Neuromarketing Exm

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Caroline Dutra Cuypers

TBS Barcelona – Neuromarketing Exam


Case 1

1. The psychographic target market for this case is based on people that have a high
interest on mathematics and statistics and value a more “astute” and innovative type of
marketing. These people are drawn by the analytical and knowledgeable side of the ad:
mental and intellectual stimulations help them in the decision making. This can be the
type of people that spend more time in indoors activities and hobbies (reading,
studying, analyzing) and like to be more knowledgeable.

2. The promotion presented in the ad is directly targeting people with this psychological
profile since April (when the ad was presented) is the Mathematics and Statistics
Month, thus by targeting this segment in that month their sales will increase. They do
that by applying a different way of marketing: they are using the mathematical interests
of their audience in their advantage “Can you solve this?” and using mathematical
elements in the ad “How much does it cost?”. People with a high interest in
mathematics and logic solutions will be drawn to this ad and to solving the
mathematical problem: to do so they need to apply a coupon when purchasing the
subscription of the magazine. This also helps the low energy expenditure to have an
effortless and guided decision: the coupon will solve the mathematical problem for you,
thus simplifying the interaction to the ad and the purchase.

Case 2

1. The psychographic target market for this case is people that frequent nightclubs
(clubbers), like to party and to have fun in a nightclub. Most of the Pacha’s audience are
sociable and outgoing people: they enjoy and gain energy by spending time with others.

2. The main emotion is Excitement, this ad can trigger the thrill and the enthusiasm of the
audience as it is a product extension of one of the world’s most famous club. The Pacha
go-to type of people will be excited to be part of the discotheque’s lifestyle and
personality: they feel as a part of the brand and the community.
When the target audience goes to a Pacha club, they are looking for something and they
feel excitement only about thinking about getting that something in the club, they
aspire to have fun, meet new people, and socialize. They expect to meet alikes (people
with the same attitude, the same lifestyle, and the same aspirations) and they “use”
Pacha clubs to do so: therefore, Pacha has turned out to be a lifestyle brand. They used
their brand extension (the parfum) and their brand’s lifestyle to become it. The
audience seek to go to Pacha clubs and use Pacha products to feel part of something
and to reaffirm their self-image and to validate themselves.
The goal of this ad is to directly talk with the prospective audience of this product “I am the
night” of Pacha. The salience of this ad is extremely important, since our audience is a
young and lively audience, they will appreciate an ad that brings out excitement and thrill.

“ISSALIFESTYLE” is the slogan for this By using such a different and catchy slogan,
product. Pacha will be marketing their product is a
trendy and “cool” way, which is exactly
what the target audience of Pacha expects:
an ad that directly talk to them, in their
own terms and in their own language
(slangs used by young people). When
written correctly, “ISSALIFESTYLE” becomes
“It’s a lifestyle”: the slogan is used to
ensure that the buyer of this product will
be buying the product due to its brand,
Pacha, and to aspire to be not only part of
the brand personality but also the brand
lifestyle. This phrase could also be used as a
#hashtag for the audience: making it trendy
to use and giving the product a strong
social media base - which is where most of
the Pacha customers are. The hashtag
could become viral and get people talking
more about not only the product but the
brand itself: a crafted message

“I am the night”: the name of the product is This will allow the audience to associate the
presented in the ad as the main element name of the product with the brand. The
name of the product is memorable and
goes well with the purpose of bringing the
lifestyle of Pacha to the customer. This
phrase also helps the audience believe that
there is a community that buy from Pacha
products and this triggers their extrovert
side of each of them.
“We are the night and by buying this you
will become the night as much as us”
Purple and pink as the colors chosen The choice of colors in the ad was made
on purpose, following the
Neuromarketing view of colors: purple
is seen as a color for seduction, luxury,
passion, and wealth. The purple color is
also used a lot in parfum’s ads, as it
presents itself as an elegant and
mysterious color. It also draws mostly
the attention of woman: this could be
seen as positive since it is known that
clubs and discotheques are always
trying to draw the feminine audience to
the clubs because most of their male
audience goes to clubs looking for the
female presence.

Explosion of colors The element of explosion of colors (pink

+ purple) also gives the excitement and
intensity to the audience, this element
draws consumers’ attention involuntary
by presenting a salient stimulus. This
will help the ad to stick to the
customers’ minds (be distinctive and
distinguished) and to draw their
attention involuntarily.
The Pacha cherry: the brand logo The cherry on the ad is used so that the
audience knows that the products is an
extension of the Pacha brand (brand
familiarity): the Pacha’s cherry is the
brand’s logo and those who frequented
Pacha or heard about it will be able to
recognize it.

“By Pacha” The phrase “By Pacha” is also used for

an easier recognition and to assert that
this product is part of the brand. This
will ensure that the customer knows
that by buying this they are buying the
brand and their beliefs and attitude.
This phrase is the symbol that triggers
the whole association to Pacha and
what it represents.

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