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Nerie P.

Cadingan October 24,2022


Last Sunday, October 23, my whole family decided to visit the local church at my
father’s home town. It was comfortable trip as it was raining calmly that early morning.
However, I’m still feeling drained after that socialization night last Friday, and to be honest
my emotions are all over the place, those pent-up emotions are slowly getting to me. Sitting
while my mind is wandering inside the church, I feel ashamed as I try to focus for, I know the
moment was for me and my Savior. But what truly struck me, is the words the person who
shared testimonies he said “the world will continue to betray us, but the Lord will always
cherish us”. And I agree, those words lift up my feelings instantly. And while listening to their
stories, testimonies I realized that our faith should not rely on what our eyes can see alone,
because God’s mercy and greatness expands to layers and most of the time its beyond our
understanding. But one thing is for sure, that is the Lord wants what is best for us.

As I age each day, I came into realization that no matter how kind, and loving, and
giving you are, there will always be a moment wherein you will realize that you are not
receiving the same amount of energy you are sharing to the world. At some point you will
exhaust everything that you got, and it will turn your heart black and cold. However, what’s
amazing about it is that the fact that you have nothing but the Lord our God is capable of
filling our empty cup, not just fill but the grace and mercy is overflowing that the
overwhelming feeling of emptiness will be replaced by overwhelming happiness and
contentment. And our heart once again is capable of compassion. The world will continue to
betray us, the people around us at some point will let us down, we will hate ourselves some
days of our life, and that is fine. It is fine for human
beings are bound to commit mistakes.

As someone who wishes to light up the world of

other people, by introducing God, to feel negative
emotions such as anger, and pain and resentment, they
are all valid. Its an indication that we need God every
single moment in our life, to ask to deliver us, to teach
us how to love the way He loves us. To show
compassion even if it breaks our heart, because He is
our salvation.

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