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The Covid-19 Vaccination is a simple, safe, and effective way to protect people from
dangerous disease before they become infected. It strengthens your immune system by
utilizing your body's natural defenses to build resistance to specific infections. (WHO, 2020)
Vaccines teach your immune system to make antibodies in the same way that it does when
you're exposed to a disease.After we’ve been exposed to an infection, our immune system
remember the threat in particular by producing antibodies. These are proteins that circulate
in the blood and throughout the body. They quickly recognize and disable the invader upon
contact. Thereby preventing or minimizing illness. Vaccines encourages the immune system
to make antibodies without us having to go through illness. Once a potential vaccine is
discovered, a number of checkpoints exist before it can be administered to people. First are
preclinical test which involve experiments in a laboratory and with animals. Scientists must
ensure the vaccine candidate is not only effective but also safe. Next is Clinical trials and
then the vaccine must be reviewed and approved by regulatory agencies such as the FDA
before large scale manufacturing and distribution gets underway.(Ted-Ed, 2015)

However, organizations and individuals that have a huge platform are provoking misleading
and negative beliefs on Covid19 vaccinations.
One of the most widely debated topics is the development of vaccines to prevent the virus,
which have lot of information from different sources, much of it contradictory, that has
already caused much debate and, in some cases, been labeled as "fake news."

The COVID-19 pandemic impacted negatively on people's health, as well as their social and
economic lives. The level of uncertainty was extremely high at the time of this report, and it
was impacted by an excess of contradictory data. Many lay media outlets and websites
have relentlessly reported on new cases and deaths in real time, frequently giving
unauthorized medical advice without waiting for confirmation.(NCBI, 2019)

While providing the public with evidence-based scientific data about Covid19 and Covid19
Vaccine is beneficial and necessary, it does not guarantee that people will understand or
interpret the data correctly. Too much information with evidence-based will cause risk
because people or the public will be filled with different thoughts and facts and contradictory
information that will lead them to emotional reaction like anxiety and mistrust on Covid19
vaccine (Vaccine hesitancy).

British (UK) are the least vaccine-hesitant of all countries, according to a new poll released
by YouGov on Wednesday. Surveyed out on April 19-20 (2021), the survey found just 11%
of Brits were vaccine-hesitant – with 6% saying they would refuse a vaccine, and 5% being
unsure (Anadulu Agency, 2021). This makes them the lowest figure ever polled compared
with Philippines that has 68% Vaccine-hesitant. Almost as many adults Filipinos 33% said
they are unwilling to get vaccinated and 35% is unsure (DOH.PH, 2021). Despite the
availability of these data, it was known that there are no data available for the population of

Given these issues, it can be seen that there is a lack of researches concerning the people
of Maitum. Hence, this study would like to investigate the level of awareness of the people
living in Maitum specifically the SHS STEM students of Malalag National Highschool.

II. Research Questions

In this study, the researcher would like to answer the following questions

A. What do they know about Covid-19 vaccines?

B. What brands of Covid-19 vaccines are they aware of?
C. What brand of Covid-19 vaccine would they like to take?

III. Research Methods

This chapter includes design, process, tools and analysis.

The research design of this study was qualitative research. De Franzo (2011) stated
that qualitative research is an exploratory research which is used to acquire descriptive data
relevant to the topic. The research chose this type of research design because it has
provided beneficial answers for the problems found.
In order to fulfill the objectives of this study, the researcher chose the
Phenomenological approach of qualitative research. This approach, as defined by The
Standford Encyclopedia (2013), focuses on people’s perspective towards the world. Hence,
it is the Understanding Involved from the first-person point of view. This approach
highlighted significant statements from the experiences of the participants (Moustakas,
1994). The researcher pre- dominated the openness and unbiased characteristics in
interpreting these statements of the participants.
to further analyze the phenomenology of Stem 11 students, the researcher performed
on online interview. It was an interactive process between the researcher and the participant
(Moustakas, 1994). Hence, the researchers have developed guide questions which were
based on the research questions of Shwalb and Shwalb (2007). These questions were
added to follow-up questions during the interview process. Moustakas ( 1994) also
emphasized that the guide questions should contain importance from the Participants;
hence ethical considerations of the researchers were secured in order to gain the trusts of
the participants for them to verbally express what they wanted to say.

