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again comes within 10 feet of the same por- Strength Chance to Open TEMPLE AREA DESCRIPTIONS

tals, or of like portals elsewhere. Any fail- 20 1-3 on 1d6

ure to save produces the effect noted above. 21 1-4 on 1d6 1. GRAND ENTRANCE
If the doors are successfully approached, 22 1-4 on 1d6
the intruder may try to break them down. 23 1-5 on 1d6 The bronze doors of the entry (23 ' high,
However, this is an impossible task to normal 24 1-7 on 1d8 20' wide) are held fast by huge iron
strength and most magic. Strength of 20 or 25 1-9 on 1d10 chains, and all cracks are sealed with soft
more might succeed; check the standard iron. Graven upon these massive valves
chance to open a wizard locked door for a If the attempt succeeds, the doors are bro- are runes. You note that the writing
character or creature of appropriate strength ken asunder and their dweomer ruined. glows and seems to burn with silvery
(c. f. girdle of giant strength, DMG page 145): radiance, making your eyes teary.

Show diagram called "Entrance Runes, "

to the players. Make a Saving Throw vs.
Spells for each character, applying a -2 pen-
alty. A major casting of an antipathy spell
has been made permanent upon the portal.
Each creature within 10' is affected unless
the noted saving throw is successful. All
who fail will shun the doors and will not
look upon the runes. If all fail, take back the
players' rune sheet. Read the following
description to those examining other areas.

Those of you not examining the main

entry have noted that the vile stained
glass windows of the place are intact.
You can enter by breaking the main door,
or you can check the smaller bronze-
wood doors around the corners to the
east and west. (Bronzewood is a dense,
very hard wood, tougher than oak. )

Though these side doors are heavy and

thick, both can be broken open. Each is
locked and barred, but 50 points of damage
effects entry. The windows are high and too
narrow to permit passage to a man in
armor. Each is barred and spiked with


The floor of this area is reddish brown

slate-like stone squares, each about 2 feet
square. The walls are plastered and
painted with scenes befitting the nature
of the Temple — disgusting acts, killing,
torture, enslavement, robbery, thievery,
and unspeakable things. The creeds of
the worshippers here are all too evident.
Evil is flaunted and lionized. Dim light
filters through the stained glass win-
dows, casting revolting colors upon the
greenish stones of the floor to the north.
In that direction you can see the nave
of the Temple. The pillars to either hand

are of a pinkish mineral, shot through
disc is greenish black stone; the upper, tered and useless. The interior of each is
with worm-colored veins. Their arches
blackish green. The center of this altar is caked with a dry brown substance.
lead to an unremarkable pair of lesser
a depression about eight feet across, Pieces of furniture are also scattered
side aisles. The columns supporting the
filled with scummed-over black liquid. about, as are the torn remains of some
archways, as well as the arches themsel-
Several pieces of smashed shells are scat- brown garments and three stubs of
ves, are worked in bas relief. As with the
tered around the area, along with a bro- brown candles. A flight of stairs
frescoes in the entryway, the scenes here
ken bronze knife. descends to the southeast.
are ineffable, vile, filthy. It is probable
that this area was reserved for the lowli-
est of worshippers. The area beyond is Two of the brown robes are a bit frayed
better lit and more open, though it also The black liquid is merely dirty water, six but intact. The candles are normal, each
has more of the nauseating pinkish pil- feet deep. If the pool is dragged, a small and about three inches long. The steps lead
lars supporting the roof high overhead. delicate skeleton is discovered at the bot- down to Dungeon Level One, southwest
tom, the remains of the last sacrifice. corner (area 109a).


This area was apparently a vestry. Bits of This door opens into a small vestry.
The pillars here are white marble, veined
broken altar service are present here Pieces of broken glass and splinters of
with ugly red. The altar block of pinkish
also, with a broken trident and pieces of crystal lie scattered within. Someone evi-
white marble is roughly oval something
torn, scorched robes of a moss-green dently made a fire in the far corner, as
over 7 feet long by 5 feet wide. Its top has a
hue. Other rubble includes several bits of charred wood and cloth lie on the
hollowed out portion resembling a human
smashed benches, a small broken table, floor, and the rafters overhead are black-
form, with legs apart and arms away from
and a thrown-down wardrobe with one ened with soot. A pile of robes, once
the body. This depression is stained a
side kicked in and the doors torn off. A ivory-colored, lie in the center of the
darker color than the rest. Just north of the
flight of stairs descends to the southwest. room. They are soiled and stained with
altar is a circular, marble-lined pit — a well
of sorts— 20 feet in diameter. Shards of
broken crystal vessels lie about the well, Under the wardrobe lie three moss-green
near the altar, and scattered about the robes, lined with black satin. Each has a If the party looks carefully overhead, a
floor. A crystal knife with a broken blade cowl. All are soiled but otherwise in good bit of whitish color can be seen amidst the
lies atop the stone block. condition, but are obviously of little worth. rafters ten feet above. This is an intact ivory
If the stairs are used, refer to Dungeon Level robe, with cowl, edged and embroidered
One, southeast corner (area 109a). with reddish-pink whorls and lined with
Careful examination of the well reveals a
pale blue satin.
one-foot wide ledge beginning 15 feet from
the mouth of the shaft. It circles the north-
ern face of the well, leading to narrow, steep
steps which spiral down clockwise from the The supporting pillars in this wing are
east. The shaft is 85 feet deep. If characters sandstone, resting on a red slate floor. A flight of steps, 20 feet wide and each
descend here, see Dungeon Level One (area Bits of broken pottery and sharp bits of step broad and tall, delves down to the
131) and Dungeon Level Two (area 210). rock cover the floor here, making walk- north. The stone is a dull gray, but flecks
ing about a risky business. The stump of of color — white, blue, red, green, and
4. EAST ALTAR a granite monolith, and chunks of black — dot its surface.
brownish-red rock around its base, indi- To the north of the staircase is a stone
cate that the altar was violently assaulted railing, with supports of white, brown,
The thick stone columns here are deep
and destroyed. A few links of bronze and green stone alternating; its upper
green, with blood-red striations. The
chain, a twisted manacle, and a bronze- portion is cinnebar. The floor beyond is
paving blocks are mossy green, with a
wood maul with a snapped haft add to paved with three-foot squares of highly
circular dais-like area about 20 feet in
the impression that the enemies of the polished red granite. The square
diameter in the center part of the wing.
Temple who did this must have found the columns of some type of yellowish stone
altar very hateful indeed. are carved in bas relief, and painted to
Continue only if PCs move in for closer
show scenes of fire and suffering with
demonaic creatures leering on.
The dais is two-tiered; each rises about
18 inches, the inner being 14 feet in diam-
This seems to be a vestry. A broken
eter, thus forming a three feet wide step
rhondite bowl and ewer lie in a corner,
along the rim of the lower tier. The lower
apparently flung in anger and now shat-

If PCs proceed down the flight of steps, 9. EAST DOOR
they come to a 10' landing and a pair of mas- THE POWER OF ELEMENTAL DEATH
sive double doors which exactly duplicate BRINGS MORTALS LOW
This portal is finely carved, but most of
those at the entrance (area #1). These are BUT RAISES THE NAMELESS ONE
the vile and obscene work has been
sealed with soft iron, chained, padlocked, HIGH
hacked and chopped so as to efface its
and likewise bear the silvery glowing warn- evil. Beyond is another vestry, a cham-
ing glyphs. The permanent antipathy is also The flags upon which the throne sets
ber nearly 30 feet wide and 60 feet long.
here, requiring the same saving throw, are ten-foot squares of granite, set in a
It once must have been the scene of
again with a -2 penalty. However, those debauched revels, for the remains of mosaic pattern:
who failed the saving throw at the entrance great couches, tables, and padded chairs
are not here entitled to another; they auto- are strewn about. Charcoal and several Sketch or describe the pattern in detail for
matically shun and refuse to look at the broken barrels lie nearby. A stack of res- the players. If detected, note that the per-
runes. Those who succeeded at first but fail inous faggots near the door seem to be vading evil is stronger here than elsewhere.
here are always affected by antipathy when- the only things not broken or disarrayed. A faint dweomer also radiates from the
ever any identical set of runes is confronted. Amidst the litter are several skeletons, entire area.
If the party eventually breaks open these probably human. One wears the tattered The huge throne is carved of solid stone,
doors, they enter Dungeon Level One, area remains of a scarlet robe. immobile, and cannot be destroyed by any-
145. thing but disintegrate or wish. Other spells,
Behind the lengths of wooden faggots is a including those which affect rock or stone,
8. HIGH ALTAR have no effect.
small cupboard, set into the wall. Within it
The throne can be ordered to sink to the
are two silk robes of bright crimson, with
A huge bronze vessel chased with copper Greater Temple (Dungeon Level Three, area
skulls embroidered in gold thread on the
stands here. Its six legs hold it slightly 352). Only a limited wish or greater spell
front and back. Each is cowled and lined
more than a foot above the floorstones. with lavender silk. can detect this movement capability. The
The basin-like pot is eight feet in diame- possessor of the Orb of Elemental Death
ter. Its bottom is filled with old charcoal, 10. DAIS AND THRONE (Dungeon Level Three, area 322) knows
bits of blackened bone, and undefinable how to operate the throne merely by gazing
lumps. A piece of chain still hangs over upon it (magically becoming aware of the
The dais extends south into the Temple, command words to make it lower or rise)
this altar, and evidently others similar forming a circular area. The floor, steps,
once also hung there, but their bronze and can control the throne by sitting on it
and walls are black basalt, highly pol- while holding the Orb.
links were broken, and short pieces lie on ished and gleaming. Four steps lead to
the floor around the area. The altar's rim The throne can otherwise be activated by a
the upper platform, and upon it is a great wish, or by the following procedure. The user
is dented and cut, as if struck by many throne of purplish basalt, with leering
hard blows. must step on the four color slabs directly
demon faces and carved grinning skulls. before the throne, in proper order—brown,
Above the throne, the following words white, green, red—and then speak the name
in the common tongue are chiseled into of Zuggtmoy. The throne thereafter sinks to
the curving wall: area 340 when anyone sits upon it.

