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Psychological conditions of

individual's adaptation in


Introduction Conlusion

Main Part
1. Scholars' views on References
2. Organisational management
3. Conditions of professional
and psychological
adaptation of the personality
The relevance of the study is explained, first of all, by
the fact that the period of psychological adaptation,
when new employees enter the life of the
organization, is individual for each person and
depends on many reasons. For any organization, it is
economically beneficial for employees to quickly
adapt to their workplaces.

In other words, the issue of mastering a profession by

a person has its own absolute and relative "price".
This is a question of how long vocational training will
continue until the subject has the necessary qualities
to successfully fulfill the requirements of work
The object of research is the process of
adaptation of the individual in the working
organization under psychological conditions.
The subject of research is psychological
conditions for the adaptation of the
individual in the organization.
The aim of this study is to obtain positive
emotional reinforcement of the process and
results of activities to restore the internal and
external balance of power, balance,
harmonize interactions in the working
The theoretical and methodological basis of the study
consists of:
works on personality adaptation (Berezin I.S., Andreeva
G.M., B.F. Larionova);
system-activity approach in the study of personality
and its socialization process (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev,
A.G. Asmolov, D.A. Leontiev);
integral approach to the study of adaptation (A.N.
Zhmyrikov, A.A. Rean);
personnel adaptation (B.L. Eremin, I. Brain, K. Becker, T.Y.
Bazarov, N.A. Volodina);
studies of organization human resource management
(V.R. Vesnin, A.Y. Kibanov, T.Y. Bazarova, B.L. Eremin).
Ж. Piaget described two
main adaptation
mechanisms that
contribute to human
adaptation to the
assimilation and
From the homeostatic balancing
concept, another classic concept
emerged in 1936 - the concept of
the general adaptation syndrome
by G. Sellier. According to this
concept, under the influence of
certain stressors, so-called
adaptation reactions take place
in the whole organism, which
develop into an adaptation
syndrome of a staged nature.
G. Selye identified three stages of stress.

1 The stage of anxiety (mobilisation of defence forces).

Stage of resistance (stabilization - increasing the

2 body's resistance to adverse effects).

3 Stage of exhaustion.

1. Definitions that 2. Definitions in which 3. Polysemantic

interpret adaptation as adaptation is definitions that
an adaptation to the understood through
emphasise the multi-
environment, i.e. the expression of a key
adaptation is the aspect of the structural
and functional
process and result of nature of the
organisation of the
the adjustment of the phenomenon of
individual. These key
structure and functions adaptation itself and,
aspects are
of an organism above all, the
distinguished at the
(individuals, following levels: separation of
populations, species, - biochemical; adaptation as a
individuals) to - morphological; process and
environmental - physiological; adaptation as an
conditions. - behavioural. outcome.
It is a system of managerial actions, techniques
Organizational and procedures aimed at implementing the
functions of an organization, as well as the
theory and practice of management based on
solving organizational problems.
The elements of
management include:

1. Design, create and improve the structure

2. Clear delineation of functions.

3. Distribution of organizational tasks, duties,

rights and responsibilities of departments
and performers
4. Establish relationships between elements
5. Strict observance of the established rules of organizational behavior.
6. Making managerial decisions.
The organizational
management structure (OMS)
is a set of stable interrelated elements that
ensure the functioning and development of the
organization as a whole.
aimed at solving the set tasks.

Concepts of OMS:
the second concept is connections and
levels and powers.
OMS must adhere to the
following principles:
a combination of centralized
leadership with broad
controllability; adaptation;
independence and initiative of
the team;

compliance of the subject

systems approach; professional and legal
and object of
Professional and
adaptation of
Psychological adaptation is a multi-level and
diverse phenomenon that affects both the
individual characteristics of a person (his psyche),
and all aspects of his being (the social
environment of his immediate life), and various
types of activities (primarily professional), in which
he is directly included.
Adaptation begins at the
university or first

Psychological adaptation of the individual in the working

organization can be considered from three sides. Adaptation to
the working organization begins with the walls of the university. psychology of
Because young professionals have a lot of expectations about management
jobs and conditions in them. And higher education institutions
should work to reduce or eliminate false expectations from
professionals. Give maximum direction and prepare for real
The second

The second condition for adaptation is the person himself.

When a person starts working in an organization, he must
have the ability of self-regulation, self-control and
Psychology of management
motivation. And also he must have adequate self-esteem and
the ability to social interaction. Without such qualities of the
employee himself, the management of the company cannot
encourage the staff to certain obligations. That is, it implies
the psychology of managing oneself, one's actions and
Psychology of Organization

Organization is a targeted pool of resources.

Organizations created by a person (people) are
characterized by the presence of a person as an
active resource. Man-made organizations are
characterized by the presence of management and
planning functions. It should be noted that an
organization that is part of a larger organization is a
resource for the latter.
The third condition for
the adaptation of
The third condition for the adaptation of personnel in a working
organization is the managerial part of the company. This
especially starts with the selection of personnel in the company,
when HR managers will be able to notice the adaptability of the
candidate for the job. Further, when he enters the internal
process of work, then managers must further help new
personnel adapt to new circumstances, explain, support,
motivate even more, show understanding, develop. The same
attitude should be on the part of the team until the new
employee has adapted to the new conditions.

1. Revskaya N.E. Psychology of management: lecture notes. - St. Petersburg:

Alfa, 2001. - . 240 p.)
2. Morozov A.V. Management psychology: textbook. - 3rd ed. - M.: Academic
project, 2006. - 288 p.
3. Stolyarenko L.D. Psychology of business communication and management:
textbook - Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2005. - 416 p.
4. Scientific explanatory dictionary of terms of the Kazakh language /
Collective of authors. Pedagogy and psychology. - Almaty: Mektep, 2002.
5. L.D. Stolyarenko, S.I. Samygin. - Rostov n / D., 1998.
6. Andreeva G.M. Social psychology: a textbook for higher educational
institutions. – 5th ed. Spanish and additional - M.: Aspect Press, 2002. - 364
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