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King Talal Faculty of Business Technology

Department of Business Information Technology

All Ways Events

Laila Malas (20150042)
Rasha Abu Eisheh (20150237)
Esraa Issa (20150040)

Dr. George Sammour

The graduation project was submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the Bachelor’s Degree in Business information Technology


This Graduation Project (All Ways Events) was successfully defended and approved
on Thursday 3rd January 2019

Examination Committee Signature

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Table of Content

COMMITTEE DECISION ............................................................................................................ i

ACKNOWLEGEMENT................................................................................................................ ii
Table of Figures: ............................................................................................................................ 2
Chapter 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4
Executive Summary: .............................................................................................................. 4
Statement of The Project: ..................................................................................................... 5
Project Significance ............................................................................................................... 6
Objectives................................................................................................................................ 7
Chapter 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Competitors Analysis ................................................................................................................. 8
Our Competitors .................................................................................................................... 9
Project Significance ............................................................................................................. 13
Chapter 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 14
Methodology ............................................................................................................................. 14
Methodology ......................................................................................................................... 14
Overview: .............................................................................................................................. 14
Subject selection & description........................................................................................... 19
Information collection & gathering: .................................................................................. 19
Feasibility Study ................................................................................................................... 29
Chapter 4 ...................................................................................................................................... 36
System Analysis and Design consideration ............................................................................ 36
The business process modeling: .......................................................................................... 36
Business Process Modeling Description: ............................................................................ 39
Data and Database Design: ................................................................................................. 42
The Entity Relationship Diagram : .................................................................................... 44
Business rules: ...................................................................................................................... 45
Chapter 5 ...................................................................................................................................... 46
System Design ........................................................................................................................... 46
System interface: .................................................................................................................. 46
References: ................................................................................................................................... 67

Table of Figures:

Figure 1: This Figure Explain the Testing Phases that at the end reach Client needs................... 17
Figure 3:Explain the result of the survey if the customers trust online payment .......................... 20
Figure 4:Explain the result of the survey if the customers recommend to use our website .......... 20
Figure 5:Here in this figure show the percentage of female and male customers ........................ 21
Figure 6:Here we ask the customer if he is willing to book an online event ................................ 21
Figure 7:Here we ask the customer if this idea will work in society ............................................ 22
Figure 8:This question Explain if we didn’t provide cash payment, he will cancel the booking or
not .................................................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 9: illustrates the percentage of our sample that would prefer using website VS call event
planner ........................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 10:illustrates the percentage of people who prefer emails Vs phone calls for confirmation
....................................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 11:This question shows if the customer would hesitate from booking process in our
website ........................................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 12:illustrates the percentage of event planner who prefer online reservation or not ......... 25
Figure 13:Here we ask event planner if they will engage more customers ................................... 25
Figure 14:In this figure we ask event planner if they being online, they will attract strategic
partners........................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 15:Illustrates if the event planner reservation and arrangements systematic .................... 26
Figure 16:Here we ask the event planner if this idea the society will accept it ............................ 27
Figure 17:In this question we ask the event planner if they decide to move online will the
reputation in the market will increase ............................................................................................ 27
Figure 18:In this figure show the percentage of event planner who always put plan B at certain
time ................................................................................................................................................ 28
Figure 19:illustrates the cost-benefit analysis of the website ....................................................... 30
Figure 20:illustrates the Gannt Chart of the project...................................................................... 35
Figure 21:The Home page interface.............................................................................................. 46
Figure 22:Sign up and Sign in page .............................................................................................. 47
Figure 23:Sign up Error page to refill the information ................................................................. 48
Figure 24:Sign in Error page to refill the information .................................................................. 49
Figure 25:Home Page after Registration....................................................................................... 50
Figure 26:Services Page................................................................................................................ 51