Part 3:
Dungeons of Elemental Evil
The Temple dungeons are a busy place, for the worked many small vents and air shafts into TREASURE
underground is still alive with followers of the the place to assure proper ventilation. Rooms
defeated cult. They are engaged in various are thus usually warmed by braziers. Torch Adventurers may find many coins and gems
struggles amongst themselves, forgetting the smoke does not linger near ceilings, let alone herein, and such will be fairly easy to remove
common enemy Good. A few individuals and at lower levels or in corridor or chamber. and spend. A base value is given for each gem
groups still strive to unite the factious adher- Strange odors and odd noises are borne on found loose; roll 1d10 for each gem recovered
ents of Zuggtmoy and Elemental Evil; most, gusts of air. The hollow, echoing underground to check for increase or decrease of worth
however, seek to place themselves at the head ways are rife with musty, damp, feral, foetid, beyond the noted value (DMG, page 26). Jew-
of the conjoined group. Because of this rivalry and more noisome scents. elry should likewise be checked using 1d8, as
and internal strife, adventurers can fairly eas- explained on the same page.
ily penetrate the Temple dungeons, whether MAP NUMBERING Note, however, that not all of the treasure
disguised or not. is cash. A typical assortment of potions,
This is not to say that attacks won't often be Due to the size of the whole complex, the scrolls, and other magical treasures are
made upon the party, regardless of any dis- encounter areas are coded, rather than num- present. Furthermore, many common but
guise! For example, characters wearing the bered sequentially. The first digit indicates the finely crafted accessories—serving sets,
robes of the priests and servants of Elemental Dungeon Level. Area 1 of Level 1 becomes plates and cups, tapestries, and the like—
Earth will likely be attacked by the other three 101; area 29 of level 2, 229; and so forth. are quite valuable, though not quite as
elemental groups (if they perceive the party to immediately negotiable. And for the excep-
be weak) or by other bands dwelling beneath AREA DESCRIPTIONS tionally industrious, even normal armor
the Temple. Another benefit of the power strug- and weapons abound to such a degree that,
gle is that no concerted effort to free Zuggtmoy All DM notes are arranged in order of their assuming half book value as the resale price,
has been mounted. All of this will become probable use. Some areas also contain boxed nearly 10, 000 gp worth of such items can be
clearer and more detailed as you read through information to be read to the players. Many taken from the Temple's inhabitants!
the encounter explanations for each level. encounters involve immediate combat, and
the area descriptions are then revealed after RECRUITING
STANDARD CORRIDORS the melee. In general, read the full contents of
each encounter before starting it, to be sure All factions of the Temple are active in this
Unless noted otherwise, corridors are of dressed that all the details are properly used and crucial area. Agents roam near and far to
stone blocks or worked from the natural lime- revealed in their proper sequence. bring all sorts of evil humans and human-
stone (or granite, in the lower depths). Walls The standard abbreviations of PH, oids into service. River pirates and brigands
and floors are smooth and polished wherever DMG, UA, MM1, MM2, and FF are used are major sources. Humanoids come from
possible. The 10' wide corridors have gothic (with page numbers) whenever these all quarters. Any group of humans or small
arches, peaking at about 17' height. The 20' AD&D game references are needed—the humanoids within the dungeon is able to
and 30' passages and spaces have roman PLAYERS HANDBOOK, DUNGEON replace its losses (to adventurers) at the rate
arches, about 30' tall. Unless otherwise MASTERS GUIDE, UNEARTHED of one per day. Larger humanoids (3 + 1 or
described, doors are of oak, hornwood, or ARCANA, MONSTER MANUAL (1), more Hit Dice) can replace one each three
bronzewood. Each is about three inches thick, MONSTER MANUAL II, and FIEND days; monsters can replace their numbers at
bound with bronze, and set with a large ring on FOLIO(tm) Tome, respectively. the rate of one per week.
each side. Cressets and sconces are along the If the Temple forces are not heavily
walls, and unlit torches rest in most of the latter. PRISONERS pressed by the party, they actually grow at
In 10' wide corridors, sconces are at 10' inter- the rates given above. Note, however, that
vals. Cressets in wider passages are at 30' inter- When human and demi-human prisoners once the leaders of a group are eliminated,
vals. Both are staggered left, right, left, right are found and rescued (i. e. taken out of the neither they nor their forces can be repaired.
(etc. ), and unlit unless specified. dungeon), the XP value given for each
should be applied to the party's total, as if ZUGGTMOY BOUND
STAIRS they were defeated monsters. Conversely, if
the prisoners are slain, the characters lose The demoness is imprisoned is a room of
All stairways are steep, with one-foot risers. triple the XP values given. Deduct the Dungeon Level Three, and cannot free herself.
The large one is of polished stone and specif- amounts from the other awards earned. If Four huge bronze gates exist within the
ically detailed (area 148 et al. ). Small ones such prisoners are simply turned loose in the dungeon complex, the first found at the Grand
are hewn from solid rock. Though not espe- dungeon, no XP award is earned, but no Entrance (area 1), the others described in areas
cially old, the stairs are already worn from deductions apply. 145, 210, and 340. If the lowest pair of valves
the passing of many feet. Experience point values of other prisoners (340) is destroyed, Zuggtmoy is free to roam
are also given. For monsters of the same general areas 339-353. If the gates at 210 are opened as
VENTILATION alignment as the majority of the party, treat well, she is free to roam the second and third
them as above. If otherwise, award no XP if dungeon levels. If the gates of area 145 are fur-
Drafts and less noticeable air currents exist they are slain, and deduct triple the XP value if ther sundered, she can also roam dungeon
aplenty in the Temple dungeons. The builders they are turned loose in the dungeon. levels one and four. If all the gates are
destroyed, Zuggtmoy is completely freed.

GOALS well, with a bit of work. I certainly hope The Two united, in the past,
that you and your players find this exten- a Place to build, and spells to cast.
The fourth level of the dungeon is the true sive module an interesting and enjoyable Their power grew, and took the land
climax to the whole campaign. The PCs scenario, one which offers challenge and and people round, as they had planned.
must be strong enough to adventure there, opportunity while heightening your own A key without a lock they made
and to enter the Elemental Nodes (partial heroic fantasy campaign! of gold and gems, and overlaid
planes). These areas are challenges, of with spells, a tool for men to wield
course, but they are testing grounds of the CLUES to force the powers of Good to yield.
fitness of those who seek to slay Zuggtmoy.
If the PCs are careless on the fourth level Try to encourage players to gather knowl- But armies came, their weapons bared,
and bring luz to the scene, only the inter- edge as well as treasure, to maximize the while evil was yet unprepared.
vention of St. Cuthbert himself will save fruits of the adventure. The Hart was followed by the Crowns
them from certain death and utter destruc- In area 216, characters may find a scroll and Moon, and people of the towns.
tion. The factions of the Temple— reflecting bearing a short and cryptic poem. For your The Two were split; one got away
the true spirit of Chaotic Evil— should suf- reference, this note refers to the contents of but She, when came the judgment day,
fice to enable Good characters to win area 334. The recovery of Fragarach can be of did break the key, and sent the rocks
through, to both the Elemental Nodes and great importance not only to this scenario but to boxes four, with magic locks.
the prison of Zuggtmoy. Power comes in to the larger campaign events in progress. In doing so, She fell behind
overthrowing the denizens of the Greater As the key to final success against Zuggt- as He escaped. She was confined
Temple; the ability to beard Zuggtmoy in moy hinges on the recovery of the Orb of among Her own; her very lair
her lair comes from the magic and weapons Golden Death (described in Appendix D), the became her prison and despair.
found in the Elemental Nodes. The anticli- following poem should be introduced at a con-
The Place was ruined, torn apart
max comes when the party finally reaches venient point. The exact method is left to the
and left with chains around the heart
the portion of the third level wherein Zuggt- DM. After any dungeon level is entered, if any
of evil power—but the key
moy is bound. Neutral player character revisits the Jaroo, the
was never found in the debris.
As a final note, you might find it interest- Druid of the Grove in Hommlet (for shelter,
ing to have each gem taken from the Throne advice, etc. ), he may bring out an old parch- He knows not where She dwells today.
of Zuggtmoy allow entry to and exit from ment bearing the clue. A Lawful Good charac- She set the minions' path, the way
one plane of the Abyss. This assumes, of ter visiting the Church of St. Cuthbert (in To lift Her Temple high again
course, that you desire to develop such Hommlet) for similar reasons can likewise With tools of flesh, with mortal men.
areas. (This is a tall order, but it can cer- receive the poem, by means magical or mun- Many now have gone to die
tainly make an interesting campaign. See dane. (Of course, such a character could not in water, flame, in earth, or sky.
module Q-l Queen of the Demonweb Pits actually employ the Orb, so this route is not They did not bear the key of old
for direction as to what an Abyssal Plane optimum. ) At last resort, if PCs lack the that must be found—the orb of gold.
can be like. ) With or without such develop- opportunity for such contacts or fail to gather Beware, my friend, for you shall fall
ment, it is strongly suggested that you place enough background information, you might unless you have the wherewithall
this campaign within some sort of devel- introduce the clue in a dream, simply reciting to find and search the boxes four
oped background — the WORLD OF it to one or more players as you see fit. and then escape forevermore.
GREYHAWK™ Fantasy World Setting being
the natural one, as this work was drawn But with the key, you might succeed
from it. Your own can be made to serve as in throwing down Her power and greed.
Destroy the key when you are done
and then rejoice, the battle won.

Dungeon spells except lightning; AL N, SZ M, XP their song and fly around, attacking any
200 + 5/hp creature that makes a hostile gesture. If
Level One Ogre: AC 4, MV 9", HD 4 + 1, hp 24, #AT
sounds of fighting occur here, the occupants
of area 104 arrive 1 round later. If there is no
RANDOM ENCOUNTERS 1, D 5-10 (stone-set club, 1d6 + 4); AL
such turmoil, these creatures arrive five full
CE, SZ L (9' +), XP 90 + 5/hp
rounds after the grate's noisy descent.
Roll d% once per turn and refer to the fol- Men-at-Arms (6): AC 4, MV 9", Level 0, hp
lowing chart. (A result of 11 or more means 4 each, #AT 1, D 1-8 (longsword), SA 3 Harpies (2): AC 7, MV 6"/15", HD 3, hp 16,
no encounter. ) If Zuggtmoy is free to roam with javelins (D 1-6, ranges 2"/4"/6"), 3 12, #AT 3, D 1-3/1-3/1-6, SA singing +
this level, she appears if the result is 00. with light crossbows (D 2-5); AL NE, XP charm; XP 193, 181
1d100 Result 18 each
Leader: AC 4, MV 9", Level 3 Fighter, hp 21, This 70 'x 30' chamber appears deserted.
01-02 1d6 + 6 brigands, with a 2nd level #AT 1, D1-8 (longsword), SA 2 javelins (D It has probably served as a privy, for the
fighter leader, coming to report on 1-6, ranges 2 " / 4 "/6 "), Strength 17 ( + 1 "to place has a foul fecal odor and filth is
outside activity. Each has 1d6 gp, hit" / + 1 damage); AL NE, XP 113 scattered here and there on the floor. The
3d6 gp for leader. columns which support the ceiling 40'
03-05 1d4 + 1 gnolls, entering to take ROOM KEY overhead are thick, four or five feet in
service with the forces of the Earth diameter. A few skulls and bones lie
Temple; no treasure. 101. ARMORY around the pillar bases.
06-07 1d4 + 1 ghouls, prowling for prey.
Each may (50%) have 2-12 gp, and The secret door in the northern portion of
might (10%) have a bloodstone This plain chamber is filled with wooden
racks for various spears, pole arms, and the west wall cannot be opened from this
(base value 50 gp). area except by the use of appropriate magic.
08 In 10' corridor, 1 gelatinous cube smaller weapons. The walls have many
with normal treasure; otherwise, 1 pegs indicating where other weapons
and shields once hung. All that remains 104. ROOM, 30' x 20'
gray ooze, no treasure.
09 1 ogre with indigestion, looking now are broken weapons, sundered
shields, and ruined coats of mail. Several Six ghouls move from here into harpy hall
for trouble; no treasure. (area 103) if any noise is heard therein, their
10 Patrol: 6 men-at-arms plus 1 skeletons, both human and gnoll, lie
scattered here and there, as well as odd speed determined by the nature of the
leader (L3 fighter). May be sounds (as described above). These foul
encountered once only; see area skulls and bones. Cobwebs hang in
places; if any creatures have been here, creatures dwell here in harmony with the
149 (Guard Room). harpies and other creatures to the north (in
11-99 No encounter. visits are not frequent.
areas 105-107). The harpies are allowed the
00 Zuggtmoy (if free). "fun" of killing charmed and other victims,
A close examination of bones reveals teeth
and get their fair share of the morsels thus
Details marks. Many bones are cracked, and the
obtained. Most of the corpses are then taken
marrow chewed out. No treasure is here,
by the ghouls for later feasting.
Brigands (7-12): AC 8 (leather armor), MV nor anything else of value.
12", Level 0 (HD 1-1), #AT 1 or 2, D by Ghouls (6): AC 6, MV 9", HD 2, hp 15, 13,
weapon, SA half have shortbows (D 1- 102. ARMORY
12, 10, 8, 6, #AT 3, D 1-3/1-3/1-6, SA
6/1-6, range 6"/12 "18") with 40 arrows; touch paralyzes; XP 95, 91, 89, 85, 81, 77
AL NE-CE, XP 10 + 1/hp or 14 + 1/hp See area 101 for a general description. In the
corner to the southwest, under several
Gnolls (2-5): AC 5, MV 9", HD 2, #AT 1, D wooden shafts splintered and tossed aside, The door to the west of harpy hall leads
2-8 (bastard sword), SA throwing axes is a quiver of 17 usable arrows. to this place. No exits are apparent. The
(D 1-6/1-4, ranges 1 "/2"/3"); AL CE, SZ place reeks of carrion, and filth and
L (7' + ), XP 28 + 2/hp 103. PILLARED HALL bones litter the floor. Heaps of old cloth
along the walls indicate where the occu-
Ghouls (2-5): AC 6, MV 9", HD 2, #AT 3, D pants of the place once nested. Old gar-
1-3/1-3/1-6, SA touch paralyzes; AL One hundred pounds of pressure on the floor
at a point five feet in from the entry triggers a ments hang from pegs in the wall.
CE, SZ M, XP 65 + 2/hp
delayed-action mechanism. The pressure
Gelatinous Cube: AC 8, MV 6", HD 4, hp point limit is shown by X marks on the map. A thorough search reveals 187 cp, 81 sp, 5
18, #AT 1, D 2-8, SA surprise on 1-3, One round after this is triggered, a heavy ep, and 61 gp under the bedding. A suit of
paralysis, SD affected only by blows, barred grate drops and seals the doorway. elf-sized elfin chainmail hangs under an old
fire, or cold, AL N, SZ L, XP 150 + 4/hp Two harpies roost atop the two central cloak on the south wall. (Elven chain may
eastern pillars, having special niches cut be sold for up to 500 gp, varying by the
Gray Ooze: AC 8, MV 1", HD 3 + 3, hp 16,
into the eastern faces 34 feet above the floor. place and time of sale. It is not normally
#AT 1, D 2-16, SA corrodes all but wood available for purchase in shops, being
and stone, SD immune to heat, cold, all When the grate crashes down, the harpies
start singing. After one round, they cease highly sought and often reserved for elves,

nobles, well-known leaders, and political stench 10' radius = save vs. poison or suf- If the wide corridor is taken, refer to area
officials. ) fer -2 "to hit" penalty; XP 282, 270 201.

