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Muneeza Ahmed:

Hello, and welcome to this free starter course on understanding how to start healing
from chronic mystery and auto-immune illness. So many of us are faced with these
conditions and diagnoses every single day, and it can be a very confusing place
knowing what information to trust, how to figure out how to get better, and relying on
systems sometimes that we think can help us, but actually ended up not being able to
help us. If you have found this program, you probably have an understanding of what
and who Anthony William Medical Medium is. And he has been providing answers
about chronic illness for a long time.

Muneeza Ahmed:
So the basis of my work is on the principles that he shares. My name is Muneeza Ahmed.
I am the intuitive medicine woman, and I have been working with clients healing
autoimmune and mystery conditions since 2013. I have been doing this work because it
yields great results. People get better and miracles happen. I created this video series
to help people like you, who may be struggling, confused, and not know where to start,
to give you an easy way to access your healing. So without further ado, I'm going to
share a PowerPoint slide with you.

Muneeza Ahmed:
So this is video one, day one for our starter course for those healing, chronic mystery
and auto immune illness. As always, the credit to this information goes to the Medical
Medium books, blogs, website, radio shows, podcasts, and other published media. Also,
a loving disclaimer, please do not share these videos outside of being signed up to get
them because when you sign up to get them, you can get the whole series and we'd
want people to be able to get the whole series to help themselves. All right, who is
Anthony William? Anthony William calls himself the Medical Medium. He has heard a
voice since the age of four telling him what is really going on with people's health. Now
for some people, knowing that he's a medium can be a really shocking thing, for some
people it's almost welcome. So people have different responses to hearing that he is a
medium. But let's look at a little bit more deeply why his information really helps and

Muneeza Ahmed:
So like I said, my work is based on the truths about chronic industry illness shared by
Medical Medium. I have healed my own issues, my family has healed so many of their
issues. Not just my children, but my parents, my sisters, my cousins, my uncles, my aunts,
you name it. Everybody that I across with, I share this with them because it's information
that works. And I risk myself looking stupid and crazy sharing about a medium, but the
reason I do it is because it works. Anthony William has helped multitudes of chronically ill
people to regain their health and the voice that speaks to him in his ear since the age
of four is somebody he calls the Spirit of Compassion, and the information is not coming

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from a human source or a human place, it's coming from above. And that is actually
what helps a lot of people actually trust the information because it's not some more
regurgitated science, or skewed studies, and what have you.

Muneeza Ahmed:
This is important to understand because when you're in the rat race of the medical
system trying to figure out your chronic illness, sometimes answers are really hard to
come by. So we're blessed to have a source of answers that talks about the truth and
helps us be able to heal our bodies without necessarily needing to go into expensive
treatments or to work outside of ourselves. It's giving us back our sovereignty, it's gi ving
us back control over what we put into our bodies, and understanding what we need to
do to heal. It also, for me, personally helps understand that answers are available, these
compassionate answers that are available to us, is a sign that God is here and to
helping us and taking care of us.

Muneeza Ahmed:
So a message from Anthony in his book, the Revised and Expanded Medical Medium
book, he says, "I've devoted my life to this work. I'm a messenger. It's who I am. People
told me as a child that I have a gift. As years went by, Spirit of Compassion made
something perfectly clear. The gift was never mine. It's for the ones in need, the ones
who struggle, suffer, and are searching for answers. This gift is for you." Another really
important part from the book that really stands out to me is this understanding of
compassion, "Compassion is the understanding of suffering, Spirit replies, there is no
peace, joy, or hope until those who suffer are understood. Compassion is the soul of
these words. Without it, they are empty. Compassion fills them with truth, honor, and

Muneeza Ahmed:
So let's start to understand some of the principles that we need to know in order to heal
our bodies. The first one that I want to address here is called the auto-immune
confusion. And the part of this that I wish to address is that in the medical system, the
belief is that auto-immune symptoms are caused by your body attacking itself. And I
want you to understand that Medical Medium has shared with us for many, many
decades, that auto-immune illnesses are not caused by our body attacking itself. Auto-
immune illnesses are caused by pathogens that are attacking our bodies. Bacteria,
viruses, and fungi that may be attacking our bodies.