Figure 27:weeding services Page .................................................................................................. 52
Figure 28:Booking page (Step 1) .................................................................................................. 53
Figure 29:Booking page (Step 2 when number of halls 1,2) ........................................................ 56
Figure 30:Booking page (Step 3 when number of halls 2) ........................................................... 58
Figure 31:Payment Page ............................................................................................................... 58
Figure 32:Confirmation page ........................................................................................................ 59
Figure 33:Profile page................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 34:View event page ........................................................................................................... 60
Figure 35:Update the event when number of halls 1 .................................................................... 61
Figure 36:Update the event when number of halls 2 .................................................................... 61
Figure 37:Update Confirmation .................................................................................................... 62
Figure 38:Delete confirmation ...................................................................................................... 62
Figure 39:About us Page ............................................................................................................... 63
Figure 40:Gallery Page ................................................................................................................. 64
Figure 41:Support Page ................................................................................................................ 65
Figure 42:feedback page ............................................................................................................... 66

Chapter 1


Executive Summary:

Online event planning systems exists in different countries, but when we searched

for a local website where you can plan and reserve an event from A to Z in Amman

without the need to go to physical stores we ended up with no results, there are no

websites that provide customers with the benefit of planning, reserving, and customizing

their events online and that’s when we came up with the idea of our website to make the

whole planning process easier. Therefore, we decided to design a website that provides

many services for our customers such as planning their graduations, birthdays, and

weddings, we also provide a full event planning experience where they can customize

their events online anywhere and anytime. Our website provides a variety of options,

different hall places with different ratings and costs, photographers and photo booth

setups that suits the party theme, tables & hall decorations using balloons and flowers

based on the customers’ needs, food catering either snacks or buffets, entertainments if

needed such as the pinata, and a variety of DJ’s.

With the help of Artificial intelligence (AI), we implemented a chatbot that

answers all the questions, including the booking process, payment process, and all the

questions related to the services we provide. There are a few websites that allows people

to design wedding dresses, suits, wedding rings, and use 3D modeling to arrange the

tables online, so these websites are linked in our system as extra features where the user

can customize them and send the models to us so we can provide them the dress, suit,

rings, and make sure the tables are arranged as they want. Benefiting from the services

provided by the cloud, we used Rapt Media (video as a service) to create an interactive

video that shows all of the alternatives provided by our website, just by clicking on the

alternatives he wants to explore, and a short video of each alternative will appear.

Statement of The Project:

Our website consists only of a users’ side, which contains a registration section

and a profile section that shows information related to the users, with a countdown to the

users’ event. The user can book any type of the events provided by our website through

customizing it based on their needs and budget, after booking their event the users can

either manage their event or cancel it only for two weeks and in case the user cancels his

event, he gets a refund. By viewing their profile, the users will see a countdown screen

that counts the months and days until their event, and a profile card that contains their

personal information. In order to achieve the website development, we are going to use

XAMPP and notepad++.

As developers we have to improve our skills in PHP, HTML, MySQL, and

JavaScript languages. Our budget covers all marketing costs including advertisements,

hosting services, and renting online storage in collaboration with a cloud provider to store

our clients’ data.

Project Significance

All Ways Events helps people to plan an elegant, charming, and unforgettable

event, it is also considered the first local website to provide full online event planning and

reserving. The website enables the users to book their event whether it’s graduation,

wedding, or birthday simply by setting their budget and customizing their events based

on their preferences, there is a variety of alternatives that vary by price to ensure it

satisfies all our clients and help them stick to their budget.

The evolution in technology brings up updated solutions that put our lives into

ease, so we took the benefits of having the latest technology such as Artificial

Intelligence to build a system that aids regular people, and by having artificial

intelligence built in our system we’re introducing a new trend to people and we’re hiring

the latest trends in computer science. As well as 3D modeling, there are external features

integrated within our website that allows our clients to customize a 3D model of the

groom’s suit, the bride’s dress, their rings, and the arrangement of tables, in addition to

cloud computing services we used video as a service (VAAS) to build an interactive

video as a gallery that takes our clients into a journey between the alternatives.


1. The main objective is to help people book their event online by providing

multiple alternatives and their prices.

2. Become nationally known.

3. Create a user-friendly interface.

4. Giving the user the ability to choose from the varied options we provide

according to their budget.

