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BEC Vantage Masterclass

Unit 8 Extra activities

Activity 1: Interactive crossword puzzle
Student A
In your version of the crossword, all the words going across have been
completed. In Student B’s version all the words going down have been
completed. Make sure that Student B does not see your crossword.

1 Write clues in the spaces provided below for each word going across. The
clues can be definitions, or sentences with the key word missing.
4 The text of a printed advertisement or
There’s a mistake in the for our newspaper ad.

2 Cut or tear off the clues you have written. Give them to Student B.

3 Complete the crossword by answering the clues Student B gives you.

4 (4 letters)
7 (2 words, 6 and 5 letters)
8 (2 words, 11 and 4 letters)
10 (5 letters)
11 (6 letters)
12 (2 words, 5 and 8 letters)
13 (4 letters)

Unit 8 Extra activities © Oxford University Press 1

BEC Vantage Masterclass

Unit 8 Extra activities

Activity 1: Interactive crossword puzzle
Student B
In your version of the crossword, all the words going down have been
completed. In Student A’s version all the words going across have been
completed. Make sure that Student A does not see your crossword.

1 Write clues in the spaces provided below for each word going down. The clues
can be definitions, or sentences with the key word missing.
1 A printed advertisement that contains text and pictures or a logo. or
We’re putting a ......... ......... in the next issue of the magazine.

2 Cut or tear off the clues you have written. Give them to Student A.

3 Complete the crossword by answering the clues Student A gives you.

1 (2 words, 7 and 2 letters)
2 (6 letters)
3 (9 letters)
4 (10 letters)
5 (9 letters)
6 (7 letters)
9 (8 letters)

Unit 8 Extra activities © Oxford University Press 2

BEC Vantage Masterclass

Unit 8 Teacher’s notes and key

Activity 1: Interactive crossword puzzle

1 Students work in pairs of two As and two Bs to prepare the clues. Check that
their clues are correct before they pass them to the other students. As far as
possible, encourage them to make up clues on their own. If they are having
difficulty, they can refer to the Course Book glossary, unit, or the relevant
tapescripts to help them with ideas.

3 Key

Unit 8 Extra activities © Oxford University Press 3

BEC Vantage Masterclass

Unit 8 Extra Activities

Activity 2: Board game

28 27 26 25

FINISH Grammar Miss a turn Go back Vocabulary

4 spaces

20 21 22 23 24

Vocabulary Miss a turn Grammar Go back Grammar

1 space

19 18 17 16 15

Grammar Vocabulary Move on Grammar Vocabulary

3 spaces

14 ▲

10 11 12 13

Vocabulary Grammar Vocabulary Miss a turn Grammar

9 8 7 6 5

Grammar Go back Grammar Vocabulary Grammar

2 spaces

1 2 3 4 ▲

START Move on Vocabulary Grammar Miss a turn

2 spaces

Unit 8 Extra activities © Oxford University Press 4

BEC Vantage Masterclass

Unit 8 Extra activities

Activity 2: Board game

Grammar and vocabulary cards

Give two typical examples of a Make a sentence using

Make a sentence using going to. point-of-sale promotion. special offer.

Make a sentence using Make a sentence using

Make an offer using will.
readership. banner ad.

Explain a plan or intention you Explain the difference between a Explain what an advertising
have for the future. coupon and a reply card. campaign is.

Explain the difference between a

Make a sentence about the Make a sentence using
trade magazine and a
future using hope. nationwide.
consumer magazine.

Express an opinion about the Explain what purchasing Explain the difference between
future using imagine. preferences are. a poster and a billboard.

Make a sentence using What is the USP of a product or Make a sentence using outdoor
planning to. service? advertising.

Make a sentence about an event

What is a company’s customer
you’ve already arranged for the Name three advertising media.

Express an opinion about the What does media buying Name three types of printed
future using expect. involve? media ads.

Explain the difference between Make a sentence using target

Explain what direct mail is.
copy and a script. as a verb.

Make a sentence using Make a sentence using

Make a sentence using listing.
commercial as a noun. deadline.

Unit 8 Extra activities © Oxford University Press 5

BEC Vantage Masterclass

Unit 8 Teacher’s notes and key

Activity 2: Board game


Print out one board and one set of cards for each group of three to four
players. Cut up the cards and separate them into two piles for each group –
white cards (grammar) and grey cards (vocabulary). You will also need one
dice for each group of players, and a different coin or counter for each player
in each group.

How to play

• Put students in groups of three or four.

• Players take turns to throw the dice to move round the board.
• If a player lands on a grammar or vocabulary square, he/she takes a card
from the relevant pile, and answers the question on it. The other students in
that group decide if the answer is correct. If it is not correct, the player
misses his/her next turn. If the players cannot agree, they must ask your
advice as to whether the answer is acceptable or not. Encourage the
students, as far as possible, to produce business-related sentences, e.g.
We’re planning to advertise our new power drill in trade magazines rather
than I’m planning to get married next year.
• Vocabulary cards are discarded after a question has been answered.
Grammar cards go back to the bottom of the grammar pile for re-use.
• If a player moves forward or back to a grammar or vocabulary square after
landing on a Move on/Go back square, he/she immediately takes a card and
answers the question.
• The first player to land on Finish wins the game.

Unit 8 Extra activities © Oxford University Press 6

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