105. ROOM, 30' x 30' From the look of this chamber, it was 109a. STAIRWAY
once the sanctuary of some lesser priest
Four ghouls lair herein, and ignore all noises of the Temple. The walls are plastered The corridor ends in a stairway which diag-
in area 103, assuming that their associates and painted with scenes of evil nature, onals upward, leading to a vestry in the
will handle whatever occurs. These ghouls featuring the earth principle. The rotting upper temple (area 4 to the east, or area 5 to
attack any humans or demi-humans not remains of a large bed, two couches, and the west).
clad in Temple robes. several carved chairs, now broken, tes-
tify that the room was once a comfort- 110. STORAGE CHAMBER
Ghouls (4): AC 6, MV 9", HD 2, hp 14, 13, able place.
10, 9, #AT 3, D 1-3/1-3/1-6, SA touch The whole room reeks horribly. Bones This chamber is obviously no longer in
paralyzes; XP 93, 91, 85, 83 are tossed here and there, and a partially use, for it contains sacks of moldering
eaten orc carcass lies on the floor near grain, barrels of rotting flour, and heaps
This place is another room abandoned to the south wall. No exits are visible, save of broken containers and spilled contents
new tenants. The noisome place is lit- the normal door to the north. in a jumbled mess.
tered with rags and bones. A broken
chest stands in the northwest corner. A If the bed is moved, a section of stonework Nothing of any use or value remains here.
door to the west is in the west wall near with plaster missing is noteworthy. Behind a
the south corner. loose block is a large gold cup (worth 450 111. STORAGE CHAMBER
gp) which contains 112 gp and 3 onyx gems
The chest contains old clothing—bits and (each worth 50 gp). From the stale reek in this room, you can
pieces of brown and tan garments. Under determine that much beer, wine, and ale
them are 108 cp, 92 sp, 37 gp, and 7 pp. 108. GARBAGE ROOM was poured out here. The floor is cov-
ered with a dark residue, and broken
106. ROOM, 10' x 20' The former use of this area cannot be tuns, barrels, casks, and kegs are strewn
determined, but it is now filled with everywhere.
This inner room was evidently the ante- trash, waste, bones, and the like. It is
chamber of some minor functionary, for very odoriferous. Nothing of value is Careful inspection reveals one small barrel
its walls are plastered and covered with apparent, nor are any exits. with contents intact. It is vinegary wine,
obscene painting. The remains of uphol- however, now so bad that anyone sampling
stered furnishings— a couch and four If the party persists in disturbing the trash, it loses 1-4 points of strength for 2-12 turns,
chairs — are still in the room. Some old they arouse the 20 giants rats, which attack due to nausea.
and battered pewter dishes are heaped hungrily. If more than ten of the rats are
upon a small table. Normal doors are slain, the rest probably retreat (50% 112. ARMORY
placed in the south and east walls. chance, check each round).
Refer to area 101 for a general description.
The only items of any value here are the Rats, giant (20): AC 7, MV 12"//6", HD Anything of value seems to have been
four "pewter" (actually tarnished silver) 1/2, hp 3 each, #AT 1, D 1-3; XP 10 each smashed or removed. A usable mace
plates, each worth 30 gp. remains, but is found only if a full turn is
109. FRESCOED CORRIDOR spent searching the place.
107. ROOM, 20' x 20'
This passage is evidently one of impor- 113. ARMORY
Two ghasts have chosen this spot as their tance, for it is plastered and painted with
lair. From it, they direct the ghouls and have the evil scenes typical of the Temple. Refer to area 101 for a general description.
grown accustomed to leading an easy exist- This place has been thoroughly vandalized.
ence. If wounded and hard-pressed, the pair The east-west 10' wide passage leading to On a small ledge of one of the supporting
tries to escape via the secret door in the east this area slopes gradually downward to it. arches, ten feet above the floor, lies a cross-
wall, heading to area 115 for safety. The This 20' wide corridor in turn gently bow bolt + 3. A detect magic spell easily
secret exit works by raising a wall sconce, descends towards Dungeon Level Two. reveals its location, but without this
which causes a five-foot-wide wall section These gradients are such that only dwarves dweomer, even a thorough search provides
to pivot. This cannot be worked except or gnomes easily notice them (75% and only a 5% chance of finding it. However, if
from inside the ghast's chamber (i. e. being a 80% chance, respectively). Others do not any character manages to reach a height of
one-way secret door). do so unless the group is spread out over more than nine feet above the chamber
more than 40 feet, in which case a 10% floor, its discovery is 75 % likely.
Ghasts (2): AC 4, MV 15", HD 4, hp 23, 20, chance exists per ten feet of spread length.
#AT 3, D1-4/1-4/1-8, SA touch paralyzes,

114. SECURED DOOR 117. ROOM, 20' x 20'
The south wall of this chamber bears a
The closures of this portal indicate that it is bas relief of a hideous head— a human- Two ghasts live in this room. They tend to
used with relative frequency. A door lock like face with squashed features, the face flee from a lost cause or join a winning fight,
and padlock are present, the latter securing low upon a mushroom-shaped cranium. as they perceive the situation. When fleeing,
a chain. Unless the locks can be picked, Various humanoids, monsters, and they head for area 107 (via areas 103-106).
only force can remove the obstacle. demoniac creatures prance and jape in
the background. The remains of a sand- Ghasts (2): AC 4, MV 15", HD 4, hp 19, 16,
The door breaks only after 50 points of stone altar lie in fragments before this #AT 3, D1-4/1-4/1-8, SA touch paralyzes,
damage are applied. Attackers may make sculpture. All furnishings are gone, but stench 10' radius = save vs. poison or suf-
two hits per round; consider the door as six heaps of old clothing, rags and what- fer -2 "to hit" penalty; XP 266, 254
Large size. The noise of such an attack not remain, indicating that something
draws all the occupants from area 115 in the yet dwells herein. A wooden box is near A ten-foot alcove is in the northeast cor-
next round. the north door. The west door has a peep ner of the room. Its walls were once plas-
This dark, filthy chamber is the prison in hole, usable from inside the room. tered and painted, but where the
which captives are held, for eventual sacrifice covering still remains, some sort of mold
at the Earth Temple (area 145) or for feasting The box contains an old cloak of no value, or similar growth has discolored it suffi-
of ghouls and ghasts (areas 115-118). Eleven 263 cp, and a 6 inch tall finely carved ivory ciently to make the colors and subject
human prisoners are currently here; all are statuette (worth 85 gp). matter undistinguishable. Bones are
naked, and the males are chained to the wall. These creatures, like their fellows in areas heaped in a pile in the alcove, and a dis-
All are from the Nulb area. free run of this sector of the Temple's upper gusting odor lingers about the place.
The two females are the wife and servant dungeon to serve as a first line of defense. (It is Torn cloth and old cushions are piled to
of a merchant. The males are as follows: also hoped that a sufficient force of ghouls and form two tangled nests of bedding near
ghasts can be built to be later formed into a the south door. A large iron-bound chest
2 merchants (XP 13 each) contingent of the Temple hordes when they re- with a heavy padlock stands in the
3 servants (XP 12 each) emerge to war upon the forces of Good. ) southeast corner.
1 river sailor (Level 0, hp 6, XP 16)
4 men-at-arms (Level 0, hp 4 each, 116. ROOM, 30' x 20' The chest is not trapped, but is padlocked (as
XP 14 each) described). It contains 611 sp, a brooch with a
Six ghouls residing herein move to aid their carnelian stone with a cameo coat of arms
The prisoners have nothing of value, and fellows as needed. If necessary, one goes to (Veluna, quartered by the Knights of the Hart)
know nothing of the Temple. They tell of room 117 to summon more aid, while the worth 800 gp, and a scroll of protection from
being captured by raiding ghouls, except for other five attack enemies. If intruders undead in a silver tube worth 35 gp.
the sailor, who was brought here by Dick approach from the north, the one alerts
Rentsch and his men as punishment for those in area 115, of course, while the others 118. HALL, 10' x 30'
making a pass at Dala. The merchants, aid their masters.
wife, and servants can offer no ransom, and The two ghasts dwelling herein are the lead-
if freed ask only to be shown how to get out Ghouls (6): AC 6, MV 9", HD 2, hp 14, 10, ers of this complex and the one to the south-
and away, quickly. The sailor and men-at- 9, 8, 7, 7, #AT 3, D 1-3/1-3/1-6, SA east (areas 113-117). They are large and
arms will most certainly serve with loyalty, touch paralyzes; XP 93, 85, 83, 81, 79, 79 lazy, and bully the weaker ghasts and
if supplied with clothing, armor and arms. ghouls, getting the best of the food and loot.
If treated fairly and paid normally, they The stench of ghouls lies heavily here, as The larger of this pair gains a + 1 bonus to
remain 100% loyal while in the employ of well. Parts of rotting tapestries still adorn all "to hit" and damage rolls; it wears a gold
their liberators. the east and west walls. A battered table chain. Neither ghast retreats as do the oth-
and two stools occupy the center of the ers. Unless forced away by a cleric or magic,
115. ROOM, 20' x 30' room. Mounds of cloth line the walls, both stay and fight to the death; they love
apparently beds for the occupants. A their life of ease and know that it is lost if
Six ghouls dwell in this area. They pass water barrel is near the south door, and a they show weakness.
through the eastern door to investigate any full sack rests near the north door.
noise coming from the corridor, as noted in Ghasts (2): AC 4, MV 15", HD 4, hp 29, 24,
area 114. If intruders are discovered, five The water barrel is placed over a hole in the #AT 3, D1-4/1-4/1-8, SA touch paralyzes,
attack while one hastens to alert those in floor, wherein 192 sp and 47 ep are kept. stench 10' radius = save vs. poison or suf-
area 116. The sack contains the clothing taken from fer -2 "to hit" penalty; XP 306, 286
the current captives (in area 114) and three
Ghouls (6): AC 6, MV 9", HD 2, hp 13, 12, others as well, now deceased. However, no This area is plastered and wainscoated in
11, 10, 9, 8, #AT 3, D 1-3/1-3/1-6, SA weapons are here. some (now ruined) wood. It was evi-
touch paralyzes; XP 91, 89, 87, 85, 83, 81 dently some form of trophy or museum

