DEP Update Report Template Final

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1. What are you so proud about your District Education Plan (DEP), and the first month of its implementation? One thing that I m so proud about my DEP, fortunately was the positive response of the School Heads towards the aim and serious intention of the said DEP. Some of the School Heads give their commitment to adopt, implement the Disstrict Education Plan. 2. What can you claim as your most significant achievement/ accomplishment in the first month of implementing your DEP? Why? Well, the most significant achievement, accomplishment that i have considered was out of 11 Schools in Dumaran Island District there were 8 schools who are actively adopt, implement and willing to support to fulfill their commitment to achieve a highest result for this SY 2010-2011. For example: intensive review to achieve 75% NAT MPS by the end of SY 2010; continuous feeding program; apply all strategies to reduce the number of non-readers to independent; encouraged internal and external stakeholders to actively support the school program and projects; enhance leadership skills/ strategies; efficient classroom observation by the fullfledge administrator. 3. What concerns and issues have you encountered during the first month and how were you able to address/resolve these? Who helped you and what do you think were the helping factors that helped you resolve these concerns? One of the issue is that I have encountered during the first month is all about financial problem, because at that time some of the schools in the District have not yet receive their MOOE. So, it s difficult for them to comply the required programs and projects stated in the DEP. But to

address/resolve these problems I ve consulted it to our OIC District Supervisor in the person of Mr. Daniel T. Belleza. So, according to him the only solutions to our financial problem is the Local School Board. We have still enough funds for it. Wow! Some of us smile, answered prayer really God is good all the time. 4. If these concerns still prevail and remain unresolved, how do you plan to resolve them? I am very much thankful for the Lord because He easily answered our prayer. He never leave us nor forsake us in times of trouble. 5. Given the scope of your DEP and given your experience during the first month of your DEP implementation, what other competency areas do you need to develop and/ or further enhance to enable you to effectively carry out your plan? The competencies that I need to develop and effectively carry out my plan are: I need more patience to pursue our programs and projects, further training on effective leadership. 6. What important lessons did you learn from your one month experience in implementing your DEP? Think positively and always claim the promise of God that in time of hardship, difficulties or even tremendous trials. He assured us He will never leave us nor forsake us; He is always there to help us. 7. What mechanisms will you employ to sustain the implementation of your DEP and achieve the targets that you have set for your District in one year s time? Always keep in touch with the OIC District Supervisor and School Heads about the Implementation of DEP. And be ready to respond if there is a problem arising or willing to sacrifice financially, materially for the sake of achieving the targets.

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