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1. Define E-Commerce
2. What is Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
3. List out three categories of E-Commerce
4. What is E-Governance
5. Define Web Auctions
6. What is Web Server?
7. What is the use of WWW?
8. What is B2B?
9. Give Example for B2C


1. Differentiate between Traditional Business and E-commerce/

2. Explain Business to Business Model
3. Explain Business to consumer Model
4. What is Peer to Peer business Model? Explain in detail
5. Explain challenges and limitations of E-commerce
6. Explain factors influencing the success of E-commerce
7. Advantages and disadvantages of virtual community


1. What is E-Commerce? List out the advantages and disadvantages of E-Commerce.

2. Compare Traditional Business VS E-Commerce. Explain any one of the Business Models
of E-Commerce.
3. With diagram explain B2B and B2C models
4. What are the different advantages of web auction?


1. Explain the business models of E-Commerce

2. Explain the threats and features of E-commerce
3. Write a note on internet technologies



1. Differentiate spreadsheet and worksheet.

2. Define a cell and cell address in MS-Excel.

3. What is the use of formula in MS-Excel?

4. Give any two formats of entering dates in an excel sheet.

5. How do we include a formula in an excel workbook? Give an example.

6. What are the advantages of using a chart in excel sheet?

7. Give any two features of MS-Excel.

8. Mention any two mathematical functions used in MS-Excel sheet.

9. Mention the different menus in MS-Excel 2010.

10. List any five number formats used in MS-Excel sheet.

11. Mention different types of charts that can be plotted in MS-Excel worksheet.

12. Name the three types of references used in MS-Excel.

13. Name any two charts in MS-Excel that are circular in shape.

15. What is the use of macros in MS-Excel?

16. What is data sorting in MS-Excel?

17. What is data validation in MS Excel?

18. Mention any four different types of functions available in excel.

19. Write the shortcut keys used for the following operations:

a) Inserts New Worksheet

b) Formats the number in time format

c) Selects the entire row


1. Create a worksheet for five records with fields Employee No, Employee Name, Designation
and Basic Pay. Calculate DA, HRA, Gross Pay, PF and Net Pay.

DA = 65% of Basic Pay

HRA is calculated as follows:

If Basic Pay is <6000, HRA = 10% of Basic Pay else HRA is 12.5% of

Basic Pay

Gross Pay = Basic Pay + DA + HRA

PF = 12% of Basic Pay

Net Pay = Gross Pay – PF

2. Create a worksheet for five records with fields Employee No, Employee Name, Designation
and Basic Pay. Calculate DA, HRA, Gross Pay, PF and Net Pay.

DA = 50% of Basic Pay

HRA is calculated as follows:

If Basic Pay is <6000, HRA = 10% or if Basic Pay is <12,000, HRA = 12.5% else HRA = 15%
of the Basic Pay

Gross Pay = Basic Pay + DA + HRA

PF = 12% of Basic Pay

Net Pay = Gross Pay – PF

3. Create a worksheet for five records with fields Item no, Item name, Rate/unit, Quantity.
Calculate Price, Discount and Net-Price.

Price = Rate/Unit * Quantity

Discount: If Price is >= 1000, discount is 10% else 5% of price.

Net-Price = Price – Discount. Also find the total of price, discount and net price.

4. Create a worksheet for 3 records with fields Register No, Student Name, Marks in IT, Marks
in Accounts, Marks in computer applications. Compute the following by using MS-Excel

