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investments in hardwired telecommunications

Chapter 1 lines to more remote areas

Computer Software: Integrated, Downloadable, Beehive is IBM’s intranet equivalent to

Social By the early 1990s, Microsoft Facebook. Within the first 15 months of its
Corporation’s Windows software had become launch, more than 50,000 IBMers had joined
the standard operating system for the vast and were sharing both work-related and
majority of microcomputers being used as personal information. 
desktop and portable computer “clients.” By
the end of the 1990s, Microsoft’s Office suite ThinkPlace is a virtual forum for employees to
(i.e., word processing, spreadsheet, database, suggest, comment on, rate, and route ideas.
slideshow presentation, and e-mail software Within its first 3 years, more than 18,000 ideas
sold in a single bundle) as well as its Web had been suggested; of the 350 ideas actually
browser (Internet Explorer) had become the de implemented, over half had resulted in time
facto software in use in U.S. organizations and savings improvements. 
multinational companies.
SmallBlue identifies social networks within IBM
ENTERPRISE SYSTEM - software packages with by analyzing e-mail and electronic chats
integrated modules that can easily share data between employees who opt to participate.
across dispersed work teams, business divisions, Employees can see visual displays of who knows
and national boundaries in “real time. what and who knows whom within the
knowledge communities that they are a part of.
The introduction of a Web browser in the mid-
1990s that used an Internet communications Computers and communication networks
standard (TCP/IP) to link companies and enable companies to compete in two primary
individuals to the Internet has been described ways:•
as a “killer application” due to its widespread
Low Cost—competing with other businesses by
global impact. Demands for high-speed Internet
being a low-cost producer of a good or a
access have spurred investments by
government and the private sector to install
fiber-optic (highbandwidth) lines. Today, many Differentiation—competing with other
households in developed countries pay a businesses by offering products or services that
monthly fee for cable, satellite, or a telephone customers prefer due to a superiority in
utility for integrated data, voice, and perhaps characteristics such as product innovativeness
television services in their homes. or image, product quality, or customer service

Satellite and cellular technologies now link

remote workers to central support centers,
travelers to travel services, and delivery Computers can lower the costs of products or
personnel to transportation schedulers. services by automating business transactions,
Wireless technologies have also enabled some shortening order cycle times, and providing
emerging countries to bypass expensive data for better operational decision making.
Since the 1980s, a flood of IT innovations have

led to efficiency gains in manufacturing firms - TechnologyInfrastructure
alone— such as shortening the time to develop - Human Resources
new products with computeraided design tools; - Business/IT Relationship
optimizing a plant floor process with software
that implements a human expert’s decision TECHNOLOGY INSFRASTRUCTURE
rules; and speedily changing a production line Computer, software, and networks that enable
with computerized planning systems based on an organization to conduct business and share
sales information. information across organizational units as well
IT has also been used by companies to as business partners
differentiatetheir products or services from HUMAN RESOURCES
those of competitors. IT applications can
provide sales personnel with information to IT professionals and managers who have the
help them better service a specific customer; needed mix of technology, business, and
just-in-time replenishments of supplies for interpersonal skills to plan for, design, and
business customers based on inventory levels manage the other IT resources
rather than manually initiated purchasing
orders; and decision support applications with
embedded industry knowledge, such as best Established relationships between business and
practices for first responders to treat a heart IT workers to ensure that the other IT resources
attack or stroke patient. are aligned with business needs
Telecommuters – are personnel with portable IT LEADERSHIP ROLES
computers and mobile equipment who can
access company data anytime 24/7 and Many organizations today have created an
anywhere with an internet connection and do officer-level position for the senior IT executive
work. in the organization: the chief information
officer (CIO). Although in other organizations,
virtual team—that is, teams with members who the senior IT leader may not be formally
are separated too far geographically to work designated as a CIO, all of today’s IT leaders are
face-to-face—has also become increasingly all expected to work closely with other senior
common. managers to keep the company’s IT resources
aligned with the goals of the business. Senior IT
free agents who contract out their services
leaders may report directly to a president or
without being a permanent employee of any
CEO or may report to another officer in the
company—such as a chief financial officer (CFO)
Within organizations, supporting these new or chief operating officer (COO).
ways of competing and new ways of working
with computer systems and networks is the
responsibility of the information systems (IS) 1. They are expected to work closely with other
department. Senior managers. 
Types of resources

2. They should possessed in-depth technical that you as a manager are most likely to use are
knowledge.  a microcomputer keyboard and a mouse.

