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General Revision

- Choose the correct answers.

1 We’d better hurry. The train ____ at 16.10.

a. leaves
b. is leaving
c. will leave
d. has left
3 I think young people ____ harder than ever these days to
make a living. It didn’t use to be so hard.
a. are working
b. have worked
c. worked
d. were working
4 Carla ____ about something. It’s such a bad habit.
a. always complains
b. is always complaining
c. always complained
d. has always been complaining

5 I’m so annoyed. I ____ my phone again!

a. am losing b. lose
c. lost d.’ve lost
9 They teased him so much that in the end he ____ into
a. is bursting
b. was bursting
c. burst
d. ’s burst

11 She ____ to borrow my computer. It was incredibly

a. continually asks
b. was continually asking
c. is continually asking
d. ’d continually asked

14 Before Hannah ____ to Australia, they’d been

a . moved
b. had moved
c. was moving
d. had been moving

16 When they were children, they ____ going on holiday with

their cousins.
a. were loving
b. had been loving
c. would love
d. used to love
17 There ____ a house here once, but now there’s a block of
a. is
b. would be
c . used to be
d. will be

18 We ____ away at weekends, and always dreaded coming

home on Sunday evening.
a. were often going
b. would often go
c. have often gone
d. will often go

19 Camilla grew vegetables in her garden, as ____ her

parents and grandparents before her.
a. did
b. does
c. don’t
d. grew
20 I ____ hate it when you crack your knuckles. I wish you’d
a. would
b. used to
c. do
d. don’t
Progress test 2

A Complete the sentences with in or at.

1 Every year, we have a big family celebration ____ the
2 St Valentine's Day ____ February is a celebration of
3 Rachel and Tom are coming to the barbecue ____ the
4 I sometimes sit and read a book in the library ____
the afternoon.
5 The best time to see fireworks is ____ night.
B Complete the conversations with the Present Simple or
Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1. ‘What _____________________ (you / look) at?’
‘The beautiful lights and decorations.’
2. ‘How _____________________ (they / celebrate)
New Year in Thailand?’ ‘With lots of water!’
3. ‘Where is your baby sister?’ ‘She
_____________________ (play) at a friend’s house.’
4. ‘_____________________ (Toby / wear) fancy
dress?’ ‘Yes, look. There he is!’
5. ‘How often _____________________ (you / eat) in
a restaurant?’ ‘Only for special celebrations.’
6. ‘Why _____________________ (people / wear) red
clothes today?’ ‘Because red is a lucky colour.’

C Circle the correct words.

1. There are five ambulances in / in front of the hospital.
2. I’m taking photos of a procession under / in the town
3. Don’t build a bonfire near / on the trees.
4. I can’t see the balloons; they’re behind / in front of
the door!
5. Please help me put these candles under / on the cake.
6. There’s a car park under / in the museum building.
Progress test 2
D Read the description of a celebration. Choose the best
word (A, B or C) for each space.
In a small town (1) ___ Valencia in Spain, there is (2)
___ amazing festival where people throw (3) ___ of
tomatoes! How
(4) ___ tomatoes? One hundred and fifty thousand, to
be exact!
The festival is called ‘La Tomatina’ and takes place in
August every year. The week before, there (5) ___ big
fireworks and cooking competitions (6) ___ the streets.
Then the tomatoes arrive in big trucks. For the
inhabitants of the
town, the tomatoes are free but visitors have to buy a
ticket. There are more than 20,000 people and for one
there are (7) ___ lot of tomatoes everywhere! When
there aren’t any more tomatoes, firefighters wash the
streets and
people with (8) ___ water. Many countries now (9) ___
their own Tomatina festival. But … are there (10) ___
left after so many festivals?
1 A at B of C near
2 A an B a C –
3 A lots B lot C many
4 A number B many C much
5 A have B is C are
6 A at B in C of
7 A an B a C some
8 A much B many C some
9 A having B has C have
10 A any B much C a lot
A Circle the correct words.
1 Do / Does Anita have a pet?
2 Mrs Brown’s / Browns’ kitten is five months old.
3 My best friends / friends’ all live near my house.
4 My aunt and his / her husband go horse riding.
5 ‘Do you play tennis at the weekend?’ ‘Yes, I play / do.’
6 I usually read / read usually when I go to bed.
7 Drama classes always are / are always fun!
8 My granddad sometimes comes to visit us on / in the
afternoons. (___ / 8 marks)
B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets.
1 My favourite food ______________ (be) ice-cream.
2 ______________ (be) you from Mexico?
3 I don’t have a pet but my best friend
______________ (have) a tortoise.
4 Jessica and Karen ______________ (not / have) a
5 Paolo and Andrea ______________ (be) Italian.
6 My sister ______________ (go) dancing every
Saturday with her boyfriend.
7 Francisco ______________ (love) playing board
8 Our art classes ______________ (start) on
9 I ______________ (not / chat) to my best friend
every day.
10 ______________ (you / ride) your bicycle to school?
(___ / 10 marks)
C Complete the sentences using these question words.
How What When Where Who Why
1 ‘____________________ do you play chess?’ ‘On
Sunday mornings.’
2 ‘____________________ do you do in your free
time?’ ‘I draw and paint pictures.’
3 ‘____________________ do you have a noticeboard?’
‘Because I’m organised.’
4 ‘____________________ is your favourite teacher?’
‘Mr Philips. His classes are fun!’
5 ‘____________________ do you get to the park?’
‘We ride our bikes there.’
6 ‘____________________ is the swimming pool?’ ‘It’s
near the sports centre.’

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