fireplace dwells a giant poisonous snake. It way, and the last watches the others, taking
room, and several broken cases are shoved is coiled and may strike by surprise (50% a position in the northwest corner. A thin
against the walls. A serviceable but moldy chance). It has not eaten for a long time, and rope hangs down in that corner, connected
shield hangs on the west wall. Two great is very hungry. It can strike to 8 foot range, to a weighted rope net. If any enemies enter,
heaps of old cloth and pillows and like half its length, and attacks any creature the gnolls give way to the northwest corner
materials are formed to serve as beds. coming within that range. and grab spears, appearing to be grouping
for a stand; then the rope is jerked, and the
The larger ghast wears a gold chain worth Snake: AC 5, MV 15", HD 4 + 2, hp 21, #AT net falls.
7, 000 gp, set with three small rubies worth 1, D1-3 + poison, SA bite = save vs. poi- The gnolls hurl their spears at entrapped
1, 000 gp each. The smaller has a ruby ring son; take 3d6 damage if made, die if failed; opponents, grab oil from the shelf and add
(worth 4, 000 gp) so encrusted with dirt and attack range = 8' 1/2 length); XP 495 them to the fray, and then uncover a small
filth that it goes unnoticed unless the mon- fire box with smouldering punk. This bursts
ster's left hand is carefully and specifically Near the ogre skeleton is a usable aflame when the box is opened, and the
examined. shortsword (its "dagger") and a leather sack gnoll hurls it into the oil to ignite it.
The shield on the west wall is a shield + 1, containing 84 gp. These are hidden under a Though these gnolls have no orders to
long forgotten by the remaining Temple small pile of nondescript debris. alert others, those in areas 121 and 123
authorities. The only other treasure is worn The ten-foot-square rooms were used for probably (90% chance, checked for each)
by the room's inhabitants. crockery storage and food storage, respec- respond to the sounds of battle.
tively for the south and west areas. Their
119. BANQUET HALL contents are broken and smashed; food- Gnolls (4): AC 5, MV 9", HD 2, hp 13, 11,
stuffs are spoiled. 9, 7, #AT 1, D 2-8 (morning star), SA
This huge place is over 100 ' long and 30 ' thrown spears (D 1-6/1-8, ranges 1"/2"/
wide in the main portion. The litter of 121. ROOM, 20' x 20' 3"), net trap; XP 54, 50, 46, 42 1
tables, trestles, benches, chairs, and
stools scattered and heaped about the Four gnolls remain here as sentries. One is The walls of this place are of plain stone.
place show that great revelries of Evil posted at the spy hole at all times, while the Doors to the north and west are normal.
were one conducted here. Bits of tapes- other three take their ease. If any intruder is Four heaps of bedding — rags, torn tap-
tries and drapes still hang here and there seen, two join the watcher at the door to estries, rugs, etc. — lie by the south wall.
from the walls. Bones and whole skele- ambush anyone entering, while one alerts Two stools stand near the entrance to the
tons can be seen on the floor and under those in area 122. If all party members are southeast passage. Opposite this
the heaped broken furniture. A skirmish wearing the brown robes of the Earth Temple, entrance, along the wall, is a crude shelf,
in the greater battle for the Temple was the gnolls do not attack. They behave simi- supporting several samples of pottery —
surely fought in this place! larly towards those wearing other robes, if bottles and mugs. Under it, in the north-
they appear strong and do not attack first. The west corner, stand four spears.
A careful search reveals one usable shield gnolls are smart enough to use water or dirt
and weapon each turn, to a maximum of against fire. Each gnoll has 2-12 ep. If the gnolls herein have not already used
four of each. Roll 1d4 to determine what them as weapons, five flasks of oil are on the
weapon is discovered: 1 = longsword, 2 = Gnolls (4): AC 5, MV 9", HD 2, hp 10, 7, 7, shelf, by two mugs. Four bottles are empty,
shortsword, 3 = battle axe, 4 = spear. 6, #AT 1, D 2-8 (bastard sword), SA and one contains wine. The largest gnoll
Nothing else here is of value, unless kindling throwing axes (D 1-6/1-4, ranges 1"/2"/ wears a silver chain with a roughly polished
wood is desired.... 3"); XP 48, 42, 42, 40 carnelian (worth 125 gp). Each gnoll carries
1-4 sp, 1-4 ep, and 1-4 gp.
120. KITCHEN The bare stone walls of this place have
only a peg or two here and there, and three 123. ROOM WITH ALCOVE
This place is 20' x 30', with three doors brackets with unlit torches in them. The
in the southern portion — east, south in floor likewise is plain stone blocks. A rude Five gnolls dwell here with two renegade
the west corner, and west, A high, broad wooden table is against the east wall, just hobgoblins. The latter are meaner and more
fireplace with numerous side ovens dom- south of the eastern door, with three stools bloodthirsty than the gnolls! The gnolls are
inates the north wall. The fireplace is nearby. A small keg full of water stands in "off duty" members of a reforming com-
large enough to roast a whole ox. The the northwest corner, and next to it is a pany which the Earth Temple hopes to field.
room is littered with broken containers mound of ordinary looking dirt. The south (See also 124 and 126-128. ) If they hear
and dishes, trash of an unidentifiable door has a spy hole, openable only from sounds of fighting, 1-4 of these inhabitants
sort, and pieces of wooden tables, inside the room. probably (90% chance) go to investigate
counter tops, and the like. Several skele- and join in the fun. The secret door, a pivot-
tons are visible, including one which 122. CHAMBER, 20' x 20' ing wall section which is also concealed —
appears to be that of an ogre. hidden by a tattered carpet — is only used in
Four gnolls are on guard duty here. One dire emergencies; the ogres of area 124 are
Within the darkest recesses of the unused watches each door, one checks the passage- greatly feared.

Gnolls (5): AC 5, MV 9", HD 2, hp 11, 9, 9, Each ogre has a belt pouch containing 5-30 sp 50, 48, 46, 44, 42
8, 7, #AT 1, D 2-8 (morning star), SA and 5-30 gp. The wine barrel contains sour,
throwing axes (D 1-6, ranges 1"/2"/3"); thin wine. The chest is unlocked, and holds 2 Ten man-turns of searching the corridor
XP 50, 46, 46, 44, 42 maces, 5 hand axes, 1 battle axe, 6 morning reveals the following intact items: 15
stars, 2 shortswords, and 1 broadsword. arrows, 4 silver arrows, 5 morning stars, 3
Hobgoblins (2): AC 5, MV 9", HD 1 + 1, hp
The stone slab under the spear barrel is longswords, 2 shortswords, 3 shields, 1 ring
8, 6, #AT 1, D 1-8 (longsword), SA long
loose and can be lifted by anyone with 18 mail, 2 chain mail, and 1 plate mail.
composite bows with 15 arrows each (D
Strength, or two persons with a combined
1-6); XP 36, 32
Strength of 30. Underneath is a cavity with 126. ROOM, 20' x 20'
870 sp and a silver bracelet (170 gp) adorned
Carpets and tapestries cover the plain with six azurites worth 10 gp each. Herein dwells an ogre, the chief of the entire
stone walls of this room, and a few rugs are ogre force. He reports to the clerics in area
on the floor as well. From the appearance 125. CORRIDOR OF BONES 137 from time to time. If he hears a commo-
of all this, the room was once the quarters tion in the corridor or nearby rooms, he
of some fairly important person — an probably (90%) ignores it, trusting his flun-
For at least 100 feet of its length, this 20 '
underpriest of the Earth Temple, from the kies to handle the minor matters. He
wide corridor is covered with bones.
scenes depicted on several tapestries. responds to any direct call for help at his
Skeletons of humans and humanoids are
Whatever furniture was once here is now door, of course.
mixed in a terrible jumble. Many skulls
gone. Heaps of cloth lie near the walls,
and loose bones seem gnawed. The com-
showing where the inhabitants sleep. A Ogre leader: AC 3, MV 9", HD 4 +1, hp 26,
plete skeletons, though, still wear sun-
small brazier stands in the northeast cor- #AT 1, D 5-12 (1d8 + 4, with battle axe);
dered armor, dented caps, or sprawl by
ner. A small keg of cheap beer is in the cen- XP 220
broken shields. Bent and broken weap-
ter of the room. The only exit is the door in
ons likewise testify to a great melee hav-
the south wall of the alcove.
ing taken place here; a hundred, two, This place appears to have been another
perhaps more... all met death here. Fur- visitors' chamber, but the plastered walls
Each of the seven humanoids herein has 1-4 ther progress along the corridor requires are broken and smoke-stained from the
sp, 1-4 ep, and 1-4 gp. Under the dead coals carefully picking a path between these struggles of the past. Several couches
of the brazier are 27 pp. grim remains of the Temple hordes. have been shoved together to form a
Nothing of value is discernable. huge bed in the northeast corner. Several
124. ROOM, 20' x 20'
empty sacks lie on the floor, and a nearly
If the party enters the corridor area shaded full barrel of ale is near the west door. A
The two ogres here are in charge of the
on the map, they spring a trap. When they large table and rude chair are in the
gnolls and hobgoblins to the southwest.
get to the central area (just south of the northwest corner; a big, yellowish
Each wears a brown leather jack, set with
secret door to area 131), the following cheese and several hard sausages lie atop
thin bronze plates (giving AC 4). Unless
events occur: the table, beside an empty gallon jug.
they are summoned, they ignore sounds
Under the table is an iron chest. Nine
from areas 121-123, concentrating their
a. Ten human skeletons spring up from spears, 3 morning stars, and 2 long-
attention on possible victims in area 125.
the west end of the shaded area, charging swords lie piled by the south door.
However, their chief is in area 126, and they
east to the attack;
investigate unusual noises from that place.
The ogre wears a copper belt worth 35 gp,
b. Six gnoll skeletons spring up at the east upon which hangs his purse, containing 11
Ogres (2): AC 4, MV 9", HD 4 +1, hp 22,
end of the shaded area, moving west to sp, 19 ep, and 38 gp.
20, #AT 1, D 5-10 (stone-set club,
surround the intruders. The iron chest is locked but not trapped,
1d6 + 4); XP 200, 190
and contains 311 gp and 2 huge and remark-
In addition, the two ogres (area 124) watch- ably perfect agates (worth 100 gp and 500
This place is plastered and the floor paved ing for trouble join the fray if the intruders gp, respectively). The lock can be picked or
with polished brown granite slabs. It is (PCs) are nearly slain, or if the party broken open by 30 points of damage.
now dirty and cluttered, but must once retreats into the southern 20' wide corridor
have been a plush guest chamber. Many leading to their door. If the latter, the ogres 127. L-SHAPED ROOM
cushions and pillows are piled so as to probably (75%) gain 1-4 surprise segments
make beds in the northeast and northwest unless their door is being carefully watched. Three gnolls are quartered here. They are
corners of the room. A half -empty wine reasonably alert, and if called rush to help,
barrel and a like container with a few Skeletons, human (10): AC 7, MV 12", HD hurrying more to serve the ogre (area 126),
salted fish stand along the south wall. 1, hp 8, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3; #AT 1, D of course, than for their fellows with the
Another barrel there holds seven long 1-6; XP 22, 20, 19 (x4), 18 (x3), 17 bugbear (area 128). If opportunity presents,
spears. Pegs on the wall hold one shortbow the one gnoll armed with a bow uses it until
and three quivers, each containing 20 Skeletons, gnoll (6): AC 7, MV 9", HD 2, hp opponents close. Each gnoll has 1-4 sp, 1-4
arrows. Beside the barrels is a chest. 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7; #AT 1, D 2-7; XP 52, ep, and 1-4 gp.

Gnolls (3): AC 5, MV 9", HD 2, hp 13, 12, chain with 12 large coins upon it (130 gp for
8, #AT 1, D 2-8 (bastard sword), SA 1 the whole). ceramic mugs. Several pegs and hooks
has long composite bow and 20 arrows A hollow log at the bottom of the stack of on the south wall hold old brown cloaks,
(D 1-6); XP 54, 52, 44 wood conceals the bugbear's private stash of a leather bag, and a shortbow with a
60 sp, 28 ep, and 47 gp. quiver of five arrows.
The fireplace on the west wall of this
room shows that special folk were 128a. SENTRY The bone markers are dominoes, worth 5 gp
housed here. Three battered old chairs for the set. The jug holds watered wine, and
are still in place, by a broken bed of large The large and heavy quadruple crossbow the leather bag is filled with hard biscuits
size. A wooden box stands near the bed, mounted here is manned by one gnoll (hp and dried apples.
with a small keg nearby. Several old 6), who can easily watch the 10' wide
cloaks hang from wall hooks. north-south corridor through a peep hole. 130. ROOM WITH TRAPEZOIDAL
Any intruder in the passage is subject to ANNEX
four shots at once, each inflicting 1-8 points
128. ROOM, 20' x 30' of damage. Make "to hit" rolls with a + 5 Seven zero-level guards are barracked in the
bonus, i. e. 9 or better to hit AC 2 when fired 20' square area, ready to fight whenever
Seven gnolls are in the room, one by each by the gnoll sentry. As the crossbow cannot necessary. These men-at-arms are the core
door and one deep in the alcove with a be reloaded and wound in less than two full of the new company of Elemental Earth
heavy quadruple crossbow (see area 128a). rounds, it is unlikely that it can fire twice in Reavers. Each carries a javelin, to be hurled
They live here with a bugbear who is a a melee. (Use your judgment as to the sen-
rogue, liking the gnolls and ogres better before closing for melee. They, along with
try's actions, which should definitely their fellows in area 129, always do their
than its own kind. In case of attack, these include warning its companions. )
residents alert those in area 127 (or even the best to protect area 133 — but if it becomes
The crossbow is not easily moved (encum- obvious that they are losing a fight, they
guards in area 129, as applicable). brance 400 gp) but can be dismantled for tra- might flee (25% chance, check each round).
The alcove is five feet wide and six feet long, vel. It can be sold for a base value of 50 gp.
and houses the once gnoll sentry manning the Four fighters are quartered in the trapezoi-
dal area; they are the leaders of the company.
special crossbow. A peep hole gives a good 129. GUARDROOM
view of the corridor south (see area 128a). Each is clad in bronzed plate mail and carries
the brown shield with black triangular boss.
Five guards are alert here at all times. One fac- They take orders from the cleric in area 137.
Gnolls (7): AC 5, MV 9", HD 2, hp 13, 10, ing the door, and another posted ten feet up Each fighter carries two javelins for use
9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 6, #AT 1, D 1-8 (battle axe), the northeast corridor (position G on the before melee, and their leader (Level 4) car-
SA crossbow trap (see area 128a); XP 54, map), are armed with heavy crossbows and ries a javelin of lightning for use in an emer-
48, 46 (x2), 44 (x3), 40 longswords. Each of the others has a javelin, gency. (The ogres, for example, know of this
Bugbear (1): AC 5, MV 9", HD 3 + 1, hp 14, to be hurled before closing to melee. Each and obey accordingly. ) Each has average
#AT 1, D 2-8 (bastard sword), SA can guard wears chain mail armor with a brown Strength except for the L3 leader, who has a
throw battle (ranges 1"/2"/4", D 3-10), surcoat; each carries a shield covered in brown 17 ( + 1 to hit/ + 1 damage).
XP 191 leather and bearing a black triangular boss.
This triangle device is also sewn to their sur- Guards (7): AC 4, MV 9", Level 0, hp 7, 5,
coats. In any disturbance, the guards alert 5, 4, 4, 4, 3; #AT 1, D 1-8 (longsword),
Perhaps this was once a reception room
area 130 (or 128, as appropriate). Each guard SA 1 javelin each (D 1-6, ranges 2 " / 4 " /
or minor council chamber. Bits of wall
carries 2-8 cp, 2-8 sp, and 2-8 ep. 6"); XP 21, 19 (x2), 18 (x3), 17
coverings still dangle here and there, and
a once fine hardwood sideboard is cen- Fighters (4): AC 2, MV 6", Levels 4, 3, 2, 2,
Guards (5): AC 4, MV 9", Level 0, hp 7, 6,
tered along the north wall. Atop it are hp 30, 19, 13, 12, #AT 1, D 1-8 (long-
5, 5, 5, #AT 1, D 1-8 (longsword) or 2-5
various dirty dishes, a cask of beer, and sword), SA 2 javelins each (D 1-6, ranges
(crossbow bolt); SA javelins (D 1-6,
bits of stale bread and dried meat. The 2 "/4 "/6 "). L4 Fighter has javelin of light-
entire length of the west wall is lined with ranges 2 "/4"/6"); XP 21, 20, 19 (x3)
ning + 2 (ranges 3"/6"/9", D 1-6 + 20
piles of bedding, divided into eight pal- electricity in 5'x 30' bolt); L3 Fighter
lets. A small wall font still trickles a sul- This 20' square room was obviously a
guard room. Racks for weapons still gains + 1 "to hit" and damage; XP 205,
phurous smelling water into a stone 107, 54, 52
basin in the northwest corner. A stack of remain on the eastern wall. A table with
wood lies by the south door, possibly for 4 chairs takes up the northwest corner. A
water barrel, nearly full, stands beside The former purpose of this room cannot
use in some nearby fireplace. A five-
foot- wide alcove can be seen in the east the west door, with a bundle of ten be ascertained, but the four bunks in the
wall, near the northeast corner. torches beside it. A single torch burns on south end obviously show that it now
the south wall. Two candles light the houses troops of some sort. Pegs on the
table. Some rectangular bone markers wall are many, and one holds a brown
Each gnoll has 3-18 cp. The bugbear carries
are on the table, by a jug and several cape. A bench is near the door to the
a pouch containing 1-4 of each coin type
west. Two torches give light to the area.
(cp, sp, ep, gp, pp), and also wears a gold