3. Have an ability to work well with senior Terminal - is a simpler device than a PC; it is
business leaders.  designed strictly for input/output and does not
incorporate a processor (CPU), or at least not a
4. The should plan and monitor compliance with general-purpose processor. The terminal is
governMent laws and reporting requirements  connected to a computer via some type of
telecommunication line.
5. To ensure that appropriate investments are
made in techonologies and procedures to Speech Recognition Software - Voice input to
manage IT security. computers is another input option, although the
accuracy of speech recognition software is still
CHAPTER 2 less than perfect, with the best packages
achieving recognition accuracy in the 95 to 99
COMPUTER SYSTEM percent range. With these numbers, speech
recognition software is a productivity-enhancing
tool for users with limited typing skills,
For historical completeness, we should note
disabilities, repetitive stress injuries from
that there are really two distinct types of
overusing a computer keyboard, or no time to
computers—digital and analog.
do anything except dictate (such as medical
- Digital computers operate directly on doctors).
numbers, or digits, just as humans do.
Some input methods read an original document
- Analog computers manipulate some
(such as a typed report or a check or deposit
analogous physical quantity, such as
slip) directly into the computer’s memory.
voltage or shaft rotation speed, which
Check processing is handled this way in the
represents (to some degree of accuracy)
United States through the magnetic ink
the numbers involved in the
character recognition (MICR) input method.
computation. Analog computers have
Checks have the account number and bank
been most useful in engineering and
number preprinted at the bottom using strange-
process control environments, but
looking numbers and a special magnetizable ink.
digital machines have largely replaced
After a check is cashed, the bank that cashed it
them even in these situations. Thus, all
records the amount of the check in
of our discussion in this book relates to
magnetizable ink at the bottom of the check
digital computers

Optical character recognition (OCR) - an input
To use a computer, we must have some means
method that directly scans typed, printed, or
of entering data into the computer for it to use
handprinted material. A device called an optical
in its computations. There are a wide variety of
character reader scans and recognizes the
input devices, and we will mention only the
characters and then transmits the data to the
most commonly used types. The input devices

computer memory or records them on some mechanism in which individual hammers force
type of digital media. the paper and ribbon against the appropriate
print characters (which are embossed on a
rotating band or chain).
Imaging - goes even further than OCR. With Nonimpact printers often employ an
imaging, any type of paper document, including electrophotographicprinting process (similar to
business forms, reports, charts, graphs, and a copying machine); cut-sheet printers operate
photographs, can be read by a scanner and at speeds up to 135 pages per minute, while
translated into digital form so that the continuous-form printers may reach speeds up
document can be stored in the computer to 1,800 pages per minute.
system. Then this process can be reversed so
that the digitized image stored in the computer COMPUTER MEMORY also referred to as main
system can be displayed on a video display unit, memory or primary memory. All data flows are
printed on paper, or transmitted to another to and from memory. Data from input devices
computer. always go into memory; output devices always
receive their data from memory; two-way data
An increasingly important way of entering data flows exist between files and memory and also
into a computer is by scanning a bar code label between the arithmetic/logical unit and
on a package, a product, a routing sheet, a memory; and a special type of data flows from
container, or a vehicle. Bar code systems memory to the control unit to tell the control
capture data much faster and more accurately unit what to do next.
than systems in which data are keyed. Thus the
use of bar codes is very popular for high-volume
supermarket checkout, department store sales,
inventory tracking, time and attendance ARITHMETIC/LOGICAL UNIT (ALU)like memory,
consists of incredibly small integrated circuits
records, and health care records. There is
actually a wide variety of bar code languages, on a silicon chip. In many respects, the
arithmetic/logical unit is very simple. It has
called symbologies.
been built to carry out addition, subtraction,
The dominant form of output, however, is the multiplication, and division, as well as to
printed report. Computer printers come in a perform certain logical operations such as
variety of sizes, speeds, and prices. The printers comparing two numbers for equality or finding
used with PCs usually employ a nonimpact out which number is bigger
process (such as an ink-jet process), and they
COMPUTER FILES As applications are being
typically operate in a speed range of 5 to 50
pages per minute. Printers used with larger processed on a computer, the data required for
the current computations must be stored in the
computers may be impact or nonimpact
printers. computer memory. The capacity of memory is
limited (although it can go over a trillion bytes
Impact printers operate at speeds up to 2,000 on some large machines), and there is not
lines per minute and print one line at a time, enough space to keep all of the data for all of
usually employing an impact printing the concurrently running programs (e.g.,

Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Adobe speed and capacity of its other components.
Photoshop) in memory at the same time. In The thin arrows in Figure 2.1 point out that the
addition, memory is volatile; if the computer’s control unit controls each of the other five
power goes off, everything stored in memory is components.
lost. To keep vast quantities of data accessible
The complete listing of what is to be done for an
within the computer system in a nonvolatile
medium and at more reasonable costs than application is called a program,
main memory, file devices—sometimes called each individual step or operation in the
secondary memory or secondary storage program is called an instruction
devices—have been added to all but the tiniest
computer systems. THE PROCESSOR CHIPS At the heart of every
computer today is one or more processor chips,
Examples of Computer File Devices such as the Intel Core i7 processor chip. It is
•magnetic tape drives important to note that the processor chip
includes both the arithmetic/logic unit and the
•hard (or fixed) disk drives, control unit. The Intel Core i7 processor chip,
which is used in many of today’s top-of-the-line
•removable disk drives, microcomputers, contains hundreds of millions
•flash drives, and •CD or DVD (optical) drives. of transistors and has been described by Intel as
the “fastest processor on the planet” (Intel Web
site, 2008). It is also a quad-core processor
which has four complete processors
two basic ways to organize computer files:
manufactured as part of a single chip.
sequential access and direct access.
with sequential access files, all of the records
that make up the files are stored in sequence
according to the file’s control key.
Sequential access files are usually stored on - SUPERCOMPUTERS
magnetic tape. A magnetic tape unit or
Microcomputers, often called micros or
magnetic tape drive is the file device that stores
personal computers or just PCs, cost from
(writes) data on tape and that retrieves (reads)
P10,000 to P200,000. They generally have less
data from tape back into memory.
power than midrange systems, but the dividing
A direct access file (DAFS), stored on a direct line between these categories is faint. In
access storage device (DASD), is a file from general, microcomputers can be carried or
which it is possible for the computer to obtain a moved by one person, and they usually have
record immediately, without regard to where only a single keyboard and video display unit
the (which is why they are called personal
The control unit provides the control that
enables the computer to take advantage of the

Desktop PCs are the most familiar, but PCs also World’s Fastest Supercomputer: Jaguar
come in laptop or notebook models in small
briefcaselike packages weighing under 10
pounds and in newer, smaller handheld or Applications software includes all programs
palmtop models weighing in under a pound. written to accomplish particular tasks for
computer users.
Smartphones are handheld PC which also
operate as cellular telephones (see the box “The Word processing might be the most ubiquitous
Smallest PCs: Smartphones”). of the personal productivity software products.
Midrange systems constitute the broadest While secretaries were usually the first
wordprocessingusers in an organization, today
category of computer systems, stretching all the
way from microcomputers to the much larger managers and professional workers alike create
their own documents at a microcomputer
mainframes and supercomputers.
keyboard. The first popular word-processing
The term workstation, as used here, describes a product was WordStar, which was in turn
powerful machine that is run by a supplanted by WordPerfect in the 1980s and
microprocessor (just as a PC is run by a then by Microsoft Word in the 1990s.
microprocessor), which may or may not be used
by a single individual (whereas a PC is used by a Spreadsheets Second only to word processing
in popularity are electronic spreadsheet
single individual).
products, the most widely used of which is
Minicomputers - originally, these machines Microsoft Excel.
were just like the larger mainframe machines,
except that they were less powerful and less Database Management System (DBMS) After
word processing and spreadsheets, the next
expensive. For a while the larger minicomputers
were even called superminicomputers, which is most popular category of personal productivity
software is microcomputerbased database
a strange name, using both super and mini as
prefixes. management systems (DBMSs). The most
widely used product is Microsoft Access; other
Mainframes are the heart of the computing popular products include FileMaker Pro, Alpha
systems for many, perhaps most, major Software’s Alpha Five, and Corel Paradox. dBase
corporations and government agencies. was the desktop DBMS leader in the 1980s but
has now disappeared. All these products are
are the true “number-crunchers,” with based on the relational data. The basic ideas
MFLOPS ratings in excess of 250,000 and price behind these products are the same as those for
tags from $1 million to $100 million or more. large machine DBMSs, but the desktop DBMSs
The high-end supercomputers are specifically are generally easier to use.
designed to handle numerically intensive
problems, most of which are generated by Presentation Graphics Used for creating largely
research scientists, such as chemists, physicists, textual presentations, but with embedded clip
and meteorologists. art, photographs, graphs, and other media, the
leader in this field is Microsoft PowerPoint,
followed by Corel Presentations and Sun’s

