Test 30

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Cảm ơn bạn Mr Silver" <mrsilverwolf89@gmail.

com đã đánh máy bài viết này:


I/Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence:

1.It is usually better not to ……….. things, in case they are not returned.

a. lose c. borrow

b. offer d. lend

2. He stood on one leg, ………… against the wall, while he took off his shoe.

a. leaning c. stopping

b. bargain d. supporting

3. If we go to the market might find a …………. .

a. trade c. stopping

b. staying d. shopping

4. They haven’t beaten me yet. I still have one or two ………….. up my sleeve.

a. traps c. tricks

b. jokes d. defenses

5. My mother was …………. of making a cake when the front door bell rang.

a. at the center c. halfway through

b. on her way d. in te middle

6. …………., after trying three times, he passed the examination.

a. Lastly c. Last

b. last of all d. At last

7. The doctor told him to keep ………. Sweets and chocolate to lose weight.
A. at c. off

b. back b. up

8. Nobody seems to be ………….. control of those children.

a. under c. with

b. in d. over

9. …………. Many times I tell him, he always forgets to pass on phone


a. However c. Wherever

b. Whatever d. Whenever

10. This is ………….. the most difficult job I’ve ever had to do.

a. fells c. holds

b. touches d. by myself

11. This cloth ………… very thin.

a. by chance c. by heart

b. by far d. by myself

12. Will the government be able to …………. All their immense difficulties?

a. overcome c. dismiss

b. defeat d. overtake

13. My application for a trading license was ………….. .

a. held down c. put down

b. turned down d. let down

14.The opening ………….. of the play took place in an army camp.

a. stage c. scene
b. sight d. piece

15. I have told him never …………. here again.

a. come c. came

b. comes d. to come

16. As soon as the consumer protection law was passed, some manufacturers
began to …………. Have it changed.

A, object c. campaign

b. revolt d. protect

17. The BBC tries to ………….. for all tastes with its four national programmer.

a. cater c. regard

b. furnish d. suit

18. The tank of petrol was ………… by a carelessly discarded cigarette end.

a. ignited c. exploded

b. lit up d. inflamed

19. He gave me a furious look and …………… out of the room.

a. surged c. stormed

b. hurled d. burst

20. Unless the Prime Minister …………… the warning, inflation will rise rapidly.

a. remarks c. applies

b. attends d. heeds

II. Read the passage and then chose one answer for each of the following

In 1972 there arrived in Philadelphia a penniless young man, eager for

work and for knowledge. As the year passed, this man, Benjamin Franklin,
contributed greatly to hos city and to his country. He became a printer and a
publisher, and a learned man in many subjects. Ha also helped to spread
learning by establishing a public library and by founding the American
Philadelphia Society, which is an important academy of great scholars to this

Franklin initiated many improvements in the city of Philadelphia, making

one of the world’s first cities to have paved and lighted streets as well as a police
force and a fire fighting company. He also made many practical inventions such
as the Franklin stove, which was a very efficient storms. His scientific work with
electricity earned Franklin world fame.

Franklin played an important role in the early history of the United States.
He took part in drawing up the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
He was the first ambassador to France, and he helped negotiate the treaty of
1783, which ended the Revolutionary War.

As an active member and as president of the Abolitionist Society, Franklin

devoted the last years of his life to the movement to end slavery.

1. When Franklin arrived in Philadelphia in 1723, he was

a. rich c. neither rich nor poor.
b. well-off d. very poor.
2. How did Franklin help to spread learning?
a. He was eager for work and knowledge.
b. He became a printer and a publisher.
c. He contributed to his city and his country.
d. He established a public library and founded the American Philadelphia
3. What made Franklin famous all over the world?
a. The Franklin stove.
b. The lightning rod.
c. The fire fighting company.
d. His scientific work with electricity.
4. Which of the following statements is not true?
a. Franklin alone drew up the Declaration of Independence.
b. Franklin was one of those eminent Americans who drew up the
Declaration of Independence.
c. Franklin was the first American ambassador to France.
d. Franklin helped negotiate the treaty of 1783.
5. In what was Franklin active during the last years of his life?
a. The Revolutionary war.
b. His scientific work.
c. His practical inventions.
d. The abolitionist movement.