A trapezoidal area through the arch- the room. The ceiling overhead is at least This 10 'x 20' hall is lit by two torches, and
way to the north contains four narrow 35' high — possibly more, lost in the contains a bench, and a stool. The walls
cots, four small wooden chests, and a shadows of the supporting arches. The are plastered. Several pegs and hooks have
small wall fountain which dribbles stench of rotting flesh faintly lingers been recently added, from the look of
smelly water into its basin. A long table throughout the area. them, and support a brown cloak, a quiver
with two benches and a chair at head and with 9 arrows, and a hand axe. Several eye
foot complete the furnishings. Light Eighteen stirges lurk in the ceiling vault, bolts are mounted horizontally along the
comes from a lantern, held aloft above nesting in the nooks and crannies of the sup- west wall; a wire runs through them and
the table by a thin chain; two unlit porting arches and buttresses and 90% into the north wall.
torches are mounted on the walls. An undetectable until their attack. They thus
open cupboard by the table holds vari- have a 50% chance of surprise unless some- Each guard carries 1-8 sp and 1-6 gp.
ous dishes and four jugs. one does notice them, or unless an overhead
lookout is maintained. In any event, 134. INNER CHAMBER
Each guard has 2-8 cp, 2-8 sp, and 2-8 ep. intruders are attacked within three rounds
Each fighter wears a bronze ring with a tri- of entering the room. When half the stirges The south door opens inward and to the
angular setting of jet (worth 50 gp). These are slain, the remainder retire to their ceiling west. Eight guards are quartered here to
rings are passes to any area of this dungeon nests, where ten young remain (which are protect the areas northward. Though at
level not commanded by a cleric (though one week from maturity). rest, they can be ready to fight in a single
undead tend to ignore such niceties... ). Each round. Four of the guards are armed with
fighter carries various coins (ep, gp, and Stirges (18): AC 8, MV 3"/18", HD 1 + 1, light crossbows. For combat, two of these
pp), the number of each determined by roll- hp 6, 5, or 4 (equal numbers of each), go to the west corners of the room to cover
ing 2d6 per level of experience (the L4 leader #AT 1, D 1-3, SA attack as if 4 HD, the door, using bunks as partial cover. (The
thus carrying 8-48 of each coin type). blood drain after hit (D 1-4 per round); one in the northwest corner is a half-ore. )
The water in the fountain is smelly but XP 48 (x6), 46 (x6), 44 (x6) The other pair retires behind a stout mantlet
drinkable. The jugs in the cupboard hold (blocking the entrance into area 135, as
water, wine, beer, and fuel oil (three pints Close examination of the area reveals bones shown on the map), kneeling with cross-
worth 1 gp each), respectively. Each chest and 1-4 cp per searcher each round (to a bows at ready. The mantlet has two
contains nondescript items of clothing and maximum of 40 cp in all). If the floor is care- crosslets at waist height for this tactic, and
one leather ceremonial harness with a large, fully searched, a ring of shooting stars may can also provide chest-high protection for
bronze-hilted dagger (worth 15 gp with the be found; allow a 5% chance of success per two others if spears or pole arms are used.
harness). One chest also contains a scrap of searcher per round (or 100% if a detect While the crossbowmen take their posi-
parchment, inscribed with a message, in magic spell is employed). This item tions, 2 swordsmen move to the door to
Common: "Remember to check AUGURY belonged to one of the victims of the stirges, open it, while the remaining two swords-
CHAMBER to see if Belstro was lying!" which availed not in this place. men step behind the mantlet and take up
The secret door is counterbalanced to glaives (which are kept along the west wall
131. SECRET DOOR swing inward at the bottom when a wall just inside of area 135), preparing to defend.
stone is pulled to the right. Note that combat brings other guards from
The shaft which descends from the Temple to area 135, but only after five rounds pass, as
Dungeon Level Two has a means of entrance 133. ANTEROOM they must first don armor and take up arms.
and egress at this point. The portal is but two
feet wide and four feet high, opening by Four guards are stationed here at all times. Guards (8): AC 4, MV 9", Level 0, hp 7, 6,
downward pressure (which causes it to sink); One has a short bow, his shield being set 6, 5 (swordsmen), 5, 4, 4, 3, (crossbow-
it closes automatically one round later. The nearby ready for use if melee occurs. Each men), #AT 1, D 1-8 (longsword) or 1-6
area beyond has a narrow ledge, which con- of the others has a javelin ready to hurl (glaive, 9' length), SA 4 have light cross-
tinues to spiral towards the level below. before closing with opponents. Each wears bows (D 2-5); XP 17, 16, 16, 15 (swords-
chain mail armor, a brown surcoat with a men), 19, 18, 18, 17 (crossbowmen)
132. HEXAGONAL ROOM black triangle sewn upon it, and a shield
covered in brown leather, whose boss is also If more than half of the guards are killed, the
A partially destroyed stone chair domi- a triangular metal device. If attacked, the half-ore crossbowman in the northwest cor-
nates this place. It is hewn of brown mar- guards defend their position while alerting ner (a creature of surly mien) tries to surren-
ble, veined with black, and stands near those in area 134 by yanking on a wire der, for he hates his commander (who
the middle of the north wall. Both arms alarm (see descriptional). tortures and kills orcs for sport).
have been broken off, and the seat is
chipped. A piece is missing from the Guards (4): AC 4, MV 9", Level 0, hp 5, 5, This 20' square plastered room is lit by
back, and the whole is fractured. Rubble 4, 4, #AT 1, D 1-8 (longsword), SA 3 two torches and a lantern, the latter fixed
and broken furniture are strewn about with javelin (D 1-6, ranges 2"/4"/6"), 1 to shine upon the south door. The room
with shortbow (#AT 2, D1-6); XP 19, 19, has been converted into a barracks, as
18, 18

Each fighter wears a bronze ring, set with a
can be seen from the four double bunks to other some lumpy objects. Several large triangular stone of jet (worth 50 gp). The
each side. A mantlet stands between this smoked sausages hang from a rope commander wears a gold chain (worth 200
room and that to the north, giving solid tossed over a ceiling truss. A small cabi- gp) under his armor, and carries 10-60 gp
protection to the defenders. Several brown net between the bunks on the east wall and 10-60 pp. The lieutenant carries 6-36 gp
cloaks hang from pegs driven through the holds dishes. and 6-36 pp.
plaster into wall cracks. A jug and several The food on the table consists of a partial
cups are on the table. Eight small chests are If not used in defense, a cask containing loaf of stale bread, a sausage, some fruit,
shoved under the bunks. seven gallons of fuel oil also stands near the and a small piece of cheese. The wardrobe
north door, and three empty bottles accom- contains clothing only, none of it worth any
The half-ore has 1-4 cp and 1-4 sp. Each of pany the dishes in the cabinet. Fuel oil can notable value. The lock on the chest is
the other guards has 1-6 ep and 1-6 gp. The be sold for 1 ep per pint (16 gp per gallon). secured, and takes 35 points of damage to
jug is half filled with watered wine. Each Of the barrels by the south door, one demolish. The chest holds clothing of no
chest holds only worthless clothing, har- holds 50 gallons of water, the center one value, a quart of excellent brandy, a coil of
ness, etc. about 25 gallons of beer (worth 15 gp), and normal rope (50'), and a potion of healing.
the third, hard biscuits. The chests under
135. LOUNGE the bunks, similar to those in area 134, hold 137. SLEEPING APARTMENT
nothing of value save a dozen torches and a
Eight guards are off-duty here. Action in pair of normal lanterns. Each guard carries In the north of this pair of rooms lives
area 134 or 136 alerts them, but they do not 1-4 cp, 1-4 sp, 1-4 ep, and 1-4 gp. Romag, a curate (L4) and priest of the Earth
participate until they have donned their Elemental Temple. He is determined to
armor and taken up their arms (requiring 136. INNER CHAMBER become the leading cleric of the Temple of
five full rounds). Each has two javelins to Elemental Evil, and is gathering forces to
hurl before closing to melee; each is dressed The fifth level commander of this group and accomplish this. He would particularly
as those in 134 and elsewhere. his third level lieutenant dwell here. They enjoy raiding and looting the Water Elemen-
In desperate straits, the guards use flam- directly serve the priest of the Earth Temple. tal Temple, and killing its priest.
ing oil missiles, taking empty bottles from a They hope to soon recruit sufficient forces In the southern room of the pair, through
cabinet on the east wall, filling them with to completely control this dungeon level, a four-foot-wide concealed archway (cov-
fuel oil from a cask by the north door, and and plan to extend their sway lower. Any ered by a tapestry), lives Hartch, an adept.
stoppering them with rags. If truly imper- previous losses of troops, human or human- He is ready to serve his master (Romag) and
iled, they roll the whole cask of oil to a point oid, will have resulted in threats of dire con- eager to pass on his commands.
near intruders, smash the end closest to sequences from their priest, with the result If alerted by their guards to the south or
their foes (creating an oil spill), and ignite it. that they will fight fearlessly. by noise in that direction, Hartsch observes
Combat in this area alerts the fighters in If they move to investigate battle sounds, through a peep hole in the door, and throws
area 136, but these reinforcements will these leaders do not bother the clerics to the the large bar on the south door for defense.
ignore more distant noises (such as skir- north (area 137) unless the danger is obvi- That portal may thereafter be destroyed
mishing in area 134). ously extreme. only by 200 points of damage.
If the fighting in this area gets too hot
Guards (8): AC 4, MV 9", Level 0, hp 6, 5, Commander: AC 2, MV 6", Level 5 Fighter, (assuming that it approaches from the south),
5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, #AT 1, D 1-8 (longsword), hp 36, #AT 1, D 2-9 (battle axe +1); XP Romag uses his darkness spell, slips into the
SA 2 javelins each (D 1-6, ranges 2 "/4 "/ 310 concealed alcove to the northwest, gets his
6"); XP 20, 19 (x4), 18 (x3) treasure from a large iron chest therein (see
Lieutenant: AC 2, MV 6", Level 3 Fighter, description below), and runs away. If he does
Four walls cressets send smoky light hp 29, #AT 1, D 1-8 (longsword), SA so, he will be too ashamed to ever return —
through this room. The place is plas- Strength 17 ( +1 "to hit", + 1 damage); and his defeat would assure his death at the
tered, the floor covered with mosaic XP 122 hands of other clerics anyway.
tiles. The paintings on the walls display If danger approaches from the north,
scenes indicating that this room was Two cressets illuminate this room. The Romag may (40% chance) hide in the alcove
meant for drinking and debauching area was once lavishly decorated. Two to the northeast after alerting Hartsch to
(though whether for the clerics of the plush couches, a wardrobe, a small table summon the guards. He otherwise joins
Temple or its guests remains uncertain). with inlaid wood top, and two padded Hartsch in getting assistance, and com-
Eight double bunks are here. A long and armchairs still remain. A large chest mands the battle from the rear. Note that
well-made table in the middle of the stands near the couch, by the eastern the fighters and guards in areas 134-136 use
room is flanked by long benches, plus a wall. On the table are a few dented pew- an appropriate strategy, roughly the same as
chair at each end. Cloaks on pegs are ter dishes and some food. An unlit can- that described in the area descriptions but
apparent, as are chests under the bunks. dle in a wooden candlestick stands atop reversed in direction. Note also that the
Three barrels stand just inside the south the wardrobe. guards in area 133 maintain their post, not
door, two containing liquids and the moving to aid the fight to the north.

