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I. Vocabulary:

Nursery school Preschool
Primary school Elementary school
Secondary school High school
State funded school Public school
Private school Private school
College = Further education.
Higher education = university education
Post – graduate school: sau đại học
Distance learning course: khóa học đào tạo từ xa
Comprehensive education: giáo dục toàn diện.

II. Structures:

- How was school?

- Did you have fun at school?/ What was the best thing you did at school?
- Tell me the names of four kids who sat closest to you
- Was your teacher nice?
- Who did you enjoy talking with the most in your class?
- Did anyone have anything fun or interesting to talk about?
- How much is yearly tuition?
- What exactly does tuition include and not include?
- Are there any essentials not included in tuition? (eg: textbooks, uniforms, food,
field trips, extracurricular activities,…)
- How do students get to school? Are there buses (public or district provided)

III. Reading:

Ask students to draw a picture from the reading comprehension “ my new school” in
details and then describe about Carmen again. Talk to me anything you remembered
about Carmen or summarize.

IV. Listening:

Most say kids school like don’t they. They say their subjects are boring or there’s too
much homework. In fact, best is times one of of a the school person’s life. Think
about it. The hours are short – usually just six hours a day. You to opportunity the
have lots learn of really useful stuff. get You experiments science do to, learn play
and instrument musical a sports. On top of that, you get loads of holidays. Oh, I
nearly forgot, you also your with play and see to get friends five days a week. What is
there not to like? OK, school lunches are not bring world the but best you in can
the your own lunch. And yes, exams are stressful, but if you study, you’ll do well in
them. I’d to back school love go to. If I had another chance, I’d try my best in every
Most kids _____________________ school. They say their subjects
_____________________ too much homework. In fact, school is one of the best
times of a person’s life. Think about it. The hours are short – usually just six hours a
day. You _____________________ to learn lots of really useful stuff. You get to do
science experiments, learn a musical instrument and play sports. On top of that,
_____________________ holidays. Oh, I nearly forgot, you also
_____________________ play with your friends five days a week. What is there not
to like? OK, school lunches are not the best in the world but you
_____________________ lunch. And yes, exams are stressful, but if you study,
you’ll do well in them. I’d love to go back to school. If I _____________________,
I’d try my best _____________________.

V. Speaking:
1. Do you like school? Why/Why not?
2. What are your favorite school subjects?
3. Do you think students have too much stress? How can they relax more?
4. Are you a good student?
VI. Writing:
Make a conversation.
VII. Grammar:
Do: Kết hợp với các danh từ chỉ các hoạt động giải trí hoặc các môn thể thao trong nhà, thường
mang tính cá nhân, không mang tính ganh đua.
Play: Kết hợp với các danh từ chỉ môn thể thao liên quan đến trái bóng, hoặc cầu
Study: đứng trc các danh từ chỉ môn học, lĩnh vực, đề tài nghiên cứu.
Have: Trc các danh từ để diễn đạt ai đó sở hữu một cái gì đó.
1. ……… swimming.
2. ………table-tennis.
3. ………athletics
4. ………jogging
5. ………hiking.
6. ………judo.
7. ………surfing.
8. ………a crossword.
9. ………a game.
10. ………yoga.
Present simple and present continuous:
1. Andy sometimes …………… (to read) comics.
2. We never …………( to watch) TV in the morning.
3. Listen! Sandy ………… (to sing) in the bathroom.
4. My sister usually ………….. ( to help) in the kitchen.
5. My mother ………….. ( to make) breakfast now.
6. They often ………….. ( to clean ) the bathroom.
7. Look! The boys …………. (to come) home.
8. Every day his grandfather ……………… (to go) for a walk.
9. I …………….(to chat) with my friend at the moment.
10. Cats …………… (to eat) mice.

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