5. Ease the booking process to the users.

6. Enabling users to book their events even when they’re out of town.

7. Booking is available 24 hours on our website.

8. Flexibility in payment method, half credit and half cash.

9. Keeping up with technology trends by using artificial intelligence.

10. Using artificial intelligence (chatbot) to answer the users’ questions.

11. A highly secured payment gateway so that the user can pay without hesitating.

12. Allowing the user to choose his preferred payment method whether using PayPal,

Mastercard, or visa.

13. Provide external 3D modeling services for dresses, suits, and rings.

14. External feature to arrange the tables based on what the user wants.

Chapter 2

Competitors Analysis

Starting a new project always requires studying the market around it, and in order

to understand the market we should look and search for all the competitors that are in the

same field, after studying the market and understanding our competitors we must make

some analysis to study their positions in the market and understand their weaknesses to

take advantage of it.

Going through multiple physical stores to get a general view about all the

alternatives you have and whether the prices suit your budget or not, is a very long

exhausting process that the customer will do without enjoying the feeling of planning the

details of an event.

We started our study by looking for local competitors in Amman, but we

couldn’t find any, then we decided to expand our study area to include the Middle East

and we also ended up with no results, there are no online event planners that allows

clients to book events online in the Middle East , and so we expanded our study area

including the entire countries and we found potential competitors in the US, Malaysia,


After studying the market looking for systems that provide the same services as

we do and ending up with no results, we found out that the other event planning websites

only provide their clients with the alternatives and the vendors contact numbers, and

that’s how we took advantage of their weaknesses and built our system to cover the gap

they have in their system, we don’t only provide our clients with the alternatives but also

allow them to book online without the need to contact anyone or visit a physical store.
Our Competitors

The Knot

Found in 1996 and headquartered in New York, USA but located in many countries

such as: New Zealand, Australia, France, Ireland, Italy, US, Mexico, and The Caribbean.

It’s an online tool that provides multiple wedding services for their clients

including ideas and advices for the couple, creating a personalized wedding website,

and a variety of local DJs, floral shops, beauty centers, wedding planners, and jewelry


The Knot stays with you step by step to organize your whole wedding starting

with discovering your own style, customizing your wedding while taking your budget

into consideration, answering all your questions and checking your guest list.

Regardless of all the good services they provide we made a search about them, and

based on the reviews we saw they have a bad customers service and potentials of

delays in taking the orders or in the shipment process, as well as not replying to the

customers who are trying to reach them, they don’t post authentic reviews so if you

have a negative review they will keep requesting to change the entire review, and the

worst part is the lack of privacy, they don’t ask for permission to publish wedding

information such as the place, date, and the couples’ full names so all of the wedding

details will be shared to the public.


Found in 2007 and headquartered in many countries including Chevy Chase,

Maryland, and The United States. It operates in 14 countries, and is basically an easy way

to find local wedding venues, cakes, dresses, invitations & more.

So you don’t have to move through physical stores to looking for the available

alternatives, but you still cannot book online you can only explore, they also have two

applications available on both Android and IOS stores in order to be able to open it and

continue planning anywhere and anytime, the first one is called wedding planning which

allows you to continue planning on your device, and the second application is called

wedding guest and it’s an application that your guests can download in order to share the

wedding photos with you and it’s an easy way to collect more photos caught by the


With the help of WeddingWire you can add some features to your wedding such

as creating a snapchat filter, a system generated hashtag, keeping track of your guestlist

and your cost plan, arranging the seats and where every single person of the guests will

set, and finally creating a specialized website for your wedding customized to your


Since everything has a bad side, WeddingWire has a bad habit as The Knot which

is hiding the negative reviews, if a vendor did a bad job and you write his a negative

review WeddingWire will contact you for verification to publish it and never do, the

vendors are not all professionals and good quality, and as for the vendors that have a

signed contract

with them, they cannot cancel their contract even if they’re only paying

subscription without getting any profit in return.


