Google Docs Activity 1

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Google Docs

Google Docs Activity 1 Activity 1

Activity Overview:
Everyone knows that fast and efficient typists rarely let their
fingers leave the keyboard. Having to lift your hand to find the
mouse, then point and click at an icon, only slows down typing
speed. Becoming efficient at using command key shortcuts will New Skills:
not only save time but will increase your knowledge of the power 1. Use command
of your word processor. In this activity, you will practice using keys for
shortcuts for common editing tasks in Google Docs. Access a list commonly used
of shortcuts here: editing tasks.

Follow directions in the order in which they are given.

1. Open a NEW document in Google Doc.

2. Insert a header that includes your class hour (example: 3rd Hour) to the

left and your name on the right. ______ 1 point

3. Starting on the first line of the document, type responses to the
statements provided below. Type one answer per line. Only type your
answers. Allow Google Docs to number your answers.

a. Your first and last name ______ 1 point

b. The name of your school ______ 1 point
c. Your parent(s) or guardian(s) name(s) ______ 1 point

d. Your birth date ______ 1 point
e. The college you might consider attending ______ 1 point

f. The career path you might take ______ 1 point
g. The kind of car you would like to own someday ______ 1 point

**Go to next page

h. Your best friend’s name ______ 1 point

i. Your parent(s) or guardian(s) occupation ______ 1 point
j. One sentence explaining why you have chosen the career you chose for

# 6 ______ 1 point
4. Carefully proofread the document for spelling, grammar, and accuracy
5. Save the document as Google Docs Activity 1 (it should already be named
correctly if you opened a Doc from inside the assignment in Classroom.)
______ 1 point
6. Select the appropriate text and make the following changes using shortcut keys
a. Italicize your name. ______ 1 point
b. Bold the name of your school. ______ 1 point
c. Underline your parent(s) or guardian(s) name(s). ______ 1 point
d. Italicize, bold, and underline your birth date. ______ 1 point
e. Increase the font size by 2 points of the college you might attend.
______ 1 point
f. Decrease the font size by 2 points of your possible career choice.
______ 1 point
g. Center align your choice of car you might like to purchase. ______ 1 point
h. Right align your best friend’s name. Change the font to Impact. ______ 1
i. Copy your parent(s) or guardian(s) occupation and paste it under their
name(s) center aligned. ______ 1 point
j. Cut the sentence explaining your career choice and paste it under your
possible career path. ______ 1 point
7. Turn in to Classroom. ______ 1 point

____________/22 = ___________ %

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