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Systems Analysis and Design

Laboratory Activity Compilation

ACTIVITY 3: Chapter 2 Business Case


New Century Health Clinic offers preventive medicine and traditional medical
care. In your role as an IT consultant, you will help New Century develop a new
information system. Background New Century Health Clinic’s office manager,
Anita Davenport, recently asked permission to hire an additional office clerk
because she feels the current staff can no longer handle the growing workload.
The associates discussed Anita’s request during a recent meeting. They were
not surprised that the office staff was feeling overwhelmed by the constantly
growing workload. Because the clinic was busier and more profitable than ever,
they all agreed that New Century could afford to hire another office worker. Dr.
Jones then came up with another idea. He suggested that they investigate the
possibility of computerizing New Century’s office systems. Dr. Jones said that a
computerized system could keep track of patients, appointments, charges, and
insurance claim processing and reduce paperwork. All the associates were
enthusiastic about the possibilities and voted to follow up on the suggestion. Dr.
Jones agreed to direct the project. Because no member of the staff had computer
experience, Dr. Jones decided to hire a consultant to study the current office
systems and recommend a course of action. Several friends recommended you
as a person who has considerable experience with computerized business


1. Dr. Jones has arranged an introductory meeting between the associates of

New Century Health Clinic and you to determine if mutual interest exists in
pursuing the project. What should the associates try to learn about you? What
should you try to learn in this meeting?
Systems Analysis and Design
Laboratory Activity Compilation

- In this introductory meeting, the associates should learn about my IT

consultant background and past projects. I will learn about the staff at New
Century Clinic, how they function, and what they anticipate from the
proposed project. I will strive to gain their trust and full cooperation in this
meeting since teamwork is crucial for the project to run effectively.

2. Does the proposed system present a strong business case? Why or why not?

- The proposed system has a compelling business case, because by using

this type of system, we can reduce the amount of paperwork and lighten the
workload of office clerks, who are responsible for scheduling appointments,
collecting payments, processing insurance claims, and processing
insurance claims. The system is a significant improvement for the New
Century Health Clinic since it would increase the patient record security,
allow for a reduction in personnel, and make the jobs of those in charge of
this task easier. We can also secure more funds by utilizing this system
since it reduces the workload of the staff members in charge of this task,
allowing us to eliminate the need for more staff members and instead hire
individuals with expertise in this particular technology and field.

3. For each type of feasibility, prepare at least two questions that will help you
reach a feasibility determination.

Operational Feasibility:
1. Will the new digital system would ease the current and future work
overload, due to company’s increasing market share?
2. Will the new digital system be user friendly as none of the member of
the staff has computer experience?

Technical Feasibility:
1. Will the company have the necessary hardware, software, and network
resources which supports the system that I’m going to built for the
Systems Analysis and Design
Laboratory Activity Compilation

business? If not, can those resources be acquired within the budget the
company is setting to separate for the re-engineering?
2. Will the system be able to handle future transaction volume and
company growth?

Economic Feasibility:
1. Does the projected benefits of the proposed system outweigh the
estimated costs usually considered the total cost of ownership (TCO)?
2. Does the budget provided by the company to build the new system to
make profit in long run be supported by the tangible and intangible benefits
the system would provide to the company?

Schedule Feasibility:
1. Can the project be completed within the timeframe the company wants
us to finish? If not, are they willing to increase the budget to finish it on that
particular time frame?
2. Will the project management techniques be available to coordinate and
control the project?

4. You begin the preliminary investigation. What information is needed? From

whom will you obtain it? What techniques will you use in your fact-finding?

In New Century Clinic, A Computerized System was proposed to keep track of

patients, appointments, charges, and insurance claim processing and reduce
paperwork. For fact-finding we need to conduct interviews to get to know about
the organizational structure of New Century Clinic. Information about the staffs,
their responsibilities, experience and the problems they encounter around their
work should be questioned on the interview. conducting an observation is also
necessary so we can analyze and understand how the staff carries their tasks.
Conducting a survey can also be optional for fact-finding to gain information due
to its less time consuming nature.

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