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B. Rivera St. Tinajeros, Malabon City



NAME: _______________________________ GRADE & SECTION:_________________

SUBJECT: SCIENCE 8 TEACHER: _________________________

- Explain how earthquake waves provide information about the interior of the earth (S8ES-IIc17)
- Explain how landmasses and bodies of water affect typhoons (S8ES-IIe20)
- Trace the path of typhoons that enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) using a map and tracking data

I. Multiple choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in CAPITAL LETTER on the space

_____1. What type of wave travels in solid, liquid and gas materials of the Earth’s layer?
A. Primary wave C. Love wave
B. Secondary Wave D. Surface wave
_____2. Which sequence correctly lists the different arrivals of wave from first to last?
A. P-waves, S-waves, Surface waves B. Surface waves, P waves, S waves
C. P-waves, Surface waves, S waves D. S-waves, P waves, Surface waves
_____3. Which is/are NOT TRUE about seismic wave?
I. Seismic cannot travel through earth’s interior.
II. Seismic wave can travel in the earth’s surface.
III. The layers of the earth can be determined by water wave.
IV. Seismic can travel either along or near the earth’s surface.
A. I B. I and III C. II, III and IV D. I, II, III and IV
_____4. Which idea supports that P- wave travels faster than S-wave? Primary wave…
A. reaches a detector first after an earthquake.
B. travels uniformly in solid materials after an earthquake.
C. provides information to seismologist that outer core of the earth is liquid.
D. moves through different medium before and the occurrence of earthquake.
_____5. Why does time difference for the arrival of P and S waves at a seismograph important to
scientists? Because it tells…
A. the magnitude of the earthquake.
B. how far from the seismograph the epicenter is.
C. how far deep in the earth the origin of the focus is.
D. the movement and destruction of the occurrence of the earthquake.
_____6. Which of the following does NOT explain why Philippines is prone to typhoons? Because the Philippines is?
A. geographically located along the region of the equator
B. located in the lower part or southern part of the equator
C. surrounded by biggest ocean in the world, the Pacific Ocean
D. All of the above
_____7. How will you describe the weather in the eye of a typhoon?
A. calm B. intense C. sunny D. violent and windy
_____8. Which is correctly matched?
A. Eye: light wind; Eyewall: moderate wind
B. Eye: center ; Eyewall: outermost
C. Eye: calm ; Eyewall: devastating
D. Eye: devastating; Eyewall: calm
_____9. All are beneficial effect of typhoon in an area except for one. Which is an exception?
A. improved irrigation
B. brought abundant rain to dry areas
C. normalize the supply/ level of water in a dam.
D. make the sea level rise and cause sea water to flow backward toward land in coastal areas.

_____10. Which we should NOT be done if your area is within the eye of a typhoon?
A. Stay indoors.
B. Move to a safe place.
C. Immediately repair your electrical wirings.
D. Remain calm and keep yourself updated with the news.
_____11. Where do meteorologist plot the atmospheric conditions of an area, and revise several times
a day to note the changes and location of a typhoon?
A. Satellite C. Video forecast
B. Weather map D. iCloud program
_____12. How is the latitude being compared to longitude?
I. Latitude is parallel to the equator while Longitude is along with the prime meridian.
II. Longitude is parallel to the equator while, Latitude is along with the prime meridian
III. Latitude is the horizontal imaginary line Longitude is the vertical imaginary line on the surface of the earth.
IV. Latitude is the vertical imaginary line while Longitude is the horizontal imaginary line on the surface of the
A. I and II B. II and III C. I and III D. II and IV
_____13. What does PAR stands for?
A. Philippine Are Ready B. Philippine Area of Responsibility
C. Philippines Area of Responsibility D. Philippines Are you Ready Kids?
_____14. Aside from Rainfall Warning System, what does PAGASA use to warn people about the
approaching weather disturbance?
A. Public Typhoon Storm Signal C. Public Monitoring Storm Signal
B. Public Storm Warning Signal D. Public Monitoring Typhoon Signal
_____15. What will happen if PAGASA failed to monitor the weather disturbances entering the PAR?
A. Our safety will be at risk.
B. There would be more damage to infrastructures and livestock.
C. There will be an increase in the number of injured people or even deaths.
D. All of the above
_____16. Which agency takes charge of giving information about incoming typhoon?
A. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
B. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS)
C. National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC)
D. Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services
Administration (PAGASA)
_____17. Which statement tells about storm surge?
A. It is a rise in sea level due to global warming.
B. It is an abnormal rise of sea water due to tropical cyclone that occurs along the coast.
C. It is the rising of the sea level due to the friction between surface water and wind.
D. It is a destructive wave due to underwater earthquake that occurs along the sea coast.
_____18. Which statement does NOT describe the windward side of a mountain?
A. It has abundant life forms
B. It receives a lot of precipitation.
C. It has lots of vegetation due to abundance of precipitation.
D. It has less vegetation because the moist in the air is accumulated in the leeward side.
_____19. Which statement is INCORRECT about the importance of tracking the
pathway of typhoon?
A. People will know how strong or weak a typhoon is.
B. People may know the accurate time and date of the arrival of a typhoon.
C. Residents in the affected area will be prepared for the coming of typhoon.
D. Each family will have enough time to spend for a family bonding before the typhoon arrives.
_____20. What would be the consequence of an incorrect prediction of typhoon?
A. There is no direct effect if the tracking is incorrect.
B. The forecast for the typhoon’s intensity and direction would also be incorrect.
C. People would have no time to prepare for the danger that the typhoon would bring.
D. There would be a massive destruction of properties and lives of the people in the affected area.

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