Romag: AC 0, MV 12", Level 4 Cleric, hp 138. LIBRARY
24, #AT 1, D 2-7 (mace +1), SA spells, to a 10' x 20' alcove. Two hanging lamps
XP 321 illuminate the area. A pillow-strewn bed This large chamber was once an exten-
First level: command, cure light wounds, is here, as well as a small desk and pad- sive library, as evidenced by the charred
curse (to miss crucial attacks), darkness ded chair, a brass stand with several remains of books and litter of broken
Second level: hold person, resist fire, silence staves in it, a low table, two stools, and a tables and chairs. Scraps of torn and
15' radius wardrobe. A fountain in the southeast burned scrolls are tossed here and there.
corner trickles a stream of clean water
Hartsch: AC 2, MV 9", Level 2 Cleric, hp into a wall basin. The walls and floors A careful search reveals several remnants of
13, #AT 1, D1-6 (mace), SA spells, XP 99 are draped and carpeted. works on the ethos of Chaotic Evil —
First level: command, cure light wounds double-dealing, self-advancement, treach-
(x2), fear The desk contains a bottle of normal ink ery, etc. The tenth such bit examined reveals
(worth 1 ep), 6 quills (each worth 1 ep), and the "sacred" earth triangle and mentions the
Romag wears chain mail + 2 and carries a 10 sheets of parchment (worth 4 gp each), "trial of earthy terrors awaiting the fool-
mace +1; the effect of his 17 Dexterity is but nothing of great value. The hanging hardy"; this trial awaits "below/elsewhere. "
included in the AC given. He carries a purse lamps are worth 15 gp each. On the low Nothing else of note is in the place.
containing 3 ep, 14 gp, 9 pp, and a jasper table is a small tome (worth 50 gp to any evil
(worth 50 gp). Hartsch wears a gold ring spell user) detailing the sacrifice of humans 139. STOREROOM
(worth 25 gp) and a gold brooch set with a to earth elementals. The wardrobe contains
triangular piece of jet (worth 150 gp), and old clothing, a bag holding nine candles, This area was evidently one where
carries a purse containing 11 gp and 17 pp. and two bottles of very fine white wine strange and potent stuffs were once kept.
(worth 2 gp each). The brass stand (worth The place is a welter of smashed flasks,
The southern face of the door to this 10 gp) holds two walking staves, one quar- broken pottery vessels, glass shards, all
place is sheathed in bronze, and bears a terstaff, and a bronzewood rod (which amidst the scattered remains of the con-
peep hole. The bar on the inside is very Romag uses as a swagger stick) worth 5 gp. tents of these containers — herbs, spices,
thick. The door opens northward, The tapestries on the northern wall cover chemicals, and other strange mixtures
swinging west. The walls herein are hung two narrow archways. The easternmost and substances now unidentifiable. Even
with tapestries and rugs, and the floor is leads to a closet-like space where pegs hold the shelves and benches which held these
covered with several layers of carpets. A Romag's ceremonial garb, including a things are now broken and strewn about.
pair of bronze lamps light the place, sus- brown velvet cassock upon which are The wreckage is total.
pended on chains from the ceiling. A embroidered triangles of gold thread with
brass brazier on a tripod makes the room precious stones (8 jaspers and 28 hematites, The last statement is true only to the casual
both too warm and too stuffy from the with base values of 50 and 10 gp, respec- observer. A careful search reveals one item
smoke of incense. A divan, small table, tively) in the pattern illustrated. of the following list after a full turn of sifting
two chairs, and a cupboard stand along through the mass. One is located each
the east wall. A large armoire with side round thereafter, but each may be "found"
drawers stands by the west wall. The by stepping on and ruining it. (Have a
table holds a silver flask, several ceramic player roll 1d6 for each; 1-3 indicates ruin. )
dishes and cups, and some foodstuffs — Items are singular, not duplicated; use 1d8
fruit, shelled nuts, and sweetmeats. for random determination of each, but re-
roll duplicates.
The 15 carpets and rugs strewn about the 1. A bottle of dull red powder (phosphorus,
place have little value — about 3-18 sp each. worth 35 gp)
The silver flask on the table is worth 40 gp, 2. A stoppered vial of sparkling red powder
and holds good brandy. The wardrobe con- (ground ruby, worth 1, 000 gp)
tains several worthless garments, a pair of 3. A bag containing 1-4 amber rods (worth
sandals and pair of boots, and a normal 25 gp each)
mace. The side drawers hold linens, towels, 4. A small bottle of yellow powder (pure
and the like. The lowest drawer on the left sulfur, worth 40 gp)
side holds incense and unguents worth 90 The western space contains an iron chest, 5. A tin box filled with yellow powder (saf-
gp, with one-half cubic foot of volume and the key lock of which is trapped with a poi- fron, worth 5 gp)
30 gp encumbrance. son needle. The chest is chained to a ring set 6. A tube of silvery fluid (quicksilver, 10 gp
One tapestry on the north wall conceals in the east wall. Inside are a bullseye lantern weight, worth 100 gp)
an archway, leading to Romag's room: and tinderbox, two leather bags (containing 7. A stoppered vial of sparkling black pow-
183 ep and 240 gp, respectively), a gold box der (ground tourmaline, worth 500 gp)
Behind the large tapestry on the north set with ivory (worth 350 gp), a potion of 8. A small flask of blackish red liquid (lion's
wall is a four-foot-wide archway leading speed, and a scroll of two cleric spells (ani- blood, worth 10 gp)
mate dead and prayer).

140. MEDITATION ROOM with a passage leading north to a secondary empty; the last one examined contains
burial place. Each of the 11 crypts contains strange bits of bone, ivory, rock, and wood:
This chamber is plastered and painted the body of a cleric who met death in the rods, cubes, cones, and other shapes. The
with disgusting scenes and adages. It was service of the Earth Temple. Each body still holder of these objects feels an overwhelm-
apparently used as a restful (?) place to wears the bronze ring with triangular setting ing urge to cast them into the shallow, cup-
which the clerics of the cult might retreat of jet (worth 50 gp each). One body (ran- like depression in the very center of the
and ponder the glories of Earthy Elemen- domly determined) still wears a cloak of place. Suggest that their configuration
tal Evil. A huge eye is painted on the ceil- protection +1. However, for each crypt might reveal answers to simple questions. If
ing, and seems to glare down upon all in opened, a 1 in 6 chance exists for all within 5 players nibble at this, hand them 1dl2, 3d6
the place. Padded benches still line the feet to contract respiratory disease (no Sav- (of different colors), and 2d4. Explain that
walls, and several chairs remain intact. ing Throw), and this is automatic for the these are representative of the mystic
From the condition of these seats and the crypt containing the magical cloak. The counters of augury, and that they should
look of the floor, this ghastly chamber is vaults are relatively easy to open. cast them after asking some question.
still frequented on occassion. Use the results of the following charts to
142. BLACK CHAMBER determine the answer to the question. If
Nothing of value is here. appropriate, read the message of the dice on
Note: Decrease chances of wandering mon- the 3d6, using each d4 to resolve choices. (Add
141. BRONZE DOOR sters in this area, and in the corridor leading articles — the, an, a — as needed. ) Use only
south to it, to 1 in 20 (per turn). the d!2 if the answer is a yes-or-no type.
Be sure to study all of the dice before
This portal is shut fast by a massive lock.
All of the stonework here is black, the replying. Answers are nonsense, of course,
Upon its surface are runes (see illustra-
surfaces being polished to a smooth, though some might actually be applicable
tion). Possibly they identify what is
glossy texture. The domed ceiling 30 feet by sheer chance.
beyond, or perhaps they are some sort of
warning. overhead shows phosphorescent gleams,
each small dot obviously representing a First d6 Second d6 Third d6
star and the combinations making minia-
1 Go to upper /lower room/
ture constellations. A broken obsidian
altar stone stands in the center of the
2 Seek nearest/ object/idol
chamber; the place is otherwise empty.
An arched exit, about 7 feet wide and 12
feet tall, breaks the smooth curve to the
3 Find N/S/E/W stairway up/
south. Upon the upper archway are
4 Beware ancient/ altar/temple
carved letters in Common:
5 Shun forbidden/ passage/
cursed tomb
6 Oppose secret /mystic being/artifact

Yes/No (1d12)
1 Yes or Always
Note: Decrease chances of wandering mon- 2 No or Probably not
sters in this area to 1 in 20 (per turn). 3 Possibly
4 Perhaps or Maybe
This 30' diameter chamber is finished in 5 Positively
polished black stone, similar to the room 6 Never!
immediately to the north. The phosphores- 7 Unknown
cent gleamings 40 feet or so above have a 8 Ask later
bluish cast. In the center of the floor is a cir- 9 Hazy or Clouded
cular depression about one foot deep and 10 Uncertain
These runes form a glyph of warding, which ten feet in diameter. Around it is a low 11 Unlikely
inflicts 20 points of cold damage to anyone stone seat, so low that only halflings could 12 In effect
touching it (save vs. spells for half damage). comfortably sit upon it — or humans if
The door is solid, and takes 300 points of they sat facing inward. The secret door to the south opens by pressing
damage before breaking open. However, a section of the wall at 7 feet height, and then
any non-magical weapon used in such an Seated as described, visitors notice small pushing it downwards. A three-foot-wide,
attack may (1 in 6 chance, check per hit) cuts in the lower part of the seat. These are five-foot-high opening appears as the block
break upon striking it. small drawers, spaced at intervals under the sinks into the floor. Counterweighted by sand-
Inside the door is a rough-hewn crypt, bench. There are eight in all, and seven are bags, the secret door rises in one round.

