of the improvement in the signal to noise ratio in the Wavelet method, it is possible to understand the

Proceedings of the Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications and International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (AICT/ICIW 2006) 0-7695-2522-9/06 $20.00 2006 IEEE

improvement through reasoning. In Fig.3, the signal and its frequency spectrum are assumed as shown. (Here, we mean only the wavelet spectrum, though, for simplicity, a frequency spectrum is shown). This is smoothed out as the signal gets transmitted, (using any type of conversion modulation). The fig. 3(c) shows the noise added. The noise signal is characteristic of its spectrum. We can do denoising using the very same wavelet technique. The resulting received signals wavelet coefficients are what we would get after this, which can be inverted through the inverse transform to get the actual signal. The normal techniques of Trellis encoding are still useful to correct the few bits which might be in error. Consider the conventional method of PN sequence hopped spread spectral transmission and reception against jamming. On the right, we show the same signal with noise, which after denoising, gives the received signal. But, the signal itself loses its useful (higher) frequency components here. If the spectrum of the signal as transmitted is having a low rate of change from sample to sample, then noise affects the received signal to a much less extent. That is why, the signal is almost intact when we observe the denoised inverse Wavelet transformed output. The wavelet transform of the signal is a decomposition based on frequency octaves and the resulting Ca,b wave (transmitted signal) is thus having this above property.

3. Choice of Scales and Wavelets Threshold of Noise level

Wavelet analysis uses octave based scaling for discrete transforms. The number of octaves that one can choose depends on the signal and also on the type of wavelet employed. With more scales chosen, the transmitted signal contains more information of the signal. With FSK signals, the need to transmit more than eight levels is not considered necessary. With just less than even this, the signal can be reconstructed without much loss, since the basic PCM input is digital which is modulated on the FSK. The scope of this paper. However, the method of wavelet coded spreading is of great interest in this field.

Fig.3. A reasoning based on improvement in Wavelet

Coefficient based spread spectral transmission and reception against noise.

With the Harr Wavelet, the wavelet decomposition is first done on the baseband signal and then the modulation is applied. This wavelet is a rectangular wave pattern and its output gives the different scales in the time slot.

Proceedings of the Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications and International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (AICT/ICIW 2006) 0-7695-2522-9/06 $20.00 2006 IEEE

When we use a BPSK signal, the wavelet based on Morlett is chosen as it resembles the nature of this signal. With the BFSK signal, either orthogonal polynomial or DB-4 wavelet are chosen, since the variation of the frequency content is distributed within the mother wavelet itself and that provides more compactness to the signal. Analysis of wavelet transforms and their choice is beyond the scope of this paper. However, the method of wavelet coded spreading is of great interest in this field. When image signals are transmitted, the 2-D DWT is to be employed. The number of scales can be chosen to fit the compression of the image desired. The coefficients are transmitted for each picture in the two scales for the two dimensions. When there is a jamming in one or more frequency bands on the spread spectrum signal, those wavelet scales will suffer. The rest of the scales which are unaffected will still yield a picture as well. (This is similar to the principle that a glass plate containing the hologram of a picture or scene, even when the plate gets broken, any piece can still be viewed in laser light to view the image, quite good enough, though the resolution suffers). The noisy channels can even be discarded in this image transmission unlike the data transmission, where we employ the filtering by additional denoising and then reconstruct from all the wavelet coefficients.

additional denoising and then reconstruct from all the wavelet coefficients.



The PN sequence multiplication that is normally employed possesses the advantage of security by its randomness and the use of the PN multiplier is done at both transmission and reception, since g(t). g(t)=1. The signal itself is randomized. Only because the receiver knows the pattern of such randomization, it is possible to retrieve the signal, but the noise itself further randomizes it. Wavelet coefficient transmission is on the other hand not a randomizing process; it is a more decisive process of operation performed on the signal, the choice of the wavelet deciding how many scales can do this as best as possible, with the least error. Since the content of the transmitted signal is more decisive inherently, it can stand out in presence of noise better; the de-noising of the signal at the receiver can work effectively for such a decisive signal.

6. References
[1] H.Taub
and D.L.Schilling, Principles of Communication Systems, Chap.17, Spread spectrum modulation, pp.721-745, Tata McGraw Hill Inc., 1991. [2] Andrew S.Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, pp.294295, Prentice Hall (India) Ltd., Fourth Edition. [3] Robi Poliker, The Wavelet Tutorial Pt.IV, Multi resolution analysis, The wavelet Tutorial.htm. [4] P.P. Vaidyanathan and Igor Djokovic, Wavelet Transforms, Ch.6, in the book,Academic Press, 2000.

4. Image signals and Wavelet spread transmission

When image signals are transmitted, the 2-D DWT is to be employed. The number of scales can be chosen to fit the compression of the image desired. The coefficients are transmitted for each picture in the two scales for the two dimensions. When there is a jamming in one or more frequency bands on the spread spectrum signal, those wavelet scales will suffer. The rest of the scales which are unaffected will still yield a picture as well. (This is similar to the principle that a glass plate containing the hologram of a picture or scene, even when the plate gets broken, any piece can still be viewed in laser light to view the image, quite good enough, though the resolution suffers). The noisy channels can even be discarded in this image transmission unlike the data transmission, where we employ the filtering by

Proceedings of the Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications and International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (AICT/ICIW 2006) 0-7695-2522-9/06 $20.00 2006 IEEE

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