Found in 2016 and headquartered in Los Angeles, United States. It only operates in

two cities: Los Angeles and New York. ElleAEvents is a physical event planning store

located in 2 cities in the US and has recently moved online, as a beginner on the web

their website only has information about them, for example: their stores’ locations, their

contact information, their strategic partners, and what they promise their clients to be


In case you want to book with them, there’s a form you have to fill which includes

your personal information, your budget variations, the number of guests, the date, and the

event type you want to book, so there’s no online booking services.

Their websites lack the enough amount of information about them that would attract

clients who visit their website without going to the physical store, as well as not showing

the 3rd parties they’re dealing with for example what venue options do I have or what

types of services they provide.

Wedding Spot

Found in 2013 and headquartered in San Francisco, California. It’s an online website

that allows people to search for venues and compare between their prices, it also gathers

all the information required for each venue to enable their clients to find and compare

vendors that suits their budget, number of guests, and location.

The process starts when the customer searches for the venue based on the location

and budget, then chooses if there’s a preferred style for the wedding whether a beach

wedding or a church wedding, etc…, after going through multiple venues and choosing

the wanted ones, a cost estimation will be done based on the number of guests and the

venue price, and at the end the cost plan for each venue of the chosen venues will be

shown in order for the customers to make their final decision.

Wedding Spot is the only website we found that provides their clients with an

online booking service that allows them to reserve an appointment with the vendor that

fits their request. So, after comparing between the venues, an appointment will be

reserved with the requested vendor to discuss more details about the wedding details.

The only disadvantage for Wedding Spot is that they only provide information about

wedding venues.

The common and main disadvantage for all these websites is that they don’t

provide the users with online booking services as our website, they only provide

information like phone number, email, photos and steps helping them to arrange and plan

their wedding by showing results for the best photographers, makeup artists, hotels, and


So, we took their weaknesses, improved it, and worked hard on it until it became

our competitive advantage, and that’s how we’re planning to attract people by being the

only website that provides full booking service experience in Amman and soon in the

Middle East and Worldwide.

Project Significance

The main reason behind going online is keeping up with the enormous trend of

technologies, so by providing our customers with an event planning and booking website,

we reduce the overhead of the booking process since our websites connects multiple

options (Hotels, DJs, Floral Shops...etc) which enables customers to customize their

magical event based on their budget and preferences.

Chapter 3



The methodology we used was System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), which

is a structured approach that describes the process of planning, creating, testing, and

deployment of a system. SDLC can be described as a spectrum of agile, and agile

methodologies focus on minor processes which allows for rapid changes through the

development cycle. Furthermore, this methodology enhances the efficiency &

effectiveness of the development process & the development of the system.


In our project we used SDLC method since it gives a review after the end of each

phase to keep track of our progress, it’s also a sequence of phases to ensures that all

aspects of the project are defined and controlled through its lifecycle. This strategy

provides high-quality software, decreases time and resource usage, and less vulnerability.

The phases for this methodology are:

1. Planning: This step is considered the most important step in creating a successful

& efficient system. In this step we define the problem, objectives, and the

resources available.

We came up the idea when we faced many problems moving through physical

stores looking for different alternatives and looking for the budget that suits what we

planned. And that’s when we decided to start implementing our website to reduce the

overhead of the event planning process on people.

2. Analysis: In this phase we should determine the users’ requirements, and a

feasibility study should be done to ensure that the project is feasible and can be

accomplished, and the possibility of incorporating the requirements in the system

that we’re developing should be studied.

We distributed two surveys to understand the customers’ wants and needs

to make sure our website solves the problem and fits what our target audience

expects and more.

Survey details in “information collection & gathering” part.

3. Design: This phase is the most crucial phase in the development of a system, after

all the requirements are set, we design a prototype of the system.

We started drawing blueprints for the website to make sure we cover all

the collected requirements, have an overview about the website’s pages, how

many pages do we need, and what information should exist in each page.

4. Development: All the programming codes are written in this phase, If the design

phase was accurate, then this phase should be easily implemented.

The programming languages varies between HTML, JavaScript, SQL, and PHP

taking into consideration that the programming language should be compatible with the

software being developed.

