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Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person 12

Elnie B. Planas 12 STEM/Neutron

Holistic Vs Partial Point of View
Activity 2. Picture It Out
1. HP 6. HP
2. PPV 7. HP
3. PPV 8. HP
4. PPV 9. HP
5. HP 10. PPV
Activity 3. Know Me More
Holistic Point of View Partial Point of View
 Looks at all aspects of the given problem or  Looks only at a limited number
situation. of aspects of the given problem
 All aspects are given importance when or situation.
making conclusions.  Conclusions are made based on
 All aspects are tied in together to form a considering some, but not all,
general overview of the problem or sides of the problem or situation.

Activity 4. Recognize Me
1. Holistic Perspective
2. Holistic Perspective
3. Holistic Perspective
4. Partial Point of View
5. Partial Point of View
Activity 5. Let’s Try
Parent 1: I will not let my children go to school with this dreadful situation! Academic freeze
should be implemented instead rather than pushing things with this set-up!
Parent 2: I won’t risk my child’s safety! She should just remain at home and study there!
Parent 1: How else would a child learn at home? There are many distractions! Like the mobile
games! He won’t learn anything with such set-up!
Parent 2: How about you? Won’t you look over your children and guide them? Would you let
them do such things while they’re in classes? You are the responsible one and the children’s
guide with this set-up! Do not drop the new normal learning just because of your incapability!
I learned that holistic perspective suggests that we can only understand the parts when we
view them in relation to the whole while in partial perspective suggests that we only understand
one component part of the whole.

Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person 12
Elnie B. Planas 12 STEM/Neutron
I want to learn more on how to differentiate holistic point of view from partial point of
view and to apply it with real life scenarios in order for me to easily analyze situations and point
of views.
Value of Doing Philosophy
Activity 1. Knowledge Check: Fact or Bluff
1. Bluff
2. Fact
3. Bluff
4. Bluff
5. Bluff
Activity 2. Let’s Know More
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. D
5. D
Activity 3. My Lockdown Playlist
Title of the Song/Artist Philosophical Reflection
marjorie – Taylor Swift “Never be so clever, you The pandemic we all are
forget to be kind.” facing has caused shifting
moods, maybe due to distress,
depression, and anxiety. This
line was from the first stanza
of the song it was the reason
why it became my favorite
song. It’s more than a song.
It’s a reminder to keep my
feet on the ground and no
matter what circumstances
are, I should remain kind.

Activity 4. Quandaries under Quarantine

1. It took me 18 years of living to come up with a blissful debut and to have it happened
with enhanced community quarantine, is just very unbecoming of my plans. But after all,
this set-up is for the good of everyone. I would celebrate, but make sure to follow all the

Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person 12
Elnie B. Planas 12 STEM/Neutron
quarantine protocols, rather than not celebrating or defying rules, it will just worsen the
situation and it might prolong the quarantine period.
2. I will pity him for his situation, I am more than willing to help him but if riding him will
make us violate the protocols, then I would find other alternatives to help him instead,
which is to lead him to the frontliners and make them do him a favor and buy him his
3. I couldn’t just go outside like usual to buy my grandfather his medicines so I will contact
the authorities or the frontliners who are in charge of my quarantine period, since they are
the one responsible of it, and tell them my supposed rendezvous.
Activity 5. Less is More Philosophy
1. I should refrain myself from talking much about certain issues I haven’t looked into
2. I should lessen my focusing much on what I know and rather let people to speak up their
minds and in order for me to learn from them as well.
3. I should stop doing things because I am overruled by my emotions because it doesn’t
only bring harm to myself but to others as well.
4. I should do social media fasting often and spend time with my family and friends.
5. I should stop focusing on others’ opinion of me because it will only make me inferior or
insecure, and start reflecting and knowing myself more.
I learned that doing philosophy can also be applied into daily situations

Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person 12
Elnie B. Planas 12 STEM/Neutron

A Philosophical Reflection
Activity 1. Knowledge Check
1. Fact
2. Bluff
3. Fact
4. Fact
5. Fact
Activity 2. Choose Me Holistically
1. C 6. A
2. B 7. A
3. D 8. D
4. A 9. D
5. C 10. A
Activity 3. I Juander

Activity 4. My Mind Care Essentials

Activity 5. I Believe I Can Philosophize

Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person 12
Elnie B. Planas 12 STEM/Neutron

