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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division of Quezon City


2nd Quarter-Week 1-Day 4
Date: _________________________________ Day: _______________________________
Section: ______________________________ Time:_______________________________

I. Objectives:
1. Identify the parts of the ears.
2. Describe its parts and functions.
3. Identify the proper ways of caring the ears.

II. Subject Matter:

The Ears
Reference: DBOW, MELC (S3LT-IIab-1) TG pages 53-55
Materials: big poster of the parts of the ear
Integration: MAPEH (Arts and Health)

III. Procedure:
1. Elicit
Ask the following:
 Why do we need to take care of our ears?

2. Engage
 Never put anything inside the ear
 Wear earmuffs to protect the ears from cold
 Avoid very noisy places.
 Listen to not too loud music, even watching television.
 Consult a doctor when suffering from sudden hearing loss.

3. Explore
 Let the pupils stand and get a partner and say:
Look at the ears of your partner. Draw the parts that you see.
 Give ten minutes to do it.
 Let them compare their drawing with their partner and ask:
What to do you want to know about your ears?

4. Explain:
 Let the students do their activity.
 Let the student present their drawing.
 Process their responses to correct misconceptions if there are any and to arrive at the
correct ideas/concepts.

5. Elaborate
What are the parts of your ears?

The parts of the ears:

 Pinna - is the visible portion of the outer ear. It collects sound waves and channels them into the
ear canal (external auditory meatus), where the sound is amplified. The sound waves then travel
toward a flexible, oval membrane at the end of the ear canal called the eardrum, or tympanic
 Anvil – Hammer – Stirrup
The middle ear contains three tiny bones:
Hammer – attached to the eardrum.
Anvil – in the middle of the chain of bones.
Stirrup – attached to the membrane-covered that connect the middle ear with the inner ear.
 Ear Canal - The ear canal functions as an entryway for sound waves, which get propelled
toward the tympanic membrane, known as the eardrum.
 Ear Drum - Your eardrum is a really important part of your ear. Sound waves travel through the
ear canal to reach the eardrum. The eardrum is a thin flap of skin that is stretched tight like a
drum and vibrates when sound hits it. These vibrations move the tiny bones of the middle ear,
which send vibrations to the inner ear.
 Auditory Nerve - Auditory nervous system: The auditory nerve runs from the cochlea to a
station in the brainstem (known as nucleus). From that station, neural impulses travel to the brain
– specifically the temporal lobe where sound is attached meaning and we HEAR.
 Cochlea - The cochlea is a hollow, spiral-shaped bone found in the inner ear that plays a key role
in the sense of hearing and participates in the process of auditory transduction. Sound waves are
transduced into electrical impulses that the brain can interpret as individual frequencies of sound.

6. Evaluate
Put check (/) if it shows a proper way of caring the ears and put a cross mak (x) if it is not.
_____1. Avoid noisy places.
_____2. Consult a doctor when there is an ear problem.
_____3. Clean the ears with cotton buds.
_____4. Turn the volume high when listening to the music.
_____5. Use earphones when in a place with loud sounds.

7. Extend
Why are the ears are important?

Inihanda ni:
Guro sa Ikatlong Baitang             Iniwasto ni:
                    GNG. EVELYN N. DIAZ
                      Gurong Tagapayo /MT-II

                                             GNG. BIBIANA D. CONCEPCION

                    Gurong Tagapayo/MT-I

Principal IV

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