Muneeza Ahmed:
It is not our body attacking itself. Our body does not know how to attack us. Our body
loves us unconditionally, and the symptoms that show up when we feel unwell are
actually signals, communication, and feedback from our bodies telling us that there's

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something wrong. Even when there's a tumor that shows up in our bodies and we can
think, "Oh my God, my body is failing me because there's a tumor in my body," or a
nodule, or a cyst, or a fibroid, or a growth of some kind, understand that when your
body does that, it is actually encapsulating the very poisons that would make you sicker
or cause you to die. So those symptoms of growths show up as a way of your body
trying to protect you.

Muneeza Ahmed:
So the four things that Medical Medium cites that make us sick are the viral explosion.
What does this really mean? He is teaching us that there are viruses, herpetic viruses
and the family of herpetic viruses, multiple varieties of the Epstein BARR virus, multiple
varieties of the shingles virus, and various varieties of the human herpes virus six,
otherwise known as HHV6, HHV7, HHV9, 10, 11, 12, and beyond 12 are unrecognized
HHVs, so human herpes viruses. We also have the simplex viruses one and two, human
herpes simplex one, herpes simplex two. We have the cytomegalovirus. There are many
viruses that he shares about that are causing us to become sick.

Muneeza Ahmed:
So some people will say to me, "Well, what about bacteria and fungi?" And yes, while
bacteria and fungi can definitely make us sick, the biggest explosion that we're
experiencing is the viral explosion. And you have to understand that inflammation in the
body is only caused by two things, either an injury from the outside via an accident, or
an injury from the inside via viruses. So the part that I really want you all to understand is
many of you will come from the doctor, looking at your blood work, being told that you
have inflammation all over your body. And they come to you and say this as though
inflammation is the root cause. However, inflammation is not the root cause. What is
causing the inflammation, the thing that is causing the inflammation is going to be the
root cause of what you're dealing with. And for nerve inflammation, the only thing that
causes nerve inflammation is viruses. Bacteria can cause other local kinds of
inflammation, but nervous system inflammation and brain inflammation is only caused
by viruses.

Muneeza Ahmed:
Toxic heavy metals are another second of the unforgiving four. The unforgiving four are
so named because they are unforgiving in our bodies and unforgivably can make us
sick. Toxic heavy metals include things like mercury, aluminum, cadmium, barium,
nickel. These are all metals that can settle into our brain, and organs, and different parts
of our bodies and cause problems in our electrical circuitry, which will affect the way
our nervous system responds and can actually damage our nervous system. Radiation.
Radiation will reduce the body's overall immune system, and can cause all kinds of
illnesses to proliferate.

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Muneeza Ahmed:
DDT or pesticides. So the main pesticide that is so problematic is DDT, which is banned
in the United States for quite a few years now, but is still available for use in many
countries around the world. So even though it's banned in Western countries, in some
third world countries it is still used. And as a result of wind currents and water currents
that nobody is free from being exposed to, toxins circulate around the world. So while
we don't have as much exposure here in the United States today, we do have a lot of
DDT exposure through the use in other countries.

Muneeza Ahmed:
So I want to address today in our starter course, trying to get you zoned in to the most
important things that you need to understand about the Medical Medium protocols,
and how to implement them easily and sustainably into your life. So when you read the
books, there's a lot of information. And sometimes if you have brain fog or neurological
illnesses, like many of you do, it can be hard to figure out where to start. So here are my

Muneeza Ahmed:
The place to start is to start with a morning routine. The morning routine is outlined very
clearly in the book Cleanse to Heal. And Cleanse to Heal, and Medical Medium calls
this the morning cleanse. You can adopt any part of the morning cleanse to start with.
And I'll go through it and then talk about ways to do it, ways to bring it into your life. And
the most important thing to start with first. All right, so the whole morning cleanse
includes lemon water, celery juice, and the heavy metal detox smoothie. Of the three,
the most important one to start first would be to start celery juice. However, I'm going to
go through them in order and talk about them as we go.

