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They are the one’s who brought me in this world.

My Papang and my Mamang. And I am that cute

baby girl.

This picture was taken when I was

still an infant. My parents told me
that at this time, I still can’t sit and
stand without their support. But then,
they told me that I am able to be
alert to noises, and with a normal
newborn behavior, all I did was
crying, fussing and sleeping. I was a
healthy baby girl when I was born. I
look round and chubby, but this time
as I start using my arms and legs
more actively, they noticed that my
muscles develop.
This is a part of my childhood that I
could still clearly remember. At this
time, I noticed the enhancement of my
brain development by engaging in
meaningful interactions that enables me
to form connections within new
environment and create understanding
During about
my young
how child
work,I how
things are
that I start
done, how to treat others, howfat,
to lose some of my baby to deal
makingwithme emotions,
less like a baby, andtomore
and how go about
like a child
dailyas I progress through this
stage. I can also complete other self-
care tasks beyond dressing and
undressing, such as brushing my teeth
and combing my hair. At this age, I can
also independently feed myself without
an adult's immediate supervision or
help. This is who is she now. A grown-up
woman that is still focusing to be the
best version of herself. Still figuring
things out. Still makes mistakes and
accepting it as she knows it would
teach her to be better.
My physical features changes as time
passes by. I know that time will come
that my physical features will change,
that is why I am still enjoying to what I
have now.
I am enjoying my college journey and
will extremely cherish every moment.
Still fighting new battles and challenges
that I know I would overcome with the
help of our God.

This is the time of changes that include a growth spurt in

height, growth of pubic and underarm hair, and skin
changes just like pimples. I experience breast development
and begin menstruating.
This stage also includes increased decision making,
increased pressures, and the search for self. This is when I
tried to be independent enough and finding out my hidden
capabilities that opened a lot of opportunities for me where
I enjoyed so much.
It is the time when my brain and
bodies are developing so rapidly,
as a young children require
healthy, balanced diets that
provide vitamins, minerals, and
other nutrients.

In this time, I was strongly influenced

by my family. The social skills I learned
through peer and family relationships,
and my increasing ability to participate
in meaningful interpersonal
communication that provide a
necessary foundation for my growth.

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