144. HALL OF TRIANGLES bowl, and ewer. All of these items are evil, four triangles set with gems) can move
and detectably so; each item (including the freely among the elementals without suffer-
This corridor is sheathed in polished box) is worth 25 gp. ing attack. The wearer can furthermore
brown marble, veined with black. Inlaid in As with the main entrance of the Upper command their movements by verbal
the floor are triangular pieces of polished Temple, the n the large pair of doors are an instructions in the Common tongue (though
yellow marble, forming a definite path antipathy spell, made permanent upon they cannot leave this Temple).
leading around the corner to the north. them. All those who failed any previous Buried under the dirt at each of the IV
The brown of the marble shades toward saving throw against this effect cannot positions is great treasure. The digging of
beige as it proceeds northwards, but approach the doors; any intruder whose any one area takes 12 man-turns, i. e. 2 turns
deepens to a dark chocolate hue south- saving throws were successful must here for 6 persons, 3 turns for 4 persons, etc. No
ward. Large bronze cressets are staggered again make a saving throw vs. spells, with more than six persons can excavate one area
at 10' intervals on either side of the hall; the usual -2 penalty, or suffer the effects. at the same time. Nothing is found in any
someone or something obviously keeps Four earth elementals are here, hidden dig until after one full turn of work, regard-
them fueled and burning brightly. under the dirt floor at four points (indicated less of the number of participants.
by the letters A, B, C, and D on the map). The first area excavated and searched
An elemental attacks any victim within ten produces 800 gp and a flask, a potion of
145. THE EARTH TEMPLE feet of it, and ceases attacking immediately diminution.
when and if this situation ends. The second area produces 200 pp and a
Note: Read the entire description carefully suit of ring mail + 1.
before starting play in this area. Elementals (4): AC 2, MV 6", HD 16, hp The third area produces 28 brown spinels
A = 87, B = 74, C = 71, D = 69, #AT 1, D (each worth 100 gp) and a morning star + 1.
4-32, SD + 2 weapon to hit; XP 4155, The fourth and last area excavated and
This great open area is obviously the one
3960, 3915, 3885 searched produces a ring of protection + 1,
in which the principle of the Elemental
rope of climbing, a leather case containing a
Evil of Earth is served. The walls are
A holy word or wish dispels all of the ele- wand of paralyzation (38 charges), and a
rough-hewn sandstone, but the entire
mentals, but otherwise they must be fought brass box containing three jars of
floor is dark brown earth.
and slain to rid the area of their presence. A Keoghtom's ointment.
Some sort of phosphorescent lichen
dispel magic does not affect them.
provides a dim illumination throughout
If an intruder enters this room further 145 F. WEST ROOM
the vast area. It grows on walls and ceil-
that 20 feet from any entrance, all four ele-
ing, supports and arches. Cressets and
mentals rise up out of the earth and stand This is probably a robing room, with no
wall sconces indicate that, during cere-
motionless. If the intruder tries to leave, the exit save the door you have opened. A
monies, other light sources are used.
elementals start patrolling, as follows. Four padded bench runs the length of the east
In the center of the room, occupying a
roman numerals surround each letter; each wall of this 10' square room. A number
20' square area, is a pyramid of hard-
elemental moves first to I, then II, III, IV, I of pegs and hooks are along the north
packed dirt; the sides rise about six feet,
(etc. ), taking one round for each "leg" of the and south walls, and a large cabinet
and the top is flat, forming an area about
trip. The elementals continue this patrol as stands by the west wall. Seven cloaks of
six feet square. Stone steps are set in the
long as any living thing remains in the area. brown cloth are hanging on the pegs,
four faces of the pyramid. Atop it is a
If all intruders manage to depart, the ele- and three pairs of sandals are tucked
stone column, each of its four faces bear-
mentals return to their original positions under the bench.
ing a carved triangle and sporting a pair
(the letters) and burrow back down, leaving
of bronze manacles dangling from bolted
no trace of their patrol or presence. The cloaks and sandals are human-sized. In
rings. At the base of the south face of the
If all intruders move directly to the cen- the cabinet are eight padlocks and their keys
column rests a bronze box.
tral pyramid (instead of attempting escape), (each set worth 1-4 gp to any Thieves'
Three doors are in the south wall;
the elementals do not patrol. Instead, they Guild), several large jars of wine, twelve
those to the left and right are normal, but
all move to their IV positions near the pyra- pewter drinking cups, five plates with small
the center pair are huge bronze valves.
mid) and do not move again for 1 turn, amounts of different sorts of dirt (red, yel-
These bear a strange set of silvery-
unless approached (activating their "attack low, brown, black, and pale gray), an ivory
glowing runes, obviously chiseled into
reflex"). The elementals do not climb the bracelet set with a huge carnelian (worth
their face by someone other than their
pyramid in any case. After their 1 turn of 500 gp), and a bone scroll case. The last con-
maker. They are sealed shut, with soft
immobility, any elemental that has not had tains a scroll of protection from earth ele-
iron filling all the cracks.
1 ewerful of blood poured upon it actively mentals, a 10' radius effect produced after
pursues intruders, reaching up towards six segments of reading; the effect lasts for 5-
The normal doors on the south wall lead to those upon the pyramid, if applicable.
areas 145 F and 145 G, described after this 40 (5d8) rounds, but fully blocks only 24 Hit
(Intruders thereon must be careful of stray- Dice of elementals, thus stopping only one
Temple area. ing too close to the edge.... )
The depth of the earth in this room is six such creature (but giving a -8 AC bonus
EXCEPTION: Anyone wearing the robe against the attack of a second).
feet. The bronze box by the column is not of Romag (the brown vestment with the
locked; it contains a bronze maul, knife,

145 G. EAST ROOM Giant Rats (144): AC 7, MV 12"/6", HD
1/2, hp 4, 3, 2, 1 (36 of each), #AT 1, D 1- sets are regularly spaced along the corri-
A heap of large and small stones fills the 3, SA 8 carry disease, XP 11 (x36), 10 dor's length, but they are unlit except to
center of this 10' square room. Piles of dif- (x36), 9 (x36), 8 (x36) the far north. At the angle turn, the walls
ferent types of dirt are in the corners and are decorated with painted scenes show-
along the walls, and only a narrow path The rats have no treasure, but 1-12 of each ing captives of all sorts suffering death
through the room remains clear. Twelve coin type (cp, sp, ep, gp, pp) lie scattered by water, wind, and fire. The pictures
small kegs are stacked along the south under the litter on the floor. Searchers find seem to emit a fiery glow when watched.
wall, three across and four high. You see no one coin per person per round until all are Broad steps descend at the southern-
exit, save the door you have opened. discovered. most point.

The rocks are worthless, and one is actually 147. ROOM, 20' x 20' The murals at each of the angle turns (just
a stone of weight. The dirt is just that. The west and east of areas 145 F and G, respec-
kegs are filled with fuel oil for the cressets; Three bugbears are on guard in this room. tively) are painted in luminous pigments,
each holds just a bit more than seven gallons They are gaolers and know nothing of the producing the eerie glowing but non-
(worth about 16 gp per gallon). On the secret door in the west wall. Their master, the magical effect. Careful examination of the
inside face of the door (and probably unde- human turnkey (area 152), is away. They fight scenes reveals that one figure is a robed
tected while the door is open) is a parchment until they see that the situation is hopeless, cleric with an inset triangle of bronze, obvi-
bearing a message, in Common. It instructs and then attempt to escape or surrender. ously a priest of the Elemental Earth Tem-
Romag to pay his fealty to the Water Ele- ple. The broad steps lead down to another
mental Temple or else prepare to die horri- Bugbears (3): AC 5, MV 9", HD 3 + 1, hp pair of bronze doors, protected by the
bly. It reminds him that the relative power 19, 17, 14, #AT 1, D 2-8 (bardiche), SA antipathy effect. (See Upper Works main
of their elements is reflected in the predomi- surprise 50%; XP 211, 203, 191 entrance for diagram and full details, or
nance of water to land. Several obscene area 145 for a brief synopsis. )
remarks have been added to the missive, The bugbears wear black leather jacks
probably by Romag.... adorned with a pale brown pattern of two 149. GUARD ROOM
triangles. Each carries 2-16 sp, 2-16 ep, and
146. PIT CHAMBER 2-16 gp. The pit trap outside each southern door to this
room activates when stepped upon, dropping
A relatively short flight of stairs leads This plain room contains little of inter- one victim ten feet (for 1-6 points of damage).
down to a 20' long walkway, 10' wide. est. A peg shoved between the blocks of The pit walls are smooth and not climbable by
To the north of the walkway is a pit, 20' stone on the west wall holds a robe of anyone in heavy armor without assistance.
square and 10' deep. The floor of the pit dull black cloth adorned with a pale Anyone aware of the pits (such as the residents
is slimy and covered with bones and brown pattern, a pair of triangles one herein) can walk carefully around their sides,
filth. The rough stone walls are pocked atop the other. In the southeast corner of avoiding problems.
with small openings near the floor, but the room stands an old battered table Eighteen guards (Level 0 men-at-arms) are
they become smooth and unclimbable with two chairs, a stool, and a bench quartered at this key point, with three leaders
four feet above the floor of the pit. (along its south edge) clustered around (Level 3 Fighters). Guards defeated in random
it. A cask is on the table, with some encounters (maximum of six in a patrol party,
If more than 100 pounds of weight are on earthenware mugs and bits and pieces of plus one Level 3 leader) came from this spot,
the walkway while no weight is on the lower food. Three torches burn in wall sconces, and casualties must be deducted from the orig-
stairs, a trap in sprung. The walkway is bal- and eight fresh ones lie on the floor. An inal numbers given here.
anced in a cupped socket, and the weight open cupboard in the northeast corner All of the guards are armed and ready,
upon it causes the ledge and seven feet of the displays old plates, several mugs, lumpy and all have missile weapons (half with light
wall behind it to tilt sharply down to the sacks, and a string of small dried sau- crossbows, half with javelins). If alerted by
north. The smooth stone offers no hold to sages. A large water barrel stands near noise to the south of the room (such as the
the hapless victims, each of whom takes 1-6 the southwest corner, opposite the door. operation of a pit trap), they observe by
points of damage from falling into the pit. using spy holes in the doors, and may turn
With the weight gone, the pivoting ledge The cask on the table holds two gallons of valves at the wall basin (location X on the
swivels back to its original position. beer. The lumpy sacks in the cupboard con- map) to flood the pits. They stay ready to
At the sound of victims falling into the tain only hard biscuits. attack intruders not destroyed by the pits.
pit, 24 giant rats rush out from their wall If appropriate, one leader takes half of the
burrows, being trained to attack after that 148. PROCESSIONAL CORRIDOR troops to circle around to attack intruders
stimulus. Victims lose all shield and dexter- from the rear, using the secret door to circle
ity bonuses to armor class in the first round, This 20' wide passage is sheathed in north or the longer route through the nor-
as well as initiative, but combat is normal marble, veined with black. Its hue dark- mal door (at the end of the southwest diago-
thereafter. Each round, 24 more rats rush ens as one proceeds to the south. Cres- nal corridor) to circle south.
out and attack, until all 144 have arrived. In any engagement, guards try to dis-

charge one missile volley, drop their cross- each cell, adding prisoner notes (below). Wonillon, Level 4 / 4 Fighter/Thief, hp 23 S
bows, and close to melee with swords Note that the doors on the east walls of cells 17 I 12 W 9 D 17 Co 16 Ch 10 AC 7 (no
drawn. Leaders hold back to throw their a, b, and c cannot be seen or opened from armor), #AT 1, D 0 (no weapons), SA by
spare javelins, and may replace casualties in inside a cell. Careful inspection reveals a professions, SD by race; XP 363
the front line, flank intruders, or pick up tiny opening in each, and probing gives a
and use dropped crossbows. metallic sound (when the probe meets the 151. SECRET CORRIDOR
cover of the spy hole; see further notes for
Guards (12-18): AC 4, MV 9", Level 0, hp 4 area 151). This passage shows disuse; it is dusty,
each, #AT 1, D 1-8 (longsword), SA half dirty, and filled with cobwebs. However,
with javelins (D 1-6, ranges 2"/4"/6"), The cell is 10' square, with closely set someone wearing boots has made use of
half with light crossbows (D 2-5); XP 18 stone blocks in wall and floor; the ceiling the place with fair frequency, as shown
each is actually hewn from living rock. Straw by occasional tracks. Three iron doors
litters the floor, and chains hang from the line the west wall, each with great hinges
Leader (2-3): AC 4, MV 9", Level 3 Fighter, far wall. A small drain is in the center of set to bear the weight of such portals.
24, 21, 20, #AT 1, D1-8 (longsword), SA the floor. Each also has a small iron hatch. An old
2 javelins each (D 1-6, ranges 2 "/4 "/6 "), gray blanket hangs on the east wall.
each with Strength 17 (+ 1 "to hit"/ + 1 When a door is opened, the inside is found
damage); each leader commands six to be covered with a sheet of rusty iron. No The hatch on each door can slide to the
guards; XP 122, 113, 110 cell contains any treasure. right, producing a spy hole through which
one may see into the cell beyond.
Each guard wears chain mail armor and car- Eastern Rooms: Behind the blanket is a small alcove with
ries a shield. The shield and the normal garb The doors of cells a, b, and c are neither a cot, small table, chair, lantern, 12 flasks of
are adorned with the brown and black trian- locked nor barred, but as long as they oil, a barrel (one quarter filled with wine),
gle of the Earth Temple. Each leader is remain shut, their "ragged human" occu- foodstuffs (the equivalent of three normal
armored in like fashion, and wears a neck- pants (three zombies in each) stay huddled rations), some old clothing on pegs in the
lace from which hangs a bronze medallion in their straw, appearing as captives and (of wall, an iron chest, and a heap of glittering
with a raised triangle (worth 20 gp). Each course) not speaking. All three zombies of a equipment. The pile is Wonnilon's adven-
guard carries 1-6 sp and 1-6 ep. Each leader cell attack if their door is opened. turing gear, including leather armor, a
has 2-12 ep, 2-12 gp, and 2-12 pp. shortsword, backpack, miscellaneous
Zombies (9, 3 per cell): AC 8, MV 6 ", HD 2, items, and a very plain-looking but magical
The light in this 30' square room comes hp 10 each, #AT 1, D 1-8, SD 1/2 dam- dagger +2 (in a scabbard). From these con-
from four torches, one on each wall, and age from stabbing weapons; automati- tents one might assume (correctly) that this
several large candles standing on long cally lose initiative; XP 40 each is the residence of the turnkey (who is pres-
trestle tables. Also on the tables, which ently in area 152).
are flanked by benches, are food, drink, Western Rooms: The chest is secured by a large padlock.
and knucklebones. The dishes and ves- The doors to cells d, e, and f are locked and Inside are 411 cp, 151 sp, 90 ep, 55 gp, 27
sels are ordinary pottery. Narrow three- barred. Cells d and f are empty. Cell e con- pp, and a small wooden box. Inside this box
tiered bunks line the north, east, and tains one gnome, bound and gagged and are two potions of healing, which the turn-
west walls. The unadorned walls and chained to the far wall. The turnkey (see key saves for use on particularly choice vic-
weapons racks indicate that this room area 152) is not positive that this character tims....
was originally allocated as a place for isn't able to use some form of magic, and so
guards. The racks are full of various keeps him gagged except during feeding 152. TORTURE CHAMBER
weapons and shields. A fountain in the times (once per day).
south wall flows into a wall basin, under The gnome's name is Wonnilon. He came The solid door to this area is not locked, and
which are four large knobs. to this place to get treasure, of course, since can be opened easily and quietly if care is
he was flat broke. He is Neutral, and claims taken. The turnkey and his bugbear assist-
The weapons racks hold 12 spears, 6 jave- to be a fighter (but is also a thief). If freed, ant are here busily engaged in torturing a
lins, 4 shortswords, 3 hand axes, and 8 equipped, and well treated, he considers human on a rack, and will therefore proba-
shields. The large knobs under the basin are staying with the party, as the characters bly be surprised (1-4 on 1d6) by careful and
the controls for flooding the pit traps. seem powerful (they have, after all, pene- quiet invaders.
trated this far) and therefore promise plenty
150. CELLS in the way of treasure. If not given a fair Turnkey: AC 2, MV 9", Level 5 Fighter, hp
share of the proceeds, Wonillon steals to 30, #AT 1, D 2-9 (battle axe); XP 240
This seems to be a line of gaol cells. Each make up the difference. If badly treated, he
door has a small barred window, and a waits his chance for a good opportunity, Bugbear: AC 3, MV 9", HD 3 + 1, hp 22,
large lock and bar as well. steals as much treasure and magic as possi- #AT 1, D 1-8 (flail); XP 223
ble, and sneaks away to leave the Nulb area
Use the following general description for entirely.