Muneeza Ahmed:
All right, so lemon water is something you want to have first thing in the morning upon
rising. And it is a very easy first step to make. And the way you do it is to take a 16
ounce glass of water and squish a half lemon or lime, either way works, into the water
and drink that up, first thing in the morning. It's a great way to start flushing your liver,
which then needs to get rid of more poisons and toxins. And you hydrate the body by
doing so, and you give it minerals through the lemon and the limes that you use. You
don't have to use both, either/or is fine, and you have the option to add honey to it if
you need some glucose first thing in the morning. So I want you to check out the
Medical Medium Lemon Water 101 blog post for more information. And if you want
even more information, get the Cleanse to Heal book where he explains this very, very

Muneeza Ahmed:

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So the supplements that I recommend you do after you do the lemon water in the
morning are the following: zinc, silver, B12, or detoxadine, which used to be used.
Medical Medium has recently changed his recommendation from detoxadine, which is
a nascent alcohol-free iodine, to the Go Nutrients nascent iodine, also alcohol free.
Now these are optional. You don't have to do these. But if you are choosing to bring in
some supplements, zinc and B12 are the most important ones, and of the two B12 is
more important than zinc. So bring that in first, if that is one thing you choose to do.

Muneeza Ahmed:
You can allow one minute between each supplement. For B12 and zinc you can hold
them under your tongue for the time suggested on the bottle. And for liquid ionic zinc,
you can take it in a small amount of water. And probiotics can be taken on an empty
stomach in the morning as well, right after your lemon water. Now here's what I want to
explain. Medical Medium has also recently stated in his book that it's okay to take these
supplements after 20 minutes of doing celery juice. So you can either do them prior to
celery juice, or you can do them after celery juice, either way works. Again, the most
important of these supplements is B12. And not everybody needs detoxadine or silver,
so if you are choosing to bring them into your routine, this is how you would do it. I hope
you're with me, don't get overwhelmed. Keep listening, we'll make this super easy.

Muneeza Ahmed:
Okay. It is okay to take empty stomach supplements later with food when the
alternative is to not take them at all, because you are sensitive to them. All right? So
literally you can take them any time of the day, they will still work and support you. One
thing that he does recommend is to take supplements with a little bit of glucose,
because it helps them to be absorbed much better. All right, the second step of the
morning routine, the morning cleanse. We take celery juice 20 minutes after empty
stomach supplements or 20 minutes after lemon water, if you choose not to do those
morning supplements. So you drink 16 ounces of straight celery juice on an empty
stomach daily. This recovers your health in ways you cannot even imagine. It's amazing
for gut health, it strengthens the digestion of the foods you eat during the day, and you
have to wait 30 minutes, 20 to 30 minutes, 20 is minimum, 30 is best after drinking to then
eat or drink anything else.

Muneeza Ahmed:
Now you could do lemon water and celery juice, and be done with just those two
things that you choose to do in your morning routine. You could just do celery juice first
thing on an empty stomach, and then take your supplements. What I'm trying to teach
you here is that there are rules on how to do these foods and supplements and to bring
them into your regime, but there's also so much flexibility based on individual needs,
individual sensitivities, and individual lifestyles.

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Muneeza Ahmed:
So other supplements and tinctures you could think about bringing in, 30 minutes after
celery juice with a food or smoothies. You can take those other supplements and
tinctures with food. All of the other supplements can be taken at any time of the day.
Just taking them with your smoothie in the morning, it's just a good time to take them. It's
just convenient, and smoothies help capsules go down a lot more easily. And you can
combine all of your herbal tinctures. So herbal tinctures include things like cat's claw,
lemon balm, golden seal, mullin, for example, and they can all be squished. The
droppers can be put into a teeny tiny little cup, and you can add water or juice and
have them that way, or put them into a cup and have them directly, or you can put
them straight into your mouth and have them that way too, if you can handle that.

