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SY 2021 – 2022

POST-ASSESSMENT (Individual Reflection)

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture
Task: Research of Content

Group 2 Full Infante, Kathleen D.

No. Name:

Introduction: Social Scientists have noted the glaring gap between political institutions and their citizens. Democracies are losing their
voters, while many nation-states in the world today do not allow representation of citizens in their governance. Politics is failing
everywhere. This dislocation in the age of globalization is visible in people’s protests on the streets against their leaders and in their
apparent withdrawal from democratic procedures such as voting in elections, turning out in community meetings, and public office.
Political analysts believe that democracy has been too weak to manage the economy in its globalized form. Social cohesion has
declined. We are witnessing the growing anxieties about the soundness of our social institutions, the decline of the family, reductions in
social capital, the absence of consensus on unifying moral principles, and the disappearance of voluntary associations.

Submission guidelines
 File Name: IRI_Name_Section
 Example: IRI_Patiag, VJ_Jehoshaphat
 Type: PDF

 12-Jehoshaphat – October 1
 12-Uzziah – September 30
 12-Hezekiah – September 29
 12-Jotham – September 27
Questions to ponder
1. How should the specific concerns of the youth be addressed in the Philippines, specifically to employment and decent work,
inclusive education, social justice, and culture, and possibly to other relevant issues (and/or related to your topic in info graphic)?
Explain comprehensively.
Unemployment has been a persistent issue, particularly in our country. The most prevalent culprits are fast population increase and our
educational system, which some still regard as “deficient”. This issue has always been one of the main problems of the Philippines and
according to the Philippine Statistics Authority(PSA), the unemployment rate in the Philippines stood at 5.4 percent in the September
quarter of 2019, the same pace as in the corresponding period the prior year. To be honest, this is a difficult issue to address given a
large number of unemployed Filipinos. The first remedy would be to have a governmental reserve's expansionary monetary policy. It's
powerful, quick, and precise. Interest rates have fallen, making it easier for people to borrow the funds they require. Automobiles,
homes, and consumer technology are examples of high-priced items. It boosts demand sufficiently to get the economy back on track.
Low-interest rates can make borrowing money easier for businesses. This provides them with the necessary financial resources to hire
enough workers to meet the rising demand. The most efficient approach to avoid employment is to establish one because increasing
the incentive for firms to recruit staff and enhance branches in underserved areas is a classic method of creating jobs. This is typically
accomplished by offering financial incentives to firms, such as tax breaks or other benefits, in exchange for creating jobs in the local

2. How can you personally contribute in safeguarding and sustaining democracy in the Philippines? Justify your answer.
I can personally contribute to safeguarding and sustaining democracy in the Philippines by participating and cooperating in different
activities and issues in my community and maintaining a good relationship with others. With this, we can create an environment where
everyone can participate especially our youth in making our community in the Philippines rather be more sustainable. Because I believe
that communication is and will always be a critical component of everything. Another way I can help myself is to continue my education.
The importance of education cannot be overstated. Obtaining an education is another way that I can help to protect and sustain
democracy in the Philippines since it provides us with the knowledge that we can put to use. It also makes us better at what we do.
Whether we like it or not, education is a powerful instrument for success and a critical component in ensuring long-term sustainability.
And, in reality, people who have had the opportunity to receive a good education are more likely to be the people who can perpetuate
the democracy that we have. And as someone who has that privilege, I will make sure to put it to good use. Also, with better education,
people's voting inclinations may have stronger foundations. We should do our best, especially now that the election is approaching, to
pick the appropriate, capable, and deserving people who will lead our country for the next six years. We must do everything possible to
educate those who will have less power in electing the next leader.


CONTENT/ All ideas are consistent Some ideas are Few ideas are Ideas are inconsistent
IDEAS and relevant with the consistent and relevant consistent and and irrelevant with the
10% topic. with the topic. relevant with the topic. topic.
10 7-9 6 0-5
ORGANIZATION The entire essay was Most part of the essay Some parts of the The entire essay was
10% well organized. was well organized. essay were well not well organized, and
Information flowed in a Information flowed in a organized. Information the information flowed in
logical manner. logical manner. flowed in a logical an illogical manner.
10 7-9 manner. 0-5
MECHANICS The essay has no The essay has few The essay has a The essay has many
5% grammatical spelling, or grammatical spelling, or grammatical spelling, grammatical spelling, or
punctuation errors. punctuation errors. or punctuation error. punctuation error.
5 4 3 1-2

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