Opinion from Truth

Activity 1. Getting to Know
1. O 6. O
2. F 7. O
3. F 8. F
4. O 9. O
5. O 10. O
Activity 2. Analyze Me
1. T 6. F
2. F 7. T
3. F 8. T
4. T 9. T
5. T 10. T
Activity 3. Fact or Opinion
1. All 12. Descriptive and Normative
2. Always Distinction
3. Likely 13. Confirms
4. Never 14. Discovered
5. Might 15. According to
6. Seem 16. Demonstrated
7. Possibly 17. Claimed
8. Probably 18. View
9. Should 19. Argues
10. Belief and Reality Distinction 20. Subject
11. Subjective and Objective Distinction

Activity 4. Let’s Write

Opinion Statements:
 Global warming is a term almost everyone is familiar with. But its meaning is still not
quite clear to most of us.

Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person 12
Elnie B. Planas 12 STEM/Neutron
 It is quite challenging to control global warming; however, it is not unmanageable.
 There are various activities taking place which have been increasing the temperature
 In this essay on Global Warming, we will see the causes and solutions of Global

Fact Statements:
 So, Global Warming refers to the gradual rise in the overall temperature of the
atmosphere of the Earth.
 Global Warming is melting our ice glaciers rapidly. This is extremely harmful to the
Earth as well as humans.
 The first step in solving any problem is identifying the cause of the problem. Therefore,
we need to first understand the causes of global warming that will help us proceed further
in solving it.

Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person 12
Elnie B. Planas 12 STEM/Neutron

Methods of Philosophy
Activity 1. Deductive or Inductive
1. D 6. I
2. D 7. I
3. I 8. I
4. I 9. I
5. D 10. D
Activity 2. True or False
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. D
Activity 3
1. A 6. B
2. A 7. B
3. A 8. C
4. A 9. C
5. A 10. C
Activity 4. Write Your Reaction

Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person 12
Elnie B. Planas 12 STEM/Neutron

Truth from Opinions

Activity 1
 No, I cannot kill anybody I want to kill.
 There are rules to follow in a civilized society.
Activity 2. Is Juan Right?
2.1 No, this is an example of fallacy under false analogy. Because his arguments assume that
when two things are alike in one respect, they are alike in also one another. It is true that you
cannot see God and you cannot see your own brain. But it does not mean that when you cannot
see your brain, it doesn’t exist.
2.2 Fallacies are arguments that contains unsounding reasoning. They are being used to convince
and accept other arguments.
Activity 3
1. Fallacy of Division 6. Begging the question
2. Ad hominem 7. Cause and Effect
3. Appeal to force 8. Fallacy of Division
4. Appeal to emotion 9. Fallacy of Composition
5. Appeal the popular 10. Ad hominem
Activity 4. Know Your Biases
Yes, this is an example of framing bias, because it contains personal views of the person
presenting it. It has also tendencies or influences the views of the people by focusing on a certain
Argument Type of Fallacies
1. It is a bleak one marred by a totalitarian streak and
the people’s increased realization that the state is
more intent on filling jails and the pockets of
Chinese businesses than starving stomachs.
2. Manila’s overall response to the pandemic has Framing

Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person 12
Elnie B. Planas 12 STEM/Neutron
been fraught with incompetence and rife with

The Human Body Imposes Limits and Possibilities for Transcendence

Activity 1. Label It
Yes, because just like me, I have my limitations. My limitation hindrances in achieving
my dreams however through transcendence and exploring possibilities there is a way of
achieving it.
Activity 2. Organize the Venn Diagram

Human Person Animals

Has self-awareness
Able to reach out others
Has self determination
Able to interact with others Needs to sleep,
Has dignity eat, and think
Has dignity

Activity 3. Let’s Boost Her Morale

I will uphold to Juana’s dignity by respecting her as a person with rights, and
responsibility. Likewise, the school authorities should also be informed for her protection under
Child Protection policy, Anti Bullying, and other rights that she is entitled as a student above all
as a human person regardless of her physical attributes, race, ethnicity, culture, and belief.
Activity 4. Let’s Analyze

Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person 12
Elnie B. Planas 12 STEM/Neutron
His trait that made him achieve his goal is self-determination and/or transcendence,
where he exercises his decisions and action based on his own preference, regulate his action,
goal oriented and self-directed.
Activity 5. Time to Transcend
I can say that I transcend base from my goal when I surpass my limits that lead to the
attainment of my goal.


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