The researcher used the guide questions as tools in the collection of the data
through interviewing the participants in an online interview. Follow-up questions were also
supplemented for free-flowing and open discussion, and for the researchers to gather
efficient data for the study.
The researchers also recorded information precisely through messenger app for
faster transaction and exchange conversation.

In terms of storing and disposal of the gathered data. All the data were saved and
kept in a long envelope which contained of the answers that are relevant for the success of
the study. Once the process of this research was done, the form was deleted completely.
Data Analysis
In order to process the data to be collected, the researcher used the Thematic
Analysis. Thematic Analysis aimed to focus on identifying patterned meaning across a data
set. (The University of Auckland, 2018) To attain thematic analyzation, the following were
First, familiarize the data through reading and re-reading the data.

Second, generate codes that might be important in answering the research questions.

Third, examine the generated codes to identify significant patters of potential


Fourth, review the potential themes to determine that these themes tell a
convincing story of the data.

Fifth, define and name the themes after developing a detailed analysis of each
Lastly, integrate the themes to an existing literature.


In conducting the research, the following steps were followed by the researcher to get the
sufficient information from the participants.

First, the researcher have conceptualized the study and underwent for a checking of the
concept paper by the research adviser, Mrs. Lily Mallare Morales.

Second, the researcher asked for permission to conduct the study. The researchers sent a
message to the classroom adviser, sir Shariff Latipan through messenger app to allow the
researcher to conduct the study.

Third, the researchers selected the research participants according to the criteria of
qualification. The participants for interview were the students from the Senior High School,
aged 16-19. Next, the selected Participants were given a message to be formally accepted
as the participant of the study.

Fourth, the researchers prepared the materials. The materials used in the process of
conducting research interview are mobile devices. All the observations and interviews were
recorder through google forms.

Prior to the actual interview, the researchers asked the Participants on what language the
researchers will use for them to comfortably answer the questions.

Fifth, the researchers collected the data and ensured that the participants will not take the
result in a negative way as an intervention. A token of gratitude was given by the researchers
for their participation in the study. The researchers assigned pseudonyms to protect the
identity and maintain confidentiality.
Sixth, the researcher analyzed the data to come up with the result of the study.

Seventh, the researchers transcribed and categorized the recorded data. All important
information collected during the interview essential to the study was transcribed and
analyzed using Thematic Analysis stated in the data analysis section.

Consequently, the researcher analyzed the results. The researchers have deliberated the
information gathered to come up with the conclusions and recommendations.
IV. Research Findings and Discussions
This chapter present the analysis of the data to attain the intent of the study which is Vaccine
Literacy: raising awareness on misconception towards covid-19 vaccination.

Significant Themes Categories/ Themes

“I know that covid 19 vaccines lessen ng chance of
you getting infected by the virus.” – PV1
The students are aware
“ang aking nalalaman tungkol on Covid-19 vaccines
sa covid19 vaccine ay nakakatulong ito upang
palakasin ang ating pangangat
-awan.” – PV2

“Covid-19 vaccines is
necessary for all of us to re
-duce the risk of people spread
-ing the virus.” – PV3

“The vaccine will help prevent

the spread of covid19 or at
least lessens.” – PV4

“As far as I understand, mRNA

vaccine contains material from
the virus that causes Covid19,
that gives our cells instructions
how to copy harmless proteins. The students are aware
After they destroy genetic on how vaccines work in
materials from the vaccine.” – PV3 the body

“ A vaccine works to train or prepare the body’s

natural defences or immune
system to fight of viruses” – PV4

“No, but I know that there are

side effects.” – PV4 The students are aware
on the vaccines corresponding side
“Yes I am aware about the effects of
corresponding effects” – PV3 the vaccine.
“Sinovac. Because I think it is safer
than other vaccines...however, I would
not take any other vaccines.” – PV1 “Finality of opinions with regards to
the brand of vaccine students
“No, Di pa ako ready magpavaccine…Di want to take”
pa ako sure kung totoo ba talaga yang vaccine…
however, feel ko Sputnik-V
lang ang pinakamalakas” – PV2

