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Institute of Business & Information Technology

University of the Punjab

Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Lahore

Fall Term 2022

Title: Assignment 1 Subject: Data Communication & Computer Networks
Instructor: Muhammad Yasin Nasir Sub. Date: 24-10-2022
Books: Data Communication and Networking by Forouzan 4th ed.
Syllabus: Chapter 19 Weightage: 2.5 % (approx.)
Roll No: Name:

01. Questions are SELF EXPLANATORY. Understanding the Question is part of Solution.
02. Error in Question will be advantageous to Student.
03. Read the Questions carefully before attempting.
04. Attempt All Questions in a Precise Fashion.
05. Manage Your Time. Therefore, there will be no extension in the deadline.
06. Plagiarism may lead to F grade, so be honest.

Submission Method:
01. Take printout the given pdf file. Use A4/Letter size page.
02. Assignment solved on any other paper will not be marked.
03. Attempt the questions on the given space.
04. Submit the assignment during the first half hour of the lecture on submission day.

01. Your roll number is going to be used in the assignment. So carefully follow the instructions.
02. Select last three digits of your roll number. e.g. 162 in 𝐹20𝐵𝐵162. Say 𝑥 = (162)10 .
𝑥 = _____________
03. Calculate 𝑦 as 𝑦 = (𝑥 ∗ 3) 𝑚𝑜𝑑 255.
𝑦 = _____________
04. Pick last two digits of your roll number. e.g. 62 in 𝐹20𝐵𝐵062. Say 𝑛 = (62)16 .
𝑛 = _____________
05. Choose last digit of your roll number. E.g. 2 in 𝐹20𝐵𝐵062. Say 𝑚 = ((2)10 𝑚𝑜𝑑 5) + 2).
06. Calculate 𝑝 = 28 − 2𝑚−2 − 2. (𝑝)10 = _____________
Convert p to hexadecimal as well. (𝑝)16 = _____________
07. Calculate 𝑞 = 28 − 2𝑚 − 2. (𝑞)10 = _____________
Convert q to hexadecimal as well. (𝑞)16 = _____________

© Yasin Nasir
Question No 01. 15
What is Network address and class for the following IP addresses?
No IP Address Subnet Mask Network Address Class
1. 𝑥.45.𝑥.156 255.255. (𝑝)10.0
2. 234.𝑦.24.36 255. (𝑝)10 .0.0
3. 𝑦.229.(𝑞)10 .197 255.255.255. (𝑞)10

© Yasin Nasir
Question No 02. 20
What is the total number of Networks/Hosts for the following subnet mask?
No Subnet Mask Class No. of subnets No .of Hosts
1 FF. (𝑝)16.00.00 A
2 FF.FF. (𝑝)16 .00 A
3 FF.FF. (𝑞) 16 .00 B
4 FF. FF.FF. (𝑞)16 C

© Yasin Nasir
Question No 03. 20
If the subnet masks were changed from X to Y, how many subnets would be added or removed?
No. class X Y Subnets Hosts
1 A FF.FF. (𝑞)16 .00 FF.D0.00.00
2 B FF.FF.FF.(𝑝)16 FF.FF.DF.00
3 C FF.FF. (𝑝)16 .00 FF.FF.FB.00
4 B FF.FF.00.(𝑞)16 FF.FF.EB.00

© Yasin Nasir
Question No 04. 20
Find the Mask that create give number of subnets in relevant class.
Class X Subnet mask for X subnet Subnet mask for Hosts
A 115*𝑦
B 550*m
C 5*𝑝
B 12*𝑥

Finish Line
Nothing beyond this line will be evaluated

© Yasin Nasir

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