We used CSS to create the styles and design of the pages, JavaScript to make the

calculations such as the total amount/cost of the chosen alternatives by the user and to

validate the registration process such as checking if the user already exists or if the

password matches with the repeated password, PHP to use SQL statements such as

inserting the users’ data, his event and it’s details, the chosen payment method, enabling

the user to manage his event whether to update or cancel it, and HTML to create the web


5. Testing & Maintenance: This phase is the error detection phase where we detect

errors and fix them until the system is error free and reached the needed


In order to fully test our system, it has to go through four testing phases:

• Unit Testing: to test each unit/page of our system and check their functionalities


• Integration Testing: Compatibility test of the web pages and how integrated they

are, and to test the interface between the units/pages.

• System Testing: Evaluating the systems’ compliance with the specified


• Acceptance Testing: Delivery acceptance test, if the system meets the users’


Figure 1: This Figure Explain the Testing Phases that at the end reach Client needs

Figure 2: This Figure Explain the Testing Phases that at the end reach Client needs
6. Implementation: This is the actual building phase, after the design is set and the

codes are written, the implementation phase is the installation of the software.

We were able to fully implement the wedding booking process where the

user can choose between the different alternatives provided to cover all the parts

of the wedding, pay using PayPal or Visa/MasterCard and in some cases the user

likes to pay half of the amount cash on the same day of the event as an insurance

that all of the work is done as he planned, the users’ profile is fully implemented

as well where he can view his personal information, manage his event whether

cancel or update, there’s also a countdown that counts the months, days, and

hours left until the event date, and finally there are multiple services like a chatbot

that answers the users’ questions, and an interactive video as a gallery that shows

short introductory videos of all the alternatives, but due to the limited time given

for this project we weren’t able to continue the implementation phase to cover the

graduation and birthday booking processes, and therefore the implementation

phase will continue until we reach our aim to provide a full booking experience

for all the services that we provide.

7. Updates: This is a continuous phase that never ends since the coding in general

might phase some bugs and might need continuous updates and edits accordingly.

We must stay in touch with our clients through the feedback they provide

us with in order to keep the website updated with their needs and to make sure we

cover all the alternatives that the user would like to see and be able to book

through our website.

Subject selection & description

Our target market are people in Amman with upcoming events from different

cultures, occupations, and nationalities. Our aim is to satisfy customers with a fully

online event planning experience.

Information collection & gathering:

For data collection method we distributed two surveys, one to understand

customers’ needs and build the website based on their needs, and the other one was to

gain more insight from the event planners to help us with studying the feasibility of our


As for the customers’ survey:

Our survey includes 145 people from both genders and their ages vary between 17

and 60, our sample includes people from diverse backgrounds including students, elder

people, and many others. We made sure we cover all the questions that will help us

understand the customers’ need and what services do they need inside the website, as

well as studying their willingness to use our website and if they trust online booking and

online payments.

The figures below show the results of our survey

Figure 3:Explain the result of the survey if the customers trust online payment

Figure 4:Explain the result of the survey if the customers recommend to use our website

Figure 5:Here in this figure show the percentage of female and male customers

Figure 6:Here we ask the customer if he is willing to book an online event

Figure 7:Here we ask the customer if this idea will work in society

Figure 8:This question Explain if we didn’t provide cash payment, he will cancel the booking or not

Figure 9: illustrates the percentage of our sample that would prefer using website VS call event planner

Figure 10:illustrates the percentage of people who prefer emails Vs phone calls for confirmation

Figure 11:This question shows if the customer would hesitate from booking process in our website

As Results to our study, we now know what our clients expects from us and our

system, since users are willing to book their events online and they trust online payments,

our website provides enough details, and as for the tiny details of the event they prefer

phone calls rather than emails. As a new idea 87.6% of our sample thinks it will succeed

in our society and 92.6% would recommend it for their relatives and friends.

As for the event planners’ survey:

Our survey included 18 event planning shops located in Amman from both


We had a few questions about how event planners work in general, so we made a

survey to study the feasibility of our project from their point of view, what they think

about the idea as a whole, if they agree that this idea will engage more customers and

strategic partners, and if implementing the idea will increase our reputation in the market.

