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A pleasant day to us! I am so thankful to be part of your talk this day!

I am
Dr. Rayzel Joyce O. Chavez, Head of Philippine Brilliant Zoologist. I will discuss
how energy from volcanoes be useful to humans.

You might think how can the energy from volcanoes be used by humans.
This heat is called geothermal energy. People can capture geothermal energy
through: Geothermal power plants, which use heat from deep inside the Earth to
generate steam to make electricity. Geothermal heat pumps, which tap into heat
close to the Earth's surface to heat water or provide heat for buildings. This heat
is called geothermal energy. People can capture geothermal energy through:
Geothermal power plants, which use heat from deep inside the Earth to
generate steam to make electricity. Geothermal heat pumps, which tap into heat
close to the Earth's surface to heat water or provide heat for buildings.

Volcanoes are the main source of geothermal energy. Compared to the

normal geothermal gradient of about 25°C per km of depth in most of the world,
when magma (i.e. molten rock generated at the Earth’s interior) enters the crust,
for example, as a shallow intrusion beneath a volcano, this normal gradient is
perturbed locally as temperature rises around the intrusion. The extent and
duration of such a thermal anomaly depend mostly on the temperature and
volume of the intruded melt. The presence of hot magmas below the surface of
active volcanic regions offers the prospect of harnessing a huge amount of
geothermal energy. The geothermal energy is a renewable resource, as it
exploits the abundant Earth’s interior heat and water, which once used and
cooled, is then piped back to the reservoir. Having the use of this natural energy
source has important implications for preserving the environment.
Geothermal energy uses the heat trapped beneath the Earth's surface to
generate electricity. Conventional geothermal energy utilizes steam from natural
sources such as geysers, or by drawing water from the hot, high-pressure
depths of the Earth. The hot vapors are then used to drive electric turbines.
In the case of volcanic geothermal energy, the heat comes from "supercritical
water." The researchers explained that energy from so-called supercritical water
is much higher than conventional geothermal steam. When molten rock and
water meet, the extreme heat and pressure bring water to a "supercritical" state,
where it is neither liquid nor gas. In this form, the water can carry more energy
than normal steam, which could create up to 10 times the power output of other
geothermal sources. Research will continue through 2018 to explore how
the volcano's thermal energy could be used, including as a form of alternative
energy, according to IDDP scientists.

We learned in this valuable talk that we should be wise enough in using our
appliances so that we can’t abuse the good usage of electricity in our home or in
our beloved school.
As a La Salettian, we must be self-disciplined individuals, we should take
good care of our environment which is the main sources of energy in our lives.
Thank you for listening and more power!

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