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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IV – A
Division of Rizal


Week 7 Day 3

Content : Properties Useful and Harmful Materials

I. Learning Objective : Identify materials that can be reused

II. Subject Matter :

A. Concepts : There are different materials inside and outside home that can be reused

BMaterials : baby powder container, old clothes, zesto box, broken pail, pictures C.Reference

:Video viewing (

D. Process Skills : Observing, Identifying, Describing

E. Value Integration :

III. Learning Tasks

A. Engagement

Video viewing(

What old/waste materials have you seen in the video? What

useful materials have made out of these wastes?

What other old/waste materials you see at home that you think can be reused or turn Into new

B. Exploration

Activity 1 – Make Me Usable

Materials : empty baby powder container, old clothes (provide them cutting tools like scissors/cutter)

Questions :
1. What are the materials used in your activity?
2. Did you able to make a new product with these wastes?
3. How did you make them useful?

Activity 2

Materials : pictures of different waste materials at home(empty mineral bottle, softdrink case,
baby powder container, old clothes)
Which among these old/waste materials can be reused? Color them green if
you think they can be reused?

Questions :
1. What are the different waste materials used in your activity?
2. Were you able to identify which materials can be reused?

(zesto box, broken pails, old clothes)

Through a pantomime, show to the class what you could do with these old

materials. Questions :
1. What did you do with the zesto boxes? Broken pails, old clothes?
2. Were you able to show to class what you could do with the old materials?

C. Explanation

1. How do you feel with the activities ?

2. What are the different materials that can be reused ?
3. Why do you think we need to reuse these materials ?
4. What are the benefits we could get from thesepractices ?



Pick out the name of the materials that you think can be reused?

E. Evaluation

Identify these materials. Put a check (/) to the pictures that can be reused and a cross
mark (x) if

1. Old clothes

2. Slipper with no pair

3. Newspapers

4. Broken glass

5.Old wooden furniture


Make your own collage using old/waste materials found at home.

Prepared by :

Teacher II
San Guillermo
School Morong

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