The figures below show the results of our survey:

Figure 12:illustrates the percentage of event planner who prefer online reservation or not

Figure 13:Here we ask event planner if they will engage more customers

Figure 14:In this figure we ask event planner if they being online, they will attract strategic partners

Figure 15:Illustrates if the event planner reservation and arrangements systematic


Figure 16:Here we ask the event planner if this idea the society will accept it

Figure 17:In this question we ask the event planner if they decide to move online will the reputation in the
market will increase

Figure 18:In this figure show the percentage of event planner who always put plan B at certain time

For the event planners, they all agreed that going online would engage more

customers & strategic partners as it will increase the reputation in the market.

64.7% prefer online booking and 70.6% of our sample have a systematic booking

process, but going online will lower the work that no data entry will be needed since all

the data will be entered by the user through the website.

In conclusion, both users and event planners assured that this is a good idea and it

would face a great success in our society considering it as the first online event planning


Feasibility Study

Project Description

our website aims to manage events for people who want to organize special

occasions but in a fully online way that reduces the effort and time, instead of passing

through more than one physical place to organize their event based on their budget they

can now do the whole process online, by opening the field for them to choose the services

provided by the site from halls, flowers, DJs and photographers it will lead to making

their event day a day to always remember and tell stories about.

To determine the feasibility of our project, some evaluations must be done

including economic feasibility, technical feasibility, operational feasibility, and

scheduling feasibility.

1. Economic Feasibility:

By preparing the cost-benefit analysis, we determine the feasibility of our

project from a financial point of view while taking into consideration that our website is

built by us from scratch without using consultation, the numbers below are determined by

people who have knowledge in business, IT and event planning to make sure we cover all

the requirement that the website needs to be completed, by focusing on the non-recurring

,recurring cost and the income that the website gains from each event.

] 19:illustrates the cost-benefit analysis of the website

2. Technical Feasibility

Every business must predict and determine the potential risks that the website

could face by finding the best solution for each risk, if a negative risk to reduce it and if

positive to improve it.

The table below states the risk analysis that shows potential risks that our website

might face, including the risk itself, the probability of to happen, the impact and the

response which represents what we should do to avoid such risks.

Table 1: Show the risk analysis of the website

3. Operational feasibility:

The customer is our priority so when the customer faces a problem moving

between physical shops to prepare for his event it will take a lot of time and overhead, All

Ways events pop up to reduce the effort and time by making all of your booking process

online based on your budget and the alternatives that are available on the website.

To determine the operational feasibility of our project, there are some criteria’s that must

be followed to determine if our website is feasible:

1- Performance: The response time in our website is very high since we’re

implementing artificial intelligence services such as the Chatbot that

automatically answers your questions if you need help and support.

In term of reliability, our website provides two payment methods either PayPal or

visa/MasterCard which are verified, confidential, and highly secured which guarantees

the customer a secured payment method.

The process improvement is represented logically using business process

modeling that describes how the whole process works and how the user can move

between different pages in different scenarios.

2- Control: Our website stays in control by sending a confirmation email to the user

including a verification code to check the authority of the user but as a future plan to

implement this property.

We are officially in a partnership with the hotels which is considered a kind of

control and safety where the users can feel comfortable while booking with us.

3- Efficiency: The efficiency in our website is stated by the links between the pages.

4- Ease of use: Our website is user friendly, easy to use and easy to navigate through

the navigation bar that is fixed on the top of the website.

5- Adapt & Review: Our website is easy to adapt with because it is very simple in

terms of words and moving through the web pages.

The users can easily read reviews from the feedback section provided by our clients who

has already booked events with us.

Does All Ways Events cover all customer requirements and adapt with the environment?

The problem of moving between different places to organize events is difficult in

these days, taking into consideration the time and effort to find what you are looking for.