“Pfizer… Because it has 95% efficacy

rate. Despite the side effects, Yes I would still
engage myself in a vaccination.”
– PV3

“I will take any vaccine available as long

as it was approved by the WHO and
DOH” – PV4


Theme 1: The Students are aware on covid19 vaccination

The first theme generated from the significant statement is “The Students are aware on
covid19 vaccination”. The participants tackled about how they are aware of the vaccination.
The said participants have shared their thoughts towards the vaccination. This implies how
that they are aware on the vaccination’s purpose on people and to the community.

Theme 2: The students are aware on how vaccines work in the body
The second generated theme of this study leads to “The students are aware on how the
vaccination work in the body”. The significant statements of the participants are shown
above. As can be seen, the participants are aware how the vaccination work and its process.
However there are participants who are not aware of the process.

Theme 3: The students are aware of the corresponding side effects

“The students are aware of the corresponding side effects” is the third generated theme
of this study. The participants shared the following significant statement for this study. The
participants are aware of the corresponding side effects of the vaccination. However, there
are some participants who are not aware of what’s the corresponding side effects, and some
are not aware at all.

Theme 4: Finality of opinions with regards to the brand of vaccine students want to take.
The significant statements gathered from the participants lead the researcher to the
fourth generated theme. The mentioned statements relevant to this study includes the
preference of the participants towards the brand of the vaccination and why. The statements
also includes if they would like to engage themselves in a vaccination. As seen above there
are participants who would willingly include themselves in a vaccination. However, there are
also vaccine hesitant.
V. Recommendation
To further improve the findings of this study, the researcher recommend the following, the
renewed and growing interest in vaccine hesitancy has led to the development of different
tools and strategies which can help to enhance vaccination acceptance which includes some
social and commercial marketing principles and practices. It is best to counter vaccine
hesitancy at the population level and it can be done by including transparency in policy-
making decisions regarding immunization programs, providing updated information to the
public and health providers about the rigorous process undertaken before the introduction of
new vaccines for the general population and diversified post-marketing surveillance of
vaccine-related events. In addition, a special focus should be placed on listening to concerns
and understanding the perceptions of the public to inform risk communication and to
incorporate public perspectives in planning vaccine policies and programs.

To counter vaccine hesitancy, program managers initially must adequately identify the target
population and understand the true nature of their particular vaccine and/or vaccination
concerns. Lastly, intervention strategies should be planned effectively considering the locally
relevant factors operating in the population.

This research study assessed the Vaccine Literacy: Raising Awareness on Misconceptions
towards Covid19 Vaccination. The researcher used guide questions to gather and collect
data and was used to measure the vaccine literacy of the student participant/respondents.
The online survey was done through messenger app and did the interview.

After collecting the data, the statements of the participants shows that some are confident
and educated towards the vaccine and the corresponding side effects of it but some are not
and are vaccine hesitant.

In the result of this, it is a must that there should have actions and specific plans that could
provide and educate and to make the percentage of vaccine hesitant low in this community.
VI. Action Plan

Objective Activity/ Strategy Time frame People Resources

Develop and Introduce the By the Stem11 students School funds
implement vaccine by a month and teachers of
new strategies program of July MNHS
to tackle

Build knowledge Educate By the Stem11 students School funds

base and participants and teacher of
capacity about the month of MNHS
covid19 vaccines July

Develop Train health workers and

By the Health workers, Government
comprehensive civil society month MNHS teachers funds.
and coordinated organizations in of July and students.
approaches. engaging civil society org.
communities, in
influential people
who can assist in
organizing and
monitoring health
and immunization
programmes, as well as
community needs,
and in working with
communities to
meet those needs








8. h-groups/thematic-analysis/about-
Vaccine Literacy: Raising Awareness to Misconceptions towards Covid-19

Researcher: Adrian V Santiago

Research Adviser: Mrs. Lily Mallare Morales

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