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Traysikad Association

 Enables senior pedicab drivers to earn more and receive additional assistance for their
 Maintain peace and a safe environment for drivers and the local neighborhood.
 Ensures their safety and minimum wage rights

1. Local Pedicab drivers in the Philippines, (age range 7 to 60).
Action Plan:
1. Establish humanitarian reform focal points within the organization, which will train key staff
on the main principles and mechanisms.
2. To avoid overlapping and messy management, elect personnel to handle various
departments. Budgets, promotions, activities and programs, staff management, and so on.
3. Monitor and oversee the strict implementation of budget transparency per department from
donations, grants, and membership dues for funding.
4. Analyze the current situation per barangay to determine what needs to be improved,
provided, or changed.
- Ensure that unfair or biased treatment of pedicab drivers is avoided.
5. Provide the pieces of equipment such as:

 Driver’s shed (like an umbrella)

 Boots (during the rainy season to avoid diseases such as leptospirosis)
 Raincoat
 Tarapal (for passengers during rainy seasons)
 Cap (can be used for extreme sunlight exposure)
6. Establish good communication so that they can provide feedback and concerns through an
assembly of all pedicab drivers per barangay.

Reasons for creating the NGO

1. The primary goal is to assist pedicab drivers who work tirelessly to provide commuter
transportation.  Many of the aforementioned drivers rely solely on this to provide basic
necessities for their families and even for their children's education.
2. During the pandemic, many land transportation groups and organizations in the
Philippines have voiced concerns about the low wages of drivers and have been fighting
for their rights to a minimum wage and increased transportation fees. Pedicab drivers,
on the other hand, must be recognized because they work tirelessly regardless of their
well-being. They are distinct from other drivers in that they do not use gas. Nonetheless,
their patience and perseverance are commendable.
3. If I do the math in our province, the minimum income for a pedicab driver for a day will
be P100 because the fair is P10, and he/she will be able to drop off 10 people that day. It
also depends on whether there are two people inside the cab, in which case the fare is
P20. Nonetheless, earnings remained low. I've been observing them a lot over the last
two years because I noticed some senior citizens are still working, which is
heartbreaking but admirable to me. The sad part is that when it rains, some people don't
have an umbrella or a driver's shed, probably because they don't prioritize it and
instead use the money to buy food for their family.

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