The turnkey is wearing chain mail armor, #AT 1, D 3-12, SD lightning splits; AL N,
and has 16 Strength and 17 Dexterity (the Dungeon SZ M, XP 150 + 6/hp
damage and AC bonuses for which are
included in the statistics above). He wears a Level Two Ogres (2-4): AC 4, MV 9", HD 4 + 1, #ATl,
D 3-10 (stone-set club, 1d8 + 2); AL CE,
bronze ring with a triangular setting of jet
(worth 50 gp), and has 23 gp in his purse. RANDOM ENCOUNTERS SZ L (9' + ), XP 90 + 5/hp
Inside a hidden pocket in his surcoat are
four tourmalines (worth 100 gp each). The Roll 1d% once per turn and refer to the fol- Trolls (1-2): AC 4, MV 12", HD 6 + 6, #AT
bugbear is wearing a chain mail shirt and lowing chart. (A result of 11 or more means 3, D 5-8/5-8/2-12, SA military fork
leather jack with metal plates. In its purse no encounter). If Zuggtmoy is free to roam (range 10', damage 3-10), SD regener-
are 1-6 sp, 1-6 ep, 1-6 pp, and a rock crystal this level, she appears if the result is 00. ates (3 hp per round starting 3 rounds
(worth 50 gp). after being damaged); AL CE, SZ L (9'),
Their victim is a man-at-arms, who was 1d100 Result XP 525 + 8/hp
recently taken in a raid which netted other
captives (see below). He refused to join the 01 8 bandits, 2 L1 fighters, and 1 L4 Zuggtmoy: See Appendix B.
Temple fighters, and so is to be slowly killed leader, returning to areas 240-244;
here and then fed to the gnolls. with 1-4 prisoners, general food- ROOM KEY
stuffs, etc., and 100-400 (d100 x 4)
Victim: AC 10, Level 0, hp 3 (originally 6); gp in all. 201. GREAT BRONZE GATE
XP 13 02-04 4-6 bugbears, wandering around
looking for food and loot; no trea- This site can be reached from Dungeon Level
sure. One by descending the ramp in area 109.
Lurid light from a flaming cresset and a 05 1 carrion crawler, no treasure
glowing brazier full of charcoal reveals a 06 1 ochre jelly, no treasure.
30 'x 20' chamber containing a rack, The passage is barred by a huge sheet of
07-09 2-4 ogres looking for an undescribed bronze, the surface of which is covered
iron maiden, cage, and all the other humanoid rumored to have
unspeakable devices common to a tor- with bas relief faces of evil leering crea-
attacked one of their kind; no trea- tures. It is evidently placed to bar further
ture chamber. Two adjacent 10' square sure.
alcoves, one to the south and one east, progress north, though 10' wide corri-
10 1-2 trolls, followers of the troll dors lead east and west. This portal is too
are barred, their doors held fast by chain chieftain in area 229, coming in to
and padlock. Two prisoners are in each, massive to even attempt to raise by brute
report; no treasure. strength.
obviously here to await the tender mer- 11-99 No encounter.
cies of the torturers. Two female humans 00 Zuggtmoy (if free).
are in the south alcove, and two ores in The gateway can be opened by no less than
the east. three consecutive knock spells — one each
Details for locks, bars, and the gate itself. It can be
The humans are mere country folk, taken in raised normally from the northern side,
Bandits (8): AC 8 (leather armor) or 7 (with using a windlass (see area 211). It has not
a recent raid. They ask to be shown an exit shield), MV 12", Level 0, #AT 1, D 1-6
from the dungeon so that they may return to been opened in several years, as no full-
(shortsword) or 2-5 (light crossbow); AL ceremony sacrifices have been made since
their homes. The orcs join and fight with the CE-NE, XP 14 + 1/hp
party if given arms (being Lawful and the Temple was overthrown.
opposed to the Temple followers, despite Note that this is not one of the four gates
Veterans (2): AC 4 (chain & shield), MV 9",
their evil natures) though they desert in any protected by the permanent antipathy effect
Level 1 Fighter, hp 9, 6, #AT 1, D 1-8
tough situation. They know a way to get to to bind Zuggtmoy.
(longsword) or 1-6 (spear); AL NE, XP
the level below (area 153) and the route to 19, 16
stairs up (near the south end of the level 202. DOMED CHAMBER
map, east and west sides). Leader: AC 2 (plate & shield), MV 6", Level
4 Fighter, hp 37, #AT 1 or 2, D by A five-headed hydra guards this chamber,
153. SPIRAL STAIR weapon (bastard sword, shortbow, bound by a leg chain. If any visible creature
spear, etc. ); AL NE, XP tries to enter, the hydra hisses loudly and
strikes. This brings its keeper from area 203
This 10' wide spiral staircase circles in one round. The hydra has no treasure.
Bugbears (4-6): AC 5, MV 9", HD 3 + 1, #AT
clockwise down a shaft 20 feet in diame-
1, D 2-8 (morning star), SA surprise on 1-
ter. The stairs have no rail, but otherwise Hydra: AC 5, MV 9", HD 5, hp 40 (8 per
3; AL CE, SZ L (7' + ), XP 135 + 4/hp
appear safe and sound. head), #AT 5, D 1-6 each; XP 365
Carrion Crawler: AC 3/7, MV 12", HD
This staircase leads down to area 246 3 + 1, hp 14, #AT 8, D 0 + paralysis (2-5 This 40' diameter area has an arched
(Dungeon Level Two), an empty corridor turns); AL N, SZ L (9'), XP 580 + 4/hp ceiling some 30 feet high. Its polished
Ochre jelly: AC 8, MV 3", HD 6, hp 25,

spear before engaging in melee with a morn- 205c. Western side room, occupied by a
stones indicate that it was once meant for ing star. If hard-pressed, one bugbear tries human Prefect (Level 5 Cleric)
some special purpose, lost now under a to rouse the clerics in area 205.
litter of refuse, bones, and dung. A huge 205d. Eastern side room, unoccupied (the
metal ring has been cemented into the Curate's bedroom)
Bugbears (5): AC 5, MV 9", HD 3 + 1, hp 17
center of the floor, and a heavy iron each #AT 1, D 2-8 (morning star), SA 1
chain of about eight feet length is fas- The half-ore or the Curate (but not both)
spear each (D 1-6, ranges 1"/2"/3"); XP
tened to the ring. will aid guards, but will not disturb the pre-
203 each
fect unless absolutely necessary.
Each of the three priests wears a gold
203. OLD STOREROOM Each bugbear wears a short cape of crimson
amulet on a golden chain; the amulet
cloth. Each carries 2-12 gp, 2-12 ep, and 2-
depicts the symbol of Fire:
The hydra's keeper, a troll, dwells here on 12 sp.
orders from its master, the priest of the Fire 205a. ANTEROOM
Temple. Upon hearing any noise from its A fireplace on the east wall and a flowing
beast, it grabs its military fork and investi- fountain and basin on the west wall are The half-ore priest herein is the liaison to the
gates. Those with proper identification — the most remarkable features of this plas- bugbear guards. He wears a red robe with a
robes of the Fire Temple or the eight-pointed tered but unpainted chamber. A large gold skull emblem, but with plate mail armor
amulet — can pass, for the troll then shoves table stands in the center of the room, underneath, and carries a shield as well. His
the hydra aside and stops its heads from flanked by a pair of benches; all are a bit gold fire amulet on a gold chain is worth 100
attacking by quick use of the weapon. The too large to be comfortable to humans. gp. He wears a ring set with a large violet gar-
troll otherwise not only allows the beast to A sizeable haunch of some sort of cold net (jewelry value 700 gp), and carries 11 ep,
attack, but aids it, attacking with the meat is on the table. An old barrel stands 16 gp, and 7 pp in his purse.
weapon (which it can use long range, strik- in the center of the north wall, and holds
ing opponents up to ten feet distant and seven spears. Heaps of bedding lie along Half-orc: AC 2 (plate & shield), MV 6",
gaining a + 2 bonus to damage, due to the south passageway to the west. Level 3/3 Cleric/Fighter, hp 22, #AT 1, D
Strength). If enemies close on it, the troll 3-6 (hammer), Strength 16 ( + 1 damage
discards the weapon and attacks normally bonus included), SA spells; XP 315
(tooth and claw). The troll's only treasure is First level: cause fear, cure light wounds,
a ring of fire resistance it wears. protection from good
Second level: hold person
Troll: AC 4, MV 12", HD 6 + 6, hp 42, #AT
3, D 5-8/5-8/2-12, SA military fork
This 10' square room is plastered but
(range 10', damage 3-10), SD regener- otherwise unadorned. It is lit by a lan-
ates (3 hp per round starting 3 rounds tern and a burning torch, the latter on
after being damaged); XP 861 the east wall. The room contains a
couch, writing table and chair, small bra-
Boxes, crates, and barrels line the walls zier, and a brass-bound chest; on the
of this 30 'x 20' chamber. Spilled con- table are quills, an inkpot, and a roll of
tents — flour, grain, broken crockery, parchment.
and who knows what else — are mixed
with old bones, broken furniture, splin- The locked chest holds garments, a potion
tered wood, rags, and ordure up to a of poison, and a leather bag containing 37
depth of at least a foot. The whole area gp and 19 ep.
stinks of troll.
The containers hold nothing valuable, all
being spilled, rotted, or spoiled, save a This complex consists of the following four The human Curate herein, assistant to the
small cask holding two gallons of fuel oil rooms: chief cleric, is sipping wine and relaxing. His
(worth about 16 gp per gallon) and a box crimson hooded robe has gold embroidered
containing 20 fresh torches. 205a. Anteroom, occupied by a half-ore skulls on front and back; his golden chain
Cleric/Fighter (Levels 3/3) who is and fire amulet are worth 100 gp. He wears
204. ROOM, 30' x 20' ready to reinforce the guards to the chain mail armor and carries a shield, and
north (area 204) also wears a ring of protection +1. In the
Five bugbears are stationed here as guards; pommel of his mace is a small but carefully
two are on watch. In case of attack, the 205b. Main chamber, occupied by a human
set ruby worth 1, 000 gp. He keeps 14 ep, 9
three resting in the western arm of the U- Curate (Level 4 Cleric) who is ready
gp, and 21 pp in his purse.
shaped area arrive one round after the first to reinforce the guards to the south
two are engaged. Each bugbear throws a (area 206)


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