Muneeza Ahmed:
The next step of the morning cleanse is first lemon water, then celery juice, and then the
heavy metal detox smoothie. Note, the morning cleanse does not necessarily include
supplements. That's optional, if you choose to do it. So the heavy metal detox smoothie
is five ingredients daily, which are blended into a smoothie with bananas and orange
juice to help remove not only heavy metals, but radiation, pesticides, and all kinds of
the poisons like I mentioned in the unforgiving four. It is a massively important part of the
liver cleanse. It is a massively important part, not of just the liver cleanse, but it helps to
detox all kinds of poisons and toxins out of our bodies.

Muneeza Ahmed:
So it is the most effective way to detoxify heavy metals from your body. It is more
important and effective than culation. And I want you to understand if you are new on
your journey to healing chronic illness, and you did a test and it showed up in the test
that you have heavy metals, they might select suggest that you do IV culation, and I
want you to understand that IV colation does not work. It can actually make people
feel a lot worse because IV colation doesn't always remove the heavy metals
completely out of the system, and it can have them be moved around from the brain
and other places that they're stored, the body will store them as safely as it can, but IV
culation can move them around and make them more unsafe for your body.

Muneeza Ahmed:
So if you're deciding, at the deciding point of these options, choose to try the heavy
metal detox smoothie first, before you opt for anything else, because other things
actually don't work. The heavy metal detox smoothie works by neutralizing the metals.
Once they're captured by the ingredients of the smoothie, they are no longer able to
hurt you or harm you. So people wonder sometimes, "Well, if I start having metal detox,
can it hurt me or harm me if I do too much?" And the answer is no, because the way
the smoothie is designed it comes from Spirit of Compassion and the ingredients are
designed to keep you safe.

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Muneeza Ahmed:
And so I will explain how the heavy metal detox smoothie works and what the
ingredients are in just a moment. I do want you to understand also that it's safe for
pregnant women and nursing women to use. It does not release metals into the baby
or into breast milk. The only caution for pregnant moment or for nursing women is to do
fewer or lesser of the recommended ingredients, just to make sure that it's not too much
for the baby. Okay, so wild blueberries, cilantro, spirulina, Atlantic dulse, barley grass
juice powder, are what I call the fab five. They're the fabulous five ingredients that
remove heavy metals from our bodies.

Muneeza Ahmed:
Now, the smoothie includes orange juice and bananas, glucose, which really helps to
drive the ingredients in deeper into the system. Nothing can go in or out of your cells
without enough glucose, so glucose is a really important building block to healing
chronic illness. Wild blueberries and cilantro. So wild blueberries remove all kinds of
heavy metals from all over the body. Cilantro is amazing at capturing heavy metals
and actually removing them from your system, taking them out to our poop and our
pee and getting them out. Spirulina is great at capturing them from where they're
originally located.

Muneeza Ahmed:
Now, many of you may think, "Gosh, I could do chlorella." But Medical Medium does
not recommend chlorella for two reasons because he says, one, that it's irresponsible for
moving around heavy metals. It's irresponsible isn't it drops them the moment it picks
them up. So it's faster at picking them up then spirulina is, but it also drops them more
quickly and irresponsibly all over the body. Number two, chlorella has been known to
infer pathogens, bacterial pathogens into people because it's not totally clean.
Spirulina is a much, much healthier and better alternative.

Muneeza Ahmed:
So the next one is Atlantic dulse, which is a seaweed. And there's two options to take
Atlantic dulse. One is to take dulse flakes or dulse strips and put them into the smoothie.
The other one is to take a supplement by a company called Vimergy. Vimergy is spelt V
as in Victor, I as in India, M as in Mary, and they make a dulse liquid
supplement. So if you are traveling or if you're a person who is sensitive to the smell of
fish or seaweeds, or if your child who is picky, the dulse liquid tincture is a great
alternative and can be used in juices, waters, smoothies, and soups, for example. The
last ingredient that removes heavy metals is the barley grass juice powder. And it is an
essential ingredient for pulling together everything in a smoothie. It also confers minerals
into the body, it's alkalizing, and it's just an incredible powerhouse food.