All Ways Events is a solution that meets all the requirements of the customers to

organize their event, in accordance with the culture of the country where some people

prefer the existence of women's hall and men's hall and others prefer one mixed hall ,

there are also some people who prefer to have alcoholic drinks at their events and some

don’t, so taking the culture of the country into consideration is one of the most important

factors to become successful because what the customer wants according to his customs

and traditions must be proportional to all categories.

4. Schedule Feasibility:

Time Management in any project is the most important factor, since it guides us

through the perfect path and keeps us on track to make sure we deliver our project on

time without delays, and to do so we must specify all of the tasks required and states the

duration of each task.

The Gantt chart below clarifies the tasks that must be done with their end & start days

with the duration, from the beginning of our project September 22nd till the end January


Table 2: Show the Tasks to prepare the website with Duration that need each task

Figure 20:illustrates the Gannt Chart of the project

Chapter 4

System Analysis and Design consideration

The business process modeling:

Event process:

Signup subprocess:

Sign in subprocess:

Booking subprocess:

Alternative1 subprocess:

Alternative 2 subprocess:

Deposit subprocess:

Refund subprocess:

Receipt subprocess:

Business Process Modeling Description:

The process starts when the users enters our website and starts exploring it,

after that the user will either check our services (such as the gallery, chatbot, and read

about us), register whether by creating a new account or sign into his account, if the user

starts by checking our services he decide whether he wants to book or not, if he wants to

book a check will be done to see if he is already registered or not, if he’s registered he

must log into his account, if no he must create a new account to be able to book, but in

case the user is not interested in booking he will go back to exploring the website.

If the user wants to sign up, he must enter his username, email, password, and

confirm password, in case the passwords don’t match the user will be notified and he

must enter his password again, if the passwords matched his account information will be

entered to the user’s database. After the user has signed up, he must log into his account

by filling his login information, now the system check if the user already has a account or

not, if he has an account he will enter the booking process, if not he will be notified that

either the username or password is wrong.

After the user has signed into his account there are 2 scenarios, scenario 1: the

user wants to book an event, he must fill his event information(ex: date, budget &

number of guests) and it will be added to the events’ database, after that he must decide

whether he needs us to provide him a venue or not, in case he does not want us to provide

a venue for him he must choose the alternatives for his event including tables, decor,

photographers, DJ, cakes, and acts, but in case he needs us to provide him a venue he

must decide if he needs one hall or two halls, in case he needs one hall he must choose

the alternatives as above, but if he needs two halls after filling up the alternatives or the

first hall he must choose the alternatives for the second one including tables, decor,

photographers, and DJ.

Scenario 2: the user already has an event and wants to manage his event whether to

update or cancel, if the user chooses to update his event he will only be able to update if

there’s more than 2 weeks left and all the updates will be reflected on the events’

database, in case the user wants to cancel his event the cancellation will be done only if

there’s more than one month left, but in case the user cancels his event he gets a refund

with the amount he paid.

When the user is done booking he will be transferred into the payment page,

inside the payment the user can either pay using PayPal or MasterCard/visa, if he chooses

PayPal he must only enter his card-number, but if he chooses MasterCard/visa he must

enter his name, valid through date, and CVC number, if the user is paying using visa or

MasterCard a check will be done to see if there’s sufficient credit or not, in case there’s

insufficient credit the user will be notified that the payment is not completed but the

process won’t be terminated. After the whole payment process has continued the user’s

payment information will be entered to the payment database.

After the user is done booking and has paid for his event a confirmation email

will be sent to him and then he can view his account, after viewing his account he can

either manage his event or wait until the event date if he wants to manage his event will

go through scenario 2, if not he will wait until the event date. Whether the user updates

his event, cannot update, or cannot cancel, he must wait until the event day, and on the

day of the event we must check the amount paid by the user, if he paid half, he pays the

other half, if he didn’t pay at all he must pay the full amount, but in case he has paid

already an invoice will be prepared. After the event is over a feedback will be taken from

the user and it will be added to the feedbacks’ database.

