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Francisca Maldonado, The Creativity Industry of Chanel

The Creativity Industry of Chanel

Chanel S.A., commonly known as Chanel, is a French haute couture company created by

Gabrielle Chanel in 1910. The brand specializes in designing and making luxury items,

bags, perfumes, cosmetics, among others.

It all started when Coco, as Gabrielle called herself, opened a hat shop with the name of

Chanel Modes, it was with this that she began to gain fame because French actresses

wanted to show off her creations. In 1912, Coco opened her first clothing boutique and it

was not until 1913 that she revolutionized fashion by creating a line of sportswear with

materials that were only worn by men in underwear in that time.

Coco's new approach revolutionized all the fashion of the moment, "more than an inventor

of forms, she is the first great stylist and representative of a new lifestyle." (Arguelles,

2007, p.126).

Currently, Chanel has stores around the world in the most exclusive shopping centers and

annually performs its fashion shows in the most important capitals.

Acording the Department for Culture, Media and Sport from London (1998) “creative

industries are those industries which have their origin in individual creativity, skill and talent

and which have a potential for wealth and job creation through the generation and

exploitation of economic property.” The Chanel brand fits perfectly with this definition, as it

created a new way of understanding fashion, it marked a turning point for society,

especially for women. Coco's fanaticism for the masculine and finding a functional style for

women marked her career and that of her company.

In addition, the brand over the years has created products that characterize it, such as its

famous Chanel N°5 perfume and the classic 2.55 bag with the initial CC characteristics.

As a company they seek to be significant, intentional and concerned with inspiring. They

seek to foster an environment that promotes collaboration and well-being among people,
Francisca Maldonado, The Creativity Industry of Chanel

since they believe that everyone should be supported in the development of their careers

and talents.

Chanel's vision is to be the best luxury house, which defines styles and creates desires,

now and forever. According to Marketing91 (2020) “Chanel is a premium French fashion

label that is recognized in the international market as a brand that specializes in

fashionable accessories, luxury goods and expensive ready-to-wear clothes. It caters to

the rich and famous elite class that can afford it easily.”

With this, its mission is to provide a professional service with the best treatment possible,

seeking to convey the best image to its clients through products and advice, making them

feel comfortable and elegant at any event and for any occasion. Its products cover clothes,

fragrances, handbags and watches.

Given the above, Chanel is located in the concentric circles model, located in the category

of design and fashion.

The industry seeks to hire employees based on their ability to meet and exceed

expectations, looking for someone who is not only technically skilled and well-educated,

but also enjoys challenges, seeks constant development, and has excellent interpersonal


This is why, as key creatives and support roles, Chanel values:

Discipline, be it punctuality, following a conscientiously drawn plan, setting goals and

fighting for them, separating the personal from the professional, having the conviction to

finish what was started without leaving it halfway, in this way to be able to successfully

complete a project.

Self-criticism, since we are all human beings and we can make mistakes, and from those

mistakes we can gain experience and knowledge.

Perseverance, since you do not have to give up on any project or have negative thoughts.
Francisca Maldonado, The Creativity Industry of Chanel

Responsibility, to contribute to the growth and harmony of the environment in which we

work and with the people we interact with.

Betting on the creative industry of design and fashion is not just seeking to make a

garment or phrase "fashionable" that we can easily repeat, but it must have substance and

go beyond window dressing.

The productive sector, as well as the commercial and design sectors, should be supported

in the same way, since they are all integral parts of the dynamics of a creative economy.

Fashion in France is much more than just catwalks, as it is an industry that moves a lot of

money. It is so much that "The fashion industry in France represents a turnover of 150,000

million euros per year and employs one million people. According to a study by the French

Fashion Institute, the sector is more profitable than others such as airplanes or cars."

(Palau, 2017). Therefore, the creative fashion industry such as Chanel represents an

important part of the economic contribution to France, specifically the GDP.

Finally, Chanel's strength is that it is not a brand focused on following the rhythm, but

rather one that remains classic without being affected by time. With this, it has managed to

be a leader in its segment and to be highly established throughout the world.

As weaknesses we can find the limited participation of the brand due to competition from

other luxury brands and we have the constant threat of counterfeits and price wars.
Francisca Maldonado, The Creativity Industry of Chanel

Bibliographic references:

Aída Palau. (2017). Francia, una industria de la moda muy rentable. april 8, 2022, de rfi

Web site: https://www.rfi.fr/es/francia/20170126-francia-una-industria-de-la-moda-muy-


DCMS, 1998. Creative Industries Mapping Document. London: Department for Culture,

Media and Sport.

Hitesh Bhasin. (2020). Marketing mix of Chanel. april 8, 2022, de Marketing91 Web site:


Isabel Vaquero Argüelles. (2007). El reinado de la Alta Costura: la moda de la primera

mitad del siglo XX. Revista del Museo del Traje, 0, 126-127.
Francisca Maldonado, The Creativity Industry of Chanel

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