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Learning Activity Package No. 4
Assessment of Learning 1

Name: Lyn H. Roxas Date: 08/10/2022

Direction: Discuss each question.

1. How do you assess student learning outcomes and why is assessing student learning outcome

To assess student learning outcomes of student in learning outcome is the variety of assessment
instructions. The important of assessment instructions will measure the ability of the students
learning in different type of assessment. Through this we could identify their proficiency to the

2. What are the tools used to assess student performance and how do you assess the effectiveness
of teaching and learning?
As a teacher you can use objective examinations, essay examinations, written works, portfolio
assessment and assessment rubrics. To provide and to assess teacher’s teaching and
effectiveness for students learning capability.

3. List down an example of a student learning outcome and to you as an education student, how a
rubric can be used to measure learning outcomes?
Student learning outcome no. 1

1. Practice different source material and one’s opinion

2. Reading articles and formulating an original paragraph
3. Writing essays to develop the topic
4. Integrating bibliographic entries in appropriate format

Student learning outcome no.2

1. Forming opinion about the topic

2. Research and writing about a variety of perspectives
3. Adapting style to identified audience
4. Exploring clear argument in writing

Student learning outcome no. 3

1. Analyzing & Evaluation texts.

2. Writing various perspective topic.

A rubric is a scoring system that conveys the performance expectations for a given assignment or

piece of work. A rubric organizes the assigned work into component sections and provides detailed

descriptions of the task qualities associated with each component at varied degrees of mastery. The

rubric will act as a guide for students' performance in order to meet the learners' quality standards.
We could assess their performance using the following rubrics based on their work and responses to

the challenge.

4. To you, state the characteristics of good learning outcomes and discuss the advantages of
outcomes-based assessment.
1. Assessment of students learning starts from institution mission and core values
2. Assessment work the bes
3. Outcome based assessment focuses on the students activities
4. It requires attention not only the outcomes but also equally to the activity and experience
5. It is continous, ongoing and not episode.
It provides a structure for learning and delivering gained abilities. According to studies, OBE results in
enhanced student and teacher self-esteem, higher academic performance for more pupils, fewer
dropouts, and a variety of other advantages.

5. Make sample holistic rubrics for Tiktok Dance Competition.

Table A
Holistic Rubrics for a Tiktok Dance Competition

Range Indicator Description Interpretation

5 Excellent Superior Complete the dance with perfect creativity and
mastery. Quickly comprehend the steps from the
dance. Hence the body will match from the beat
of the sounds with physical flexibility.

4 Very Good Above Average The dance will almost perfect with creativity and
confidence. With few mistakes from steps and
move the body from the rhythm of the sound.

3 Good Typical The dance step will have some error or difficulty
of the step however it does not really master
the quality of standard dance.

2 Satisfactory Emerging Does have significant difficulty of recalling the

steps and the flexibility of the body.

1 Poor Does not meet the Very poor in dance in terms of flexibility and
expectations movement from the steps. No confidence and
good memorization of steps.

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