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1. Enumerate at least five functions of the Political Self.

- The political self organizes self-relevant information about politics.

- The political self helps in defining the structure and functions of the government.
- The political self exemplifies the ideals and aspirations if the people.
- The political self organizes one’s beliefs, attitudes, and affiliations and aids in the processing of
politically relevant information.

2. Explain the origin of the Political Self. Discuss how the family, school, church,
Peer groups, government, and media affect the development of the Political Self.

The political self-determines the status and power of the people.

Politics is a central component of a self as well as a social institution through which power is
acquired and exercised by some people or group. Man is by nature a political animal. As an
essential part of the self, political self organizes self-relevant information when it comes to
politics as well as to it constitute knowledge in constitution, government, and governance. It
also shows us the relationship between the state and its citizens in describing their rights,
freedom, and obligations as a certain individual. The political self is formed by learning what is
politics, the branches, and roles of the government, and by disseminating the information
gathered around politics in order to gain knowledge and have a concrete stand. But sometimes,
the political view of a person can be influenced by from those people surrounding or around
him, this includes family, school, church, peer groups, government, and media affect the
development of the Political Self.
Family, school, and church, teaches us different values and mold us as we grow up.
Given the fact that everything we do is political, we can say that these factors affect us and our
political self. These factors are what we see, experience, and learn in our childhood. As a child
and as we are learning, we tend to practice what they practice, speak what they speak, and
believe what they believe, thus influence political self. As we grow up, we learn other things
aside from our family, school, and church i.e (Peer groups and media) and we become more
mature and independent on our political beliefs. Political expression on social media and peer
groups can entail a public commitment to a political self-presentation, which may lead
individuals to perceive themselves as politically active, interested, efficacious, and
In a sense, everything is political. Politics is what the government does, and what
opinions people have about what the government should do. Politics enforce and protect the
rules of society, our economy, our public services. Politics dictates what you can do and say,
and what options you have in living your life. Our social status, our freedom of choice and
expression, and our way of thinking are merely affected and influenced by politics. As they
say, the personal is political. Hence, affecting our political self.
3. Identify current political issues in the Philippines and recount the circumstances that led to
the issues. As a citizen, what can you do to prevent the issues from recurring?
The Philippine elections 2022 had the most memorable and obvious division among the
Filipinos. Disinformation and Fake news were one of the political issues that influenced the
division of the electorates. Political disinformation was so rampant that it created a massive
fight and misunderstanding between the Filipinos because of the influence and control of the
disinformation on social media. This proves that the majority of the Filipino voters lack on
critical thinking regarding on information literacy, hence poor educational system in the
Philippines. As stated, literacy correlates with voting skills that numerous Filipinos lack. And as a
result, creating a flaw on Philippines’ democratic system and elected officials. In addition,
political issues such as the economic state of the country, abortion, gender inclusivity,
healthcare system, and climate change is disregarded by the incompetent officials for the past
several years.

Starting with my school and in social media, not only me but everyone of us can
prevent these issues from recurring, by educating and spreading our knowledge regarding
these issues for them to learn and accept new knowledge that can help them become a better
voters and a citizen. We as a Filipinos, should start standing out for ourselves and start
engaging in political issues especially in electing a candidate for a government official without
doubting and being scared. On a final note, We are the ones who elected those who are in
power, so it’s just right that we have a say on the issues that affects us morally and personally.

4. Give at least 3 problems that ail the Philippines political system. Explain
how these problems can affect your political views and beliefs. Discuss your

a.Corruption- The Philippines has one of the poorest political

system in the world and the main reason for this is the
prevalence of corruption, may it be from the lower position or
from those at the higher seats in the government. It's not
even a secret to Filipinos the scope of this country's
corruption. What is worse is that those who have been found
guilty of corruption are still in their office and are still working
for the government.

b. Political dynasty- in a lot of provinces/cities in the country,

politics has become a family business wherein government
positions are easy to attain once a family member is already
in power. This causes the governing body to be full of
insincere and incompetent public servants who were elected
because of family ties. Of course, it's not always the case but
it sure is becoming the norm.
c. Politics as Popularity Contest- During election, the set of
elected officers can be questionable sometimes. This is
because a lot of times, the ones that are elected are those
that are popular. A common example would be actors and
actresses who want to enter politics. This is not usually bad;
however, the ones that are more qualified are also the ones
that are not elected. In the end, the elected officers end up
becoming a set of officers with mediocre skills.

d. Wrong Priorities- a lot of elected officers have wrong priorities

and so they are serving the wrong kind of people. Elected
government officials, especially in big cities, only serve
oligarchs and their personal agenda and they do not serve the
public interest at all.

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