III. Read the article below and put a cross on the letter next to the world
that best fits each space.

An Australian Mystery

Interest in undiscovered human-like creatures to be widespread. Every one

has (1) ………….. of the Yeti and its North American “cousin” Bigfoot, but since
the last century there have been (2) ………….. of the existence in Australia of
another, less famous creature-the Yahoo. In 1912, a Sydney newspaper (3)
………….. an account by Charles Harper of a strange, large animal he observed
(4) …………… the light of his campfire “It body, legs and arms were covered with
long, brownish-red hair, but what (5) ………….. me as most extraordinary was its
shape, which was human in some ways (6) ………….. at the same time very
different. The body was enormous (7) …………… great strength. The aims were
extremely long and very muscular”

Harper continued: “All this observation (8) ………….. a flew minutes while
the creature stood there, as if frightened by the firelight. After a flew growls and
beating his breast, he (9) ………….. the first few metres upright, then on all four
limbs through on the trip, a fact at which I must admit I was rather pleased”

1. a. understood b. known c. heard d. noticed

2. a. statements b. reports c. arguments d. proofs
3. a. delivered b. typed c. declared d. printed
4. a. by b. at c. with d. under
5. a. marked b. struck c. touched d. knocked
6. a. even b. just c. still d. yet
7. a. announcing b. pointing c. indicating d. engaged
8. a. lasted b. covered c. involved d. engaged
9. a. set back b. set up c. set in d. set off
10. a. should b. must c. might d. would

IV. Fill in each gap in the passage below with one suitable word. Write the
words in the spaces on your answer sheet.
In a village on the East coast of Scotland, people were waiting anxiously
for news. Two of their fishing boat (1) ……….. been caught in the storm (2)
………… had blown up during the night. In the cottages round the harbor
people stood (3) ………… their doors (4) ………… worried to talk.

The rest of the fishing fleet had (5) …………. The harbor before dark and
the men from these ships waited and watched with the wives and families of
(6) ………….. missing men. Some had (7) …………. Thick blankets and some
flasks of hot drinks, knowing that the men (8) ………… be cold and tired. As
dawn began to break over (9) ………… the East, a small point of light was
(10) …………. In the darkness of the water and a (11) ………….. minutes
later, (12) …………. Was a shout. Before long, the two boats (13) …………..
turning in past the lighthouse, to the inside of the harbor. The men (14)
…………. helped out of their boats, and although they were stiff (15) …………
cold and tiredness, they were all safe.

V. Use the words to make sentences.

Dear Sir

1. My wife / I / now / plan / holiday / next summer.

2. We / like / go / Italy / two weeks.
3. Holiday / begin / July 15th / we return / July 29th
4. My wife / dislike / travel / coach / we / wish / go / air.
5. We / expect / stay / hotel / east coast.
6. We / grateful / you / send / information / details / charges.
7. I / trust / you / able / help / arrangements.
Yours sincerely,
E. Smith

VI. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means
the same as the one printed before it.

1. Then she asked “Who was the first president of the United States?”
She asked the student …………………………………………………………
2. The teacher asked “Do you understand my question?”
She asked the student ……………………………………………..
3. Then she said, “I didn’t tell you to go!”
She told the student …………………………………………….
4. The students answered, “I thought you asked the next student.”
The student answered ……………………………………………..
5. When John arrived home, he told his mother his decision.
Arriving ………………………………………..
6. After John had watched the garbage collectors on his street, he decided he
wanted to become one, too.
Watching ………………………………………….

Describe a day spent by the river or bi the sea.


1. d 5. d 9. a 13. b 17. a

2. a 6. d 10. b 14. c 18. a

3. b 7. c 11. a 15. d 19. c

4. c 8. b 12. a 16. c 20. d


1. d 2. d 3. d 4. a 5. d


1. c 3. c 5. c 7.a 9.c
2. b 3. b 6. c 8. d 10. c


1. had 6. The 11. Flew

2. which / that 7. Brought 12. There
3. at / by 8. Would 13. Were
4. and 9. In 14. Were
5. reached 10. Seen 15. With / from


1. My wife and I are now planning a holiday for next summer.

2. We’d like to go to Italy for two weeks.

3. Our holiday will begin on July 15th and we’ll return on July 29th.

4. My wife dislikes travelling by coach, so we wish to go by air.

5. We expect to stay at a hotel on the east coast

6. We’d be graterful if you sent us information with details of charges.

7. I trust you be able to help in these arrangements.


1. She asked the student who the first president of the United States was.
2. She asked the student if he understood her question.
3. She told the student that she hadn’t told him to go.
4. The student answered that he had thought the teacher had asked the next
5. Arriving home, John told his mother his decision.
6. Watching the garbage collectors on his street, he decided he wanted to
become one, too.


Describe a day spent by the river or bi the sea.

Summer comes together with its extreme heat and nobody can resist the
temptation to spend their holiday at the seaside.

Last week, in older to escape from the suffocating atmosphere of a

crowded city, my friends and I decided to go to Vung Tau beach. When we got to
the seaside, the beach had already been crammed with holiday makers. They
were either sunbathing on the beach for a short tie, we all took off our clothes
and let ourselves drift along on the waves.

Swimming brought us a good appetite. We enjoyed some sea foods and

then took a quick nap after lunch

In the afternoon we strolled along the beach, inhaling in rapture the fresh
sea air and took lots of photographs.
A holiday at the seaside helped us get rid of all worries and trouble and
gave us health and enthusiasm to resume work again.

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