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Muneeza Ahmed:
Now, if you cannot get all three in, again, the Medical Medium protocols are so full of
compassion and flexibility to help make things work for people. If you cannot get all of
these in, and you are sensitive to one or two or more of these ingredients, you need a
minimum of three of them to start it working. It won't be as effective as the full five, but it
will still start to work. And as you remove heavy metals and you clear your liver and heal
your liver, you will be able to handle more of the supplements that you couldn't in the

Muneeza Ahmed:
All right, so the easiest way to do this is to take in the heavy metal detox smoothie,
make sure you look up the recipe in Cleanse to Heal in the new revised and expanded
Medical Medium book. It's also on his website, it's everywhere. And it's everywhere on
social media as well, people sharing that they have this smoothie. The smoothie has
been known to bring kids who couldn't speak, were not verbal, their speech back. It's
been known to remove panic disorders and social anxiety, and to really remove heavy
metals and see actual results.

Muneeza Ahmed:
All right, so let's now talk about. We briefly talked about the morning routine, and now I
want to talk about the daily supplement routine, right? So relax and breathe. The
morning routine will become a habit before you know it, but do it baby steps at a time,
and one step at a time. I would rather that you chose to do just celery juice and do it
consistently and make it a good habit for a month or two before moving on, rather
than trying all of what we just talked about, and only being able to do it for a week.
Consistency really matters when you're healing.

Muneeza Ahmed:
So like I said, you don't have to be rigid with this schedule. As long as you're following
the guidelines to the best of your ability, you're still doing great. If you're not doing it
perfectly, it doesn't matter because any step that you take towards doing the protocols
is a step in the right direction. And that one step, even if it's one step, will move you
forward with your health. So don't get disheartened if you cannot do it all, that's not the
point. The point is to do it in a way that's sustainable, that's easy to do, and that you
build a love of doing it rather than a hate of, "Oh my God, I can't handle all of this every
single day." We don't want you to do that.

Muneeza Ahmed:
With many of my clients that I work with privately, this is what I share with them. I tell
them to go step-by-step. Do celery juice only for one or two months, and then see if you
can, if you can, add in the lemon water in the morning. And as they make changes

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slowly, they're able to sustain them much better, there's a lot more joy in doing it, and
your body doesn't flip out from all the major changes that you make all of a sudden.
And don't let the timing stress you out. So if you cannot do celery juice first thing in the
morning, do it whenever you can, right? And if you cannot juice it first thing in the
morning, juice it the night before, put it in the fridge, and it will still be good and still give
you something more than not having it at all. My point is rather than thinking about all
the ways in which this won't work and you can't do it, just do it, even if it's not perfect.

Muneeza Ahmed:
All right. Okay, so the suggested schedule without probiotics would be drink your lemon
water, wait 10 minutes, take the empty stomach supplements, one minute between
each, or if you choose not to do them right now, you can do them 20 minutes after
celery juice. Then you wait 20 minutes after doing the supplements, drink your celery
juice, wait 30 minutes, and then have your heavy metal detox smoothie and all your
other supplements at the same time. So this is without probiotics. And if you're including
probiotics, it's very similar. This is the schedule. Go ahead, take a screenshot. I'll pause it
just for a second so you can take a screenshot and have it on your phone for future
reference. Remember that you don't have to take these supplements after lemon
water. You can take them after celery juice as well.

Muneeza Ahmed:
Okay, the Medical Medium morning cleanse. This, why do we do it? What is the point?
It allows your liver to perform its proper routine. There are no radical fats before lunch
time, no dried fruit or salt all morning, and you stay hydrated with juicy, water-rich fruits
plus water and coconut water. Right? So we're done with our first video. Watch your
email box for day two video coming soon. The next video will be about the basic
antiviral protocol, rule one, stop feeding the virus. See you then. (silence)

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