StarOffice Impress. Free presentation graphics Database Management System (DBMS) is
packages include IBM Lotus Symphony software that is used to create, manage, and
Presentations, OpenOffice Impress, and Google protect organizational data.
Docs. For more complex business graphics, the
leading products are Microsoft Visio, Adobe Database - is a shared collection of logically
related data that is organized to meet the needs
Illustrator, and CorelDRAW Graphics.
of an organization.
Electronic mail has become the preferred way
Data Warehouse - a very large database or
of communicating for managers in most
businesses today. It is asynchronous (no collection of databases
telephone tag) and unobtrusive, easy to use and Database Architecture - refers to the way in
precise. which the data are structured and stored in the
Groupware incorporates electronic mail, but
also much more. Groupware has the goal of The five (5) basic Database Architectures
helping a group become more productive and
includes innovative ways of data sharing. 1. Hierarchical

Hypertext is a creative way of linking objects 2. Network

(e.g., text, pictures, sound clips, and video clips)
3. Relational
to each other.
4. Object-oriented
Support software has been designed to support
applications software from behind the scenes 5. Object-relational
rather than to directly produce output of value
to the user. There are several types of support
software, as shown in Figure 2.8. We now want
to take a systematic look at the various types of 1. Sharing of Technology Resources
support software • Networking permits the sharing of
The most important type of support software is critical (and often expensive)
the operating system, which originated in the technology resources among the
mid-1960s and is now an integral part of every various users (machines) on the
computer system. The operating system is a network.
very complex program that controls the • The users can also share software that
operation of the computer hardware and is electronicallystored on a file server
coordinates all the other software, so as to get (another computer designated for that
as much work done as possible with the particularpurpose).
available resources. Users interact with the
operating system, and the operating system in LAN-Local Area Netwrok- a network
turn controls all hardware and software that covers a small geographical area
resources of the computer system. such as homes, officer, and groups of
building. It has a higher data transfer
(Speed) as compare to WAN.

WAN-Wide Area Network-is a network NETWORKING
that covers larger geographical areas Is the electronic linking of
that can span the globe. geographically dispersed devices which
is critical for modern organizations
2. Sharing of Data Either a LAN or a WAN
permits users on the network to get TELECOMMUNICATIONS
data (if they are authorized to do so) It is communications at a distance.
from other points, called nodes, on the
Functions of a Telecommunications Network

Transmission-movement of voice and/or data

3. Distributed Data Processing and using network and underlying media
CLient/Server System
Processing- Ensuring that error free
With distributed data processing, the communication
processing power is distributed to multiple
computers at multiple sites, which are then
tied together via telecommunications lines.
Client/server systems are a variant of
distributed systems in which the processing
power is distributed between a central
server system, such as a midrange
computer or a mainframe, and a number of
client computers, which are usually desktop
microcomputers. Distributed and
client/server systems tend to reduce
computing costs because of their reliance
on more cost-effective microcomputers and

4. Enhanced Communications Telephone

network Electronic mail (Email)
Internet- has ectended the reach of
email systems Instant messaging Video
conferencing Virtual Reality
5. Marketing Outreach In the last 20
years, the Internet has become an
important marketing channel for a wide
variety of businesses. Marketing is
communication is a very specialized
type of communication

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