i) Total marks of each student

ii) Maximum marks scored in computer application

iii) Average result of each student

iv) Count the number of students


1. Mention and discuss the features of MS-Excel.

2. Give the steps involved in inserting a chart with examples.

3. Explain the different ways used in formatting cells.

4. What is macro? Explain the steps involved in creating Macros.

5. Explain the following advanced features in MS-Excel with examples:

i) Sorting ii) Filtering iii) Data validation iv) Data consolidation

6. Explain the use of following functions used in MS-Excel with suitable examples:

i) ABS ii) TODAY iii)COUNT iv)IF

7. Write a note on absolute, relative and mixed referencing in MS-Excel.

8. Explain the use of mathematical functions used in MS-Excel with suitable examples:

i) AVERAGE ii) SUM iii) MAX iv) MIN

1. Briefly explain the parts of MS-Excel 2010 application window.

2. Briefly explain the different categories of functions available in MS-Excel.

3. Explain the use of various statistical functions and financial functions used in MS-Excel with
suitable examples.



1. What is a voucher?

2. What is meant by computerized accounting?

3. How do you alter a company?

4. How do you display a ledger account?

5. Mention the different methods of adjustment.

6. How do you display a voucher?

7. How do you alter a voucher?

8. How do you delete a voucher?

9. Mention the different types of accounts.

10. Define journal and journal entry.

11. Define voucher and few examples.

12. Define ledger and account.

13. What is a delivery Note?

19. What is shut company?

20.What is the difference between Rejection In and Rejection Out

25. What do you mean by service tax?

26. How do you display and alter stock items?


1. Explain the steps involved in creating a company

2. Mention and explain the different types of accounts.

3. What are the technology advantages of Tally?

4. List and explain any 10 shortcut keys in the tally.


1. Explain the features of tally.

2. Explain the functions and characteristics of Tally software in the Financial accounting

3. Write a note on ledgers and groups.

4. Mention the steps to create a company and explain the fields of the company creation screen.

6. What is a voucher? How you can create a voucher and delete a voucher

7. what you mean by computerized accounting? Explain the advantage of tally.


1. Mention the different types of voucher and explain them with the help of their shortcut keys
and also with their mode of adjustment.

2. Explain the salient features of Tally software.

3. What is a group? explain the predefined groups in the tally.*

4. Explain the following

i) Reversing Journal ii) Purchase order

iii) Debit Note iv) Memo Voucher



1. What is GST?
2. What are the components of GST?
3. What is GSTIN No?
4. What is the Structure of GST No?
5. What is trail balance?
6. What is Sales Register
7. What is e- way bill?
8. What is HSN/SAC NO?
10. What is purchase register
11. What is trial balance and balance sheet?
12. What are credit notes and debit notes?
13. What is a payment voucher?
14. Define receipt voucher.
15. What is a contra voucher?
16. What is payroll?
17. What is cash book?
18. How can you maintain Financial Accounts only?
19. What is the Financial Year?
20. How can you display the list of ledgers created?
21. Write down the steps to open GSTR1 report option


1. Explain the Procedure of Activating GST in a Company.

2. What is a stock group? State the procedure of creating a stock group.
3. Explain Purchase register steps in detail
4. Give the journal entries for the following transactions in Tally. Also indicate the
appropriate accounting group and voucher types with shortcut keys.

a) Mr Raj started a business with cash 2,00,000.

b) Purchased goods for ₹50,000.

c) Paid advertisement charges ₹2,000.

d) Sold goods for cash ₹25,000.

e) Commission received ₹5,000.

5. Write a note on Statement of Accounts

6. Pass one Sales entry and explain the process of making a GST Sales entry and Printing
the Invoice process.
7. Explain the following with respect to ledger creation and voucher entry
a. How to make the entry where party delivers the item without invoice
b. Goods rejected because of damage
8. Explain the procedure of creating a Stock item with the help of an example transaction.


1. Explain the Procedure of Creating GST Ledgers with the help of following Transaction

Company Name: Dell Co. Ltd Maharashtra

Sold 10 Dell Laptop of Rs 28000 to Rajarama & Sons Ltd, Bangalore on credit

2. Explain Trial Balance in Tally

3. Explain sales register steps in detail
4. Write a note on GSTR-3B Report In Tally
5. Explain Challan Reconciliation Report for GST Payments


1. List and Explain the possible Purchase Process entries in Accounts with Inventory
options with Example
2. List and Explain the possible Sales Process entries in Accounts with Inventory
options with Example
3. Write a note on the following
a. GSTR1 report
b. GSTR2 report


1. Define the meaning of Financial Statement

2. Why Business owners depends on financial statements
3. List the users of financial statements.
4. What are the types of financial statements?
5. What is the balance sheet?
6. What is a Profit and Loss account?
7. What are cash flow statements?
8. How to list Balance sheet
9. How to view Stock items
10. What is the shortcut key to print and to preview the print.


1. What are the types of financial statements? Explain in detail.

2. How to prepare financial statements.
3. Explain view Daybook option in Tally
4. Explain Stock Summary option in Tally
5. Write a short note on Printing reports.


1. Explain the Balance sheet screen options with examples.

2. Explain Profit and loss account with the help of screen options. What are the
factors involved in a Profit and Loss account?
3. Explain Inventory Reports and Statements.
4. Explain Stock Summary in Tally


1. Explain the following Reports Available in Tally

a. Balance sheet
b. Profit and Loss account
c. Cash flow statements
2. According to Accounts Books and registers registers explain the following:
a. Sales Register
b. Displaying Cash book
c. Purchase Register
d. Journal register
3. Explain Stock Summary Report and Displaying Stock items with respect to godown in
4. Explain Inventory reports in tally

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