Activity 1 SCRIPT 1 Edited

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Activity 1

Teacher’s knowledge on content and pedagogy

Video Half Body
(Greetings churba reuse nalang ang clip ng video)

Lea: And for today’s video, we will focus on our cooperating teacher’s knowledge on the content and
pedagogy she had exhibited in her class.

(Tapos magpapakilala)

Resty: Mrs. Mary Grace P. Junio, our cooperating teacher is from the TLE Department of Bayambang
National Highschool. Upon meeting her, we are in awe of her beauty, and she is approachable and easy
to go with.

Lica: She accommodate us at the beginning of our observation, and she introduced us to her class which
is the Grade 10- Feldspar. And her students are very polite to her and to us.

Geraldine: And begin with a prayer led by one of her students. We prayed for the blessing and guidance
of our Almighty God. After they’ve finished praying. Mrs. Junio begins her class discussion,

Lea: Now, Let Us Share with you the teaching-learning process that we have witnessed in her Class

Video Half Body

Czarina: The teacher had quite not introduced to the class the learning outcomes of her lesson.

She begins the class discussion by giving a short recap about the last lesson they discussed,
which is about “Occupational Health and Safety”.

And then, she introduced the next lesson that she was about to discuss which is food
preparation, specifically Egg Dishes Preparation.

Resty: The Teacher gave a short recap about the past lessons by motivating her students to share what
they have learned from the last lesson… these are done through Recitation.

Lea: The students share with the class what they have understood, and their realization. The teacher
later supplemented what the students answered, and after the short recap-discussion, the teacher
connects the last lesson to the lesson that is about to be discussed on that day. The next lesson that she
was about to discuss with the class is about Egg Dish Preparation.

Lica: Through the development of the lesson, the teacher and the learners share Ideas during recitation,
and from their answers, they are able to give insight into how they will apply the lesson learned.
Geraldine: She often asks her students also about their experience, and asks them questions that
require Higher Order Thinking Skills and Lower Order thinking skills.

Lea: Although The teacher was unable to integrate cooperation and collaborative activities in the
learning process. The learners are responsive every time the teacher ask questions. They are confident
to respond to their teacher for the teacher corporates a positive atmosphere in her classroom.

Resty: That is what we like about our cooperating Teacher…. For she promotes a friendly environment
in her Classroom throughout her discussion.
She encourages her students to share their ideas and opinions. She supplements give good
feedback on their answers and politely corrects their mistakes.

Czarina: The teacher gives chances to everyone to recite. Since students are being participative in the
class, most of them share their ideas. It brings an opportunity for them to learn furthermore from each
She uses Simple and Easy-to-understand words for her students to quickly understand and
She uses a well-modulated voice, that enables her learners to hear clearly what she says.

Lica: She is an Active listener, for what her learner shares she can supplement and explain it
furthermore too. What we love about her discussion is she incorporates her discussion with a sense
of humor, to lift up the mood, and make the learning process more engaging and interesting.

Lea: She displays confidence throughout the discussion, for she shows mastery of the lesson she
discusses. Of course, She uses technology and Instructional Materials to support her teaching.

Resty: The learners are enthusiastic knowing they are about to do a practicum after they will finish the
lesson. The Teacher instructed that they can perform egg dish plating according to their likes.

Geraldine: These gave the students the chance to apply what they’ve learned and be creatively
expressive to the practicum they are about to do.

Lica: Although she hasn’t introduced the learning outcomes of the lesson she will discuss,

Lea: She hasn’t incorporated some motivational activities that may promote collaboration or

Geraldine: We understand that day the time we have observe her class she only had a short time to
discuss her lesson.
Resty: Throughout her Lesson discussion, she shows confidence and mastery of the lesson she
taught in her class
Czarina: We’ve witnessed active interactions between her and her class. That is done through her
Recitation. And, because of the friendly atmosphere, she incorporates in her classroom the
Grade 10- feldspar is cooperative with her.

Video Half Body

Lica: We’ve come to realize the importance of knowing the nature of his/her learners, as teachers.
Either a preschool elementary or High school student. We should know their nature and then plan
ahead what teaching and learning strategies we can use for our students.

Geraldine: Of course, we have to consider our learner’s ability, because we will able to adjust our
teaching strategies for them. After all, we aim that our learners will learn effectively from our

CZARINA: Creating clear, attainable, and achievable learning outcomes will serve as a guide for
learners on what they need to accomplish and develop throughout the teaching-learning process.

Czarina: Utilizing technologies supports teaching and learning. And the Teacher must incorporate
simple activities in the learning process. So the knowledge they are about to learn will retain.
Recitation is effective too because it promotes attentiveness in the learners and develops
their Higher and Lower Order thinking skills.

Resty: Relationship and interaction in the classroom always matter, because even though the
teacher is good at discussing the lessons, but she doesn’t acknowledge his/her learners, or make
them part of the lesson.

Lea: The Learners are most likely to become passive learners, and it is possible that there is no
learning that could happen. A teacher’s knowledge on the content she is about to teach is not
enough. We should consider our teaching strategy, we must further improve our pedagogies.

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