Data and Database Design:

User_name Email Password Repeat Password

Rasha loverasha loverasha

User Table:

Form Table:

Num of guest Budget Date Num of halls Username

100 30000 2019/1/1 1 Rasha

Event Table:

ID Amount Hall name Decor Table Photographers DJ Cakes Actors Username

Event Type Type type

1 8350 Dunes(outdoor) Royal Round Alina DJ 4 Jordanian Rasha

Ramez tires

Event 2 Table:

ID Event alternative id Table type Decor type DJ Type photographers

Payment Table:

Method ID Username

1 Rasha

Visa Table:

Cardholder's name Validity Thru CVC VMethod ID

Rasha 2019/5/11 683 1

PayPal Table:

Card Number PMethodID

The Entity Relationship Diagram :

Business rules:

1- A user can book multiple events

2- An event only belongs to one user

3- The form must belong to one event only

4- An event must have one form only

5-A payment method must belong only to one user

6- A user must have one payment method only

7- An event has only one payment method

8- A payment method may belong to many events

9- A user can fill multiple forms

10- A form must belong to one user only

11- An event may have second alternatives (Event 2)

12-The second alternatives (Event 2) must only belongs to one event

Chapter 5

System Design

System interface:

Users can enter our website through the following URL (

Figure 21:The Home page interface

After the website launches, the user clicks on Register from the navigation bar to

create an account or sign in:

Figure 22:Sign up and Sign in page

The user either wants to create an account or already has an account.

If he wants to create an account, he needs to fill the fields above, sometimes the

username might already be taken. In this case, a note appears that the username is already

taken and need to use another username or email.

Figure 23:Sign up Error page to refill the information

After the user is notified that the username or email already exists, the information will

be filled again to be authorized to enter the site.

If the user already has an account, he will fill the sign in form and enter the site

but in case the user fills the username and password incorrectly a note will appear in a

new page that there is a wrong username or password.

Figure 24:Sign in Error page to refill the information

After the user is notified that the email or password is wrong, he must fill his correct

information to be authorized to access the website.

Figure 25:Home Page after Registration

This page appears after the user has signed in and explored the website

If he wants to book his event first, he must enter the services page to choose what

type of event he will book

Figure 26:Services Page

Since the implementation part includes only the wedding process, he will view the

wedding services by click on the button (see more) to start booking.

Figure 27:weeding services Page

By clicking on “book now” the user will be transferred to the booking page

Figure 28:Booking page (Step 1)

On this page the user must fill his event information, the user has two options
Either one hall and he must fill the data below

Figure 29:Booking page (Step 2 when number of halls 1,2)

Or 2 halls, and in this case after he fills the data above the “next” button will transfer him

to the second alternatives page.

Figure 30:Booking page (Step 3 when number of halls 2)

This represents the total amount of the first alternatives.

Whether the user chooses one or two halls and after he fills the data for each, he

will be transferred to the payment page

Figure 31:Payment Page

The user chooses whether to pay using visa/Mastercard or PayPal and fills the
information for the chosen payment method.

Figure 32:Confirmation page

A confirmation email will be sent to the user confirming his event.

Figure 33:Profile page

By viewing his account, the ser can view his event, edit it, or cancel it.
In case he chooses to view.

Figure 34:View event page

- If the user has 1 hall, he can change some of the alternatives.

Figure 35:Update the event when number of halls 1

- If the user has 2 halls, he can update either or both of them.

Figure 36:Update the event when number of halls 2

After the user has updated his event, this page will appear as a confirmation.

Figure 37:Update Confirmation

And finally, in case he chooses to cancel his event.

Figure 38:Delete confirmation

Some people prefer to explore the website to understand how it works before booking, by
viewing the “about us” page.

Figure 39:About us Page

The page above explains more about our website.

Figure 40:Gallery Page

As for the gallery, we made an interactive video where the video takes the user on a

journey through the alternatives’ videos.

Figure 41:Support Page

The support page includes a chatbot that is trained to answer all of the question

related to the wedding booking process, as well as external support tools that allows the

users to model suits, tables arrangements, dresses, and jewels.

The feedback button will take the user to the feedback page in case he wants to add a

feedback, the page is shown below.

Figure 42:feedback page


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