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In the Philippines most of the youth especially students are perceived as uninformed
about more complex situations involving sex, sexuality, and gender identity. Sure, a lot of them
are sexually active, but they never received a comprehensive lesson or talk regarding these
topics that would help them better navigate themselves and relationships. This topic has given
me an extensive lesson about not just sex, but the biology, how individual identity begins,
communication within relationships, pregnancy, how sex changes as you get older, and many
more important lessons. Through studying the lesson, I realized that sex education is important
for avoiding teenage pregnancies and other sex-related problems, as well as teaching children
to appropriate sexual conduct. In my opinion, while sex education should be taught in schools,
‘parents’ must also teach their children about sex education before they start school. As a
result, sex education should begin at a young age, giving children knowledge that is relevant to
their needs at that time. In addition, sex education should begin in Elementary Schools as soon
as possible, and not just in college, to ensure that youth's sexual development is healthy.
The goal of sex education is to educate young people about issues such as sex, sexuality,
and physical development. High-quality sex education may help people avoid STD’s and
unplanned pregnancies. It also reduces the chances of having unsafe sex and promotes
responsible family planning. The Philippines is progressively adopting sex education and
contraception availability to assist address problems such as overcrowding, high rates of
teenage pregnancies, and the growth of HIV. Given the fact that our society is having problems
and issues that could be prevented by Sex Education, this is the point where our understanding
of the government's proper role becomes important. In my opinion, the government's main
role in providing adequate sex education to children is to provide high-quality education so that
children can better understand the do's and don'ts of sex education as well as the
consequences of not following the essentials to know about sex education. That's the proper
role of government. Human beings must procreate responsibly and avoid making reckless
decisions that burden society for society to have long-term freedom. In other words, in our
school systems, responsible sex education must be taught in the context of no sexual
interactions outside of marriage.
As a final observation, I think we should all normalize and be educated about Sex
Education and not just treating it as a “taboo”. Our body and its purpose as a human being is
normal and should not be ashamed of, as well as our sexual orientation. I think we should all
learn about these kinds of topics to prevent different issues that is connected in such.

Early memories have the power to shape who you are. Everyone has experienced
specific things that have influenced how they act and think as an adult. Unfortunately, in my
life, many of my formative moments centered around my struggles with body image.

For most of my life, I have been very aware of how others perceive the way I look. My
tendency to analyze social interactions in several aspects of my life is sometimes helpful, but
often forces me to be harder on myself and the way I look. Ever since I was in high school,
whenever I’m around someone, at a school orientation or in public I wouldn’t know how to act
because of how my skin looks and how thin I am.

Discussing body image is difficult, especially as a young boy, and even now as an adult.
Talking about insecurities is always scary. But with body image, people are quick to tell you that
things are just in your head if they aren’t expressing their concerns about you. Even today,
hearing things like, “Your skin is not that bad” does little to help me.

What I have found to be most helpful is when people allow me to speak openly about
why I feel the way I do about my body and talk with me about accepting myself – not about
changing it. Though my personal struggle with my skin is ongoing, I have made great strides in
learning how to live with the body I have. I am beginning to listen to my body and understand
how it works to develop a healthy lifestyle. I hope to stop overanalyzing and keep developing
my confidence, instead of treating a number on a scale as the key to a better life.

I've learned through this course that the key difference between eastern and western
culture is that easterners as a whole are more traditional and conservative than westerners as a
whole. Their histories, religions, governmental systems, and so forth, are diverse. According to
our study, the Western tend to be more individualist, and the Eastern tend to be more
collectivist. The Western community centers on the individual's self-development, and parents
and adolescents are frequently independent people. There are differences between the Eastern
and Western ways of dealing with various aspects of life as well. One real reality I've discovered
is that people in the West are more honest about their feelings.
This presentation was important because studying other cultures helps us comprehend
various facets and points of view in the society we live in. It encourages us to set aside
conflicting stereotypes and viewpoints about various societies. Knowing the differences
between Eastern and Western cultures can improve our language abilities and open our minds
to new ideas, knowledge, and experiences. By putting these differences into practice and
learning about them, I was able to interact with people from different cultures and thereby
broaden my understanding of various cultures. I also refrain from imposing my values—which
can be incompatible with those of other cultures—on other people. Moreover, to take a more
proactive approach to welcome individuals and ideas that differ from my own by affirming
them and accepting them
This knowledge might affect the future for the good of everyone by understanding each
other culture; for instance, when interacting with others who may not be proficient in our
Arabic communication language, we recognize that their limitations in Arabic proficiency in no
way reflects their level of intellectual functioning, also understand and appreciate that aspects
within the helping role, such as family, gender roles, religiosity, and enthusiastic well-being,
which differ significantly among eastern and western cultures and impact behavior. That's way
we should learn about different cultures.

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